예제 #1
def build_naf_loss(naf_network_online, naf_network_target, batch_size, observation_space_shape, action_space_shape, diagonal_l, optimizer=None):
    with tf.variable_scope('naf_loss'):
        # NOTE: May need to handle case when action_space_shape is just (1,)
        # TODO: If we keep batch_size as a parameter, then switch [None]'s below to batch_size
        states_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + list(observation_space_shape), name='states_t')
        actions_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + list(action_space_shape), name='actions_t')
        rewards_tn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size], name='rewards_tn')
        states_tpn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + list(observation_space_shape), name='states_tpn')
        gammas_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size], name='gammas_t')
        importance_weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size], name='importance_weights')

        online_mu_t, online_values_t, online_flatL_t = naf_network_online(states_t)

        if diagonal_l:
            online_p_t = tf.matrix_diag(tf.square(tf.exp(online_flatL_t)))
            lower_triangular_indexes = list(zip(*np.tril_indices(action_space_shape[0])))
            batch_indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(batch_size), len(lower_triangular_indexes))
            batch_indexes = np.reshape(batch_indexes, (-1, 1))
            lower_triangular_indexes = np.tile(lower_triangular_indexes, (batch_size, 1))
            lower_triangular_indexes = np.hstack((batch_indexes, lower_triangular_indexes))

            # Formula (1/2 * n * (n + 3)) for the sequence of diagonal indexes (the flat indexes) 0, 2, 5, 9, ... etc. derived from https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2449751/1-2-4-7-11-16-22
            nums = np.arange(action_space_shape[0])
            diagonal_indexes = nums * (nums + 3) // 2

            # Note: Here we scatter the digonals which we later overwrite with the exponeniated diagonals
            #       Scattering only the non-diagonals requires gathering the non-diagonals and then scattering, which *seems* to be more computation than just scattering them all
            online_l_not_exp_diag_t = tf.scatter_nd(indices=lower_triangular_indexes, updates=tf.reshape(online_flatL_t, (-1,)), shape=[batch_size, action_space_shape[0], action_space_shape[0]])
            diagonals = tf.gather(online_flatL_t, diagonal_indexes, axis=1)
            online_l_t = tf.matrix_set_diag(online_l_not_exp_diag_t, tf.exp(diagonals))
            online_p_t = tf.matmul(online_l_t, online_l_t, transpose_b=True)

        mu_diffs = actions_t - online_mu_t
        online_advantages_t = tf.squeeze(-0.5 * tf.expand_dims(mu_diffs, 1) @ online_p_t @ tf.expand_dims(mu_diffs, 2))
        online_q_t = online_advantages_t + online_values_t

        _, target_values_tpn, _ = naf_network_target(states_tpn)
        targets = rewards_tn + gammas_t * target_values_tpn
        td_errors = tf.stop_gradient(targets) - online_q_t
##        naf_losses = tf_huber_loss(td_errors)
##        weighted_loss = tf.reduce_mean(importance_weights * naf_losses)
        weighted_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(tf.stop_gradient(targets), online_q_t, importance_weights)
        if optimizer is None:
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        # TODO: There is a trick going on  here for variable_scope.  Assuming loss uses online_net first, the global variables are created under this function's scope (naf_loss)
        #       We pass these variables (with scope naf_loss/../...), and then the variables from the optimizer are defined under naf_loss/naf_loss/.../.. since they are again defined in this function's scope
        #       This is important because later on when we use update_targets, if these variables were under just naf_loss/.../,
        #       the online_net would receive extra global_variables from the optimizer (i.e. Adam variables) since the target_net doesn't use an optimizer
        #       See if we can find a cleaner way to handle this.  This is an 'issue' for all loss functions.
        #       An easy solution should be to just put a new variable scope around this line of code, but that seems ugly and still needs an explanation
        #       Perhaps later we can move optimization out of the loss function to not have to think about this issue (if we want evolutionary optimizers, for example)
        optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(weighted_loss, var_list=naf_network_online.global_variables)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[states_t, actions_t, rewards_tn, states_tpn, gammas_t, importance_weights],
예제 #2
def build_hard_update(online_vars, target_vars):
    with tf.variable_scope('update'):
        updates = []
        for online_var, target_var in zip(sorted(online_vars, key=lambda var: var.name),
                                          sorted(target_vars, key=lambda var: var.name)):


        return TFFunction(inputs=[], outputs=[], updates=updates)
예제 #3
def build_soft_update(online_vars, target_vars, tau):
    with tf.variable_scope('update'):
        tau = float(tau)
        updates = []
        for online_var, target_var in zip(sorted(online_vars, key=lambda var: var.name),
                                          sorted(target_vars, key=lambda var: var.name)):
            updates.append(target_var.assign(tau * online_var + (1.0 - tau) * target_var))

