예제 #1
def main(start_dt, end_dt, netcdf_ws, ancillary_ws, output_ws,
         variables=['etr', 'pr'], extent_path=None, output_extent=None,
         stats_flag=True, overwrite_flag=False):
    """Extract GRIDMET temperature

    start_dt : datetime
        Start date.
    end_dt : datetime
        End date.
    netcdf_ws : str
        Folder of GRIDMET netcdf files.
    ancillary_ws : str
        Folder of ancillary rasters.
    output_ws : str
        Folder of output rasters.
    variable : list, optional
        GRIDMET variables to download (the default is ['etr', 'pr']).
        Choices: 'eto', 'etr', 'pr', 'srad', 'sph', 'tmmn', 'tmmx', 'vs'
        Set as ['all'] to process all variables.
    extent_path : str, optional
        File path defining the output extent.
    output_extent : list, optional
        Decimal degrees values defining output extent.
    stats_flag : bool, optional
        If True, compute raster statistics (the default is True).
    overwrite_flag : bool, optional
        If True, overwrite existing files (the default is False).


    logging.info('\nExtracting GRIDMET variables')
    logging.debug('  Start date: {}'.format(start_dt))
    logging.debug('  End date:   {}'.format(end_dt))

    # Save GRIDMET lat, lon, and elevation arrays
    elev_raster = os.path.join(ancillary_ws, 'gridmet_elev.img')

    # GRIDMET rasters to extract
    data_full_list = ['eto', 'etr', 'pr', 'srad', 'sph', 'tmmn', 'tmmx', 'vs']
    if not variables:
        logging.error('\nERROR: variables parameter is empty\n')
    elif type(variables) is not list:
        # DEADBEEF - I could try converting comma separated strings to lists?
        logging.warning('\nERROR: variables parameter must be a list\n')
    elif not set(variables).issubset(set(data_full_list)):
        logging.error('\nERROR: variables parameter is invalid\n  {}'.format(

    output_fmt = '{}_{}_daily_gridmet.img'
    gridmet_re = re.compile('(?P<VAR>\w+)_(?P<YEAR>\d{4}).nc$')

    # GRIDMET band name dictionary
    gridmet_band_dict = dict()
    gridmet_band_dict['eto'] = 'potential_evapotranspiration'
    gridmet_band_dict['etr'] = 'potential_evapotranspiration'
    gridmet_band_dict['pr'] = 'precipitation_amount'
    gridmet_band_dict['srad'] = 'surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air'
    gridmet_band_dict['sph'] = 'specific_humidity'
    gridmet_band_dict['tmmn'] = 'air_temperature'
    gridmet_band_dict['tmmx'] = 'air_temperature'
    gridmet_band_dict['vs'] = 'wind_speed'

    # Get extent/geo from elevation raster
    gridmet_ds = gdal.Open(elev_raster)
    gridmet_osr = drigo.raster_ds_osr(gridmet_ds)
    gridmet_proj = drigo.osr_proj(gridmet_osr)
    gridmet_cs = drigo.raster_ds_cellsize(gridmet_ds, x_only=True)
    gridmet_extent = drigo.raster_ds_extent(gridmet_ds)
    gridmet_full_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
    gridmet_x, gridmet_y = gridmet_extent.origin()
    gridmet_ds = None
    logging.debug('  Projection: {}'.format(gridmet_proj))
    logging.debug('  Cellsize: {}'.format(gridmet_cs))
    logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_full_geo))
    logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(gridmet_extent))

