예제 #1
def inputs(req, shape):
    def color(var, info):
        if var in info:
            c = list(color_name_to_rgb("#%s" % info[var][:6]))
            if len(info[var])>6 and (info[var][6:8]).isdigit():
                c.append(0.01*(int)(info[var][6:8])) #alpha is just numeric
                c.append(1) #assume if alpha not specified
            c=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
        return c
    # Radius
    # Dimension
    # Border
    # Color1/Color2
    # Extra
    info = req.form
    r = min(100, max(10, ('r' in info) and (int)(info['r']) or 100))
    d = 'd' in info and [int(info['d']), int(info['d'])] or [32,32]
    b = 'b' in info and int(info['b']) or 8
    c1 = color('c1', req.form)
    c2 = color('c2', req.form)
    ex = 'ex' in info and int(info['ex']) or None;

    drawer.drawShape(req, shape=shape, dimens=d, border=b, radius=r, bottom=True, color1=c1, color2=c2, extra=ex)
예제 #2
def image2(req):
	info = req.form
	r = min(100, max(10, ('r' in info) and (int)(info['r']) or 100))
	if 'c0' in info:
		c = list(color_name_to_rgb("#%s" % info['c0'][:6]))
		#c = [float(x) for x in info['c0'].split("|")]
		if len(c)==3:
			c.append(1) #alpha, although we should change this
		colors = {0: [1, 1, 1, 0.5], 1:[0.8, 0, 0, 0.5], 2:[0.2, 0.8, 0, 0.5], 3:[0, 0.2, 0.8, 0.5]}
		c = colors[('c' in info) and (int)(info['c']) or 0]
	drawer.drawShape(req, dimens=[32,32], radius=r, bottom=True, color1=c, color2=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1])
	return apache.OK	
예제 #3
def image3(req):
	info = req.form
	r = min(100, max(10, ('r' in info) and (int)(info['r']) or 100))
	d = 'd' in info and [int(info['d']), int(info['d'])] or [32,32]
	def color(var):
		if var in info:
			c = list(color_name_to_rgb("#%s" % info[var][:6]))
			#c = [float(x) for x in info['c0'].split("|")]
			if len(c)==3:
				c.append(1) #alpha, although we should change this
			c=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1]
		return c
	c1 = color('c1')
	c2 = color('c2')
	drawer.drawShape(req, dimens=d, radius=100, bottom=True, color1=c1, color2=c2)
	return apache.OK