예제 #1
def configure_module(srcdir, builddir, prefix_dirs, cmake_args=None):
    """configure a given module by running CMake

        srcdir:                  source directory of module
        builddir:                build directory for module (may equal srcdir for in-source builds)
        prefix_dirs:             dictionary mapping dependent modules to their prefix
        cmake_args (optional):   list of additional CMake flags

        Output of CMake command
    args = [ get_cmake_command() ]
    args += cmakeArguments(cmake_args)
    args += ['-D' + module + '_DIR=' + dir for module, dir in prefix_dirs.items()]
    if not os.path.isdir(builddir):
    logger.debug('Calling "' + ' '.join(args) + '"')
    cmake = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=builddir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = cmake.communicate()
    if cmake.returncode != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(buffer_to_str(stderr))
    return buffer_to_str(stdout)
예제 #2
def build_module(builddir, build_args=None):
    if build_args is None:
        build_args = get_default_build_args()

    cmake_args = [get_cmake_command(), '--build', '.']
    if build_args is not None:
        cmake_args += ['--'] + build_args

    cmake = subprocess.Popen(cmake_args, cwd=builddir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = cmake.communicate()
    if cmake.returncode != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(buffer_to_str(stderr))
    return buffer_to_str(stdout)
예제 #3
def preprocessorAssert(tests):
    '''perform preprocessore checks.
       A list of checks can be provided each should contain a pair, the
       first being the preprocessor check to perform (e.g. #if or #ifdef)
       and the second being the message to print if the check fails. The
       generated code is of the form:
          test failed
       so the first argument of each test has to make this piece of code
       valid C++ code assuming config.h is included.
    source = "#include <config.h>\nint main() {\n"
    i = 0
    for t in tests:
        source = source + t[0]+"\n#else\nreturn "+str(i+1)+";\n#endif\n"
        i += 1
    source = source + "return 0;\n}\n"

    with open(os.path.join(builder.generated_dir, "generated_module.hh"), 'w') as out:

    test_args = ["./generated_test"]
    test = subprocess.Popen(test_args, cwd=builder.generated_dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = test.communicate()
    returncode = test.returncode

    if returncode > 0:
        logger.debug("failed testing:\n"+source)
        logger.critical("checking "+tests[returncode-1][0]+" failed: "+tests[returncode-1][1])
        raise ConfigurationError(tests[returncode-1][1])
예제 #4
    def compile(self, target='all'):
        cmake_command = dune.common.module.get_cmake_command()
        cmake_args = [
            cmake_command, "--build", self.dune_py_dir, "--target", target
        make_args = []
        if self.build_args is not None:
            make_args += self.build_args
        if cxxFlags is not None:
            make_args += ['CXXFLAGS=' + cxxFlags]
        if noDepCheck:
            make_args += ["-B"]

        if cmake_args != []:
            cmake_args += ["--"] + make_args
        cmake = subprocess.Popen(cmake_args,
        stdout, stderr = cmake.communicate()
        logger.debug("Compiler output: " + buffer_to_str(stdout))
        if cmake.returncode > 0:
            raise CompileError(buffer_to_str(stderr))
        if self.savedOutput is not None:
            out = buffer_to_str(stdout)
            nlines = out.count('\n')
            if nlines > 1:
                self.savedOutput[0].write("###" + " ".join(cmake_args) + "\n")
            if nlines > 0:
            if nlines > 1:

            err = buffer_to_str(stderr)
            nlines = err.count('\n')
            if nlines > 1:
                self.savedOutput[1].write("###" + " ".join(cmake_args) + "\n")
            if nlines > 0:
            if nlines > 1:
예제 #5
def pkg_config(pkg, var=None, paths=[]):
    args = ['pkg-config', pkg]
    if var is not None:
        args += ['--variable=' + var]
    env = dict(os.environ)
    env.update({'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': ':'.join(paths)})
    pkgconfig = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
    prefix = pkgconfig.stdout.read()
    if pkgconfig.returncode != 0:
        raise KeyError('package ' + pkg + ' not found.')
    return buffer_to_str(prefix).strip()
예제 #6
    def dunepy_from_template(dunepy_dir,force=False):
        # Extract the raw data dictionary

        metaData = getBuildMetaData()
        modules = metaData.combine_across_modules("MODULENAME")
        builddirs = metaData.zip_across_modules("DEPS", "DEPBUILDDIRS")

        # add dune modules which where available during the build of a
        # python module but don't provide their own python module
        for k,v in builddirs.items():
            if k not in modules and not v.endswith("NOTFOUND"):
                modules += [k]

        logger.debug("Found the following Dune module dependencies for dune-py: " + str(modules))

        # for an existing dune-py compare module dependencies to check if rebuild required
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dunepy_dir,"dune.module")):
            description = Description(os.path.join(dunepy_dir,"dune.module"))
            deps = description.depends
            force = not modules == [d[0] for d in deps] # ignore version number in dependency for now
            # todo also check if location of modules have changed to find
            # modules moved from build to install or vice versa - or tag that some other way
            # For now we simply always force a rebuild of the dune-py
            # module which might lead to more work than required
            force = True
            force = True

        if force:
            # Remove any remnants of an old dune-py installation
            # if os.path.exists(dunepy_dir):
            #     shutil.rmtree(dunepy_dir)
            # only remove cache
                os.remove(os.path.join(dunepy_dir, 'CMakeCache.txt'))
            except FileNotFoundError:

            # Gather and reorganize meta data context that is used to write dune-py
            context = {}
            context["modules"]        = modules
            context["builddirs"]      = builddirs
            context["install_prefix"] = metaData.unique_value_across_modules("INSTALL_PREFIX")
            context["cmake_flags"]    = getCMakeFlags()

