def __init__(self, ):

        self.arm_kinematic = self.ArmKinematic('PSM3')
        #python api
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

        self.tf_world_psm3b = None

        self.psm3_cartesian_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/PSM3/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,

        self.tf_world_psm3b_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b", PoseStamped,

        #psm offset
        self.fix_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.20611444, -0.10502740, 0.60974223, 0.75809003)

        #Upload homography between pixels and robot x,y
        self.homography = None
        with open("./vision_modules/misc/homography_data/homography.json",
                  "r") as f1:
            self.homography = np.array(json.load(f1))

        print("Retrieved homography")
 def __init__(self, robotName):
     self._robot_name = robotName
     self._robot = arm(self._robot_name)
     self._last_axes = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
     self._last_buttons = [0, 0]
     self.previous_mouse_buttons = [0, 0]
     rospy.Subscriber("/spacenav/joy", Joy, self.joy_callback)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, ):
        #python api
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')
        self.dvrk_controller = dvrk_tf_module(userId="test",

        self.tf_world_psm3b = PyKDL.Frame()

        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,

        self.tf_world_psm3b_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b", PoseStamped,

        self.ar_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.68175651, -0.27654879, 0.56096521, 0.37953506)
        self.dvrk_controller.ar_orientation = self.ar_orientation

        self.fix_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.20611444, -0.10502740, 0.60974223, 0.75809003)
        self.base = Vector(*[0.23937060, -0.09208578, 0.05523316])
        self.position1 = Vector(*[0.27518547, -0.18335637, 0.06959790])
        self.position2 = Vector(*[0.23203641, -0.18565913, 0.06422155])
        self.position3 = Vector(*[0.26621665, -0.11688039, 0.07422218])
        self.position4 = Vector(*[0.21614252, -0.10163200, 0.07084345])
    def __init__(self, ):

        self.arm_kinematic = self.ArmKinematic('PSM3')
        #python api
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

        self.tf_world_psm3b = None

        self.psm3_cartesian_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/PSM3/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,

        self.tf_world_psm3b_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b", PoseStamped,

        #psm offset
        self.offset = PyKDL.Vector(-0.009, -0.021, +0.069)
        self.fix_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.20611444, -0.10502740, 0.60974223, 0.75809003)
    def __init__(self, arm_name, camera_model, tf_listener):
        rospy.loginfo('Configuring motion controller for ' + arm_name)
        self.arm = dvrk.arm(arm_name)
        self.arm_name = arm_name
        self.arm_base = arm_name + "_base"
        self.camera_model = camera_model
        self.tf_listener = tf_listener

        self.position_threshold = 1e-5
        self.joint_threshold = 3 * math.pi / 180
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, ):

        self.api_arm = dvrk.arm('MTML')

        self.tf_mtmlb_mtml = None
        self.tf_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/MTML/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
예제 #7
def main():

    sleep_time = 1
    psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

    # #Set up the velocity and acceleration ratio of the psm3
    # ratio = 0.01
    # velocity_ratio_pub = rospy.Publisher("/dvrk/PSM3/set_joint_velocity_ratio",Float64,latch=True, queue_size=1)
    # acceleration_ratio_pub = rospy.Publisher("/dvrk/PSM3/set_joint_acceleration_ratio",Float64,latch=True, queue_size=1)
    # velocity_ratio_pub.publish(Float64(ratio))
    # acceleration_ratio_pub.publish(Float64(ratio))

    answer = raw_input(
        "Make sure the PSM3 will not crash with the programmed movements and write 'Y' to continue. "
    if answer != 'Y':
        print("Exiting the program")

    for i in range(2):
        square_trajectory = [[[0.21134809, -0.12155905, 0.10276267],
                              [0.26790356, -0.12201603, 0.10604522]],
                             [[0.26790356, -0.12201603, 0.10604522],
                              [0.21134809, -0.12155905, 0.10276267]],
                             [[0.21134809, -0.12155905, 0.10276267],
                              [0.27185202, -0.14776761, 0.09245916]],
                             [[0.27185202, -0.14776761, 0.09245916],
                              [0.21329086, -0.14354401, 0.08516887]],
                             [[0.21329086, -0.14354401, 0.08516887],
                              [0.21134809, -0.12155905, 0.10276267]]]

