def main(sVaultFolder, sMasterkey, sSystem, sSecurity, sSoftware = None, boolOutput = True): ## Step 1: prepare DPAPI data (System MK pool) mkp = masterkey.MasterKeyPool() mkp.loadDirectory(sMasterkey) reg = registry.Regedit() secrets = reg.get_lsa_secrets(sSecurity, sSystem) dpapi_system = secrets.get('DPAPI_SYSTEM')['CurrVal'] mkp.addSystemCredential(dpapi_system) mkp.try_credential_hash(None, None) ## Step 2: Parse and DPAPI decrypt Policy.vpol vpol_filename = os.path.join(sVaultFolder, 'Policy.vpol') with open(vpol_filename, 'rb') as f: vpol_blob = parsePolicy( vpol_cleartext = decrypt_blob(mkp, vpol_blob) if not vpol_cleartext: exit('[-] Unable to decrypt Policy.vpol') bKeyAES128, bKeyAES256 = parsePolicyEntries(vpol_cleartext) ## Step 3: Parse and AES decrypt VCRD sUsername = '' arrResult = [] for xfile in os.listdir(sVaultFolder): if xfile.lower().endswith('.vcrd'): filepath = os.path.join(sVaultFolder, xfile) if boolOutput: print('---- Working on ' + xfile + ' ----') with open(filepath, 'rb') as vcrdfile: bIV, bData, sSchemaType = parseVCRD( ## parseVCRD verifies the vault type (GUIDs at the top of this file) if bKeyAES256 and bData: cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = bIV) bDecrypted = cipher.decrypt(bData) dicContainers = parseDecryptedAttribute(bDecrypted) ## dicContainers[ContainerID] = bData if dicContainers[1].decode(errors='ignore').startswith('N\x00G\x00C\x00'): ## Should be "NGC Local Accoount Logon Vault Resource" in utf-16le if boolOutput: print('[+] Schema Type : ' + sSchemaType) print('[+] User SID : ' + parseSID(dicContainers[2])) if sSoftware: sUsername = getUsername(sSoftware, parseSID(dicContainers[2])) if boolOutput: print('[+] Username : '******'[+] Schema Type : ' + sSchemaType) print('[+] HEX decrypted data : ' + dicContainers[3].hex()) try: print('[+] Decoded value : ' + dicContainers[3].decode('utf-16le',errors='ignore')) except: pass if boolOutput: print('#'*50) if arrResult == []: print('[-] No vaults found') return (sUsername, arrResult)
parser.add_option('--systemmasterkey', metavar='FOLDER',default=os.path.join('Windows','System32','Microsoft','Protect','S-1-5-18','User') , dest='systemmasterkeydir', help=r'System Masterkey folder; default: Windows\System32\Microsoft\Protect\S-1-5-18\User') parser.add_option('--system', metavar='HIVE', default=os.path.join('Windows','System32','config','SYSTEM'), help=r'SYSTEM file; default: Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM') parser.add_option('--security', metavar='HIVE', default=os.path.join('Windows','System32','config','SECURITY'), help=r'SECURITY file; default: Windows\System32\config\SECURITY') parser.add_option('--wdir', metavar='WIFIDIR', dest='wifi_dir', default=os.path.join('ProgramData','Microsoft','Wlansvc'), help=r'WiFi folder; default ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc') parser.add_option('--ntuser', metavar='NTUSER', dest='ntuser') parser.add_option('--usermasterkey', metavar='DIRECTORY', dest='usermasterkeydir') parser.add_option('--sid', metavar='SID', dest='sid', help=r'Carved from the User Masterkey folder, if possible') parser.add_option('--password', metavar='PASSWORD', dest='password', help='Optional: Will use empty password when not provided') parser.add_option('--pwdhash', metavar='HASH', dest='pwdhash') parser.add_option('--credhist', metavar='FILE', dest='credhist') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() check_parameters(options, args) reg = registry.Regedit() secrets = reg.get_lsa_secrets(, options.system) dpapi_system = secrets.get('DPAPI_SYSTEM')['CurrVal'] #print('[+] SYSTEM DPAPI key: {}'.format(dpapi_system.hex())) mkp1 = masterkey.MasterKeyPool() mkp1.loadDirectory(options.systemmasterkeydir) mkp1.addSystemCredential(dpapi_system) mkp1.try_credential_hash(None, None) mkp2 = masterkey.MasterKeyPool() mkp2.loadDirectory(options.usermasterkeydir) if options.credhist: mkp2.addCredhistFile(options.sid, options.credhist) if options.password: mkp2.try_credential(options.sid, options.password)