            # Find the correct template path
            path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
            template_path = os.path.join(path, "template")

            # Run the template through Jinja2
            env = jinja2.Environment(
            for root, _, files in os.walk(template_path):
                # fix issues due to template taken from build dir
                if root.endswith("CMakeFiles") or root.endswith("src_dir"): continue

                for template_file in files:
                    full_template_file = os.path.join(root, template_file)
                    relative_template_file = os.path.relpath(full_template_file, start=template_path)
                    gen_file = os.path.join(dunepy_dir, relative_template_file.split(".template")[0])

                    # we don't want to remove CMakeLists.txt in the generated folder if it already exists
                    if root.endswith('generated') and os.path.exists(gen_file): continue
                    if gen_file.endswith(".cmake") or gen_file.endswith("Makefile"): continue # issues due to template taken from build dir

                    os.makedirs(os.path.split(gen_file)[0], exist_ok=True)
                    with open(gen_file, "w") as outfile:

            # configure dune-py
            logger.debug("Configuring dune-py with CMake")
            cmake = subprocess.Popen(
                ["cmake", "."],
            stdout, stderr = cmake.communicate()
            if cmake.returncode > 0:
                raise CompileError(buffer_to_str(stderr))
                logger.debug("CMake configuration output: "+buffer_to_str(stdout))
예제 #7
    def load(self, moduleName, source, pythonName, extraCMake=None):
        # use with-statement to log info if compiling takes some time
        class PrintCompiling:
            def handle_signal(self, signum, frame):
                logger.info("Compiling "+pythonName)
            def __enter__(self):
                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_signal)
            def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        class EmptyPrintCompiling:
            def __enter__(self): pass
            def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass

        ## TODO replace if rank with something better
        ## and remove barrier further down

        # check if we need to initialize dune-py either because
        # this is the first call to load or because an external module with metadata has been registered
        if not self.initialized or not self.externalPythonModules == getExternalPythonModules():
        if comm.rank == 0:
            module = sys.modules.get("dune.generated." + moduleName)
            if module is None:
                logger.debug("Module {} not loaded".format(moduleName))
                # make sure nothing (compilation, generating and building) is taking place
                with Lock(os.path.join(self.dune_py_dir, '..', 'lock-module.lock'), flags=LOCK_EX):
                    # module must be generated so lock the source file
                    with Lock(os.path.join(self.dune_py_dir, 'lock-'+moduleName+'.lock'), flags=LOCK_EX):
                        sourceFileName = os.path.join(self.generated_dir, moduleName + ".cc")
                        line = "dune_add_pybind11_module(NAME " + moduleName + " EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)"
                        # first check if this line is already present in the CMakeLists file
                        # (possible if a previous script was stopped by user before module was compiled)
                        with open(os.path.join(self.generated_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"), 'r') as out:
                            found = line in out.read()
                        if not os.path.isfile(sourceFileName) or not found:
                            logger.info("Generating " + pythonName)
                            # don't print 'Compiling' twice
                            PrintCompiling = EmptyPrintCompiling

                            code = str(source)
                            with open(os.path.join(sourceFileName), 'w') as out:
                            assert os.path.isfile(sourceFileName), "Error in writing module .cc file"
                            if not found:
                                origPos = -1
                                with open(os.path.join(self.generated_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"), 'a') as out:
                                    # store original file size
                                    origPos = out.tell()
                                    if extraCMake is not None:
                                        for x in extraCMake:
                                # update build system
                                    "Configuring module {} ({}) with CMake".format(
                                        pythonName, moduleName
                                    # self.compile()
                                    cmake = subprocess.Popen( "cmake .".split(),
                                                       cwd=self.dune_py_dir, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                                    stdout, stderr = cmake.communicate()
                                    #logger.debug("CMake configuration output: "+buffer_to_str(stdout))
                                    if cmake.returncode > 0:
                                        raise CompileError(buffer_to_str(stderr))
                                except: # all exceptions will cause a problem here
                                    # remove line from CMakeLists to avoid problems
                                    with open(os.path.join(self.generated_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"), 'a') as out:
                        elif isString(source) and not source == open(os.path.join(sourceFileName), 'r').read():
                            logger.info("Compiling " + pythonName + " (updated)")
                            # don't print 'Compiling' twice
                            PrintCompiling = EmptyPrintCompiling

                            code = str(source)
                            with open(os.path.join(sourceFileName), 'w') as out:
                            # we only can directly load the module
                            # sanity check
                            line = "dune_add_pybind11_module(NAME " + moduleName + " EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)"
                            # the CMakeLists file should already include this line
                            with open(os.path.join(self.generated_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"), 'r') as out:
                                found = line in out.read()
                            assert found, "CMakeLists.txt file does not contain an entry to build"+moduleName

                # end of exclusive dune-py lock

                # we always compile even if the module is always compiled since it can happen
                # that dune-py was updated in the mean time.
                # This step is quite fast but there is room for optimization.

                # for compilation a shared lock is enough
                with Lock(os.path.join(self.dune_py_dir, '..', 'lock-module.lock'), flags=LOCK_SH):
                    # lock generated module
                    with Lock(os.path.join(self.dune_py_dir, 'lock-'+moduleName+'.lock'), flags=LOCK_EX):
                        with PrintCompiling():

        ## TODO remove barrier here

        logger.debug("Loading " + moduleName)
        module = importlib.import_module("dune.generated." + moduleName)

        if self.force:
            logger.info("Reloading " + pythonName)
            module = reload_module(module)

        return module