        for init_pt, end_pt in square_trajectory:
            init_pt = np.array(init_pt)
            end_pt = np.array(end_pt)

            trajectory = generate_trajectory(init_pt, end_pt, n=2)

            for idx, c in enumerate(range(trajectory.shape[1])):
                next_position = PyKDL.Vector(
                    trajectory[0, c],
                    trajectory[1, c],
                    trajectory[2, c],
                print("position {:}".format(idx), next_position)

    def __init__(self, ):

        self.arm_kinematic = self.ArmKinematic('PSM3')
        #python api
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

        self.tf_world_psm3b = PyKDL.Frame()

        self.psm3_cartesian_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/PSM3/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,

        self.tf_world_psm3b_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b", PoseStamped,
    def __init__(self, ):

        self.arm_kinematic = self.ArmKinematic('PSM3')
        #python api
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

        self.psm3_cartesian_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/PSM3/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,

        self.tf_world_psm3b_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b",

        self.multi_arr_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/centroid_coordinates", Int32MultiArray, queue_size=5)
예제 #10
 def configure(self, robot_name):
     print(rospy.get_caller_id(), ' -> configuring dvrk_arm_test for ',
     self.arm = dvrk.arm(robot_name)
예제 #11
    def run(self, calibrate, filename):
        nb_joint_positions = 20  # number of positions between limits
        nb_samples_per_position = 500  # number of values collected at each position
        total_samples = nb_joint_positions * nb_samples_per_position
        samples_so_far = 0

        sleep_time_after_motion = 0.5  # time after motion from position to position to allow potentiometers to stabilize
        sleep_time_between_samples = 0.01  # time between two samples read (potentiometers)

        d2r = math.pi / 180.0  # degrees to radians
        r2d = 180.0 / math.pi  # radians to degrees

        # Looking in XML assuming following tree structure
        # config > Robot> Actuator > AnalogIn > VoltsToPosSI > Scale = ____   or   Offset = ____

        xmlVoltsToPosSI = {}

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        root = tree.getroot()
        robotFound = False
        stuffInRoot = root.getchildren()
        for index in range(len(stuffInRoot)):
            if stuffInRoot[index].tag == "Robot":
                currentRobot = stuffInRoot[index]
                if currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == self._robot_name:
                    self._serial_number = currentRobot.attrib["SN"]
                    xmlRobot = currentRobot
                    print "Succesfully found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib[
                        "Name"], "\", Serial number: ", self._serial_number, " in XML file"
                    robotFound = True
                    print "Found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib[
                        "Name"], "\", while looking for \"", self._robot_name, "\""

        if robotFound == False:
            sys.exit("Robot tree could not be found in xml file")

        # look for all VoltsToPosSI
        stuffInRobot = xmlRobot.getchildren()
        for index in range(len(stuffInRobot)):
            child = stuffInRobot[index]
            if child.tag == "Actuator":
                actuatorId = int(child.attrib["ActuatorID"])
                stuffInActuator = child.getchildren()
                for subIndex in range(len(stuffInActuator)):
                    subChild = stuffInActuator[subIndex]
                    if subChild.tag == "AnalogIn":
                        stuffInAnalogIn = subChild.getchildren()
                        for subSubIndex in range(len(stuffInAnalogIn)):
                            subSubChild = stuffInAnalogIn[subSubIndex]
                            if subSubChild.tag == "VoltsToPosSI":
                                xmlVoltsToPosSI[actuatorId] = subSubChild

