예제 #1
    def create_config(cls, config_filepath):
        Attemp to read the file at config_filepath and generate a config
        Dictionary object based on a defined JSON schema

        @param config_filepath  File from which to generate a config object

        shutdown_reason = None

            with open(config_filepath) as config_file:
                # PyYAML gives better error messages for streams than for files
                config_file_data = config_file.read()
                config = yaml.full_load(config_file_data)

                # Check config against a schema to ensure all the needed fields
                # and values are defined
                config = cls._validate_and_normalize_config(config)
                if config.get('dls_settings').get('api').get(
                        'timeout') < cls.API_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT:
                        'timeout'] = cls.API_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
                        'DuoLogSync: Setting default api timeout to 120 seconds.'

        # Will occur when given a bad filepath or a bad file
        except OSError as os_error:
            shutdown_reason = f"{os_error}"
            Program.log('DuoLogSync: Failed to open the config file. Check '
                        'that the filename is correct')

        # Will occur if the config file does not contain valid YAML
        except YAMLError as yaml_error:
            shutdown_reason = f"{yaml_error}"
            Program.log('DuoLogSync: Failed to parse the config file. Check '
                        'that the config file has valid YAML.')

        # Validation of the config against a schema failed
        except ValueError:
            shutdown_reason = f"{cls.SCHEMA_VALIDATOR.errors}"
            Program.log('DuoLogSync: Validation of the config file failed. '
                        'Check that required fields have proper values.')

        # No exception raised during the try block, return config
            # Calculate offset as a timestamp and rewrite its value in config
            offset = config.get('dls_settings').get('api').get('offset')
            offset = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=offset)
            config['dls_settings']['api']['offset'] = int(offset.timestamp())
            return config

        # At this point, it is guaranteed that an exception was raised, which
        # means that it is shutdown time
        return None
예제 #2
    async def create_writer(self, host, port, cert_filepath):
        Wrapper for functions to create TCP or UDP connections.

        @param host             Hostname of the network connection to establish
        @param port             Port of the network connection to establish
        @param cert_filepath    Path to file containing SSL certificate

        @return a 'writer' object for writing data over the connection made

        Program.log(f"DuoLogSync: Opening connection to {host}:{port}",

        # Message to be logged if an error occurs in this function
        help_message = (f"DuoLogSync: check that host-{host} and port-{port} "
                        "are correct in the config file")
        writer = None

            if self.protocol == 'UDP':
                writer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

            elif self.protocol == 'TCPSSL':
                ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(
                    ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=cert_filepath)

                writer = await Writer.create_tcp_writer(
                    host, port, ssl_context)

            elif self.protocol == 'TCP':
                writer = await Writer.create_tcp_writer(host, port)

        # Failed to open the certificate file
        except FileNotFoundError:
            shutdown_reason = f"{cert_filepath} could not be opened."
            help_message = (
                'DuoLogSync: Make sure the filepath for SSL cert file is '

        # Couldn't establish a connection within 60 seconds
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            shutdown_reason = 'connection to server timed-out after 60 seconds'

        # If an invalid hostname or port number is given or simply failed to
        # connect using the host and port given
        except (gaierror, OSError) as error:
            shutdown_reason = f"{error}"

        # An error did not occur and the writer was successfully created
            return writer

        Program.log(help_message, logging.ERROR)
        return None
예제 #3
def sigint_handler(signal_number, stack_frame):
    Handler for SIGINT (Ctrl-C) to gracefully shutdown DuoLogSync

    shutdown_reason = f"received signal {signal_number} (Ctrl-C)"

    if stack_frame:
        Program.log(f"DuoLogSync: stack frame from Ctrl-C is {stack_frame}",
예제 #4
    async def produce(self):
        The main function of this class and subclasses. Runs a loop, sleeping
        for the polling duration then making an API call, consuming the logs
        from that API call and saving the offset of the latest log read.