    # Subset data to a smaller extent
    if output_extent is not None:
        logging.info('\nComputing subset extent & geo')
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(output_extent))
        gridmet_extent = drigo.Extent(output_extent)
            'EXPAND', gridmet_x, gridmet_y, gridmet_cs)
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
        logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_geo))
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(gridmet_extent))
    elif extent_path is not None:
        logging.info('\nComputing subset extent & geo')
        if not os.path.isfile(extent_path):
                '\nThe extent object does not exist, exiting\n'
                '  {}'.format(extent_path))
            return False
        elif extent_path.lower().endswith('.shp'):
            gridmet_extent = drigo.feature_path_extent(extent_path)
            extent_osr = drigo.feature_path_osr(extent_path)
            extent_cs = None
            gridmet_extent = drigo.raster_path_extent(extent_path)
            extent_osr = drigo.raster_path_osr(extent_path)
            extent_cs = drigo.raster_path_cellsize(extent_path, x_only=True)
        gridmet_extent = drigo.project_extent(
            gridmet_extent, extent_osr, gridmet_osr, extent_cs)
            'EXPAND', gridmet_x, gridmet_y, gridmet_cs)
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
        logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_geo))
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(gridmet_extent))
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_full_geo

    # Get indices for slicing/clipping input arrays
    g_i, g_j = drigo.array_geo_offsets(
        gridmet_full_geo, gridmet_geo, cs=gridmet_cs)
    g_rows, g_cols = gridmet_extent.shape(cs=gridmet_cs)

    # Flip row indices since GRIDMET arrays are flipped up/down
    # Hard coding GRIDMET row count for now
    row_a, row_b = 585 - (g_j + g_rows), 585 - g_j,
    col_a, col_b = g_i, g_i + g_cols

    # Process each variable
    for input_var in variables:
        logging.info("\nVariable: {}".format(input_var))

        # Rename variables to match cimis
        if input_var == 'pr':
            output_var = 'ppt'
            output_var = input_var

        # Build output folder
        var_ws = os.path.join(output_ws, output_var)
        if not os.path.isdir(var_ws):

        # Process each file in the input workspace
        for input_name in sorted(os.listdir(netcdf_ws)):
            input_match = gridmet_re.match(input_name)
            if not input_match:
                logging.debug('  Regular expression didn\'t match, skipping')
            elif input_match.group('VAR') != input_var:
                logging.debug('  Variable didn\'t match, skipping')

            year_str = input_match.group('YEAR')
            logging.info("  {}".format(year_str))
            year_int = int(year_str)
            year_days = int(dt.datetime(year_int, 12, 31).strftime('%j'))
            if start_dt is not None and year_int < start_dt.year:
                logging.debug('    Before start date, skipping')
            elif end_dt is not None and year_int > end_dt.year:
                logging.debug('    After end date, skipping')

            # Build input file path
            input_raster = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, input_name)
            # if not os.path.isfile(input_raster):
            #     logging.debug(
            #         '  Input NetCDF doesn\'t exist, skipping    {}'.format(
            #             input_raster))
            #     continue

            # Create a single raster for each year with 365 bands
            # Each day will be stored in a separate band
            output_path = os.path.join(
                var_ws, output_fmt.format(output_var, year_str))
            logging.debug('  {}'.format(output_path))
            if os.path.isfile(output_path):
                if not overwrite_flag:
                    logging.debug('    File already exists, skipping')
                    logging.debug('    File already exists, removing existing')
                output_path, band_cnt=366, output_dtype=np.float32,
                output_proj=gridmet_proj, output_cs=gridmet_cs,
                output_extent=gridmet_extent, output_fill_flag=True)

            # Read in the GRIDMET NetCDF file
            # Immediately clip input array to save memory
            input_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(input_raster, 'r')
            input_nc = input_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict[input_var]][
                :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
            input_nc = np.flip(input_nc, 1)
            del input_nc_f

            # A numpy array is returned when slicing a masked array
            #   if there are no masked pixels
            # This is a hack to force the numpy array back to a masked array
            if type(input_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
                input_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(
                    input_nc, np.zeros(input_nc.shape, dtype=bool))