        # set joint limits and number of axis based on arm type, using robot name
        if ("").join(
            [:-1]) == "PSM":  #checks to see if the robot being tested is a PSM
            arm_type = "PSM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -60.0 * d2r, -30.0 * d2r, 0.005, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r,
                -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                60.0 * d2r, 30.0 * d2r, 0.235, 170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r,
                170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7  #number of joints being tested
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTML":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -15.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -180.0 * d2r,
                -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                35.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 80.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,
                40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTMR":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -30.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r,
                -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                15.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 180.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,
                40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "ECM":
            arm_type = "ECM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, 0.005, -80.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [60.0 * d2r, 40.0 * d2r, 0.230, 80.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 4

        if arm_type == "PSM":
            this_arm = dvrk.psm(self._robot_name)
            this_arm = dvrk.arm(self._robot_name)

        # Check that everything is working
        time.sleep(2.0)  # to make sure some data has arrived
        if not self._data_received:
            print "It seems the console for ", self._robot_name, " is not started or is not publishing the IO topics"
            print "Make sure you use \"rosrun dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json\" with the -i option"
                "Start the dvrk_console_json with the proper options first")

        # print "The serial number found in the XML file is: ", self._serial_number
        # print "Make sure the dvrk_console_json is using the same configuration file.  Serial number can be found in GUI tab \"IO\"."
        # ok = raw_input("Press `c` and [enter] to continue\n")
        # if ok != "c":
        #     sys.exit("Quitting")

        ######## scale calibration
        # now =
        # now_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")

        # messages
        # raw_input("To start with some initial values, you first need to \"home\" the robot.  When homed, press [enter]\n")

        # if arm_type == "PSM":
        #     raw_input("Since you are calibrating a PSM, make sure there is no tool inserted.  Please remove tool or calibration plate if any and press [enter]\n")
        # if arm_type == "ECM":
        #     raw_input("Since you are calibrating an ECM, remove the endoscope and press [enter]\n")
        # raw_input("The robot will make LARGE MOVEMENTS, please hit [enter] to continue once it is safe to proceed\n")
        # move to the home position from the start
        # this_arm.home()

        if arm_type == "PSM":
            this_arm.move_jaw(0.0, blocking=False)
            this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
        elif arm_type == "MTM":
                numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
        elif arm_type == "ECM":
            this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))



        print(PyKDL.Vector(0.0, 0.05, 0.0))

        this_arm.move(PyKDL.Vector(0.0, 0.0, -0.05))


        # if arm_type == "PSM":
        #     this_arm.move_jaw(30.0*d2r, blocking = False)
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([30.0*d2r, 15.0*d2r, 0.2, 30.0*d2r, 30.0*d2r, 30.0*d2r]))
        # elif arm_type == "MTM":
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
        # elif arm_type == "ECM":
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

        # time.sleep(1.0)

        # # at the end, return to home position
        # if arm_type == "PSM":
        #     this_arm.move_jaw(0.0*d2r, blocking = False)
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0*d2r, 0.0*d2r, 0.0, 0.0*d2r, 0.0*d2r, 0.0]))
        # elif arm_type == "MTM":
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
        # elif arm_type == "ECM":
        #     this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

## Main ##
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     if (len(sys.argv) != 4):
#         print sys.argv[0] + ' requires three arguments, i.e. "scales"/"offsets", name of dVRK arm and file name.  Always start with scales calibration.'
#     else:
#         if (sys.argv[1] == 'offsets') or (sys.argv[1] == 'scales'):
#             calibration = potentiometer_calibration(sys.argv[2])
#   [1], sys.argv[3])
#         else:
#             print sys.argv[0] + ', first argument must be either scales or offsets.  You must start with the scale calibration'
예제 #12
    def run(self, calibrate, filename):
        nb_joint_positions = 20  # number of positions between limits
        nb_samples_per_position = 500  # number of values collected at each position
        total_samples = nb_joint_positions * nb_samples_per_position
        samples_so_far = 0

        sleep_time_after_motion = 0.5  # time after motion from position to position to allow potentiometers to stabilize
        sleep_time_between_samples = 0.01  # time between two samples read (potentiometers)

        encoders = []
        potentiometers = []
        range_of_motion_joint = []

        average_encoder = [
        ]  # all encoder values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position
        average_potentiometer = [
        ]  # all potentiometer values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position
        d2r = math.pi / 180.0  # degrees to radians
        r2d = 180.0 / math.pi  # radians to degrees

        slopes = []
        offsets = []
        average_offsets = []

