def main(): rng = np.random.RandomState(4) np.random.seed(1) # Define model parameters # num_dist_basis = 40 # defined at the top c_len = 30 num_hidden_neurons = 60 num_interaction_passes = 2 values_to_predict = 1 # Load data Z, D, y, num_species = load_qm7b_data(num_dist_basis, dtype=theano.config.floatX, xyz_file=path_to_xyz_file, expand_features=False) # NOTE!!! D is not feature_expanded expand_features = False #Z, D, y, num_species = load_oqmd_data(num_dist_basis, dtype=theano.config.floatX, filter_query="natoms<10,computation=standard") max_mol_size = Z.shape[1] if path_to_targets_file is not None: # We predict values in the targets file # the targets file could be a txt file or an npz file. try: # Try loading the file as a txt file. y = np.loadtxt(path_to_targets_file).astype(np.float32) except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: # Not a txt file, Try loading the file as an npz file. # UnicodeDecodeError in python3.6 NumPy (1.11.3) # ValueError in python2.7 NumPy (1.12.1) data_target = np.load(path_to_targets_file) assert len( data_target.files ) == 1, "There appear to be more than one variable in the targets npz file: {}. There must be only one.".format( data_target.files) key = data_target.files[0] "Using the target {} from the targets npz file.".format(key)) y = data_target[key].astype(np.float32) values_to_predict = y.shape[1] if remove5koutliers: assert y.shape[ 1] == 16, "Y.shape[1] != 16. Remove 5k outliers only useful for energy files." from get_idxs_to_keep import get_idxs_to_keep idxs = get_idxs_to_keep(path_to_targets_file) Z = Z[idxs, :] D = D[idxs, :] y = y[idxs, :] # Split data for test and training Z_train, Z_test, D_train, D_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( Z, D, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=0) Z_test, Z_val, D_test, D_val, y_test, y_val = train_test_split( Z_test, D_test, y_test, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) print([len(_) for _ in (y_train, y_val, y_test)]) # Compute mean and standard deviation of per-atom-energy Z_train_non_zero = np.count_nonzero(Z_train, axis=1) if path_to_targets_file is not None: Z_train_non_zero = np.expand_dims(Z_train_non_zero, axis=1) Estd = np.std( y_train / Z_train_non_zero, axis=0 ) # y values originally were free energies, they would be more when there are more atoms in the molecule, hence division scales them to be energy per atom. Emean = np.mean( y_train / Z_train_non_zero, axis=0 ) # axis needs to be specified so that we get mean and std per energy/spectrum value (i.e. dimension in y) doesn't affect when y just a scalar, i.e. free energy np.savez("X_vals.npz", Z_train=Z_train, Z_test=Z_test, Z_val=Z_val, D_train=D_train, D_test=D_test, D_val=D_val) np.savez("Y_vals.npz", Y_test=y_test, Y_train=y_train, Y_val=y_val, Y_mean=Emean, Y_std=Estd) sym_Z = T.imatrix() sym_D = T.tensor4() sym_y = T.vector() if path_to_targets_file is not None: sym_y = T.fmatrix() sym_learn_rate = T.scalar() l_in_Z = lasagne.layers.InputLayer((None, max_mol_size)) l_in_D = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, max_mol_size, max_mol_size, num_dist_basis)) l_mask = MaskLayer(l_in_Z) l_c0 = SwitchLayer(l_in_Z, num_species, c_len, W=lasagne.init.Uniform(1.0 / np.sqrt(c_len))) l_cT = RecurrentLayer(l_c0, l_in_D, l_mask, num_passes=num_interaction_passes, num_hidden=num_hidden_neurons) # Compute energy contribution from each atom # l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l_cT, 15, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_cT, 100, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_atom1, 100, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_atom1, 100, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom2 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_atom1, values_to_predict, nonlinearity=None, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, values_to_predict) if path_to_targets_file is None: l_atom2 = lasagne.layers.FlattenLayer( l_atom2, outdim=2) # Flatten singleton dimension # outdim (-1, 23) # but if path_to_targets is not None, then we don't want to flatten since we want to get outputs (energies, or spectrum values) for each atom: ie. we want outdim (-1, 23, values_to_predict) l_atomE = lasagne.layers.ExpressionLayer( l_atom2, lambda x: (x * Estd + Emean)) # Scale and shift by mean and std deviation if path_to_targets_file is not None: l_mask = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer( l_mask, ([0], [1], 1) ) # add an extra dimension so that l_atomE (-1, 23, 16) l_mask "after reshape" (-1, 23, 1) can be multiplied l_out = SumMaskedLayer(l_atomE, l_mask) # TODO : BUG HERE. params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l_out, trainable=True) for p in params: logger.debug("%s, %s" % (p, p.get_value().shape)) out_train = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=False) out_test = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=True) if mae_cost is True: cost_train = T.mean(np.abs(out_train - sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(np.abs(out_test - sym_y))"Used MAE cost") else: cost_train = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_train, sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_test, sym_y))"Used MSE cost") updates = lasagne.updates.adam(cost_train, params, learning_rate=sym_learn_rate) f_train = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y, sym_learn_rate], outputs=cost_train, updates=updates) f_eval_test = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D], outputs=out_test) f_test = theano.function( inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y], outputs=cost_test, ) # Define training parameters batch_size = 100 num_train_samples = Z_train.shape[0] num_train_batches = num_train_samples // batch_size max_epochs = 10000 start_time = timeit.default_timer() lowest_test_mae = np.inf lowest_test_rmse = np.inf mu_max = None #np.max(D_train)+1 # saving other variables for evaluating the model later. np.savez("results/hyperparams.npz", max_mol_size=max_mol_size, values_to_predict=values_to_predict, Estd=Estd, Emean=Emean, c_len=c_len, num_hidden_neurons=num_hidden_neurons, num_interaction_passes=num_interaction_passes, num_species=num_species, num_dist_basis=num_dist_basis, mu_max=mu_max) D_val_fe = feature_expand(D_val, num_dist_basis, mu_max=mu_max) D_test_fe = feature_expand(D_test, num_dist_basis, mu_max=mu_max) for epoch in range(max_epochs): # Randomly permute training data rand_perm = rng.permutation(Z_train.shape[0]) Z_train_perm = Z_train[rand_perm] D_train_perm = D_train[rand_perm] y_train_perm = y_train[rand_perm] if epoch < 100: #if epoch < 50: learning_rate = 0.01 elif epoch < 500: learning_rate = 0.001 elif epoch < 3000: learning_rate = 0.0001 else: learning_rate = 0.00001 train_cost = 0 for batch in range(num_train_batches): train_cost += f_train( Z_train_perm[batch * batch_size:((batch + 1) * batch_size)], feature_expand(D_train_perm[batch * batch_size:((batch + 1) * batch_size)], num_dist_basis, mu_max=mu_max), y_train_perm[batch * batch_size:((batch + 1) * batch_size)], learning_rate) #print("miniBatch %d of %d done." % (batch, num_train_batches)) train_cost = train_cost / num_train_batches if (epoch % 2) == 0: # D_train_fe = feature_expand(D_train, num_dist_basis) # y_pred = f_eval_test(Z_train, D_train_fe) # train_errors = y_pred-y_train # del D_train_fe # gc.collect() y_pred = f_eval_test(Z_val, D_val_fe) val_errors = y_pred - y_val # del D_val_fe # gc.collect() train_errors = val_errors y_pred = f_eval_test(Z_test, D_test_fe) test_errors = y_pred - y_test test_cost = f_test(Z_test, D_test_fe, y_test) # del D_test_fe # gc.collect()"TRAIN MAE: %5.2f kcal/mol TEST MAE: %5.2f kcal/mol" % "VAL MAE: %5.2f kcal/mol TEST MAE: %5.2f kcal/mol" % (np.abs(train_errors).mean(), np.abs(test_errors).mean()))"TRAIN RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol TEST RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol" %"VAL RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol TEST RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol" % (np.sqrt(np.square(train_errors).mean()), np.sqrt(np.square(test_errors).mean()))) all_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(l_out) with'results/model_epoch%d.pkl.gz' % (epoch), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_params, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) new_test_mae = np.abs(test_errors).mean() if new_test_mae < lowest_test_mae: lowest_test_mae = new_test_mae"Found best test MAE : {}".format(lowest_test_mae)) np.savez("Y_test_pred_best_mae.npz", Y_test_pred=y_pred) new_test_rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(test_errors).mean()) if new_test_rmse < lowest_test_rmse: lowest_test_rmse = new_test_rmse "Found best test RMSE : {}".format(lowest_test_rmse)) np.savez("Y_test_pred_best_rmse.npz", Y_test_pred=y_pred) #if (epoch % 2) == 0: # test_cost = f_test(Z_test, D_test, y_test) end_time = timeit.default_timer() logger.debug( "Time %4.1f, Epoch %4d, train_cost=%5g, test_error=%5g" % (end_time - start_time, epoch, np.sqrt(train_cost), np.sqrt(test_cost))) start_time = timeit.default_timer() print("Execution complete. Save the Y values")
def orig_model_with_noise(Emean, Estd, max_mol_size, num_dist_basis, c_len, num_species, num_interaction_passes, num_hidden_neurons, values_to_predict, cost, noise_std=0.1, **kwargs): # path to targets_file is not NONE sym_Z = T.imatrix() sym_D = T.tensor4() sym_y = T.fmatrix() sym_learn_rate = T.scalar() l_in_Z = lasagne.layers.InputLayer((None, max_mol_size)) l_in_D = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, max_mol_size, max_mol_size, num_dist_basis)) l_in_D = lasagne.layers.GaussianNoiseLayer(l_in_D, sigma=noise_std) l_mask = MaskLayer(l_in_Z) l_c0 = SwitchLayer(l_in_Z, num_species, c_len, W=lasagne.init.Uniform(1.0 / np.sqrt(c_len))) l_cT = RecurrentLayer(l_c0, l_in_D, l_mask, num_passes=num_interaction_passes, num_hidden=num_hidden_neurons) # Compute energy contribution from each atom l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_cT, 15, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom2 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_atom1, values_to_predict, nonlinearity=None, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, values_to_predict) l_atomE = lasagne.layers.ExpressionLayer( l_atom2, lambda