def getUsername(sSOFTWARE, sSID): reg = registry.Regedit() return reg.getUsername(sSOFTWARE, sSID)
def main(sCryptoFolder, sMasterkey, sSystem, sSecurity, sPIN, sPINGUID, boolOutput = True, pemexport="", sid=None, password=None): ## if sPIN == '', do brute force if sSystem: reg = registry.Regedit() secrets = reg.get_lsa_secrets(sSecurity, sSystem) dpapi_system = secrets.get('DPAPI_SYSTEM')['CurrVal'] mkp = masterkey.MasterKeyPool() if sMasterkey: mkp.loadDirectory(sMasterkey) mkp.addSystemCredential(dpapi_system) decrn=mkp.try_credential_hash(None, None) #print("Decrypted keys %d" % decrn) if sid and password: mkp.try_credential(options.sid, options.password) for root, _, files in os.walk(sCryptoFolder): for sFile in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, sFile) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: file_data = sInfo, arrFieldData = parseFile(file_data) if boolOutput: print('-' * 10 + ' ' + sFile + ' ' + '-' * 10) print('[+] KEY GUID : ' + sInfo) ### Field 2 and 3 are DPAPI Blob parseField1(arrFieldData[0], boolOutput) ## Private Key Properties should work with static Entropy '6jnkd5J3ZdQDtrsu' blobPrivateKeyProperties = arrFieldData[1] pkpBlob = blob.DPAPIBlob(blobPrivateKeyProperties) mks = mkp.getMasterKeys(pkpBlob.mkguid.encode()) for mk in mks: if mk.decrypted: pkpBlob.decrypt(mk.get_key(), entropy = b'6jnkd5J3ZdQDtrsu\x00') if pkpBlob.decrypted: if boolOutput: print('[+] Private Key Properties decrypted!') arrPrivateKeyProperties = parsePrivateKeyProperties(pkpBlob.cleartext.hex(), boolOutput) ## Private Key, we can try, but the entropy is either unknown static or variable (some are 'xT5rZW5qVVbrvpuA') blobPrivateKey = arrFieldData[2] pkBlob = blob.DPAPIBlob(blobPrivateKey) mks = mkp.getMasterKeys(pkBlob.mkguid.encode()) for mk in mks: if mk.decrypted: pkBlob.decrypt(mk.get_key(), entropy = b'xT5rZW5qVVbrvpuA\x00', strongPassword=None) if pkBlob.decrypted and boolOutput: print('[+] Private Key decrypted : ') print(' ' + pkBlob.cleartext.hex()) if pemexport: savePEM(pkBlob.cleartext.hex(), pem_path=pemexport, pemname=sInfo) else: if sPINGUID and sPINGUID in sInfo and arrPrivateKeyProperties: for sProperty in arrPrivateKeyProperties: if sProperty['Name'].decode('UTF-16LE',errors='ignore') == 'NgcSoftwareKeyPbkdf2Salt': sSalt = sProperty['Value'].hex() elif sProperty['Name'].decode('UTF-16LE',errors='ignore') == 'NgcSoftwareKeyPbkdf2Round': iRounds = int(reverseByte(sProperty['Value']).hex(),16) if sPIN and not sPIN == '': pkResult = decryptWithPIN(mk, pkBlob, sSalt, iRounds, sPIN) elif options.pinbrute: if boolOutput: print('[!] Trying PIN brute force 0000 through {}, this will take some time '.format(iMaxPIN)) (pkResult, sPIN) = brutePIN(mk, pkBlob, sSalt, iRounds) elif options.pinexport: exportHASH(mk, pkBlob, sSalt, iRounds, sPINGUID) pkResult = None if pkResult and pkResult.decrypted: if boolOutput: print('[+] Private Key decrypted with PIN (' + sPIN + ') :') print(' ' + pkBlob.cleartext.hex()) else: ## no bool output means: called by other script that is only interested in this cleartext data return pkBlob.cleartext else: if sPIN and boolOutput: print('[-] Decryption with PIN tried but failed') else: if boolOutput: print('[-] Entropy unknown for ' + pkBlob.description.decode()) if boolOutput: print('')