def cbWheelsCmd(self, msg): trimmed_cmd = WheelsCmd() trimmed_cmd.vel_left = np.clip(msg.vel_left * (1.0 - self.trim), -1.0, 1.0) trimmed_cmd.vel_right = np.clip(msg.vel_right * (1.0 + self.trim), -1.0, 1.0) self.pub_topic.publish(trimmed_cmd)
def publishControl(self): speed =[1] * self.speed_gain #Left stick V-axis. Up is positive steering =[3] * self.steer_gain wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() # Car Steering Mode vel_left = (speed - steering) vel_right = (speed + steering) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = np.clip(vel_left,-1.0,1.0) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = np.clip(vel_right,-1.0,1.0) rospy.loginfo("[%s] left %f, right %f" % (self.node_name,wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left,wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right)) self.pub_wheels.publish(wheels_cmd_msg)
def publishControl(self): speed =[ 1] * self.speed_gain #Left stick V-axis. Up is positive steering =[3] * self.steer_gain wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() # Car Steering Mode vel_left = (speed - steering) vel_right = (speed + steering) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = np.clip(vel_left, -1.0, 1.0) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = np.clip(vel_right, -1.0, 1.0) rospy.loginfo("[%s] left %f, right %f" % (self.node_name, wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left, wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right)) self.pub_wheels.publish(wheels_cmd_msg)
def __init__(self): # Save the name of the node self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialzing." %(self.node_name)) # Setup publishers self.pub_topic_a = rospy.Publisher("~topic_a",String, queue_size=1) self.pub_wheels_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/kitt/wheels_driver/wheels_cmd",WheelsCmd, queue_size=1) # Setup subscriber self.sub_topic_b = rospy.Subscriber("~topic_b", String, self.cbTopic) # Read parameters self.pub_timestep = self.setupParameter("~pub_timestep",1.0) # Create a timer that calls the cbTimer function every 1.0 second self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.pub_timestep),self.cbTimer) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialzed." %(self.node_name)) rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 10hz #move forward forward_for_time_leave = 2.25 turn_for_time = 0.75 forward_for_time_enter = 1 starting_time = while(( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(forward_for_time_leave)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.4 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = 0.4 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep() #turn right starting_time = while(( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(turn_for_time)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.5 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = -0.5 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep() #move forward starting_time = while(( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(forward_for_time_enter)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.4 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = 0.4 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep()
def publishCmd(self,stamp,speed,steering): lane_cmd_msg = CarControl() lane_cmd_msg.header.stamp = stamp lane_cmd_msg.speed = speed lane_cmd_msg.steering = steering lane_cmd_msg.need_steering = True wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() # wheels_cmd_msg.header.stamp = stamp ratio = 1.0 gain = 0.5 vel_left = gain*(speed - steering)*ratio vel_right = gain*(speed + steering)*(1.0/ratio) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = np.clip(vel_left,-1.0,1.0) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = np.clip(vel_right,-1.0,1.0) self.pub_lane_cmd.publish(lane_cmd_msg) self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg)
def publishCmd(self, stamp, speed, steering): lane_cmd_msg = CarControl() lane_cmd_msg.header.stamp = stamp lane_cmd_msg.speed = speed lane_cmd_msg.steering = steering lane_cmd_msg.need_steering = True wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() # wheels_cmd_msg.header.stamp = stamp ratio = 1.0 gain = 0.5 vel_left = gain * (speed - steering) * ratio vel_right = gain * (speed + steering) * (1.0 / ratio) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = np.clip(vel_left, -1.0, 1.0) wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = np.clip(vel_right, -1.0, 1.0) self.pub_lane_cmd.publish(lane_cmd_msg) self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg)
def cbWheelsCmd(self,msg): trimmed_cmd = WheelsCmd() trimmed_cmd.vel_left = np.clip(msg.vel_left*(1.0-self.trim),-1.0,1.0) trimmed_cmd.vel_right = np.clip(msg.vel_right*(1.0+self.trim),-1.0,1.0) self.pub_topic.publish(trimmed_cmd)
def __init__(self): # Save the name of the node self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialzing." % (self.node_name)) # Setup publishers self.pub_topic_a = rospy.Publisher("~topic_a", String, queue_size=1) self.pub_wheels_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/kitt/wheels_driver/wheels_cmd", WheelsCmd, queue_size=1) # Setup subscriber self.sub_topic_b = rospy.Subscriber("~topic_b", String, self.cbTopic) # Read parameters self.pub_timestep = self.setupParameter("~pub_timestep", 1.0) # Create a timer that calls the cbTimer function every 1.0 second self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.pub_timestep), self.cbTimer) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initialzed." % (self.node_name)) rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 10hz #move forward forward_for_time_leave = 2.25 turn_for_time = 0.75 forward_for_time_enter = 1 starting_time = while (( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(forward_for_time_leave)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.4 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = 0.4 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep() #turn right starting_time = while (( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(turn_for_time)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.5 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = -0.5 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep() #move forward starting_time = while (( - starting_time) < rospy.Duration(forward_for_time_enter)): wheels_cmd_msg = WheelsCmd() wheels_cmd_msg.vel_left = 0.4 wheels_cmd_msg.vel_right = 0.4 self.pub_wheels_cmd.publish(wheels_cmd_msg) rospy.loginfo("Moving?.") rate.sleep()