def extract(reference, selection, oid, srid): print(f"Running postgisS2Extract for {reference}") parcelcountsql = """ SELECT count(es.ogc_fid) FROM {} es, dias_catalogue dias, {} aoi WHERE es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(dias.footprint, {}) And es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(st_buffer(aoi.wkb_geometry::geography, 1000)::geometry, {}) And st_area(es.wkb_geometry) > 3000.0 And aoi.{} = '{}' and = {} """ updateSql = """ UPDATE dias_catalogue set status='{}' WHERE id = {} and status = '{}'""" incurs = inconn.cursor() incurs.execute( parcelcountsql.format(dbconfig['tables']['parcel_table'], dbconfig['tables']['aoi_table'], srid, srid, dbconfig['args']['aoi_field'], dbconfig['args']['name'], oid, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], oid)) nrecs = incurs.fetchone() # If no parcels inside, we can stop if nrecs[0] == 0: print("Image {} contains no parcels (FATAL)".format(reference)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('no_parcels', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) # Copy input data from S3 to local disk # SOBLOO # rootpath = '{}/L1C'.format(reference.split('_')[0]) # CREODIAS rootpath = 'Sentinel-2/MSI/L2A' obstime = reference.split('_')[2][0:8] obs_path = "{}/{}/{}".format(obstime[0:4], obstime[4:6], obstime[6:8]) # There was an issue with the sometime during 2018, and we need # to check the GRANULE directory to understand where image data is located # CREODIAS s3path = "{}/{}/{}/GRANULE/".format(rootpath, obs_path, reference) # SOBLOO # s3path = "{}/{}/{}.SAFE/GRANULE/".format(rootpath, reference, reference.replace('MSIL1C', 'MSIL2A')) flist = dwb.listFileFromS3(s3path) # print(flist) if not flist: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('S2_nopath', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) # We want 3 image files only, e.g. to create NDVI and have some idea about local image quality # SOBLOO does not produce 10 m L2A bands and only B8A (not B08)! s3subdir = flist[1].replace(s3path, '').split('/')[0] print(s3path) print(flist[1]) print(s3subdir) file_set = {} for k in selection.keys(): s = selection.get(k) fpath = "data/{}".format(s.split('/')[-1]) alt_s = s.replace('0m/', '0m/L2A_') if dwb.getFileFromS3('{}{}/IMG_DATA/{}'.format(s3path, s3subdir, s), fpath) == 1: print("Image {} found in bucket".format(s)) file_set[k] = fpath elif dwb.getFileFromS3( '{}{}/IMG_DATA/{}'.format(s3path, s3subdir, alt_s), fpath) == 1: # LEVEL2AP has another naming convention. print("Image {} found in bucket".format(alt_s)) file_set[k] = fpath else: print("Neither Image {} nor {} found in bucket".format(s, alt_s)) incurs.execute( updateSql.format('{} notfound'.format(k), oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() return #sys.exit(1) # Get the parcel polygon in this image' footprint #print(file_set) mgrs_tile = reference.split('_')[5] outsrid = int('326{}'.format(mgrs_tile[1:3])) incurs.close() outconn = psycopg2.connect(connString) if not outconn: print("No out connection established") #sys.exit(1) # Open a named cursor incurs = inconn.cursor(name='fetch_image_coverage', cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) parcelsql = """ SELECT es.ogc_fid, ST_AsGeoJSON(st_transform(es.wkb_geometry, {}))::json FROM {} es, dias_catalogue dias, {} aoi WHERE es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(dias.footprint, {}) And es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(st_buffer(aoi.wkb_geometry::geography, 1000)::geometry, {}) And st_area(es.wkb_geometry) > 3000.0 And aoi.