def test_check_config_happy_path(aws: AWS, caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """ Given: A correctly configured AWS adapter object. When: Configuration is checked Then: The user is informed of the correct state. """ aws.check_configuration() # act assert ("", logging.INFO, "AWS: OK") in caplog.record_tuples
def test_check_config_unauthorized_error( aws: AWS, boto: Mock, caplog: LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: """ Given: An incorrectly configured AWS adapter object. When: Configuration is checked. Then: The user is informed of the incorrect state and an exception is raised. """ boto.client.side_effect = NoRegionError() with pytest.raises(AWSConfigurationError): aws.check_configuration() assert ("", logging.ERROR, "AWS: KO") in caplog.record_tuples
def project_status(config: Config, aws: AWS) -> ProjectStatus: """Fetch the status of the autoscaling groups of the active project. Raises: ConfigError: If there are no active projects, no configured projects or the active project doesn't exist. """ project: ProjectStatus = {} active_project = get_active_project(config) for environment in ["Production", "Staging"]: try: autoscaler_name = config.get( f"projects.{active_project}." f"aws.autoscaling_groups.{environment.lower()}" ) if not isinstance(autoscaler_name, str): raise ConfigError("The autoscaler name is not a string") autoscaler_info = aws.get_autoscaling_group(autoscaler_name) except ConfigError: autoscaler_info = {} project[environment] = autoscaler_info return project
def test_get_autoscaling_handles_unexistent(aws: AWS, boto: Mock) -> None: """ Given: An AWS adapter. When: Using the get_autoscaling_group on an inexistent autoscaling group. Then: An exception is raised. """ boto = boto.client.return_value boto.describe_auto_scaling_groups.return_value = { "AutoScalingGroups": [], "ResponseMetadata": {"HTTPStatusCode": 200}, } with pytest.raises(AWSStateError) as error: aws.get_autoscaling_group("inexistent_autoscaling_group") assert "There are no autoscaling groups named inexistent_autoscaling_group" in str( error.value )
def test_print_autoscaling_group_happy_path( aws: AWS, capsys: CaptureFixture[Any] ) -> None: """ Given: The information of an autoscaling group following the AutoscalerInfo schema. When: print_autoscaling_group_info is called. Then: The expected table is printed. """ autoscaler_info = aws.get_autoscaling_group("autoscaler_name") views.print_autoscaling_group_info(autoscaler_info) # act out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == ( "Active Template: launch-config-name\n" "Instance IP Status Created Template\n" "------------------- ------------ ----------------- ---------------- ----------------------\n" "i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Healthy/InService 2020-06-08T11:29 old-launch-config-name\n" ) assert err == ""
def load_aws() -> AWS: """Configure the AWS adapter.""" return AWS()
def test_get_autoscaling_returns_instances_info(aws: AWS, boto: Mock) -> None: """ Given: An AWS adapter. When: Using the get_autoscaling_group method. Then: The information of the autoscaling group and it's associated resources is returned. """ boto = boto.client.return_value boto.describe_auto_scaling_groups.return_value = { "AutoScalingGroups": [ { "AutoScalingGroupARN": "autoscaling_arn", "AutoScalingGroupName": "production_autoscaling_group_name", "AvailabilityZones": ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1b", "us-west-1c"], "CreatedTime": datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 19, 16, 8, 26, 535000), "DefaultCooldown": 300, "DesiredCapacity": 2, "EnabledMetrics": [], "HealthCheckGracePeriod": 300, "HealthCheckType": "ELB", "Instances": [ { "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-1d", "HealthStatus": "Healthy", "InstanceId": "i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "LaunchConfigurationName": "old-launch-config-name", "LifecycleState": "InService", "ProtectedFromScaleIn": False, }, ], "LaunchConfigurationName": "launch-config-name", "LoadBalancerNames": [], "MaxSize": 10, "MinSize": 2, "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": False, "ServiceLinkedRoleARN": "servicelinkedrolearn", "SuspendedProcesses": [], "TargetGroupARNs": ["target_group_arn"], "TerminationPolicies": ["Default"], } ], "ResponseMetadata": {"HTTPStatusCode": 200}, } # ECE001: Expression is too complex (7.5 > 7). It's the way the API is defined. boto.describe_instances.return_value = { # noqa: ECE001 "Reservations": [ { "Groups": [], "Instances": [ { "InstanceType": "t2.medium", "LaunchTime": datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 8, 11, 29, 27), "PrivateIpAddress": "", "State": {"Code": 16, "Name": "running"}, } ], } ], "ResponseMetadata": {"HTTPStatusCode": 200}, } desired_result = { "template": "launch-config-name", "instances": [ { "Instance": "i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "IP": "", "Status": "Healthy/InService", "Created": "2020-06-08T11:29", "Template": "old-launch-config-name", } ], } result = aws.get_autoscaling_group("production_autoscaling_group_name") assert result == desired_result
def aws_(boto: Mock) -> AWS: # noqa: W0613 """Prepare the AWS object to test.""" return AWS()