            # Check all valid dates in the year
            year_dates = _utils.date_range(
                dt.datetime(year_int, 1, 1), dt.datetime(year_int + 1, 1, 1))
            for date_dt in year_dates:
                if start_dt is not None and date_dt < start_dt:
                    logging.debug('  {} - before start date, skipping'.format(
                elif end_dt is not None and date_dt > end_dt:
                    logging.debug('  {} - after end date, skipping'.format(
                    logging.info('  {}'.format(date_dt.date()))

                doy = int(date_dt.strftime('%j'))
                doy_i = range(1, year_days + 1).index(doy)

                # Arrays are read as masked array with a fill value of -9999
                # Convert to basic numpy array arrays with nan values
                    input_full_ma = input_nc[doy_i, :, :]
                except IndexError:
                    logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
                input_full_array = input_full_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
                input_full_nodata = float(input_full_ma.fill_value)
                input_full_array[input_full_array == input_full_nodata] = np.nan

                # Since inputs are netcdf, need to create GDAL raster
                #   datasets in order to use gdal_common functions
                # Create an in memory dataset of the full ETo array
                input_full_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
                    input_full_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,

                # Then extract the subset from the in memory dataset
                output_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
                    input_full_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent,

                # Convert Kelvin to Celsius
                if input_var in ['tmmx', 'tmmn']:
                    output_array -= 273.15

                # Save the projected array as 32-bit floats
                    output_array.astype(np.float32), output_path,
                    band=doy, stats_flag=False)
                # drigo.array_to_raster(
                #     output_array.astype(np.float32), output_path,
                #     output_geo=gridmet_geo, output_proj=gridmet_proj,
                #     stats_flag=False)
                del output_array

        if stats_flag:

    logging.debug('\nScript Complete')
예제 #2
def main(netcdf_ws=os.getcwd(),
    """Compute daily ETr/ETo from GRIDMET data

    netcdf_ws : str
        Folder of GRIDMET netcdf files.
    ancillary_ws : str
        Folder of ancillary rasters.
    output_ws : str
        Folder of output rasters.
    etr_flag : str, optional
        If True, compute alfalfa reference ET (ETr) (the default is False).
    eto_flag : str, optional
        If True, compute grass reference ET (ETo) (the default is False).
    start_date : str, optional
        ISO format date (YYYY-MM-DD).
    end_date : str, optional
        ISO format date (YYYY-MM-DD).
    extent_path : str, optional
        File path defining the output extent.
    output_extent : list, optional
        Decimal degrees values defining output extent.
    stats_flag : bool, optional
        If True, compute raster statistics (the default is True).
    overwrite_flag : bool, optional
        If True, overwrite existing files (the default is False).

    logging.info('\nComputing GRIDMET ETo/ETr')

    # Compute ETr and/or ETo
    if not etr_flag and not eto_flag:
        logging.info('  ETo/ETr flag(s) not set, defaulting to ETr')
        etr_flag = True

    # If a date is not set, process 2017
        start_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        logging.debug('  Start date: {}'.format(start_dt))
        start_dt = dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
        logging.info('  Start date: {}'.format(start_dt))
        end_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        logging.debug('  End date:   {}'.format(end_dt))
        end_dt = dt.datetime(2017, 12, 31)
        logging.info('  End date:   {}'.format(end_dt))

    # Save GRIDMET lat, lon, and elevation arrays
    elev_raster = os.path.join(ancillary_ws, 'gridmet_elev.img')
    lat_raster = os.path.join(ancillary_ws, 'gridmet_lat.img')

    # Wind speed is measured at 2m
    zw = 10

    etr_fmt = 'etr_{}_daily_gridmet.img'
    eto_fmt = 'eto_{}_daily_gridmet.img'
    # gridmet_re = re.compile('(?P<VAR>\w+)_(?P<YEAR>\d{4}).nc')