{} = '{}' and = {} -- and es.ogc_fid not in (select distinct pid from {} where obsid = {}) """ incurs.execute( parcelsql.format(outsrid, dbconfig['tables']['parcel_table'], dbconfig['tables']['aoi_table'], srid, srid, dbconfig['args']['aoi_field'], dbconfig['args']['name'], oid, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], oid)) sqlload = time.time() - start print("Images loaded and {} features selected from database in {} seconds". format(nrecs[0], sqlload)) nrows = {} for k in file_set.keys(): nrows[k] = 0 affine = {} array = {} bands = file_set.keys() for b in bands: with as src: affine[b] = src.transform array[b] = while True: rowset = incurs.fetchmany(size=2000) if not rowset: break features = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{ "type": "feature", "geometry": f[1], "properties": { "pid": int(f[0]) } } for f in rowset] } for b in bands: zs = zonal_stats(features, array[b], affine=affine[b], stats=[ "count", "mean", "std", "min", "max", "percentile_25", "percentile_50", "percentile_75" ], prefix="", nodata=0, geojson_out=True) df = pd.DataFrame(zs) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(, orient='index') df['obsid'] = oid df['band'] = b df.rename(index=str, columns={ "percentile_25": "p25", "percentile_50": "p50", "percentile_75": "p75" }, inplace=True) nrows[b] = nrows[b] + len(df) # df is the dataframe if len(df) > 0: df.dropna(inplace=True) if len(df.values) > 0: df_columns = list(df) s_buf = io.StringIO() df.to_csv(s_buf, header=False, index=False, sep=',') outcurs = outconn.cursor() # print(tuple(df_columns)) try: #psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(outcurs, insert_stmt, df.values) outcurs.copy_from(s_buf, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], columns=tuple(df_columns), sep=',') outconn.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: print("insert statement {} contains duplicate index") # except Error as e: # print(e) finally: outcurs.close() else: print("No valid data in block {}".format(nrows[b])) outconn.close() incurs.close() incurs = inconn.cursor() updateStatusSql = """update dias_catalogue set status='{}', {} = current_timestamp where id = {} and status = '{}'""" try: incurs.execute( updateStatusSql.format('extracted', 'time_extracted', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) inconn.close() if outconn: outconn.close() incurs.close() inconn.close() ''' if os.path.exists(fpath): print("Removing {}".format(fpath)) os.remove(fpath) for f in file_set.keys(): if os.path.exists(file_set.get(f)): print("Removing {}".format(file_set.get(f))) os.remove(file_set.get(f)) ''' print( "Total time required for {} features and {} bands: {} seconds".format( nrows.get('B8'), len(bands), time.time() - start))
print(flist[1]) print(s3subdir) selection = {'B4': '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}.jp2'.format('R10m', mgrs_tile, full_tstamp, 'B04', '10m'), 'B8': '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}.jp2'.format('R10m', mgrs_tile, full_tstamp, 'B08', '10m'), 'SC': '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}.jp2'.format('R20m', mgrs_tile, full_tstamp, 'SCL', '20m') } file_set = {} for k in selection.keys(): s = selection.get(k) fpath = "data/{}".format(s.split('/')[-1]) alt_s = s.replace('0m/', '0m/L2A_') if dwb.getFileFromS3('{}{}/IMG_DATA/{}'.format(s3path, s3subdir, s), fpath) == 1: print("Image {} found in bucket".format(s)) file_set[k] = fpath elif dwb.getFileFromS3('{}{}/IMG_DATA/{}'.format(s3path, s3subdir, alt_s), fpath) == 1: # LEVEL2AP has another naming convention. print("Image {} found in bucket".format(alt_s)) file_set[k] = fpath else: print("Neither Image {} nor {} found in bucket".format(s, alt_s)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format( '{} notfound'.format(k), oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() sys.exit(1)
sys.exit(1) # Copy input data from S3 to local disk # CREODIAS: s3path = "Sentinel-1/SAR/CARD-BS/{}/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VV.img".format( datetime.strftime(obstime, '%Y/%m/%d'), reference, reference) print("Transferring {}".format(s3path)) # SOBLOO: # s3path = "{}/GRD/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VV.img".format(reference.split('_')[0], reference, reference) fpath = 'data/{}_VV.img'.format(reference) outsrid = -1 if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VV img', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() sys.exit(1) s3path = s3path.replace('.img', '.hdr') fpath = 'data/{}_VV.hdr'.format(reference) if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VV hdr', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close()