        return TFFunction(inputs=[], outputs=[], updates=updates)
예제 #4
def build_quantile_regression_loss(z_online, z_target, observation_space_shape, num_quantiles=200, kappa=1.0, optimizer=None, double_q=True):
    with tf.variable_scope('quantile_regression'):
        states_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='states_t')
        actions_t = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='actions_t')
        rewards_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='rewards_t')
        states_tpn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='states_tpn')
        gammas_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='gammas_t')
        importance_weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='importance_weight')

        batch_size = tf.shape(states_t)[0]
        batch_indexes = tf.range(0, batch_size)

        states_t_quantiles = z_online(states_t)
        states_t_indexes = tf.stack([batch_indexes, actions_t], axis=-1)  # effectively zips the two tensors ("lists")
        states_t_actions_t_quantiles = tf.gather_nd(states_t_quantiles, states_t_indexes)

        # TODO: We might be able to eliminate 1/num_quantiles when calculating expected_q_values since it shouldn't affect the argmax (and expected_q_values is not used anywhere else)
        target_states_tpn_quantiles = z_target(states_tpn)
        if double_q:
            online_states_tpn_quantiles = z_online(states_tpn)
            online_states_tpn_expected_q_values = 1/num_quantiles * tf.reduce_sum(online_states_tpn_quantiles, axis=2)
            states_tpn_greedy_actions = tf.argmax(online_states_tpn_expected_q_values, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32) # later tf.stack requires same dtype on both tensors
            target_states_tpn_expected_q_values = 1/num_quantiles * tf.reduce_sum(target_states_tpn_quantiles, axis=2)
            states_tpn_greedy_actions = tf.argmax(target_states_tpn_expected_q_values, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32) # later tf.stack requires same dtype on both tensors
        states_tpn_indexes = tf.stack([batch_indexes, states_tpn_greedy_actions], axis=-1)
        states_tpn_greedy_actions_quantiles = tf.gather_nd(target_states_tpn_quantiles, states_tpn_indexes)        

        rewards_t_reshaped = tf.reshape(rewards_t, [-1, 1])
        gammas_t_reshaped = tf.reshape(gammas_t, [-1, 1])
        bellman_updates = rewards_t_reshaped + gammas_t_reshaped * states_tpn_greedy_actions_quantiles

        # errors[batch][i][j] = theta'(batch, j) - theta(batch, i)
        # errors[batch][i] = [theta'(batch, 0) - theta(batch, i), theta'(batch, 1) - theta(batch, i), ...]
        errors = tf.stop_gradient(bellman_updates[:, tf.newaxis, :]) - states_t_actions_t_quantiles[:, :, tf.newaxis]
        if kappa == 0:
            # TODO: Explain why we use |errors| * |penalties| rather than errors * penalties (in the paper) for kappa = 0
            losses = tf.abs(errors)
            losses = tf_huber_loss(errors, delta=kappa)  # tf.losses.huber_loss does not seem to support broadcasting the subtraction when calculating error (at time of writing)

        tau_hats = (2 * tf.range(num_quantiles, dtype=tf.float32) + 1) / (2 * num_quantiles)
        penalties = tf.abs(tau_hats[tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis] - tf.cast(errors < 0, tf.float32))
        rhos = penalties * losses

        quantile_regression_losses = 1/num_quantiles * tf.reduce_sum(rhos, axis=[1, 2])   # Same as tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_mean(rhos, axis=2), axis=1)
        weighted_loss = tf.reduce_mean(importance_weights * quantile_regression_losses)

        if optimizer is None:
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(weighted_loss, var_list=z_online.global_variables)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[states_t, actions_t, rewards_t, states_tpn, gammas_t, importance_weights],
예제 #5
def gaussian_random_process_naf(online_net, observation_space_shape, action_space_shape, action_space_low, action_space_high):
    with tf.variable_scope('act'):
        state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=list(observation_space_shape), name='state')
        stddev = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[])

        expanded_state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
        greedy_action, _, _ = online_net(expanded_state)
        action = tf.squeeze(greedy_action, axis=0)
        action = tf.clip_by_value(action + stddev * tf.random_normal(action_space_shape), action_space_low, action_space_high)        

        return TFFunction(inputs=[state, stddev],
예제 #6
def epsilon_greedy_td_error(online_net, observation_space_shape, num_actions):
    with tf.variable_scope('act'):
        state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=list(observation_space_shape), name='state')
        epsilon = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[])   # Must be 0 <= eps <= 1.. perhaps enforce this somehow ?!

