예제 #1
    def decorator(view):
        view_methods = {m.__name__: m for m in get_view_methods(view)}

        for method_name, method_decorator in kwargs.items():
            if method_name not in view_methods:
                    f'@extend_schema_view argument "{method_name}" was not found on view '
                    f'{view.__name__}. method override for "{method_name}" will be ignored.'

            method = view_methods[method_name]
            # the context of derived methods must not be altered, as it belongs to the other
            # class. create a new context via the wrapping_decorator so the schema can be safely
            # stored in the wrapped_method. methods belonging to the view can be safely altered.
            if method_name in view.__dict__:
                setattr(view, method_name, wrapping_decorator(method_decorator, method))
        return view
예제 #2
    def decorator(f):
        BaseSchema = (
            # explicit manually set schema or previous view annotation
            getattr(f, 'schema', None)
            # previously set schema with @extend_schema on views methods
            or getattr(f, 'kwargs', {}).get('schema', None)
            # previously set schema with @extend_schema on @api_view
            or getattr(getattr(f, 'cls', None), 'kwargs', {}).get(
                'schema', None)
            # the default
            or api_settings.DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS)

        if not inspect.isclass(BaseSchema):
            BaseSchema = BaseSchema.__class__

        def is_in_scope(ext_schema):
            version, _ = ext_schema.view.determine_version(
                ext_schema.view.request, **ext_schema.view.kwargs)
            version_scope = versions is None or version in versions
            method_scope = methods is None or ext_schema.method in methods
            return method_scope and version_scope

        class ExtendedSchema(BaseSchema):
            def get_operation(self, path, path_regex, path_prefix, method,
                self.method = method

                if exclude and is_in_scope(self):
                    return None
                if operation is not None and is_in_scope(self):
                    return operation
                return super().get_operation(path, path_regex, path_prefix,
                                             method, registry)

            def get_operation_id(self):
                if operation_id and is_in_scope(self):
                    return operation_id
                return super().get_operation_id()

            def get_override_parameters(self):
                if parameters and is_in_scope(self):
                    return super().get_override_parameters() + parameters
                return super().get_override_parameters()

            def get_auth(self):
                if auth and is_in_scope(self):
                    return auth
                return super().get_auth()

            def get_examples(self):
                if examples and is_in_scope(self):
                    return examples
                return super().get_examples()

            def get_request_serializer(self):
                if request is not empty and is_in_scope(self):
                    return request
                return super().get_request_serializer()

            def get_response_serializers(self):
                if responses is not empty and is_in_scope(self):
                    return responses
                return super().get_response_serializers()

            def get_description(self):
                if description and is_in_scope(self):
                    return description
                return super().get_description()

            def get_summary(self):
                if summary and is_in_scope(self):
                    return str(summary)
                return super().get_summary()

            def is_deprecated(self):
                if deprecated and is_in_scope(self):
                    return deprecated
                return super().is_deprecated()

            def get_tags(self):
                if tags is not None and is_in_scope(self):
                    return tags
                return super().get_tags()

        if inspect.isclass(f):
            # either direct decoration of views, or unpacked @api_view from OpenApiViewExtension
            if operation_id is not None or operation is not None:
                    f'using @extend_schema on viewset class {f.__name__} with parameters '
                    f'operation_id or operation will most likely result in a broken schema.'
            # reorder schema class MRO so that view method annotation takes precedence
            # over view class annotation. only relevant if there is a method annotation
            for view_method in get_view_methods(view=f, schema=BaseSchema):
                if 'schema' in getattr(view_method, 'kwargs', {}):
                    view_method.kwargs['schema'] = type(
                        (view_method.kwargs['schema'], ExtendedSchema), {})
            # persist schema on class to provide annotation to derived view methods.
            # the second purpose is to serve as base for view multi-annotation
            f.schema = ExtendedSchema()
            return f
        elif callable(f) and hasattr(f, 'cls'):
            # 'cls' attr signals that as_view() was called, which only applies to @api_view.
            # keep a "unused" schema reference at root level for multi annotation convenience.
            setattr(f.cls, 'kwargs', {'schema': ExtendedSchema})
            # set schema on method kwargs context to emulate regular view behaviour.
            for method in f.cls.http_method_names:
                setattr(getattr(f.cls, method), 'kwargs',
                        {'schema': ExtendedSchema})
            return f
        elif callable(f):
            # custom actions have kwargs in their context, others don't. create it so our create_view
            # implementation can overwrite the default schema
            if not hasattr(f, 'kwargs'):
                f.kwargs = {}
            # this simulates what @action is actually doing. somewhere along the line in this process
            # the schema is picked up from kwargs and used. it's involved my dear friends.
            # use class instead of instance due to descriptor weakref reverse collisions
            f.kwargs['schema'] = ExtendedSchema
            return f
            return f