    # GRIDMET band name dictionary
    gridmet_band_dict = dict()
    gridmet_band_dict['eto'] = 'potential_evapotranspiration'
    gridmet_band_dict['etr'] = 'potential_evapotranspiration'
    # gridmet_band_dict['pr'] = 'precipitation_amount'
    # gridmet_band_dict['srad'] = 'surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air'
    # gridmet_band_dict['sph'] = 'specific_humidity'
    # gridmet_band_dict['tmmn'] = 'air_temperature'
    # gridmet_band_dict['tmmx'] = 'air_temperature'
    # gridmet_band_dict['vs'] = 'wind_speed'

    # Get extent/geo from elevation raster
    gridmet_ds = gdal.Open(elev_raster)
    gridmet_osr = drigo.raster_ds_osr(gridmet_ds)
    gridmet_proj = drigo.osr_proj(gridmet_osr)
    gridmet_cs = drigo.raster_ds_cellsize(gridmet_ds, x_only=True)
    gridmet_extent = drigo.raster_ds_extent(gridmet_ds)
    gridmet_full_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
    gridmet_x, gridmet_y = gridmet_extent.origin()
    gridmet_ds = None
    logging.debug('  Projection: {}'.format(gridmet_proj))
    logging.debug('  Cellsize: {}'.format(gridmet_cs))
    logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_full_geo))
    logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(gridmet_extent))

    # Subset data to a smaller extent
    if output_extent is not None:
        logging.info('\nComputing subset extent & geo')
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(output_extent))
        gridmet_extent = drigo.Extent(output_extent)
        gridmet_extent.adjust_to_snap('EXPAND', gridmet_x, gridmet_y,
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
        logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_geo))
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(output_extent))
    elif extent_path is not None:
        logging.info('\nComputing subset extent & geo')
        if not os.path.isfile(extent_path):
            logging.error('\nThe extent object not exist, exiting\n'
                          '  {}'.format(extent_path))
            return False
        elif extent_path.lower().endswith('.shp'):
            gridmet_extent = drigo.feature_path_extent(extent_path)
            # DEADBEEF - Consider moving call into a try/except block
            # logging.error(
            #     '\nThere was a problem reading the extent object'
            #     '\nThe file path may be invalid or the file may not exist '
            #     'or be corrupt.\n{}'.format(extent_path))
            extent_osr = drigo.feature_path_osr(extent_path)
            extent_cs = None
            gridmet_extent = drigo.raster_path_extent(extent_path)
            extent_osr = drigo.raster_path_osr(extent_path)
            extent_cs = drigo.raster_path_cellsize(extent_path, x_only=True)
        gridmet_extent = drigo.project_extent(gridmet_extent, extent_osr,
                                              gridmet_osr, extent_cs)
        gridmet_extent.adjust_to_snap('EXPAND', gridmet_x, gridmet_y,
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_extent.geo(gridmet_cs)
        logging.debug('  Geo: {}'.format(gridmet_geo))
        logging.debug('  Extent: {}'.format(gridmet_extent))
        gridmet_geo = gridmet_full_geo

    # Get indices for slicing/clipping input arrays
    g_i, g_j = drigo.array_geo_offsets(gridmet_full_geo,
    g_rows, g_cols = gridmet_extent.shape(cs=gridmet_cs)

    # Flip row indices since GRIDMET arrays are flipped up/down
    # Hard coding GRIDMET row count for now
    row_a, row_b = 585 - (g_j + g_rows), 585 - g_j,
    col_a, col_b = g_i, g_i + g_cols

    # Read the elevation and latitude arrays
    elev_array = drigo.raster_to_array(elev_raster,
    lat_array = drigo.raster_to_array(lat_raster,
    lat_array *= math.pi / 180

    # Check elevation and latitude arrays
    if np.all(np.isnan(elev_array)):
        logging.error('\nERROR: The elevation array is all nodata, exiting\n')
    elif np.all(np.isnan(lat_array)):
        logging.error('\nERROR: The latitude array is all nodata, exiting\n')

