예제 #1
def test_undo():
    """Based upon test_simple(...), verify undo behaving as expected."""
    s = Shell(Game(random=random.Random(4), player=Default))

    # Supplies a private flag so that DrollErrors percolate to this level
    def onecmd(line):
        s.onecmd(line, _raises=True)


    # (delve=1, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ...)
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):

    # (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(goblin=1),
    #  party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ...)
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("fighter goblin")
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("cleric goblin")
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("mage goblin")

    # (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(goblin=2), ...)
    assert s._game._world.dungeon.goblin == 2
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("thief goblin")
    onecmd("fighter goblin")
    onecmd("fighter goblin")

    # (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1), ...)
    assert s._game._world.dungeon.ooze == 1
    assert s._game._world.dungeon.chest == 1
    assert s._game._world.dungeon.potion == 1
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("cleric ooze")
    onecmd("cleric ooze")
    onecmd("thief chest")
    with pytest.raises(DrollError):
    onecmd("scroll potion champion")
    onecmd("scroll potion thief")
예제 #2
def test_EOF():
    """Confirm providing EOF exits cmdloop(...)."""
    s = Shell(Game())
    assert not s.cmdqueue
    assert s.prompt == "(Default  0) "
    assert s.lastcmd == ""
예제 #3
def test_help():
    """Confirm help invocations do not throw exceptions."""
    s = Shell(Game())
예제 #4
def test_simple():
    """Runs the following scenario:

    (delve=1, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(goblin=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) cleric goblin

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(goblin=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) fighter goblin

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) thief ooze

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) thief chest

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) scroll potion
    Require exactly 1 to revive

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) scroll potion champion

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) descend

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, potion=2), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) cleric skeleton

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(ooze=1, potion=2), party=(mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) mage ooze

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(potion=2), party=(champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) champion potion champion fighter

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) descend

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=2, ooze=2), party=(fighter=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) champion ooze

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=2), party=(fighter=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Default  1) talisman skeleton

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1), party=(fighter=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) fighter goblin

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(), party=(), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  0) retire

    (delve=2, experience=5, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=3, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Default  5) EOF
    # Drive the game according to the script in the above docstring.
    s = Shell(Game(random=random.Random(4), player=Default))
    parsed = parse_summary_command(test_simple.__doc__)
    for index, (expected_summary, following_command) in enumerate(parsed):
        assert expected_summary == s.summary(
        ), "Summary mismatch at {}".format(index)
예제 #5
def test_minstrel():
    """Runs the following scenario involving unique Minstrel/Bard details:

    (delve=1, party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=2, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(goblin=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=2, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) mage goblin

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(ooze=1, potion=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) thief ooze

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) scroll potion thief

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(ooze=3), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) thief ooze

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(skeleton=3, chest=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) cleric skeleton

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(chest=1), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) fighter goblin

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1, dragon=2), party=(mage=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Minstrel  0) mage chest

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(potion=1, dragon=2), party=(scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Minstrel  1) scroll potion champion

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Minstrel  1) ability

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(), party=(champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Minstrel  1) retire

    (delve=2, experience=5, party=(fighter=1, thief=3, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(ooze=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=3, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) thief ooze

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, thief=2, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=2, experience=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=2, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) thief goblin

    (delve=2, depth=2, experience=5, dungeon=(dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, chest=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) champion skeleton ooze

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(chest=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=5, dungeon=(ooze=1, potion=2, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) thief ooze

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=5, dungeon=(potion=2, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) scroll potion mage cleric

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=5, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=2, potion=1, dragon=3), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) scroll goblin skeleton skeleton

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=5, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=4), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) mage ooze

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=5, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1, dragon=4), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Bard  6) fighter chest

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=5, dungeon=(potion=1, dragon=4), party=(cleric=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard  7) ability

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=5, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(cleric=1, champion=1), treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard  7) retire

    (delve=3, experience=10, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) descend

    (delve=3, depth=1, experience=10, dungeon=(ooze=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) cleric ooze

    (delve=3, depth=1, experience=10, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) descend

    (delve=3, depth=2, experience=10, dungeon=(goblin=1, potion=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) fighter goblin

    (delve=3, depth=2, experience=10, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) scroll potion fighter

    (delve=3, depth=2, experience=10, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) descend

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=10, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) cleric goblin

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=10, dungeon=(skeleton=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) champion skeleton

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=10, dungeon=(dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) descend

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) fighter skeleton

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(thief=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) thief ooze

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) scroll potion thief

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(chest=1, dragon=1), party=(thief=1), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1))
    (Bard 12) thief chest

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(dragon=1), party=(), ability=True, treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1, ring=1))
    (Bard 13) ability

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=10, dungeon=(), party=(), treasure=(sword=1, talisman=1, ring=1))
    (Bard 13) EOF
    # Drive the game according to the script in the above docstring.
    s = Shell(Game(random=random.Random(27), player=Minstrel))
    parsed = parse_summary_command(test_spellsword.__doc__)
    for index, (expected_summary, following_command) in enumerate(parsed):
        assert expected_summary == s.summary(
        ), "Summary mismatch at {}".format(index)
예제 #6
def test_spellsword():
    """Runs the following scenario involving unique Spellsword/Battlemage details:

    (delve=1, party=(cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) ability fighter

    (delve=1, party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(potion=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=1), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) scroll potion champion

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(goblin=2, ooze=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=3, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) mage goblin

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(ooze=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=2, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) fighter ooze

