예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     choices = {
         "(last | past) <day>": "last day",
         "(next | this) <day>": "next day",
         "last week <day>": "last week",
         "next week <day>": "next week",
     extras = [Day("day")]
     Choice.__init__(self, name=None, choices=choices, extras=extras)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self):
     choices = {
         "<n> days ago": -1,
         "yesterday": -1,
         "today": 0,
         "tomorrow": +1,
         "in <n> days": +1,
     extras = [IntegerRef("n", 1, 100)]
     Choice.__init__(self, name=None, choices=choices, extras=extras)
예제 #3
 def value(self, node):
     value = Choice.value(self, node)
     n = node.get_child_by_name("n")
     print("November:", n)
     if n is not None:
         value = value * n.value()
     return date.today() + timedelta(days=value)
예제 #4
 def value(self, node):
     value = Choice.value(self, node)
     day = node.get_child_by_name("day").value()
     now = date.today().weekday()
     print(value, day, now)
     if value == "last day":
         if day < now: day_offset = -now + day
         else: day_offset = -7 - now + day
     elif value == "next day":
         if day < now: day_offset = 7 - now + day
         else: day_offset = day - now
     elif value == "last week":
         day_offset = -now - 7 + day
     elif value == "next week":
         day_offset = -now + 7 + day
     return date.today() + timedelta(days=day_offset)
예제 #5
파일: complexity.py 프로젝트: mrob95/caster
def get_giant_choice(name):
    choices = {}
    for word in get_500_words():
        choices[word] = get_random_int()
    return Choice(name, choices)
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, name):
     Choice.__init__(self, name=name, choices=day_names)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, name):
     Choice.__init__(self, name=name, choices=month_names)
예제 #8
def spec_override_from_config(mp):
    '''run at boot time only: changes are permanent'''
    if mp.time != MergeInf.BOOT_NO_MERGE:  # 3 == MergeInf.BOOT
    '''redundant safety check'''
    if DEFS is None:

    for rule in [mp.rule1, mp.rule2]:
        if rule is not None:
            specs_changed = False
            for spec in rule.mapping_actual().keys():
                action = rule.mapping_actual()[spec]

                pspec = PreservedSpec.preserve(spec)

                for original in DEFS.specs.keys():
                    if original in pspec.altered:
                        new = DEFS.specs[original]
                        pspec.altered = pspec.altered.replace(original, new)

                pspec.altered = PreservedSpec.restore(pspec)

                if spec == pspec.altered:

                del rule.mapping_actual()[spec]
                rule.mapping_actual()[pspec.altered] = action
                specs_changed = True
            extras = rule.extras_copy().values()
            extras_changed = False
            if len(extras) > 0:
                replacements = {}
                for extra in extras:
                    if isinstance(
                            extra, Choice
                    ):  # IntegerRefSTs will be dealt with elsewhere
                        choices = extra._choices
                        replace = False
                        for s in choices.keys(
                        ):  #ex: "dunce make" is key, some int or whatever is the value
                            for ns in DEFS.extras.keys(
                            ):  #ex: "dunce" is key, "down" is the value
                                if ns in s:  # ex: "dunce" is in "dunce make"
                                    replace = True
                                    val = choices[s]
                                    del choices[s]
                                    s = s.replace(ns, DEFS.extras[ns])
                                    choices[s] = val
                        if replace:
                            new_choice = Choice(extra.name, choices)
                            replacements[extra] = new_choice
                for old_choice in replacements:
                    new_choice = replacements[old_choice]
                if len(replacements) > 0:
                    extras_changed = True
            defaults = rule.defaults_copy()
            defaults_changed = False
            if len(defaults) > 0:
                replacements = {}
                for default_key in defaults.keys():  #
                    value = defaults[default_key]
                    if isinstance(value, basestring):
                        '''only replace strings; also,
                        only replace values, not keys:
                        default_key should not be changed - it will never be spoken'''
                        nvalue = value  # new value
                        replace = False
                        for old in DEFS.defaults.keys(
                        ):  # 'old' is the target word(s) in the old 'value'
                            new = DEFS.defaults[old]
                            if old in nvalue:
                                nvalue = nvalue.replace(old, new)
                                replace = True
                        if replace:
                            defaults[default_key] = nvalue
                            defaults_changed = True

            if specs_changed or extras_changed or defaults_changed:
                rule.__init__(rule._name, rule.mapping_actual(), extras,
                              defaults, rule._exported, rule.ID,
                              rule.composite, rule.compatible, rule._mcontext,
예제 #9
class EclipseRule(MergeRule):
    pronunciation = "eclipse"

    mapping = {

            "prior tab [<n>]":                          R(Key("cs-f6"), rdescript="Eclipse: Previous Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),  # these two must be set up in the eclipse preferences
            "next tab [<n>]":                           R(Key("c-f6"), rdescript="Eclipse: Next Tab") * Repeat(extra="n"),
            "open resource":                            R(Key("cs-r"), rdescript="Eclipse: Open Resource"),
            "open type":                                R(Key("cs-t"), rdescript="Eclipse: Open Type"),