    # Build output folder
    etr_ws = os.path.join(output_ws, 'etr')
    eto_ws = os.path.join(output_ws, 'eto')
    if etr_flag and not os.path.isdir(etr_ws):
    if eto_flag and not os.path.isdir(eto_ws):

    # By default, try to process all possible years
    if start_dt.year == end_dt.year:
        year_list = [str(start_dt.year)]
    year_list = sorted(map(str, range((start_dt.year), (end_dt.year + 1))))

    # Process each year separately
    for year_str in year_list:
        logging.info("\nYear: {}".format(year_str))
        year_int = int(year_str)
        year_days = int(dt.datetime(year_int, 12, 31).strftime('%j'))
        if start_dt is not None and year_int < start_dt.year:
            logging.debug('  Before start date, skipping')
        elif end_dt is not None and year_int > end_dt.year:
            logging.debug('  After end date, skipping')

        # Build input file path
        eto_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'eto_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        etr_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'etr_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        if eto_flag and not os.path.isfile(eto_path):
                '  ETo NetCDF doesn\'t exist\n    {}'.format(eto_path))
        if etr_flag and not os.path.isfile(etr_path):
                '  ETr NetCDF doesn\'t exist\n    {}'.format(etr_path))

        # Create a single raster for each year with 365 bands
        # Each day will be stored in a separate band
        etr_raster = os.path.join(etr_ws, etr_fmt.format(year_str))
        eto_raster = os.path.join(eto_ws, eto_fmt.format(year_str))
        if etr_flag and (overwrite_flag or not os.path.isfile(etr_raster)):
            logging.debug('  {}'.format(etr_raster))
        if eto_flag and (overwrite_flag or not os.path.isfile(eto_raster)):
            logging.debug('  {}'.format(eto_raster))
        # DEADBEEF - Need to find a way to test if both of these conditionals
        #   did not pass and pass logging debug message to user

        # Read in the GRIDMET NetCDF file
        # Immediately clip input arrays to save memory
        # Transpose arrays back to row x col
        logging.info('  Reading NetCDFs into memory')
        if eto_flag:
            logging.debug("    {}".format(eto_path))
            eto_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(eto_path, 'r')
            eto_nc = eto_nc_f.variables[
                gridmet_band_dict['eto']][:, row_a:row_b, col_a:col_b].copy()
            eto_nc = np.flip(eto_nc, 1)
            del eto_nc_f
        if etr_flag:
            logging.debug("    {}".format(etr_path))
            etr_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(etr_path, 'r')
            etr_nc = etr_nc_f.variables[
                gridmet_band_dict['etr']][:, row_a:row_b, col_a:col_b].copy()
            etr_nc = np.flip(etr_nc, 1)
            del etr_nc_f

        # A numpy array is returned when slicing a masked array
        #   if there are no masked pixels
        # This is a hack to force the numpy array back to a masked array
        # For now assume all arrays need to be converted
        if eto_flag and type(eto_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            eto_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(eto_nc,
                                            np.zeros(eto_nc.shape, dtype=bool))
        if etr_flag and type(etr_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            etr_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(etr_nc,
                                            np.zeros(etr_nc.shape, dtype=bool))

        # Check all valid dates in the year
        year_dates = _utils.date_range(dt.datetime(year_int, 1, 1),
                                       dt.datetime(year_int + 1, 1, 1))
        for date_dt in year_dates:
            if start_dt is not None and date_dt < start_dt:
                logging.debug('  {} - before start date, skipping'.format(
            elif end_dt is not None and date_dt > end_dt:
                logging.debug('  {} - after end date, skipping'.format(
                logging.info('  {}'.format(date_dt.date()))

            doy = int(date_dt.strftime('%j'))
            doy_i = range(1, year_days + 1).index(doy)

            if eto_flag:
                # Arrays are being read as masked array with a fill value of -9999
                # Convert to basic numpy array arrays with nan values
                    eto_ma = eto_nc[doy_i, :, :]
                except IndexError:
                    logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
                eto_array = eto_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
                eto_nodata = float(eto_ma.fill_value)
                eto_array[eto_array == eto_nodata] = np.nan