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(cleric=1, mage=2, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(skeleton=1, chest=2, dragon=3), party=(cleric=1, mage=2, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) cleric skeleton

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(chest=2, dragon=3), party=(mage=2, thief=1, champion=2), treasure=())
    (Spellsword  0) thief chest

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(dragon=3), party=(mage=2, champion=2), treasure=(elixir=1, scale=1))
    (Spellsword  2) champion dragon mage mage

    (delve=1, depth=4, experience=1, dungeon=(), party=(champion=1), treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Spellsword  4) retire

    (delve=2, experience=5, party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) descend

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(skeleton=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) cleric skeleton

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) descend

    (delve=2, depth=2, experience=5, dungeon=(skeleton=2), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, champion=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) champion skeleton

    (delve=2, depth=2, experience=5, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) descend

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(potion=2, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, thief=1, scroll=3), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) scroll potion fighter mage

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(dragon=1), party=(fighter=2, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) descend

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=5, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, potion=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=2, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=2), ability=True, treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) ability

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=5, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=2, mage=1, thief=1, scroll=2), treasure=(elixir=1, bait=1, scale=1))
    (Battlemage  8) EOF
    # Drive the game according to the script in the above docstring.
    s = Shell(Game(random=random.Random(17), player=Spellsword))
    parsed = parse_summary_command(test_spellsword.__doc__)
    for index, (expected_summary, following_command) in enumerate(parsed):
        assert expected_summary == s.summary(
        ), "Summary mismatch at {}".format(index)
예제 #7
def test_knight():
    """Runs the following scenario involving unique Knight/Dragonslayer details:

    (delve=1, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(goblin=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) cleric goblin

    (delve=1, depth=1, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(goblin=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) fighter goblin

    (delve=1, depth=2, dungeon=(), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) descend

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) thief ooze

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, thief=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=())
    (Knight  0) thief chest

    (delve=1, depth=3, dungeon=(potion=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) descend

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, potion=2), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) ability

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(potion=2, dragon=2), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) mage potion mage fighter

    (delve=1, depth=4, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) descend

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=2, ooze=2, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) cleric skeleton

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, ooze=2, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) mage ooze

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) fighter goblin

    (delve=1, depth=5, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (Knight  1) retire

    (delve=2, experience=5, party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=3, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(ooze=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=3, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) mage ooze

    (delve=2, depth=1, experience=5, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=2, experience=5, dungeon=(dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) descend

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(goblin=1, ooze=1, potion=1, dragon=2), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) ability

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(potion=1, dragon=4), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=2, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) mage potion thief

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=5, dungeon=(dragon=4), party=(fighter=1, cleric=2, mage=1, thief=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1))
    (DragonSlayer  6) cleric dragon thief

    (delve=2, depth=3, experience=6, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer  9) descend

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=6, dungeon=(skeleton=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(fighter=1, cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer  9) fighter skeleton

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=6, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(cleric=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer  9) mage chest

    (delve=2, depth=4, experience=6, dungeon=(potion=1, dragon=1), party=(cleric=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 10) descend

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=6, dungeon=(goblin=1, skeleton=1, ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(cleric=1, champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 10) cleric goblin

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=6, dungeon=(skeleton=1, ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(champion=1), treasure=(talisman=1, scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 10) champion skeleton

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=6, dungeon=(ooze=1, chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(), treasure=(talisman=1, scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 10) talisman ooze

    (delve=2, depth=5, experience=6, dungeon=(chest=1, potion=1, dragon=1), party=(), treasure=(scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer  9) retire

    (delve=3, experience=11, party=(fighter=1, mage=3, champion=3), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 14) descend

    (delve=3, depth=1, experience=11, dungeon=(skeleton=1), party=(fighter=1, mage=3, champion=3), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 14) mage skeleton

    (delve=3, depth=1, experience=11, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, mage=2, champion=3), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 14) descend

    (delve=3, depth=2, experience=11, dungeon=(chest=2), party=(fighter=1, mage=2, champion=3), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, portal=1))
    (DragonSlayer 14) champion chest

    (delve=3, depth=2, experience=11, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, mage=2, champion=2), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, bait=1, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 16) descend

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=11, dungeon=(skeleton=2, chest=1), party=(fighter=1, mage=2, champion=2), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, bait=1, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 16) champion skeleton

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=11, dungeon=(chest=1), party=(fighter=1, mage=2, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, bait=1, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 16) mage chest

    (delve=3, depth=3, experience=11, dungeon=(), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, bait=2, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 17) descend

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=11, dungeon=(goblin=3, ooze=1), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, champion=1), ability=True, treasure=(scroll=1, bait=2, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 17) ability

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=11, dungeon=(dragon=4), party=(fighter=1, mage=1, champion=1), treasure=(scroll=1, bait=2, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 17) mage dragon fighter

    (delve=3, depth=4, experience=12, dungeon=(), party=(champion=1), treasure=(scroll=1, elixir=1, bait=2, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 19) retire

    (delve=3, experience=16, party=(champion=1), treasure=(scroll=1, elixir=1, bait=2, portal=1, scale=1))
    (DragonSlayer 23) EOF
    # Drive the game according to the script in the above docstring.
    s = Shell(Game(random=random.Random(4), player=Knight))
    parsed = parse_summary_command(test_knight.__doc__)
    for index, (expected_summary, following_command) in enumerate(parsed):
        assert expected_summary == s.summary(
        ), "Summary mismatch at {}".format(index)
예제 #8
def test_game_construction():