def test_updatePassword(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.updatePassword('admin', 'dragonadmin', 'loladmin') assert r['success'] r = api.updatePassword('admin', 'loladmin', 'dragonadmin') assert r['success']
def __init__(self, host, dragon_timeout, dragon_health_hashrate_min, dragon_health_hashrate_duration, dragon_health_reboot, dragon_autotune_mode, dragon_auto_upgrade, pools, statsd): """Construct a dragon (not literally tho).""" = host self.dragon_timeout = dragon_timeout self.dragon_health_hashrate_min = dragon_health_hashrate_min self.dragon_health_hashrate_duration = dragon_health_hashrate_duration self.dragon_health_reboot = dragon_health_reboot self.dragon_autotune_mode = dragon_autotune_mode self.dragon_auto_upgrade = dragon_auto_upgrade self.dragon = DragonAPI(host, dragon_timeout) self.overview = self.dragon.overview() self.mac_address = self.overview['version']['ethaddr'] self.worker = 'dragon-' + ''.join(self.mac_address.split(':'))[-8:] self.pools = self._assign_pools(pools) self.statsd = statsd self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.added'.format(self.worker)) # Assume a dragon is initially healthy self.healthy_since = time.time() print('New dragon worker={} host={} mac_address={}'.format( self.worker, host, self.mac_address))
def test_updatePools(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.updatePools( pool1='stratum+tcp://', username1='brndnmtthws.dragon-0ade5', password1='x', pool2='stratum+tcp://', username2='3GWdXx9dfLPvSe7d8UnxjnDnSAJodTTbrt.dragon-0ade5', password2='x', pool3=None, username3=None, password3=None) assert r['success']
def __init__(self, host, api_timeout, credentials, configs, statsd): """Construct a dragon (not literally tho).""" self.ip_address = = host self.dragon = None for cred in credentials: try: self.dragon = DragonAPI(host, username=cred['username'], password=cred['password'], timeout=api_timeout) self.overview = self.dragon.overview() break except: pass if self.dragon is None: raise Exception("Exhausted all credentials, unable to add dragon" "with host={}".format(host)) self.type = self.overview['type'] self.mac_address = self.overview['version']['ethaddr'] self.config = self.get_config_for_this_dragon(configs) self.api_timeout = api_timeout self.health_hashrate_duration = self.config['health_hashrate_duration'] self.health_hashrate_min = self.config['health_hashrate_minimum'] self.health_check_interval = self.config['health_check_interval'] self.health_reboot = self.config['health_reboot'] self.autotune_mode = self.config['autotune_mode'] self.autotune_level = self.config['autotune_level'] self.auto_upgrade = self.config['auto_upgrade'] self.worker = 'dragon-' + ''.join(self.mac_address.split(':'))[-8:] self.statsd = statsd self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.added'.format( self.type, self.worker)) self.rebooted = False # Assume a dragon is initially healthy self.healthy_since = time.time() print('New dragon worker={} host={} mac_address={}'.format( self.worker, host, self.mac_address))
class Dragon: """Dragon handler class.""" def __init__(self, host, dragon_timeout, dragon_health_hashrate_min, dragon_health_hashrate_duration, dragon_health_reboot, dragon_autotune_mode, dragon_auto_upgrade, pools, statsd): """Construct a dragon (not literally tho).""" = host self.dragon_timeout = dragon_timeout self.dragon_health_hashrate_min = dragon_health_hashrate_min self.dragon_health_hashrate_duration = dragon_health_hashrate_duration self.dragon_health_reboot = dragon_health_reboot self.dragon_autotune_mode = dragon_autotune_mode self.dragon_auto_upgrade = dragon_auto_upgrade self.dragon = DragonAPI(host, dragon_timeout) self.overview = self.dragon.overview() self.mac_address = self.overview['version']['ethaddr'] self.worker = 'dragon-' + ''.join(self.mac_address.split(':'))[-8:] self.pools = self._assign_pools(pools) self.statsd = statsd self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.added'.format(self.worker)) # Assume a dragon is initially healthy self.healthy_since = time.time() print('New dragon worker={} host={} mac_address={}'.format( self.worker, host, self.mac_address)) def _assign_pools(self, pools): default_pool = [] # look for a pool that has this mac address defined for pool in pools: if