                # Since inputs are netcdf, need to create GDAL raster
                #   datasets in order to use gdal_common functions
                # Create an in memory dataset of the full ETo array
                eto_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(eto_array,

                # Then extract the subset from the in memory dataset
                eto_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
                    eto_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)

                # Save
                # drigo.array_to_raster(
                #     eto_array.astype(np.float32), eto_raster,
                #     output_geo=gridmet_geo, output_proj=gridmet_proj,
                #     stats_flag=stats_flag)

                # Cleanup
                del eto_ds, eto_array

            if etr_flag:
                    etr_ma = etr_nc[doy_i, :, :]
                except IndexError:
                    logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
                etr_array = etr_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
                etr_nodata = float(etr_ma.fill_value)
                etr_array[etr_array == etr_nodata] = np.nan
                etr_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(etr_array,
                etr_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
                    etr_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
                # drigo.array_to_raster(
                #     etr_array.astype(np.float32), etr_raster,
                #     output_geo=gridmet_geo, output_proj=gridmet_proj,
                #     stats_flag=stats_flag)
                del etr_ds, etr_array

        if stats_flag and eto_flag:
        if stats_flag and etr_flag:

        # DEADBEEF - Code for computing ETo/ETr from the component variables
        # # Build input file path
        # tmin_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'tmmn_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        # tmax_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'tmmx_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        # sph_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'sph_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        # rs_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'srad_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        # wind_path = os.path.join(netcdf_ws, 'vs_{}.nc'.format(year_str))
        # # Check that all input files are present
        # missing_flag = False
        # for input_path in [tmin_path, tmax_path, sph_path,
        #                    rs_path, wind_path]:
        #     if not os.path.isfile(input_path):
        #         logging.debug('  Input NetCDF doesn\'t exist\n    {}'.format(
        #             input_path))
        #         missing_flag = True
        # if missing_flag:
        #     logging.debug('  skipping')
        #     continue
        # # Create a single raster for each year with 365 bands
        # # Each day will be stored in a separate band
        # etr_raster = os.path.join(etr_ws, etr_fmt.format(year_str))
        # eto_raster = os.path.join(eto_ws, eto_fmt.format(year_str))
        # if etr_flag and (overwrite_flag or not os.path.isfile(etr_raster)):
        #     logging.debug('  {}'.format(etr_raster))
        #     drigo.build_empty_raster(
        #         etr_raster, band_cnt=366, output_dtype=np.float32,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj, output_cs=gridmet_cs,
        #         output_extent=gridmet_extent, output_fill_flag=True)
        # if eto_flag and (overwrite_flag or not os.path.isfile(eto_raster)):
        #     logging.debug('  {}'.format(eto_raster))
        #     drigo.build_empty_raster(
        #         eto_raster, band_cnt=366, output_dtype=np.float32,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj, output_cs=gridmet_cs,
        #         output_extent=gridmet_extent, output_fill_flag=True)
        # # DEADBEEF - Need to find a way to test if both of these conditionals
        # #   did not pass and pass logging debug message to user
        # # Read in the GRIDMET NetCDF file
        # # Immediately clip input arrays to save memory
        # # Transpose arrays back to row x col
        # logging.info('  Reading NetCDFs into memory')
        # logging.debug("    {}".format(tmin_path))
        # tmin_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(tmin_path, 'r')
        # tmin_nc = tmin_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict['tmmn']][
        #     :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
        # tmin_nc = np.flip(tmin_nc, 1)
        # tmin_nc_f.close()
        # del tmin_nc_f
        # logging.debug("    {}".format(tmax_path))
        # tmax_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(tmax_path, 'r')