        # Exit when DuoLogSync is shutting down (due to error or Ctrl-C)
        while Program.is_running():
            shutdown_reason = None
                f"{self.log_type} producer: fetching next logs after "
                f"{Config.get_api_timeout()} seconds", logging.INFO)

                # Sleep for api_timeout amount of time, but check for program
                # shutdown every second
                await restless_sleep(Config.get_api_timeout())
                Program.log(f"{self.log_type} producer: fetching logs",
                api_result = await self.call_log_api()
                if api_result:
                    await self.add_logs_to_queue(self.get_logs(api_result))
                        f"{self.log_type} producer: no new logs available",

            # Incorrect api_hostname or proxy_server was provided
            # duo_client throws the same error if either the api_hostname or proxy_server is incorrect
            except (gaierror, OSError) as error:
                shutdown_reason = f"{self.log_type} producer: [{error}]"
                    'DuoLogSync: check that the duoclient host and/or proxy_server '
                    'provided in the config file is correct')

            # duo_client throws a RuntimeError if the ikey or skey is invalid
            except RuntimeError as runtime_error:
                shutdown_reason = f"{self.log_type} producer: [{runtime_error}]"
                Program.log('DuoLogSync: check that the duoclient ikey and '
                            'skey in the config file are correct')

            # Shutdown hath been noticed and thus shutdown shall begin
            except ProgramShutdownError:

            if shutdown_reason:

        # Unblock consumer but putting anything in the shared queue
        await self.log_queue.put([])
        Program.log(f"{self.log_type} producer: shutting down", logging.INFO)
예제 #5
    def connection_lost(self, exc):
        shutdown_reason = None

        if exc:
            shutdown_reason = (
                f"UDP connection with host-{self.host} and port-{self.port}"
                f"was closed for the following reason [{exc}]")

            shutdown_reason = (
                f"UDP connection with host-{self.host} and port-{self.port} "
                "was closed")

예제 #6
    async def consume(self):
        Consumer that will consume data from a queue shared with a producer
        object. Data from the queue is then sent over a configured transport
        protocol to respective SIEMs or servers.

        while Program.is_running():
            Program.log(f"{self.log_type} consumer: waiting for logs",

            # Call unblocks only when there is an element in the queue to get
            logs = await self.log_queue.get()

            # Time to shutdown
            if not Program.is_running():

                f"{self.log_type} consumer: received {len(logs)} logs "
                "from producer", logging.INFO)

            # Keep track of the latest log written in the case that a problem
            # occurs in the middle of writing logs
            last_log_written = None
            successful_write = False

            # If we are sending empty [] to unblock consumers, nothing should be written to file
            if logs:
                    Program.log(f"{self.log_type} consumer: writing logs",
                    for log in logs:
                        if self.child_account_id:
                            log['child_account_id'] = self.child_account_id
                        await self.writer.write(self.format_log(log))
                        last_log_written = log

                    # All the logs were written successfully
                    successful_write = True

                # Specifically watch out for errno 32 - Broken pipe. This means
                # that the connect established by writer was reset or shutdown.
                except BrokenPipeError as broken_pipe_error:
                    shutdown_reason = f"{broken_pipe_error}"
                    Program.log("DuoLogSync: connection to server was reset",

                    if successful_write:
                            f"{self.log_type} consumer: successfully wrote "
                            "all logs", logging.INFO)
                            f"{self.log_type} consumer: failed to write "
                            "some logs", logging.WARNING)

                    self.log_offset = Producer.get_log_offset(last_log_written)
                    self.update_log_checkpoint(self.log_type, self.log_offset,
                Program.log(f"{self.log_type} consumer: No logs to write",

        Program.log(f"{self.log_type} consumer: shutting down", logging.INFO)
예제 #7
    def test_initiate_shutdown(self):
        self.assertEqual(Program._running, True)


        self.assertEqual(Program._running, False)