예제 #1
def main():
    options = parse_args()

    #print( options )

    path_name = os.path.abspath( options.path_name )

    if not( os.path.exists( path_name ) ) :
        print( "Error: The input directory \"%s\" don't exixst! " % path_name )

    if options.out_dir and not( os.path.exists( options.out_dir ) ) :
        print( "Error (-o): The target directory \"%s\" don't exixst! " % options.out_dir )

    l_ver = TestVer()
    print ( path_name )
    print( "" )

    if options.recursive :
        subdirlist = list_rec_dirs( path_name )
    else :
        subdirlist = [] 
        subdirlist.append( path_name )
    #print ( subdirlist )

    if options.histogram:
        if test_hist_modules() == False:
            return 0
        print("Start histo:")
        dr = DynamicRangeMeter() ;
        dr.histogram = True
        r = dr.scan_file( path_name )
        return 1 
    if options.scan_file:
        dr = DynamicRangeMeter()
        r = dr.scan_file( path_name )
        if r == 1:
            print( "" )
            print( dr.res_list[0]['file_name'] + " :" )
            print( "DR      = %d" % dr.res_list[0]['dr14'] )
            print( "Peak dB = %.2f" % dr.res_list[0]['dB_peak'] )
            print( "Rms dB  = %.2f" % dr.res_list[0]['dB_rms'] )
            return 1 
            print ( "Error: invalid audio file" )
            return 0

    if options.out_dir == "" :
        out_dir = None
    else :
        out_dir = options.out_dir

    if options.append and out_dir == None:
        out_dir = path_name
    a = time.time()

    success = False

    for cur_dir in subdirlist :
        dr = DynamicRangeMeter()
        print ( "\n------------------------------------------------------------ " )		        
        print ( "> Scan Dir: %s \n" % cur_dir )
        cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        if ( options.disable_multithread == True ) :
            r = dr.scan_dir( cur_dir )
            cpu = cpu / 2
            if cpu <= 2:
                cpu = 2
                cpu = int( round( cpu ) )
            r = dr.scan_dir_mt( cur_dir , cpu )
        if r == 0:
            success = True
        write_results( dr , options , out_dir , cur_dir )        
    b = time.time() - a
    if success :
        print("Success! ")
        print( "Elapsed time: %2.2f" % b )
        print("No audio files found\n")
        print(" Usage: %s [options] path_name \n\nfor more details type \n%s --help\n" % ( get_exe_name() , get_exe_name() ) )

    if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
        subprocess.call( "stty sane" , shell=True ) 

    if test_new_version() :
        print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------" )
        print( " A new version of dr14_t.meter [ %s ] is available for download \n please visit: %s" % ( get_new_version() , get_home_url() ) )
        print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
    return r