        # tmax_nc = tmax_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict['tmmx']][
        #     :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
        # tmax_nc = np.flip(tmax_nc, 1)
        # tmax_nc_f.close()
        # del tmax_nc_f
        # logging.debug("    {}".format(sph_path))
        # sph_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(sph_path, 'r')
        # sph_nc = sph_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict['sph']][
        #     :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
        # sph_nc = np.flip(sph_nc, 1)
        # sph_nc_f.close()
        # del sph_nc_f
        # logging.debug("    {}".format(rs_path))
        # rs_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(rs_path, 'r')
        # rs_nc = rs_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict['srad']][
        #     :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
        # rs_nc = np.flip(rs_nc, 1)
        # rs_nc_f.close()
        # del rs_nc_f
        # logging.debug("    {}".format(wind_path))
        # wind_nc_f = netCDF4.Dataset(wind_path, 'r')
        # wind_nc = wind_nc_f.variables[gridmet_band_dict['vs']][
        #     :, row_a: row_b, col_a: col_b].copy()
        # wind_nc = np.flip(wind_nc, 1)
        # wind_nc_f.close()
        # del wind_nc_f
        # # A numpy array is returned when slicing a masked array
        # #   if there are no masked pixels
        # # This is a hack to force the numpy array back to a masked array
        # # For now assume all arrays need to be converted
        # if type(tmax_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
        #     tmax_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(
        #         tmax_nc, np.zeros(tmax_nc.shape, dtype=bool))
        # if type(sph_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
        #     sph_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(
        #         sph_nc, np.zeros(sph_nc.shape, dtype=bool))
        # if type(rs_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
        #     rs_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(
        #         rs_nc, np.zeros(rs_nc.shape, dtype=bool))
        # if type(wind_nc) != np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
        #     wind_nc = np.ma.core.MaskedArray(
        #         wind_nc, np.zeros(wind_nc.shape, dtype=bool))
        # # Check all valid dates in the year
        # year_dates = _utils.date_range(
        #     dt.datetime(year_int, 1, 1), dt.datetime(year_int + 1, 1, 1))
        # for date_dt in year_dates:
        #     if start_dt is not None and date_dt < start_dt:
        #         logging.debug('  {} - before start date, skipping'.format(
        #             date_dt.date()))
        #         continue
        #     elif end_dt is not None and date_dt > end_dt:
        #         logging.debug('  {} - after end date, skipping'.format(
        #             date_dt.date()))
        #         continue
        #     else:
        #         logging.info('  {}'.format(date_dt.date()))
        #     doy = int(date_dt.strftime('%j'))
        #     doy_i = range(1, year_days + 1).index(doy)
        #     # Arrays are being read as masked array with a fill value of -9999
        #     # Convert to basic numpy array arrays with nan values
        #     try:
        #         tmin_ma = tmin_nc[doy_i, :, :]
        #     except IndexError:
        #         logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
        #         continue
        #     tmin_array = tmin_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
        #     tmin_nodata = float(tmin_ma.fill_value)
        #     tmin_array[tmin_array == tmin_nodata] = np.nan
        #     try:
        #         tmax_ma = tmax_nc[doy_i, :, :]
        #     except IndexError:
        #         logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
        #         continue
        #     tmax_array = tmax_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
        #     tmax_nodata = float(tmax_ma.fill_value)
        #     tmax_array[tmax_array == tmax_nodata] = np.nan
        #     try:
        #         sph_ma = sph_nc[doy_i, :, :]
        #     except IndexError:
        #         logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
        #         continue
        #     sph_array = sph_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
        #     sph_nodata = float(sph_ma.fill_value)
        #     sph_array[sph_array == sph_nodata] = np.nan
        #     try:
        #         rs_ma = rs_nc[doy_i, :, :]
        #     except IndexError:
        #         logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
        #         continue
        #     rs_array = rs_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
        #     rs_nodata = float(rs_ma.fill_value)
        #     rs_array[rs_array == rs_nodata] = np.nan
        #     try:
