async def random(self, ctx): reload = '🔄' close = '❌' async def make_request(): return { 'mock': 'json', 'request': 'data', 'random_data': randint(1, 100) } async def update_data(menu): if menu.button_pressed(reload): response = await make_request() p = Page(title='Awesome Data', description='We can reload this data.') p.add_field(name='Random Updating Integer', value=response.get('random_data')) await menu.output.edit(embed=p.as_safe_embed()) elif menu.button_pressed(close): await menu.close() page1 = Page(title='Example', description='example') page1.on_next(update_data) page1.buttons([reload, close]) menu = ButtonMenu(ctx) menu.add_pages([page1]) await
async def poll(self, ctx): first = Page(title='Sun vs Moon Poll', description='Do you prefer the sun or the moon?') first.set_footer( text='Only vote once! Your vote won\'t count if you cheat!') first.buttons(['\U00002600', '\U0001F315']) first.on_next(self.finish) second = Page(title='Sun vs Moon Poll', description=f'Results are in!') menu = Poll(ctx).set_timeout(10).add_pages([first, second]) await
async def text(self, ctx): page1 = Page( title='Ping Menu', description='Are you absolutely sure you want to send a ping command?', ) page1.set_footer(text='Type `yes` if you are sure.\nType `quit` to cancel this menu.') page1.on_next(self.confirm) page2 = Page(title='Ping Menu', description='Pong!') menu = TextMenu(ctx) menu.add_pages([page1, page2]) menu.normalize_responses() await