def extract(files): start = time.time() reference = files[0].replace('data/', '').replace('_VV.img', '') # Rev 1.1. configuration parsing from json with open('s3_config.json', 'r') as f: s3config = json.load(f) s3config = s3config['s3'] with open('db_config_s1.json', 'r') as f: dbconfig = json.load(f) dbconfig = dbconfig['database'] # Input data base is postgis connString = "host={} dbname={} user={} port={} password={}".format( dbconfig['connection']['host'], dbconfig['connection']['dbname'], dbconfig['connection']['dbuser'], dbconfig['connection']['port'], dbconfig['connection']['dbpasswd']) inconn = psycopg2.connect(connString) if not inconn: print("No in connection established") #sys.exit(1) incurs = inconn.cursor() srid = -1 sridSql = "select srid from geometry_columns where f_table_name = '{}';" try: incurs.execute(sridSql.format(dbconfig['tables']['parcel_table'])) result = incurs.fetchone() if not result: print("{} does not exist or is not a spatial table") else: srid = result[0] except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) #print("Parcel srid = ", srid) # Get the first image records that is not yet processed imagesql = """ SELECT id, reference, obstime from dias_catalogue, {} WHERE footprint && wkb_geometry and {} = '{}' And obstime between '{}' and '{}' And reference = '{}' And card='bs' order by id desc limit 1 """ updateSql = """ UPDATE dias_catalogue set status='{}' WHERE id = {} And status = '{}' """ updateStatusSql = """update dias_catalogue set status='{}', {} = current_timestamp where id = {} and status = '{}'""" try: incurs.execute(imagesql.format( dbconfig['tables']['aoi_table'], dbconfig['args']['aoi_field'], dbconfig['args']['name'], dbconfig['args']['startdate'], dbconfig['args']['enddate'], reference)) result = incurs.fetchone() if not result: print("No images with reference found") inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) else: oid = result[0] reference = result[1] obstime = result[2] except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) print(f"Running postgisS1Extract for {reference}") # Count parcels inside this image footprint parcelcountsql = """ SELECT count(es.ogc_fid) FROM {} es, dias_catalogue dias, {} aoi WHERE es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(dias.footprint, {}) And es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(st_buffer(aoi.wkb_geometry::geography, 1000)::geometry, {}) And st_area(es.wkb_geometry) > 3000.0 And aoi.{} = '{}' and = {} -- and es.ogc_fid not in (select distinct pid from {} where obsid = {}) """ incurs.execute(parcelcountsql.format( dbconfig['tables']['parcel_table'], dbconfig['tables']['aoi_table'], srid, srid, dbconfig['args']['aoi_field'], dbconfig['args']['name'], oid, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], oid)) nrecs = incurs.fetchone() # If no parcels inside, we can stop if nrecs[0] == 0: print("Image {} contains no parcels".format(reference)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No_parcels', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) # Copy input data from S3 to local disk # CREODIAS: s3path = "Sentinel-1/SAR/CARD-BS/{}/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VV.img".format( datetime.strftime(obstime, '%Y/%m/%d'), reference, reference) print("Transferring {}".format(s3path)) # SOBLOO: # s3path = "{}/GRD/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VV.img".format(reference.split('_')[0], reference, reference) fpath = 'data/{}_VV.img'.format(reference) outsrid = -1 if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VV img', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() return #sys.exit(1) s3path = s3path.replace('.img', '.hdr') fpath = 'data/{}_VV.hdr'.format(reference) if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VV hdr', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() return #sys.exit(1) else: # Only if the header file is present can we open the image to check its projection with'hdr', 'img')) as src: outsrid = #print('Out SRID: ', outsrid) # CREODIAS: s3path = "Sentinel-1/SAR/CARD-BS/{}/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VH.img".format( datetime.strftime(obstime, '%Y/%m/%d'), reference, reference) print("Transferring {}".format(s3path)) # SOBLOO: # s3path = "{}/GRD/{}/{}.data/Gamma0_VH.img".format(reference.split('_')[0], reference, reference) fpath = 'data/{}_VH.img'.format(reference) if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VH img', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() return #sys.exit(1) s3path = s3path.replace('.img', '.hdr') fpath = 'data/{}_VH.hdr'.format(reference) if dwb.getFileFromS3(s3path, fpath) == 0: print("Resource {} not available in S3 storage (FATAL)".format(s3path)) incurs.execute(updateSql.format('No S3 VH hdr', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() return #sys.exit(1) # Open a connection to save results outconn = psycopg2.connect(connString) if not outconn: print("No out connection established") incurs.execute(updateSql.format('no_out_conn', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() incurs.close() inconn.close() #sys.exit(1) # Get the parcel polygon in this image' footprint incurs.close() # Open a named cursor incurs = inconn.cursor(name='fetch_image_coverage', cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) parcelsql = """ SELECT es.ogc_fid, ST_AsGeoJSON(st_transform(es.wkb_geometry, {}))::json FROM {} es, dias_catalogue dias, {} aoi WHERE es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(dias.footprint, {}) And es.wkb_geometry && st_transform(st_buffer(aoi.wkb_geometry::geography, 1000)::geometry, {}) And st_area(es.wkb_geometry) > 3000.0 And aoi.{} = '{}' And = {} -- and es.ogc_fid not in (select distinct pid from {} where obsid = {}) """ incurs.execute(parcelsql.format( outsrid, dbconfig['tables']['parcel_table'], dbconfig['tables']['aoi_table'], srid, srid, dbconfig['args']['aoi_field'], dbconfig['args']['name'], oid, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], oid)) sqlload = time.time() - start print("Images loaded and {} features selected from database in {} seconds".format( nrecs[0], sqlload)) nrows = {} nrows['VV'] = 0 nrows['VH'] = 0 affine = {} array = {} bands = ['VV', 'VH'] for b in bands: with'data/{}_{}.img'.format(reference, b)) as src: affine[b] = src.transform array[b] = while True: rowset = incurs.fetchmany(size=2000) if not rowset: break features = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "feature", "geometry": f[1], "properties": {"pid": int(f[0])}} for f in rowset]} for b in bands: zs = zonal_stats( features, array[b], affine=affine[b], stats=[ "count", "mean", "std", "min", "max", "percentile_25", "percentile_50", "percentile_75"], prefix="", nodata=0, geojson_out=True) df = pd.DataFrame(zs) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(, orient='index') df['obsid'] = oid df['band'] = b df.rename(index=str, columns={ "percentile_25": "p25", "percentile_50": "p50", "percentile_75": "p75"}, inplace=True) nrows[b] = nrows[b] + len(df) # df is the dataframe if len(df) > 0: df.dropna(inplace=True) if len(df.values) > 0: df_columns = list(df) s_buf = io.StringIO() df.to_csv(s_buf, header=False, index=False, sep=',') outcurs = outconn.cursor() # print(tuple(df_columns)) try: # psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(outcurs, insert_stmt, df.values) outcurs.copy_from( s_buf, dbconfig['tables']['results_table'], columns=tuple(df_columns), sep=',') outconn.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: print("insert statement {insert_stmt} contains duplicate index") # except Error as e: # print(e) finally: outcurs.close() else: print("No valid data in block {}".format(nrows[b])) outconn.close() incurs.close() incurs = inconn.cursor() updateStatusSql = """update dias_catalogue set status='{}', {} = current_timestamp where id = {} and status = '{}'""" try: incurs.execute(updateStatusSql.format('extracted', 'time_extracted', oid, 'inprogress')) inconn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) inconn.close() if outconn: outconn.close() incurs.close() inconn.close() print("Total time required for {} features and {} bands: {} seconds".format( nrows['VV'], len(bands), time.time() - start))