        #         wind_ma = wind_nc[doy_i, :, :]
        #     except IndexError:
        #         logging.info('    date not in netcdf, skipping')
        #         continue
        #     wind_array = wind_ma.data.astype(np.float32)
        #     wind_nodata = float(wind_ma.fill_value)
        #     wind_array[wind_array == wind_nodata] = np.nan
        #     del tmin_ma, tmax_ma, sph_ma, rs_ma, wind_ma
        #     # Since inputs are netcdf, need to create GDAL raster
        #     #   datasets in order to use gdal_common functions
        #     # Create an in memory dataset of the full ETo array
        #     tmin_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
        #         tmin_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,
        #         # tmin_array, output_geo=gridmet_full_geo,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj)
        #     tmax_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
        #         tmax_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,
        #         # tmax_array, output_geo=gridmet_full_geo,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj)
        #     sph_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
        #         sph_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,
        #         # sph_array, output_geo=gridmet_full_geo,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj)
        #     rs_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
        #         rs_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,
        #         # rs_array, output_geo=gridmet_full_geo,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj)
        #     wind_ds = drigo.array_to_mem_ds(
        #         wind_array, output_geo=gridmet_geo,
        #         # wind_array, output_geo=gridmet_full_geo,
        #         output_proj=gridmet_proj)
        #     # Then extract the subset from the in memory dataset
        #     tmin_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
        #         tmin_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
        #     tmax_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
        #         tmax_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
        #     sph_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
        #         sph_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
        #     rs_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
        #         rs_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
        #     wind_array = drigo.raster_ds_to_array(
        #         wind_ds, 1, mask_extent=gridmet_extent, return_nodata=False)
        #     del tmin_ds, tmax_ds, sph_ds, rs_ds, wind_ds
        #     # Adjust units
        #     tmin_array -= 273.15
        #     tmax_array -= 273.15
        #     rs_array *= 0.0864
        #     # Compute vapor pressure from specific humidity
        #     pair_array = refet.calcs._air_pressure(elev=elev_array)
        #     ea_array = refet.calcs._actual_vapor_pressure(
        #         q=sph_array, pair=pair_array)
        #     # ETr/ETo
        #     refet_obj = refet.Daily(
        #         tmin=tmin_array, tmax=tmax_array, ea=ea_array, rs=rs_array,
        #         uz=wind_array, zw=zw, elev=elev_array, lat=lat_array, doy=doy,
        #         method='asce')
        #     if etr_flag:
        #         etr_array = refet_obj.etr()
        #     if eto_flag:
        #         eto_array = refet_obj.eto()
        #     # Cleanup
        #     del tmin_array, tmax_array, sph_array, rs_array, wind_array
        #     del pair_array, ea_array
        #     # Save the projected array as 32-bit floats
        #     if etr_flag:
        #         drigo.array_to_comp_raster(
        #             etr_array.astype(np.float32), etr_raster,
        #             band=doy, stats_flag=False)
        #         # drigo.array_to_raster(
        #         #     etr_array.astype(np.float32), etr_raster,
        #         #     output_geo=gridmet_geo, output_proj=gridmet_proj,
        #         #     stats_flag=stats_flag)
        #         del etr_array
        #     if eto_flag:
        #         drigo.array_to_comp_raster(
        #             eto_array.astype(np.float32), eto_raster,
        #             band=doy, stats_flag=False)
        #         # drigo.array_to_raster(
        #         #     eto_array.astype(np.float32), eto_raster,
        #         #     output_geo=gridmet_geo, output_proj=gridmet_proj,
        #         #     stats_flag=stats_flag)
        #         del eto_array
        # del tmin_nc
        # del tmax_nc
        # del sph_nc
        # del rs_nc
        # del wind_nc
        # if stats_flag and etr_flag:
        #     drigo.raster_statistics(etr_raster)
        # if stats_flag and eto_flag:
        #     drigo.raster_statistics(eto_raster)

    logging.debug('\nScript Complete')