            "jump to source":                           R(Key("f3"), rdescript="Eclipse: Jump To Source"),
            "editor select":                            R(Key("c-e"), rdescript="Eclipse: Editor Select"),

            "step over [<n>]":                          R(Key("f6/50") * Repeat(extra="n"), rdescript="Eclipse: Step Over"),
            "step into":                                R(Key("f5"), rdescript="Eclipse: Step Into"),
            "step out [of]":                            R(Key("f7"), rdescript="Eclipse: Step Out"),
            "resume":                                   R(Key("f8"), rdescript="Eclipse: Resume"),
            "(debug | run) last":                       R(Key("f11"), rdescript="Eclipse: Run Last"),
            "mark occurrences":                         R(Key("as-o"), rdescript="Eclipse: Mark Occurrences"),

            # "terminate" changes to the settings for this hotkey: (when: in dialogs and windows)
            "terminate":                                R(Key("c-f2"), rdescript="Eclipse: Terminate Running Program"),

            "refractor symbol":                         R(Key("sa-r"), rdescript="Eclipse: Re-Factor Symbol"),

            "symbol next [<n>]":                        R(Key("c-k"), rdescript="Eclipse: Symbol Next") * Repeat(extra="n"),
            "symbol prior [<n>]":                       R(Key("cs-k"), rdescript="Eclipse: Symbol Prior") * Repeat(extra="n"),

            "format code":                              R(Key("cs-f"), rdescript="Eclipse: Format Code"),
            "do imports":                               R(Key("cs-o"), rdescript="Eclipse: Do Imports"),
            "comment line":                             R(Key("c-slash"), rdescript="Eclipse: Comment Line"),

            "build it":                                 R(Key("c-b"), rdescript="Eclipse: Build"),

            "split view horizontal":                    R(Key("cs-underscore"), rdescript="Eclipse: Split View (H)"),
            "split view vertical":                      R(Key("cs-lbrace"), rdescript="Eclipse: Split View (V)"),

            #Line Ops
            "find everywhere":                          R(Key("ca-g"), rdescript="Eclipse: Search Project"),
            "find word <text> [<back>] [<go>]":         R(Key("c-f")+Function(ec_con.regex_off)+Function(ec_con.find),\
                                                          rdescript="Eclipse: Find Word"),
            "find regex <text> [<back>] [<go>]":        R(Key("c-f")+Function(ec_con.regex_on)+Function(ec_con.find),\
                                                          rdescript="Eclipse: Find Regex"),
            "find <a> [<b> [<c>]] [<back>] [<go>]":     R(Key("c-f")+Function(ec_con.find),\
                                                          rdescript="Eclipse: Find Alpha"),
            "find <punctuation> [<back>] [<go>]":       R(Key("c-f")+Function(ec_con.find),\
                                                          rdescript="Eclipse: Find Character(s)"),

    extras = [
        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 3000),
        Choice("punctuation", {"hash tag": "#"}),
    defaults = {
        "n": 1,
        "mim": "",
        "a": None,
        "b": None,
        "c": None,
        "punctuation": None,
        "back": False,
        "go": False
예제 #10
파일: additions.py 프로젝트: zilch42/Caster
 def __init__(self, spec):
     Choice.__init__(self, spec, {spec: True})
예제 #11
파일: additions.py 프로젝트: seekM/caster
 def __init__(self, spec):
     Choice.__init__(self, spec, {spec: True})
예제 #12
def _spec_override_from_config(rule, definitions):
    '''redundant safety check'''
    if len(definitions) == 0:
        return rule

    mapping = rule._mapping.copy()
    specs_changed = False
    for spec in list(mapping.keys()):
        action = mapping[spec]

        extra_analyses = _analyze_extras(spec)

        new_spec = spec
        for token_to_replace in definitions.specs.keys():
            if token_to_replace in new_spec:
                replacement = definitions.specs[token_to_replace]
                new_spec = new_spec.replace(token_to_replace, replacement)

        if spec == new_spec:

