def get_load_paths(self): load_path = cfg.load_path _print("\nMaybe loading weights, load_path={} ...".format(load_path)) if load_path: if isinstance(load_path, str) or isinstance(load_path, int): load_path = {"": load_path} load_path = dict(load_path) # Sort in increasing order, so that it if one variable scope lies within another scope, # the outer scope gets loaded before the inner scope, rather than having the outer scope # wipe out the inner scope. items = sorted(load_path.items()) return items else: _print("`load_path` is null, using a fresh set of weights.") return []
def framework_load_weights(self): for var_scope, path in self.get_load_paths(): _print("Loading var scope \"{}\" from {}.".format(var_scope, path)) start = time.time() variables = { v for v in trainable_variables(var_scope, for_opt=False) } if not variables: _print("No variables to load in scope {}.".format( str(var_scope))) continue saver = tf.train.Saver(variables) saver.restore(tf.get_default_session(), path) _print( "Done loading var scope, took {} seconds.".format(time.time() - start))
def framework_load_weights(self): """ Adapted from the tensorflow version, roughly treats a pytorch module as equivalant to a tensorflow variable scope. Most general form a dictionary entry is: {"<dest_module_path>": "<source_module_path>:<file_path>"} Maps tensors located at module path `source_module_path` in file `file_path` to module path `dest_module_path` in the current model. """ omit_modules = cfg.get('omit_modules_from_loading', []) for dest_module_path, path in self.get_load_paths(): _print("Loading submodule \"{}\" from {}.".format(dest_module_path, path)) if ":" in path: source_module_path, source_path = path.split(':') else: source_path = path source_module_path = dest_module_path start = time.time() device = get_pytorch_device() loaded_state_dict = torch.load(source_path, map_location=device)['model'] if source_module_path: source_module_path_with_sep = source_module_path + '.' loaded_state_dict = type(loaded_state_dict)( {k: v for k, v in loaded_state_dict.items() if k.startswith(source_module_path_with_sep)} ) assert loaded_state_dict, ( f"File contains no tensors with prefix `{source_module_path_with_sep}` (file: {source_path})" ) if dest_module_path != source_module_path: # Rename variables from the loaded state dict by replacing `source_module_path` with `dest_module_path`. _source_module_path = source_module_path + '.' if source_module_path else source_module_path _dest_module_path = dest_module_path + '.' if dest_module_path else dest_module_path loaded_state_dict = { k.replace(_source_module_path, _dest_module_path, 1): v for k, v in loaded_state_dict.items() } module = self.updater.model state_dict = module.state_dict() intersection = set(state_dict.keys()) & set(loaded_state_dict.keys()) if not intersection: raise Exception( f"Loading variables with spec ({dest_module_path}, {path}) " f"would have no effect (no variables found)." ) loaded_state_dict = {k: loaded_state_dict[k] for k in intersection} if omit_modules: omitted_variables = { k: v for k, v in loaded_state_dict.items() if any(k.startswith(o) for o in omit_modules) } print("Omitting the following variables from loading:") describe_structure(omitted_variables) loaded_state_dict = { k: v for k, v in loaded_state_dict.items() if k not in omitted_variables } _print("Loading variables:") describe_structure(loaded_state_dict) state_dict.update(loaded_state_dict) module.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) _print("Done loading weights for module {}, took {} seconds.".format(dest_module_path, time.time() - start))
def framework_initialize_stage(self, stack): # Set the seed for the stage. torch_seed = gen_seed() _print("Setting pytorch seed to generated seed: {}\n".format(torch_seed)) torch.manual_seed(torch_seed) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cfg.pytorch_cudnn_benchmark torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = cfg.pytorch_cudnn_deterministic if cfg.use_gpu: _print("Trying to use GPU...") try: device = torch.cuda.current_device() use_gpu = True except AssertionError: tb.print_exc() use_gpu = False else: use_gpu = False if use_gpu: _print("Using GPU.") _print("Device count: {}".format(torch.cuda.device_count())) _print("Device idx: {}".format(device)) _print("Device name: {}".format(torch.cuda.get_device_name(device))) _print("Device capability: {}".format(torch.cuda.get_device_capability(device))) set_pytorch_device('cuda') else: _print("Not using GPU.") set_pytorch_device('cpu') torch.set_printoptions(profile='full')
def framework_initialize_stage(self, stack): # Configure and create session and graph for stage. session_config = tf.ConfigProto() session_config.intra_op_parallelism_threads = cfg.get( 'intra_op_parallelism_threads', 0) session_config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = cfg.get( 'inter_op_parallelism_threads', 0) session_config.log_device_placement = cfg.get('log_device_placement', 0) if cfg.use_gpu: per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = getattr( cfg, 'per_process_gpu_memory_fraction', None) if per_process_gpu_memory_fraction: session_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = per_process_gpu_memory_fraction gpu_allow_growth = getattr(cfg, 'gpu_allow_growth', None) if gpu_allow_growth: session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = gpu_allow_growth _print("Using GPU if available.") _print("Using {}% of GPU memory.".format( 100 * session_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction)) _print("Allowing growth of GPU memory: {}".format( session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth)) graph = tf.Graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=graph, config=session_config) # This HAS to come after the creation of the session, otherwise # it allocates all GPU memory if using the GPU. _print("\nAvailable devices: ") from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib _print(device_lib.list_local_devices()) if not cfg.use_gpu: _print("Not using GPU.") stack.enter_context(graph.device("/cpu:0")) stack.enter_context(graph.as_default()) stack.enter_context(sess) stack.enter_context(sess.as_default()) # Set the seed for the stage. tf_seed = gen_seed() _print( "Setting tensorflow seed to generated seed: {}\n".format(tf_seed)) tf.set_random_seed(tf_seed) tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.ERROR)