x: (x * Estd + Emean)) # Scale and shift by mean and std deviation l_mask = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer( l_mask, ([0], [1], 1) ) # add an extra dimension so that l_atomE (-1, 23, 16) l_mask "after reshape" (-1, 23, 1) can be multiplied l_out = SumMaskedLayer(l_atomE, l_mask) params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l_out, trainable=True) for p in params: logger.debug("%s, %s" % (p, p.get_value().shape)) out_train = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=False) out_test = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=True) if cost == "mae": cost_train = T.mean(np.abs(out_train - sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(np.abs(out_test - sym_y))"Used MAE cost") elif cost == "rmse": cost_train = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_train, sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_test, sym_y))"Used MSE cost") else: raise ValueError("unknown cost function {}".format(cost)) updates = lasagne.updates.adam(cost_train, params, learning_rate=sym_learn_rate) f_train = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y, sym_learn_rate], outputs=cost_train, updates=updates) os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = "device=gpu" f_eval_test = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D], outputs=out_test) f_test = theano.function( inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y], outputs=cost_test, ) return f_train, f_eval_test, f_test, l_out
def build_model(max_mol_size, Estd, Emean, num_dist_basis, num_species, c_len, num_hidden_neurons, num_interaction_passes, values_to_predict, mae_cost=False, **kwargs): max_mol_size = np.int32(max_mol_size) num_dist_basis = np.int32(num_dist_basis) num_hidden_neurons = np.int32(num_hidden_neurons) values_to_predict = np.int32(values_to_predict) num_species = np.int32(num_species) print("max_mol_size ={}".format(max_mol_size)) print("num_dist_basis ={}".format(num_dist_basis)) print("num_hidden_neurons ={}".format(num_hidden_neurons)) print("values_to_predict ={}".format(values_to_predict)) print("num_species ={}".format(num_species)) sym_Z = T.imatrix() sym_D = T.tensor4() # sym_y = T.vector() # if path_to_targets_file > 1: # sym_y = T.fmatrix() ## We always predict either 16,20 or 300 values so. sym_y = T.fmatrix() sym_learn_rate = T.scalar() l_in_Z = lasagne.layers.InputLayer((None, max_mol_size)) l_in_D = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, max_mol_size, max_mol_size, num_dist_basis)) l_mask = MaskLayer(l_in_Z) l_c0 = SwitchLayer(l_in_Z, num_species, c_len, W=lasagne.init.Uniform(1.0 / np.sqrt(c_len))) l_cT = RecurrentLayer(l_c0, l_in_D, l_mask, num_passes=num_interaction_passes, num_hidden=num_hidden_neurons) # Compute energy contribution from each atom l_atom1 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_cT, 15, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, 15) l_atom2 = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer( l_atom1, values_to_predict, nonlinearity=None, num_leading_axes=2) # outdim (-1, 23, values_to_predict) #if path_to_targets_file is None: # l_atom2 = lasagne.layers.FlattenLayer(l_atom2, outdim=2) # Flatten singleton dimension # outdim (-1, 23) # but if path_to_targets is not None, then we don't want to flatten since we want to get outputs (energies, or spectrum values) for each atom: ie. we want outdim (-1, 23, values_to_predict) l_atomE = lasagne.layers.ExpressionLayer( l_atom2, lambda x: (x * Estd + Emean)) # Scale and shift by mean and std deviation #if path_to_targets_file is not None: # l_mask = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer(l_mask, ([0], [1], 1)) # add an extra dimension so that l_atomE (-1, 23, 16) l_mask "after reshape" (-1, 23, 1) can be multiplied l_mask = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer( l_mask, ([0], [1], 1) ) # add an extra dimension so that l_atomE (-1, 23, 16) l_mask "after reshape" (-1, 23, 1) can be multiplied l_out = SumMaskedLayer(l_atomE, l_mask) # TODO : BUG HERE. params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l_out, trainable=True) for p in params: print("%s, %s" % (p, p.get_value().shape)) out_train = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=False) out_test = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out, { l_in_Z: sym_Z, l_in_D: sym_D }, deterministic=True) if mae_cost is True: cost_train = T.mean(np.abs(out_train - sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(np.abs(out_test - sym_y)) print("Used MAE cost") else: cost_train = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_train, sym_y)) cost_test = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.squared_error(out_test, sym_y)) print("Used MSE cost") updates = lasagne.updates.adam(cost_train, params, learning_rate=sym_learn_rate) f_train = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y, sym_learn_rate], outputs=cost_train, updates=updates) f_eval_test = theano.function(inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D], outputs=out_test) f_test = theano.function( inputs=[sym_Z, sym_D, sym_y], outputs=cost_test, ) return f_train, f_eval_test, f_test, l_out