        We want to protect the user from:
        - removing required extras from specs
        - accidentally renaming required extras
        But we still want the user to be able to:
        - move required extras
        - remove optional extras
        violation = _detect_illegal_spec_alteration(extra_analyses, new_spec)
        if violation is not None:
            printer.out("Illegal spec modification: cannot alter required extras. " +
                        "Cannot modify <{}> in \"{}\".".format(violation.name, spec))

        del mapping[spec]
        mapping[new_spec] = action
        specs_changed = True

    extras_list = list(rule._extras.values())
    resulting_extras_list = list(extras_list)
    extras_changed = False
    for extra in extras_list:
        # only choices; no need to bother with dictation or integers
        if isinstance(extra, Choice):
            choices_dict_copy = extra._choices.copy()  # operate on this copy of the choices dict
            choices_dict_copy_keys = set(choices_dict_copy.keys())
            replaced_a_choice_key = False
            for choices_key in choices_dict_copy_keys:  # ex: "dunce make" = key, something else = value
                for replaceable_text in definitions.extras.keys():  # ex: "dunce" is key, "down" is the value
                    if replaceable_text in choices_key:  # ex: "dunce" is in "dunce make"
                        replaced_a_choice_key = True
                        value = choices_dict_copy[choices_key]
                        del choices_dict_copy[choices_key]
                        replacement = definitions.extras[replaceable_text]
                        choices_key = choices_key.replace(replaceable_text, replacement)
                        choices_dict_copy[choices_key] = value
            if replaced_a_choice_key:
                extras_changed = True
                new_choice = Choice(extra.name, choices_dict_copy)

    defaults = rule._defaults.copy()
    defaults_changed = False
    if len(defaults) > 0:
        for default_key in list(defaults.keys()):  #
            value = defaults[default_key]
            if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                '''only replace strings; also,
                only replace values, not keys:
                default_key should not be changed - it will never be spoken'''
                nvalue = value  # new value
                replaced_a_choice_key = False
                for old in definitions.defaults.keys():  # 'old' is the target word(s) in the old 'value'
                    new = definitions.defaults[old]
                    if old in nvalue:
                        nvalue = nvalue.replace(old, new)
                        replaced_a_choice_key = True
                if replaced_a_choice_key:
                    defaults[default_key] = nvalue
                    defaults_changed = True

    if specs_changed or extras_changed or defaults_changed:
        # rule_class = rule.__class__
    return rule
예제 #13
def _spec_override_from_config(rule, definitions):
    '''redundant safety check'''
    if len(definitions) == 0:
        return rule
    mapping = rule._mapping.copy()
    specs_changed = False
    for spec in list(mapping.keys()):
        action = mapping[spec]

        pspec = _preserve(spec)

        for original in definitions.specs.keys():
            if original in pspec.altered:
                new = definitions.specs[original]
                pspec.altered = pspec.altered.replace(original, new)

        pspec.altered = _restore(pspec)

        if spec == pspec.altered:

        del mapping[spec]
        mapping[pspec.altered] = action
        specs_changed = True
    extras_list = list(rule._extras.values())
    resulting_extras_list = list(extras_list)
    extras_changed = False
    for extra in extras_list:
        # only choices; no need to bother with dictation or integers
        if isinstance(extra, Choice):
            choices_dict_copy = extra._choices.copy(
            )  # operate on this copy of the choices dict
            choices_dict_copy_keys = set(choices_dict_copy.keys())
            replaced_a_choice_key = False
            for choices_key in choices_dict_copy_keys:  # ex: "dunce make" = key, something else = value
                for replaceable_text in definitions.extras.keys(
                ):  # ex: "dunce" is key, "down" is the value
                    if replaceable_text in choices_key:  # ex: "dunce" is in "dunce make"
                        replaced_a_choice_key = True
                        value = choices_dict_copy[choices_key]
                        del choices_dict_copy[choices_key]
                        replacement = definitions.extras[replaceable_text]
                        choices_key = choices_key.replace(
                            replaceable_text, replacement)
                        choices_dict_copy[choices_key] = value
            if replaced_a_choice_key:
                extras_changed = True
                new_choice = Choice(extra.name, choices_dict_copy)
    defaults = rule._defaults.copy()
    defaults_changed = False
    if len(defaults) > 0:
        for default_key in list(defaults.keys()):  #
            value = defaults[default_key]
            if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                '''only replace strings; also,
                only replace values, not keys:
                default_key should not be changed - it will never be spoken'''
                nvalue = value  # new value
                replaced_a_choice_key = False
                for old in definitions.defaults.keys(
                ):  # 'old' is the target word(s) in the old 'value'
                    new = definitions.defaults[old]
                    if old in nvalue:
                        nvalue = nvalue.replace(old, new)
                        replaced_a_choice_key = True
                if replaced_a_choice_key:
                    defaults[default_key] = nvalue
                    defaults_changed = True

    if specs_changed or extras_changed or defaults_changed:
        # rule_class = rule.__class__
    return rule