self.mac_address in pool['mac_addresses']: return pool['pools'] if pool['mac_addresses'] is None \ or len(pool['mac_addresses']) == 0: default_pool = pool # if no pool with this mac was found, use the default pool return default_pool['pools'] def check_and_update_firmware(self): """Check firmware version and update to latest if necessary.""" latest_firmware = self.dragon.getLatestFirmwareVersion() if latest_firmware['version'] != latest_firmware['currentVersion']: print('New firmware version available for worker={},' ' currentVersion={}, version={}'.format( latest_firmware['currentVersion'], latest_firmware['version'])) if self.dragon_auto_upgrade: url = latest_firmware['url'] print('Performing firmware upgrade for worker={} ' 'with url={}'.format(self.worker, url)) self.dragon.upgradeDownload(url) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.upgraded'.format(self.worker)) return True def check_and_update_autotune(self): """Check current autotune setting and update if necessary.""" autotune = self.dragon.getAutoTune() if autotune['autoTuneMode'] != self.dragon_autotune_mode: print('Changing autotune setting for worker={} ' 'from {} to {}'.format(self.worker, autotune['autoTuneMode'], self.dragon_autotune_mode)) self.dragon.setAutoTune(self.dragon_autotune_mode) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.autotuneChanged'.format( self.worker)) return True def _get_pool_for(self, idx): p = [x for x in self.pools if x['id'] == idx] if len(p) == 0: return { 'url': None, 'username': None, 'password': None, } else: return p[0] def check_and_update_pools(self): """Check and update the dragon's pool configuration.""" configured_pools = self.dragon.pools()['pools'] if not self._pools_same(configured_pools): print('Pools on worker={} do not match desired state, ' 'updating pool configuration'.format(self.worker)) # ugly but necessary p1 = self._get_pool_for(0) pool1 = p1['url'] username1 = '{}.{}'.format(p1['username'], self.worker) password1 = p1['password'] p2 = self._get_pool_for(1) if p2: pool2 = p2['url'] username2 = '{}.{}'.format(p2['username'], self.worker) password2 = p2['password'] else: pool2 = username2 = password2 = None p3 = self._get_pool_for(2) if p3: pool3 = p3['url'] username3 = '{}.{}'.format(p3['username'], self.worker) password3 = p3['password'] else: pool3 = username3 = password3 = None self.dragon.updatePools(pool1=pool1, username1=username1, password1=password1, pool2=pool2, username2=username2, password2=password2, pool3=pool3, username3=username3, password3=password3) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.poolsChanged'.format( self.worker)) return True def _pools_same(self, configured_pools): for idx, pool in enumerate(configured_pools): p = [x for x in self.pools if x['id'] == idx][0] if p['url'] != pool['url']: return False username = p['username'] + '.' + self.worker if username != pool['user']: return False if p['password'] != pool['pass']: return False return True def fetch_stats(self): """Fetch the dragon stats and optionally forward them to statsd.""" summary = self.dragon.summary() print('worker={0} S0={1} T0={2}C MHs5m={3:.2f} S1={4} T1={5}C' ' MHs5m={6:.2f} S2={7} T2={8}C MHs5m={9:.2f}'.format( self.worker, summary['DEVS'][0]['Status'], summary['DEVS'][0]['Temperature'], summary['DEVS'][0]['MHS 5m'], summary['DEVS'][1]['Status'], summary['DEVS'][1]['Temperature'], summary['DEVS'][1]['MHS 5m'], summary['DEVS'][2]['Status'], summary['DEVS'][2]['Temperature'], summary['DEVS'][2]['MHS 5m'], )) self.statsd.gauge('worker.{}.hardware.fan_duty'.format(self.worker), summary['HARDWARE']['Fan duty']) for dev in summary['DEVS']: metrics = [ 'Temperature', 'MHS av', 'MHS 5s', 'MHS 1m', 'MHS 5m', 'MHS 15m', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Hardware Errors', 'Utility', 'Last Share Pool', 'Last Share Time', 'Total MH', 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Last Share Difficulty', 'Last Valid Work', 'Device Hardware%', 'Device Rejected%', 'Device Elapsed', 'Hash Rate', ] for metric in metrics: self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.dev.{}.