        # Looking in XML assuming following tree structure
        # config > Robot> Actuator > AnalogIn > VoltsToPosSI > Scale = ____   or   Offset = ____
        xmlVoltsToPosSI = {}

        # Make sure file exists
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            sys.exit("Config file \"%s\" not found" % filename)

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        root = tree.getroot()

        # Find Robot in config file and make sure name matches
        xpath_search_results = root.findall("./Robot")
        if len(xpath_search_results) == 1:
            xmlRobot = xpath_search_results[0]
            sys.exit("Can't find \"Robot\" in configuration file")

        if xmlRobot.get("Name") == self._robot_name:
            self._serial_number = xmlRobot.get("SN")
                "Successfully found robot \"%s\", serial number %s in XML file"
                % (self._robot_name, self._serial_number))
            robotFound = True
                "Found robot \"%s\" while looking for \"%s\", make sure you're using the correct configuration file!"
                % (xmlRobot.get("Name"), self._robot_name))

        # Look for all actuators/VoltsToPosSI
        xpath_search_results = root.findall("./Robot/Actuator")
        for actuator in xpath_search_results:
            actuatorId = int(actuator.get("ActuatorID"))
            voltsToPosSI = actuator.find("./AnalogIn/VoltsToPosSI")
            xmlVoltsToPosSI[actuatorId] = voltsToPosSI

        # set joint limits and number of axis based on arm type, using robot name
        if ("").join(
            [:-1]) == "PSM":  #checks to see if the robot being tested is a PSM
            arm_type = "PSM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -60.0 * d2r, -30.0 * d2r, 0.005, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r,
                -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                60.0 * d2r, 30.0 * d2r, 0.235, 170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r,
                170.0 * d2r, 170.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7
        elif self._robot_name == "MTML":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -15.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -180.0 * d2r,
                -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                35.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 80.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,
                40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7
        elif self._robot_name == "MTMR":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [
                -30.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r,
                -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r
            upper_joint_limits = [
                15.0 * d2r, 20.0 * d2r, 10.0 * d2r, 180.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,
                40.0 * d2r, 100.0 * d2r
            nb_axis = 7
        elif self._robot_name == "ECM":
            arm_type = "ECM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, 0.005, -80.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [60.0 * d2r, 40.0 * d2r, 0.230, 80.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 4

        # Create the dVRK python ROS client
        this_arm = dvrk.arm(self._robot_name)

        # resize all arrays
        for axis in range(nb_axis):
                math.fabs(upper_joint_limits[axis] - lower_joint_limits[axis]))

        # Check that everything is working
        time.sleep(2.0)  # to make sure some data has arrived
        if not self._data_received:
                "It seems the console for %s is not started or is not publishing the IO topics"
                % self._robot_name)
                "Make sure you use \"rosrun dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json\" with the -i option"
                "Start the dvrk_console_json with the proper options first")

        print("The serial number found in the XML file is: %s" %
            "Make sure the dvrk_console_json is using the same configuration file.  Serial number can be found in GUI tab \"IO\"."
        ok = input("Press `c` and [enter] to continue\n")
        if ok != "c":

        ######## scale calibration
        now =
        now_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")

        if calibrate == "scales":

            print("Calibrating scales using encoders as reference")

            # write all values to csv file
            csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_scales_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv'
            print("Values will be saved in: %s" % csv_file_name)
            f = open(csv_file_name, 'w')
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            header = []
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis))
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("encoder" + str(axis))

