예제 #1
파일: MAZE 2.0.py 프로젝트: amonreal3/lab_7
def Maze2(rows, columns, wallList):
    n = rows * columns  #number of cells
    print("there are ", n, "cells ")
    m = input("How many walls would you like to remove")
    m = int(m)
    s = dsf.DisjointSetForest(n)
    if m < n - 1:
            "A path from source to destination is not guaranteed to exist (when m < n − 1)"
    if m == n - 1:
            "The is a unique path from source to destination (when m = n − 1)")
    if m > n - 1:
            "There is at least one path from source to destination (when m > n − 1)"
    if m > len(wallList):
        while m > 0:

            x = random.randint(0, len(wallList) - 1)
            m -= 1
        return wallList
    while m > 0:
        curr = random.randint(0, len(wallList) - 1)
        wall = wallList[curr]
        if dsf.find(s, wall[0]) != dsf.find(s, wall[1]):
            dsf.union(s, wall[0], wall[1])
            m -= 1
    return wallList
예제 #2
def connected_components(G, diplay_dsf=False):
    S = dsf.DisjointSetForest(len(G))
    for source in range(len(G)):
        for dest in G[source]:
            dsf.union_by_size(S, source, dest)
            if diplay_dsf:
    return dsf.NumSets(S), S
예제 #3
파일: Maze.py 프로젝트: amonreal3/Lab6
def dsfMaze(rows,columns,wallList):
    cells = rows * columns
    s = dsf.DisjointSetForest(cells)
    while dsf.NumSets(s)> 1:
        curr = random.randint(0,len(wallList)-1)
        wall = wallList[curr]
        if dsf.find(s,wall[0]) != dsf.find(s,wall[1]):
            dsf.union(s, wall[0], wall[1])
예제 #4
파일: MAZE 2.0.py 프로젝트: amonreal3/lab_7
def adjListdsfMaze(rows, columns, wallList):
    cells = rows * columns
    s = dsf.DisjointSetForest(cells)
    G = [[] for i in range(len(cells))]
    while dsf.NumSets(s) > 1:
        curr = random.randint(0, len(wallList) - 1)
        wall = wallList[curr]
        if dsf.find(s, wall[0]) != dsf.find(s, wall[1]):
            dsf.union(s, wall[0], wall[1])
            newEntry = wallList.pop(curr)
    return G
예제 #5
def remove_x_walls(W, Print, maze_rows, maze_cols, x):
    sets = dsf.DisjointSetForest(maze_rows * maze_cols)
    start = dt.now()

    for i in range(x):
        d = random.randint(0, len(W) - 1)
        dsf.union(sets, W[d][0], W[d][1])
    stop = dt.now() - start

    if Print == True:
        draw_maze(W, maze_rows, maze_cols, True)
    print('wall removal took ', stop, ' to complete.')

    return W
예제 #6
def kruskals_algorithm(graph):
    dsf1 = dsf.DisjointSetForest()  #holds disjoint set forest

    for vertex in graph['vertices']:  #makes each vertex into a set

    minimum_spanning_tree = set()  #holds the tree to be returned
    edges = list(graph['edges'])  #list of all edges in the tree
    edges.sort()  #sorts the edges

    for edge in edges:
        weight, vertice1, vertice2 = edge  #assigns each var. to part of the edge set
        if dsf1.find(vertice1) != dsf1.find(vertice2):
            dsf1.union(vertice1, vertice2)

    return sorted(minimum_spanning_tree)
예제 #7
def remove_walls_c(W, Print, maze_rows, maze_cols):
    sets = dsf.DisjointSetForest(maze_rows * maze_cols)
    numSets = dsf.num_of_sets(sets)
    start = dt.now()
    while numSets > 1 and W is not None:
        d = random.randint(0, len(W) - 1)
        if (dsf.in_same_set(sets, W[d][0], W[d][1])) == False:

            dsf.union_c(sets, W[d][0], W[d][1])
            numSets -= 1
    stop = dt.now() - start
    if Print == True:
        draw_maze(W, maze_rows, maze_cols, True)
    print('With compression, wall removal took ', stop, ' to complete.')
    return W
예제 #8
        return False

def RemoveWalls(Set, walls):
    #This method removes walls until all celss are part of the same set.
    while CheckSet(M) is not True:
        #Here we choose a random wall
        d = random.randint(0, len(walls) - 1)
        #If the cells are not in the same set, we remove the wall keeping them apart.
        if SameSet(Set, walls, d) == False:
            #NOTE: For this particular submission, I used union without compression.
            dsf.union(Set, walls[d][0], walls[d][1])

maze_rows = 10
maze_cols = 15

walls = wall_list(maze_rows, maze_cols)

draw_maze(walls, maze_rows, maze_cols, cell_nums=True)

#This creates a dsf the same size as the number of cells
M = dsf.DisjointSetForest(maze_rows * maze_cols)

RemoveWalls(M, walls)

draw_maze(walls, maze_rows, maze_cols)
예제 #9
    #           User Interface              #

    start = time.time()
    maze_rows = 8
    maze_cols = 12
    num_cells = maze_rows * maze_cols

    #Maze creation

    walls = wall_list(maze_rows, maze_cols)

    draw_maze(walls, maze_rows, maze_cols, cell_nums=True)

    S = dsf.DisjointSetForest(num_cells)

    print("n, the number of cells:", num_cells)
    x = input("Type m, the number of walls to remove:")

    #Choice m < n-1
    if int(x) < num_cells - 1:
            "A path from source to destination is not guaranteed to exist (m < n -1)"
        Gr = Choice_1(S, walls, int(x))
        print("depth_first_search Stack")
        path3 = Depth_first_search_Stack(Gr, 0)
        printPath(path3, num_cells - 1)
예제 #10
파일: lab7.py 프로젝트: kmora2b/CS2302
        print('A path from source to destination is not guaranteed to exist')
        case = 1

    elif m == (n - 1):
        print('There is a unique path from source to destination')
        case = 2

        print('There is at least one path from source to destination')
        case = 3

    #Draws initial maze with numbers
    draw_maze(walls, maze_rows, maze_cols, cell_nums=True)

    #Create dsf with the size of the maze(rows * cols)
    S = dsf.DisjointSetForest(n)

    #Create valid maze based on the previous case
    check_maze_uc(S, walls, maze_cols, maze_rows, m, case)
    draw_maze(walls, maze_rows, maze_cols)

    #Make an adjacency list
    G = maze_adjlist(walls_org, walls, n)
    print('Adjacency List: ', G)

    #Draw the grapical representation of the maze
    draw_graph_maze(G, maze_rows, maze_cols)

    #Create global variables for the algorithms
    global visited
    global prev