{}'.format( self.worker, dev['ID'], metric.replace(' ', '-').replace('%', '')), dev[metric]) for pool in summary['POOLS']: metrics = [ 'Getworks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Works', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Get Failures', 'Remote Failures', 'Last Share Time', 'Diff1 Shares', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Difficulty Stale', 'Last Share Difficulty', 'Work Difficulty', 'Stratum Difficulty', 'Best Share', 'Pool Rejected%', 'Pool Stale%', 'Bad Work', 'Current Block Height', 'Current Block Version', ] for metric in metrics: self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.pool.{}.{}'.format( self.worker, pool['POOL'], metric.replace(' ', '-').replace('%', '')), pool[metric]) return summary def check_health(self): """Check the health of a dragon, and optionally reboot it.""" summary = self.dragon.summary() healthy = True below_threshhold = False # check each ASIC device for dev in summary['DEVS']: if dev['Status'] == 'Dead': print('worker={} has dead device, ID={}'.format( self.worker, dev['ID'])) healthy = False # check if 15m hashrate is below threshhold if dev['MHS 15m'] / 1000.0 < self.dragon_health_hashrate_min: print('worker={} 15m hashrate for dev ID={} is below ' 'minimum threshhold of {}, current MHS 15m={}'.format( self.worker, dev['ID'], self.dragon_health_hashrate_min, dev['MHS 15m'])) below_threshhold = True if not below_threshhold: self.healthy_since = time.time() elif time.time() - self.healthy_since >= \ self.dragon_health_hashrate_duration: healthy = False if not healthy: print('worker={} is NOT healthy'.format(self.worker)) if self.dragon_health_reboot: print('Rebooting dragon worker={}'.format(self.worker)) self.dragon.reboot() self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.action.rebooted'.format( self.worker))
def test_type(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.type() assert r['success'] assert r['type'] == 'T1'
def test_updateNetwork(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.updateNetwork(dhcp='dhcp') assert r['success']
def test_network(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = assert r['success'] assert r['dhcp'] == 'dhcp'
def test_getAutoTune(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.setAutoTune('efficient') assert r['success']
def test_overview(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.overview() assert r['success'] assert r['type'] == 'T1'
def test_summary(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.summary() assert r['success'] assert len(r['DEVS']) == 3
def test_auth(host): api = DragonAPI(host) assert api.jwt is not None
def test_is_not_dragon(): is_not_dragon = not DragonAPI.is_dragon('', timeout=1) assert is_not_dragon
def test_is_dragon(host): is_dragon = DragonAPI.is_dragon(host, timeout=1) assert is_dragon
def test_getDebugStats(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.getDebugStats() assert r['success']
def test_getLatestFirmwareVersion(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.getLatestFirmwareVersion() assert r['success']
class Dragon(object): """Dragon handler class.""" def __init__(self, host, api_timeout, credentials, configs, statsd): """Construct a dragon (not literally tho).""" self.ip_address = = host self.dragon = None for cred in credentials: try: self.dragon = DragonAPI(host, username=cred['username'], password=cred['password'], timeout=api_timeout) self.overview = self.dragon.overview() break except: pass if self.dragon is None: raise Exception("Exhausted all credentials, unable to add dragon" "with host={}".format(host)) self.type = self.overview['type'] self.mac_address = self.overview['version']['ethaddr'] self.config = self.get_config_for_this_dragon(configs) self.api_timeout = api_timeout self.health_hashrate_duration = self.config['health_hashrate_duration'] self.health_hashrate_min = self.config['health_hashrate_minimum'] self.health_check_interval = self.config['health_check_interval'] self.health_reboot = self.config['health_reboot'] self.autotune_mode = self.config['autotune_mode'] self.autotune_level = self.config['autotune_level'] self.auto_upgrade = self.config['auto_upgrade'] self.worker = 'dragon-' + ''.join(self.mac_address.split(':'))[-8:] self.statsd = statsd self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.added'.format( self.type, self.worker)) self.rebooted = False # Assume a dragon is initially healthy self.healthy_since = time.time() print('New dragon