        expanded_state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)        
        expected_q_values = online_net(expanded_state)
        greedy_action = tf.argmax(expected_q_values, axis=1)[0]
        random_action = tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_actions, dtype=tf.int64)
        action = tf.where(tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32) < epsilon,
                          random_action, greedy_action)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[state, epsilon],
예제 #7
def epsilon_greedy_quantile_regression(online_net, observation_space_shape, num_actions, num_quantiles):
    with tf.variable_scope('act'):
        state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=list(observation_space_shape), name='state')
        epsilon = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[])   # Must be 0 <= eps <= 1.. perhaps enforce this somehow ?!

        expanded_state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
        quantiles = online_net(expanded_state)
        # TODO: We can probably remove 1/num_quantiles since we should get the same argmax
        expected_q_values = 1/num_quantiles * tf.reduce_sum(quantiles, axis=2)
        greedy_action = tf.argmax(expected_q_values, axis=1)[0]
        random_action = tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_actions, dtype=tf.int64)
        action = tf.where(tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32) < epsilon,
                          random_action, greedy_action)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[state, epsilon],
예제 #8
def epsilon_greedy_categorical_algorithm(online_net, observation_space_shape, num_actions, num_atoms, v_min, v_max):
    with tf.variable_scope('act'):
        state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=list(observation_space_shape), name='state')
        epsilon = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[])   # Must be 0 <= eps <= 1.. perhaps enforce this somehow ?!

        expanded_state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
        atoms = tf.linspace(float(v_min), float(v_max), num_atoms)
        logits = online_net(expanded_state)
        prob_distributions = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
        expected_q_values = tf.reduce_sum(atoms * prob_distributions, axis=2)
        greedy_action = tf.argmax(expected_q_values, axis=1)[0]
        random_action = tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_actions, dtype=tf.int64)
        action = tf.where(tf.random_uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32) < epsilon,
                          random_action, greedy_action)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[state, epsilon],
예제 #9
def build_td_error_loss(observation_space_shape, num_actions, q_online, q_target, optimizer=None, double_q=True):
    # Note: gammas_n expected to be 0 for terminal transitions
    with tf.variable_scope('td_error'):
        states_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='state_t')
        actions_t = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='action_t')
        rewards_tn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='reward_tn')
        states_tpn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='state_tpn')
        gammas_n = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='gammas_n')
        importance_weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='importance_weights')
        q_next_target = q_target(states_tpn)
        if double_q:
            # Q_target(S_(t+1), argmax_a[Q_online(S_(t+1), a)])
            q_next_online = q_online(states_tpn)
            greedy_actions_online = tf.argmax(q_next_online, axis=1)
            q_next = tf.reduce_sum(q_next_target * tf.one_hot(greedy_actions_online, num_actions), axis=1)
            # max_a[Q_target(S_(t+1), a)]
            q_next = tf.reduce_max(q_next_target, axis=1)

        targets = rewards_tn + gammas_n * q_next
        predictions = tf.reduce_sum(q_online(states_t) * tf.one_hot(actions_t, num_actions), axis=1)
        td_errors = tf.stop_gradient(targets) - predictions

        # Perhaps make huber loss an option (and especially the delta an option !)
        #TODO: Explain the use of Huber Loss, referencing the original paper
        #losses = tf.losses.huber_loss(labels=tf.stop_gradient(targets), predictions=predictions, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE)   <-- but we need td_errors
        losses = tf_huber_loss(td_errors)
        weighted_loss = tf.reduce_mean(importance_weights * losses)

        # TODO: Gradient clipping (recommended by dueling paper)
        if optimizer is None:
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(weighted_loss, var_list=q_online.global_variables)

        return TFFunction(inputs=[states_t, actions_t, rewards_tn, states_tpn, gammas_n, importance_weights],
예제 #10
def build_categorical_algorithm(z_online, z_target, observation_space_shape, v_min=-10, v_max=10, num_atoms=51, optimizer=None, double_q=True):
    # Note: Expects gamma_t = 0 for terminal transitions
    # Note: tpn stands for t + n
    with tf.variable_scope('categorical_algorithm'):
        states_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='state_t')
        actions_t = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='action')
        rewards_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='reward')
        states_tpn = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(observation_space_shape), name='state_tpn')
        gammas_t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='gammas')
        importance_weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name='importance_weight')

        atoms = tf.linspace(float(v_min), float(v_max), num_atoms)
        delta_z = (v_max - v_min) / (num_atoms - 1)

