예제 #1
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  #Using the GPIO.BOARD setmode
servoPin = 11  #Servo Motor control pin(Yellow)
IR1 = 31  #Parking Slot 1 Infrared Sensor
IR2 = 33  #parking Slot 2 Infrared Sensor
exitIR = 37  #Exit Infrared for exiting vehicles
#Setting IR1, IR2 and ExitIr as input and ServoPin as Output
GPIO.setup(exitIR, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(IR1, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(IR2, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(servoPin, GPIO.OUT)
#Listening to the IR sensors for input
sensor1 = GPIO.input(IR1)
sensor2 = GPIO.input(IR2)
exitSensor = GPIO.input(exitIR)
display = drivers.Lcd()  # Importing LCD Drivers
#pwm = GPIO.PWM(servoPin, 50) #PWM initialised at 50Hz frequency
availableSlots = 0  #initialising the number of empty slots to 0

#beginning of OpenCv for License Plate recognition
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)  #Starting Video Capture
#Entering The endless loop for repetitive function
while (True):
    ret, frame = cap.read()  #Read Frames
    plate = extraction(frame)  #take a picture
        text = ocr(plate)  #Do Optical Character Recognition
        text = ''.join(e for e in text
                       if e.isalnum())  #Remove spaces from extracted text
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, ticker=""):

        self.ticker = ticker
        self.open_price = self.get_open_price()
        self.current_price = self.get_current_price()
        self.display = drivers.Lcd()
예제 #3
                          if ping(address) else "{} is DOWN".format(host))
            # use netcat for services
            for service, address in services.items():
                lcd_print(top="# NetMonitor #",
                          bottom="{} is UP".format(service) if nc(
                              address['ip'], address['port']) else
                          "{} is DOWN".format(service))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        end('Signal to stop', 0)
    except (RuntimeError, IOError):
        end('I2C bus error', 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create a display object from the Lcd class
    display = drivers.Lcd()
    # customizable dict of unique, pingable hosts
    hosts = {
        'Internet': '',
        'Firewall': '',
        'NAS': ''
    # customizable dict of unique, netcatable services
    services = {
        'Cameras': {
            'ip': '',
            'port': '8000'
        'Plex': {
            'ip': '',
            'port': '32400'
예제 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #Imports RPi for GPIO Use (Comment/Uncomment to use)
import drivers # Imports Custom LCD Display Driver
import struct # Imports structure function
import time # Imports time function
from time import sleep # Imports sleep function from time module
disp = drivers.Lcd() # Initializes LCD Display


	'A':'01', 'B':'1000', 'C':'1010', 'D':'100', 'E':'0', 'F':'0010', 'G':'110',
	'H':'0000', 'I':'00', 'J':'0111', 'K':'101', 'L':'0100', 'M':'11', 'N':'10',
	'O':'111', 'P':'0110', 'Q':'1101', 'R':'010', 'S':'000', 'T':'1',
	'U':'001', 'V':'0001', 'W':'011', 'X':'1001', 'Y':'1011', 'Z':'1100',
	'1':'01111', '2':'00111', '3':'00011', '4':'00001', '5':'00000',
	'6':'10000', '7':'11000', '8':'11100', '9':'11110', '0':'11111',
	'?':'001100', '/':'10010', ',':'110011', '.':'010101', ';':'101010',
	'!':'101011', '@':'011010', ':':'111000',

def setup():
    GPIO.setup(BeepPin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)

def on():
    GPIO.output(BeepPin, 1)
    GPIO.output(ALedPin, 1)