worker={} host={} mac_address={}'.format( self.worker, host, self.mac_address)) def get_config_for_this_dragon(self, configs): # Condition 1: find config where both model and MAC matches for c in configs: if 'apply_to' in c and \ 'models' in c['apply_to'] and \ self.type in c['apply_to']['models'] and \ 'mac_addresses' in c and \ self.mac_address in c['apply_to']['mac_addresses']: return c # Condition 2: model is specified, but MAC is not for c in configs: if 'apply_to' in c and \ 'models' in c['apply_to'] and \ self.type in c['apply_to']['models'] and \ ('mac_addresses' not in c or len(c['apply_to']['mac_addresses']) == 0): return c # Condition 3: MAC is specified, but model is not for c in configs: if 'apply_to' in c and \ 'mac_addresses' in c['apply_to'] and \ self.mac_address in c['apply_to']['mac_addresses'] and \ ('models' not in c or len(c['apply_to']['models']) == 0): return c # Condition 4: fallback to first default config for c in configs: if 'apply_to' not in c or \ ( ('models' not in c or len(c['apply_to']['models']) == 0) and ('mac_addresses' not in c or len( c['apply_to']['mac_addresses']) == 0) ): return c def check_and_update_firmware(self, firmware): """Check firmware version and update to latest if necessary.""" latest_firmware = self.dragon.getLatestFirmwareVersion() if 'version' in latest_firmware and \ latest_firmware['version'] != \ latest_firmware['currentVersion']: print('New firmware version available for worker={},' ' currentVersion={}, version={}'.format( self.worker, latest_firmware['currentVersion'], latest_firmware['version'])) if self.auto_upgrade: url = latest_firmware['url'] local_file = firmware.get_firmware_path(url) print('Performing firmware upgrade for worker={} ' 'with url={} using local_file={}'.format( self.worker, url, local_file)) self.dragon.upgradeUpload(local_file) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.upgraded'.format( self.type, self.worker)) return True return False def check_and_update_autotune(self): """Check current autotune setting and update if necessary.""" autotune = self.dragon.getAutoTune() if 'autoTuneMode' in autotune: if 'mode' in autotune['autoTuneMode'] and 'level' in autotune[ 'autoTuneMode']: if autotune['autoTuneMode']['mode'] != self.autotune_mode: print('Changing autotune setting for worker={} ' 'from {} to mode={} level={}'.format( self.worker, autotune['autoTuneMode'], self.autotune_mode, self.autotune_level)) self.dragon.setAutoTune(self.autotune_mode, self.autotune_level) self.statsd.incr( 'worker.{}.{}.action.autotuneChanged'.format( self.type, self.worker)) return True elif autotune['autoTuneMode'] != self.autotune_mode: print('Changing autotune setting for worker={} ' 'from {} to {}'.format(self.worker, autotune['autoTuneMode'], self.autotune_mode)) self.dragon.setAutoTune(self.autotune_mode) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.autotuneChanged'.format( self.type, self.worker)) return True return False def _get_pool_for(self, idx): if idx > len(self.config['pools']) - 1: return { 'url': None, 'username': None, 'password': None, } else: return self.config['pools'][idx] def check_and_update_pools(self): """Check and update the dragon's pool configuration.""" configured_pools = self.dragon.pools()['pools'] if not self._pools_same(configured_pools): print('Pools on worker={} do not match desired state, ' 'updating pool configuration'.format(self.worker)) # ugly but necessary p1 = self._get_pool_for(0) pool1 = p1['url'] username1 = '{}.{}'.format(p1['username'], self.worker) password1 = p1['password'] p2 = self._get_pool_for(1) if p2: pool2 = p2['url'] username2 = '{}.{}'.format(p2['username'], self.worker) password2 = p2['password'] else: pool2 = username2 = password2 = None p3 = self._get_pool_for(2) if p3: pool3 = p3['url'] username3 = '{}.