        # TODO: Might be better to make batch_size a constant (should avoid calculating indexes every run)
        batch_size = tf.shape(states_t)[0]
        batch_indexes = tf.range(0, batch_size)

        states_t_logits = z_online(states_t)
        states_t_indexes = tf.stack([batch_indexes, actions_t], axis=-1)  # effectively zips the two tensors ("lists")
        states_t_actions_t_logits = tf.gather_nd(states_t_logits, states_t_indexes)

        # TODO: May be able to do above gather_nd (and below) using only gather with no need for batch_indexes ?

        target_states_tpn_logits = z_target(states_tpn)
        target_states_tpn_prob_distributions = tf.nn.softmax(target_states_tpn_logits)
        if double_q:
            online_states_tpn_logits = z_online(states_tpn)
            online_states_tpn_prob_distributions = tf.nn.softmax(online_states_tpn_logits)
            online_states_tpn_expected_q_values = tf.reduce_sum(atoms * online_states_tpn_prob_distributions, axis=2)
            states_tpn_greedy_actions = tf.argmax(online_states_tpn_expected_q_values, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32) # later tf.stack requires same dtype on both tensors
            target_states_tpn_expected_q_values = tf.reduce_sum(atoms * target_states_tpn_prob_distributions, axis=2)
            states_tpn_greedy_actions = tf.argmax(target_states_tpn_expected_q_values, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32) # later tf.stack requires same dtype on both tensors
        states_tpn_indexes = tf.stack([batch_indexes, states_tpn_greedy_actions], axis=-1)
        states_tpn_greedy_actions_prob_distributions = tf.gather_nd(target_states_tpn_prob_distributions, states_tpn_indexes)
        rewards_t_reshaped = tf.reshape(rewards_t, [-1, 1])
        gammas_t_reshaped = tf.reshape(gammas_t, [-1, 1])
        bellman_update = tf.clip_by_value(rewards_t_reshaped + gammas_t_reshaped * atoms, v_min, v_max)
        b = (bellman_update - v_min) / delta_z
        l = tf.floor(b)
        u = l + 1        # Don't use tf.ceil because on an integer b, we have floor(b) == ceil(b) and we lose probability mass in the below calculations (they would both contribute 0 probability)
        m_l = states_tpn_greedy_actions_prob_distributions * (u - b)
        m_u = states_tpn_greedy_actions_prob_distributions * (b - l)

        # If b = v_max (a common occurrence due to clipping on v_max), all probability will go to the atom m_(v_max)
        # from the m_l calculation, and 0 probability will go to the element in the m_u calculation (note v_max is an integer, so b = v_max = l).
        # To do this u uses an out-of-bounds index (index = num_atoms), so we need to clip u's index to be in bounds (to [0, num_atoms-1]) for later.
        # Since 0 probability will go to the corresponding m_u atom this is allowed.  Note we have only provided a minimum clip (of 0, which is the lowest atom) because it is a required argument of tf.clip_by_value
        #    Note: Most commonly this b = l = u issue seems to be implemented by doing
        #    u = tf.ceil(l); m_l = states_tpn_greedy_actions_prob_distributions * (u + tf.cast(tf.equal(l, u), tf.float32) - b)
        #    I assume the clipping method used here is a bit faster, but I could be wrong
        u = tf.clip_by_value(u, 0, num_atoms-1) 

        # Convert indicies of each row of size num_atoms to indicies of batch_size * num_atoms
        # TODO: Explain this wizardry and perhaps rename variables for clarity
        row_offsets = num_atoms * batch_indexes
        l, u = tf.cast(l, tf.int32), tf.cast(u, tf.int32)
        indexes = tf.stack([l, u]) + tf.reshape(row_offsets, [-1, 1])
        indexes = tf.reshape(indexes, [-1, 1])
        updates = tf.concat([m_l, m_u], axis=0)
        updates = tf.reshape(updates, [-1])

        m = tf.scatter_nd(indices=indexes, updates=updates, shape=[batch_size * num_atoms])
        m = tf.reshape(m, [batch_size, num_atoms])

        # TODO: Huber loss ?  Gradient clipping (for dueling nets) ?
        kl_losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(labels=tf.stop_gradient(m), logits=states_t_actions_t_logits)
        weighted_loss = tf.reduce_mean(importance_weights * kl_losses)

        # TODO: When an optimizer is passed in, it will have a different variable scope.  How to deal with this ? (Does it matter ? Appears to look fine in tensorboard)
        if optimizer is None:
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(weighted_loss, var_list=z_online.global_variables)

        # TODO: We should probably allow importance_weights to have a given value of all 1s for non-prioritized replay
        return TFFunction(inputs=[states_t, actions_t, rewards_t, states_tpn, gammas_t, importance_weights],