def new_divvy(request, id_range=None): from_, to = get_divvy_range(id_range) per_page = knobs.WHITELIST_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE * (to - from_) comments = divvy(QuestComment.unjudged().order_by('-id')[:per_page], from_, to) ctx = { 'comments': comments, 'body_class': 'new', 'unjudged_count': QuestComment.objects.filter(judged=False).count(), } return r2r_jinja('whitelisting/new.html', ctx, request)
def _moderation_context(sections, id_range=None): per_page = knobs.WHITELIST_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE if id_range is not None: from_, to = get_divvy_range(id_range) per_page = knobs.WHITELIST_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE * (to - from_) comments = [] left_per_page = per_page for section in sections: if left_per_page == 0: break incoming_comments = section[:left_per_page] left_per_page -= len(incoming_comments) if id_range is None: comments.extend(list(incoming_comments)) else: comments.extend(list(divvy(incoming_comments, from_, to))) if id_range is not None: comments = divvy(comments, from_, to) try: auto_curate = loads(redis.get('dq:auto_curate')) except TypeError: auto_curate = False min_ago = time.time() - 60 return { 'comments': comments, 'auto_curate_enabled': auto_curate, 'body_class': 'moderation', }