예제 #1
def cmpt_deepmd_lammps(jdata, conf_dir, task_name, static = False) :
    equi_path = re.sub('confs', global_equi_name, conf_dir)
    equi_path = os.path.join(equi_path, task_name.split('-')[0])
    equi_path = os.path.abspath(equi_path)
    equi_log = os.path.join(equi_path, 'log.lammps')
    task_path = re.sub('confs', global_task_name, conf_dir)
    task_path = os.path.join(task_path, task_name)
    task_path = os.path.abspath(task_path)

    equi_natoms, equi_epa, equi_vpa = lammps.get_nev(equi_log)

    struct_path_widecard = os.path.join(task_path, 'struct-*-m*m')
    struct_path_list = glob.glob(struct_path_widecard)
    if len(struct_path_list) == 0:
        print("# cannot find results for conf %s" % (conf_dir))
    sys.stdout.write ("Miller_Indices: \tSurf_E(J/m^2) EpA(eV) equi_EpA(eV)\n")
    result = os.path.join(task_path,'result')
    with open(result,'w') as fp:
        fp.write('conf_dir:%s\n'% (conf_dir))
        fp.write("Miller_Indices: \tSurf_E(J/m^2) EpA(eV) equi_EpA(eV)\n")
        for ii in struct_path_list :
            structure_dir = os.path.basename(ii)
            lmp_log = os.path.join(ii, 'log.lammps')
            natoms, epa, vpa = lammps.get_nev(lmp_log)
            AA = lammps.get_base_area(lmp_log)
            Cf = 1.60217657e-16 / (1e-20 * 2) * 0.001
            evac = (epa * natoms - equi_epa * natoms) / AA * Cf
            sys.stdout.write ("%s: \t%7.3f    %8.3f %8.3f\n" % (structure_dir, evac, epa, equi_epa))
            fp.write("%s:\t %7.3f   %8.3f %8.3f\n" % (structure_dir, evac, epa, equi_epa))
    if 'upload_username' in jdata.keys() and task_name=='deepm':
예제 #2
def cmpt_deepmd_lammps(jdata, conf_dir, task_name, static=False):
    equi_path = re.sub('confs', global_equi_name, conf_dir)
    equi_path = os.path.join(equi_path, task_name.split('-')[0])
    equi_path = os.path.abspath(equi_path)
    equi_log = os.path.join(equi_path, 'log.lammps')
    task_path = re.sub('confs', global_task_name, conf_dir)
    task_path = os.path.join(task_path, task_name)
    task_path = os.path.abspath(task_path)

    equi_natoms, equi_epa, equi_vpa = lammps.get_nev(equi_log)

    struct_path_widecard = os.path.join(task_path, 'struct-*-m*m')
    struct_path_list = glob.glob(struct_path_widecard)
    if len(struct_path_list) == 0:
        print("# cannot find results for conf %s" % (conf_dir))
    sys.stdout.write("Miller_Indices: \tSurf_E(J/m^2) EpA(eV) equi_EpA(eV)\n")
    for ii in struct_path_list:
        structure_dir = os.path.basename(ii)
        lmp_log = os.path.join(ii, 'log.lammps')
        natoms, epa, vpa = lammps.get_nev(lmp_log)
        AA = lammps.get_base_area(lmp_log)
        Cf = 1.60217657e-16 / (1e-20 * 2) * 0.001
        evac = (epa * natoms - equi_epa * natoms) / AA * Cf
        sys.stdout.write("%s: \t%7.3f    %8.3f %8.3f\n" %
                         (structure_dir, evac, epa, equi_epa))
예제 #3
    def _compute_lower(self, output_file, all_tasks, all_res):
        output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file)
        res_data = {}
        ptr_data = os.path.dirname(output_file) + '\n'

        if not self.reprod:
            ptr_data += "Miller_Indices: \tSurf_E(J/m^2) EpA(eV) equi_EpA(eV)\n"
            for ii in all_tasks:
                with open(os.path.join(ii, 'inter.json')) as fp:
                    idata = json.load(fp)
                inter_type = idata['type']
                equi_path = os.path.abspath(
                structure_dir = os.path.basename(ii)
                if inter_type == 'vasp':
                    equi_outcar = os.path.join(equi_path, 'OUTCAR')
                    equi_natoms, equi_epa, equi_vpa = vasp.get_nev(equi_outcar)
                    outcar = os.path.join(ii, 'OUTCAR')
                    natoms, epa, vpa = vasp.get_nev(outcar)
                    if self.static:
                        e0 = np.array(vasp.get_energies(outcar)) / natoms
                        epa = e0[0]
                    boxes = vasp.get_boxes(outcar)
                    AA = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(boxes[0][0], boxes[0][1]))

                elif inter_type in ['deepmd', 'meam', 'eam_fs', 'eam_alloy']:
                    equi_log = os.path.join(equi_path, 'log.lammps')
                    equi_natoms, equi_epa, equi_vpa = lammps.get_nev(equi_log)
                    lmp_log = os.path.join(ii, 'log.lammps')
                    natoms, epa, vpa = lammps.get_nev(lmp_log)
                    AA = lammps.get_base_area(lmp_log)

                    raise RuntimeError('interaction type not supported')

                Cf = 1.60217657e-16 / (1e-20 * 2) * 0.001
                evac = (epa * natoms - equi_epa * natoms) / AA * Cf
                ptr_data += "%s: \t%7.3f    %8.3f %8.3f\n" % (
                    structure_dir, evac, epa, equi_epa)
                res_data[structure_dir] = [evac, epa, equi_epa]

            if 'vasp_path' not in self.parameter:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "please provide the vasp_path for reproduction")
            vasp_path = os.path.abspath(self.parameter['vasp_path'])
            res_data, ptr_data = reproduce.post_repro(vasp_path, all_tasks,

        with open(output_file, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(res_data, fp, indent=4)

        return res_data, ptr_data