{}'.format(p3['username'], self.worker) password3 = p3['password'] else: pool3 = username3 = password3 = None self.dragon.updatePools(pool1=pool1, username1=username1, password1=password1, pool2=pool2, username2=username2, password2=password2, pool3=pool3, username3=username3, password3=password3) self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.poolsChanged'.format( self.type, self.worker)) return True return False def _pools_same(self, configured_pools): for idx, pool in enumerate(configured_pools): p = self._get_pool_for(idx) if p['url'] != pool['url']: return False username = p['username'] + '.' + self.worker if username != pool['user']: return False if p['password'] != pool['pass']: return False return True def fetch_stats(self): """Fetch the dragon stats and optionally forward them to statsd.""" self.summary = summary = self.dragon.summary() if 'DEVS' in summary: summary_out = 'worker={0}'.format(self.worker) for idx, stats in enumerate(summary['DEVS']): summary_out += ' S{0}={1} T{0}={2}C MHs5m={3:.2f}'\ .format(idx, stats['Status'], stats['Temperature'], stats['MHS 5m']) print(summary_out) if len(summary['DEVS']) != 3: print( 'Unexpected length of device summary from worker={}, length={} expected 3' .format(self.worker, len(summary['DEVS']))) elif 'DEVS' not in summary: print( 'Device summary from worker={} not present (did it just start up?)' .format(self.worker)) self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.{}.hardware.fan_duty'.format(self.type, self.worker), summary['HARDWARE']['Fan duty']) for dev in summary['DEVS']: self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.{}.dev.{}.Alive'.format(self.type, self.worker, dev['ID']), int(dev['Status'] == 'Alive')) metrics = [ 'Temperature', 'MHS av', 'MHS 5s', 'MHS 1m', 'MHS 5m', 'MHS 15m', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Hardware Errors', 'Utility', 'Last Share Pool', 'Last Share Time', 'Total MH', 'Diff1 Work', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Last Share Difficulty', 'Last Valid Work', 'Device Hardware%', 'Device Rejected%', 'Device Elapsed', 'Hash Rate', 'Hash Rate H', ] for metric in metrics: if metric in dev: self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.{}.dev.{}.{}'.format( self.type, self.worker, dev['ID'], metric.replace(' ', '-').replace('%', '')), dev[metric]) for pool in summary['POOLS']: metrics = [ 'Getworks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Works', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Get Failures', 'Remote Failures', 'Last Share Time', 'Diff1 Shares', 'Difficulty Accepted', 'Difficulty Rejected', 'Difficulty Stale', 'Last Share Difficulty', 'Work Difficulty', 'Stratum Difficulty', 'Best Share', 'Pool Rejected%', 'Pool Stale%', 'Bad Work', 'Current Block Height', 'Current Block Version', ] for metric in metrics: if metric in pool: self.statsd.gauge( 'worker.{}.{}.pool.{}.{}'.format( self.type, self.worker, pool['POOL'], metric.replace(' ', '-').replace('%', '')), pool[metric]) return summary def check_health(self): """Check the health of a dragon, and optionally reboot it.""" summary = self.dragon.summary() healthy = True below_threshhold = False temperature_wtf = False # check each ASIC device for dev in summary['DEVS']: if dev['Status'] == 'Dead': print('worker={} has dead device, ID={}'.format( self.worker, dev['ID'])) healthy = False # check if 15m hashrate is below threshhold if dev['MHS 15m'] < self.health_hashrate_min: print('worker={} 15m hashrate for dev ID={} is below ' 'minimum threshhold of {}, current MHS 15m={}'.format( self.worker, dev['ID'], self.health_hashrate_min, dev['MHS 15m'])) below_threshhold = True if dev['Temperature'] > 200: temperature_wtf = True print('worker={} showing temp of {} for dev ID={}, ' 'may be unhealthy'.format(self.worker, dev['Temperature'], dev['ID'])) if len(summary['DEVS']) != 3: print('worker={} only has {} devices'.format( self.worker, len(summary['DEVS']))) below_threshhold = True if not below_threshhold and not temperature_wtf: self.healthy_since = time.time() elif time.time() - self.healthy_since >= \ self.health_hashrate_duration: healthy = False if not healthy: print('worker={} is NOT healthy'.format(self.worker)) if self.health_reboot: print('Rebooting dragon worker={}'.format(self.worker)) self.rebooted = True self.dragon.reboot() self.statsd.incr('worker.{}.{}.action.rebooted'.format( self.type, self.worker))
def test_pools(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.pools() assert r['success'] assert len(r['pools']) == 2
def _is_dragon(host, timeout): if DragonAPI.is_dragon(host, timeout): return host return None
def test_getAutoTuneStatus(host, jwt): api = DragonAPI(host, jwt=jwt) r = api.getAutoTuneStatus() assert r['success'] assert r['mode'] == 'efficient'