예제 #1
 def test_paginated_included_is_list(self):
     Checks that a list GET for resources returns a list for expected 'included' fields
     response = self.client.get('/planets_with_included')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(jsonapi_document['included'], list))
예제 #2
 def test_get_is_list(self):
     Checks a list is paired with the ``data`` member
     response = self.client.get('/planets')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     document_data = jsonapi_document['data']
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(document_data, list))
예제 #3
 def test_unpaginated_get_resource_count(self):
     Checks unpaginated list GET resource count matches database count for query
     db_count = Planet.objects.all().count()
     response = self.client.get('/planets_unpaginated')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data, paginated=False)
     data = jsonapi_document['data']
     self.assertEqual(db_count, len(data))
예제 #4
 def test_unpaginated_top_level_members(self):
     Checks that an unpaginated list GET for resources returns 'data' member but
     not a 'meta' member.
     response = self.client.get('/planets_unpaginated')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data, paginated=False)
     self.assertTrue('data' in jsonapi_document)
     self.assertFalse('meta' in jsonapi_document)
예제 #5
 def test_paginated_top_level_members(self):
     Checks that a list GET for resources returns 'data', 'meta', and
     expected 'included' fields
     response = self.client.get('/planets_with_included')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     self.assertTrue('data' in jsonapi_document)
     self.assertTrue('meta' in jsonapi_document)
     self.assertTrue('included' in jsonapi_document)
예제 #6
 def test_paginated_get_one_to_one_pk(self):
     Ensures JSON API compliant build of one-to-one primary key relationship fields
     within a paginated list view
     response = self.client.get('/yellow_dwarfs')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     data = jsonapi_document['data']
     for yellow_dwarf in data:
         relationships = yellow_dwarf['relationships']
         star = relationships['star']
         one_to_one_star_data = {'data': {'type': 'stars', 'id': '1'}}
         self.assertEqual(one_to_one_star_data, star)
예제 #7
 def test_unpaginated_get_many_to_one_pk(self):
     Ensures JSON API compliant build of many-to-one primary key fields within
     an unpaginated list view. In Django, this type of model relationship is represented
     by the ``ForeignKey`` field that has its ``many`` argument set to ``False``,
     which is the default.
     response = self.client.get('/planets')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     data = jsonapi_document['data']
     for planet in data:
         relationships = planet['relationships']
         many_to_one_star_data = {'data': {'type': 'stars', 'id': '1'}}
         self.assertEqual(many_to_one_star_data, relationships['system-star'])
예제 #8
 def test_paginated_get_one_to_one_with_included(self):
     Ensures JSON API compliant build of one-to-one serialized relationship fields
     within a paginated list view
     response = self.client.get('/yellow_dwarfs_with_included')
     jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
     data = jsonapi_document['data']
     for yellow_dwarf in data:
         relationships = yellow_dwarf['relationships']
         star = relationships['star']
         one_to_one_star_data = {'data': {'type': 'stars', 'id': '1'}}
         self.assertEqual(one_to_one_star_data, star)
     included_star = [{"type": "stars", "id": "1", "attributes": {"galaxy-name": "Via Lactea", "name": "Sun"}}]
     included = jsonapi_document['included']
     self.assertEqual(included_star, included)
예제 #9
    def test_unpaginated_get_many_to_many_pk(self):
        Ensures JSON API compliant build of many-to-many primary key fields within an unpaginated
        list view.

        In Django, this type of model relationship is represented by the ``ForeignKey`` field that has
        its ``many`` argument set to ``True``.
        response = self.client.get('/planets')
        jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
        data = jsonapi_document['data']
        for planet in data:
            relationships = planet['relationships']
            planet_neighbors = relationships['neighbors']['data']
            for neighbor in planet_neighbors:
                self.assertTrue('id' in neighbor)
                self.assertTrue('type' in neighbor)
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(neighbor['id'], str))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(neighbor['type'], str))
예제 #10
    def test_unpaginated_get_many_to_many_with_included(self):
        Ensures JSON API compliant build of many-to-many serialized relationship fields within
        an unpaginated list view.

        In Django, many-to-many model relationship are represented by a ``ForeignKey`` field that has
        its ``many`` argument set to ``True``.
        response = self.client.get('/planets_with_included')
        jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
        data = jsonapi_document['data']
        for planet in data:
            relationships = planet['relationships']
            planet_neighbors = relationships['neighbors']['data']
            for neighbor in planet_neighbors:
                self.assertTrue('id' in neighbor)
                self.assertTrue('type' in neighbor)
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(neighbor['id'], str))
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(neighbor['type'], str))
        included = jsonapi_document['included']
        self.assertEqual(included, PLANETS_INCLUDED)
예제 #11
    def test_unpaginated_get_many_to_one_with_included(self):
        Ensures JSON API compliant build of many-to-one serialized relationship fields with
        an unpaginated list view.

        In Django, this type of model relationship is represented by the ``ForeignKey`` field that has
        its ``many`` argument set to ``False``, which is the default.
        response = self.client.get('/planets_with_included')
        jsonapi_document = api_utils.list_to_jsonapi_document(response.data)
        data = jsonapi_document['data']
        for planet in data:
            relationships = planet['relationships']
            many_to_one_star_data = {'data': {'type': 'stars', 'id': '1'}}
            self.assertEqual(many_to_one_star_data, relationships['system-star'])
        sun_elements = [("id", "1"), ("type", "stars"), ("attributes", {"galaxy-name": "Via Lactea", "name": "Sun"})]
        sun = OrderedDict(sun_elements)
        included = jsonapi_document['included']
        included_star = None
        for model in included:
            if model['type'] == 'stars':
                included_star = model
        self.assertEqual(included_star, sun)