            # messages
                "To start with some initial values, you first need to \"home\" the robot.  When homed, press [enter]\n"

            if arm_type == "PSM":
                    "Since you are calibrating a PSM, make sure there is no tool inserted.  Please remove tool or calibration plate if any and press [enter]\n"
            if arm_type == "ECM":
                    "Since you are calibrating an ECM, remove the endoscope and press [enter]\n"
                "The robot will make LARGE MOVEMENTS, please hit [enter] to continue once it is safe to proceed\n"

            for position in range(nb_joint_positions):
                # create joint goal
                joint_goal = []
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                        lower_joint_limits[axis] + position *
                        (range_of_motion_joint[axis] / nb_joint_positions))
                    average_encoder[axis] = []
                    average_potentiometer[axis] = []

                # move and sleep

                # collect nb_samples_per_position at current position to compute average
                for sample in range(nb_samples_per_position):
                    for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    # log data
                    writer.writerow(self._last_potentiometers +
                    samples_so_far = samples_so_far + 1
                        '\rProgress %02.1f%%' %
                        (float(samples_so_far) / float(total_samples) * 100.0))

                # compute averages
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                        math.fsum(average_potentiometer[axis]) /
                        math.fsum(average_encoder[axis]) /

            # at the end, return to home position
            if arm_type == "PSM" or arm_type == "MTM":
                    numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
            elif arm_type == "ECM":
                this_arm.move_jp(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

            # close file

        ######## offset calibration
        if calibrate == "offsets":

            print("Calibrating offsets")

            # write all values to csv file
            csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_offsets_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv'
            print("Values will be saved in: ", csv_file_name)
            f = open(csv_file_name, 'w')
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            header = []
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis))

            # messages
                "Please home AND power off the robot first.  Then hold/clamp your arm in zero position."
            if arm_type == "PSM":
                    "For a PSM, you need to hold at least the last 4 joints in zero position.  If you don't have a way to constrain the first 3 joints, you can still just calibrate the last 4.  This program will ask you later if you want to save all PSM joint offsets"
            input("Press [enter] to continue\n")
            nb_samples = 2 * nb_samples_per_position
            for sample in range(nb_samples):
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                        self._last_potentiometers[axis] * r2d)
                sys.stdout.write('\rProgress %02.1f%%' %
                                 (float(sample) / float(nb_samples) * 100.0))
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                offsets[axis] = (math.fsum(average_offsets[axis]) /


        if calibrate == "scales":
            print("index | old scale  | new scale  | correction")
            for index in range(nb_axis):
                # find existing values
                oldScale = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].get("Scale"))
                # compute new values
                correction = slope(encoders[index], potentiometers[index])
                newScale = oldScale / correction

                # display
                print(" %d    | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f" %
                      (index, oldScale, newScale, correction))
                # replace values
                xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].set("Scale", str(newScale))

        if calibrate == "offsets":
            newOffsets = []
            print("index | old offset  | new offset | correction")
            for index in range(nb_axis):
                # find existing values
                oldOffset = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].get("Offset"))
                # compute new values
                newOffsets.append(oldOffset - offsets[index])

                # display
                print(" %d    | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f " %
                      (index, oldOffset, newOffsets[index], offsets[index]))

            if arm_type == "PSM":
                all = input(
                    "Do you want to save all joint offsets or just the last 4, press 'a' followed by [enter] to save all\n"
                if all == "a":
                    print("This program will save ALL new PSM offsets")
                    for axis in range(nb_axis):
                        # replace values
                    print("This program will only save the last 4 PSM offsets")
                    for axis in range(3, nb_axis):
                        # replace values
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    # replace values
                    xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].set("Offset", str(newOffsets[axis]))

        save = input(
            "To save this in new file press 'y' followed by [enter]\n")
        if save == "y":
            tree.write(filename + "-new")
                'Results saved in %s-new. Restart your dVRK application with the new file!'
                % filename)
            print('To copy the new file over the existing one: cp %s-new %s' %
                  (filename, filename))
예제 #13
 def configure(self, robot_name):
     print(rospy.get_caller_id(), ' -> configuring dvrk_arm_test for ', robot_name)
     self.arm = dvrk.arm(robot_name)
    def __init__(self, activate_ar=False, activate_debug_visuals=False):

        #python api -- This code initializes the ros node
        self.api_psm3_arm = dvrk.arm('PSM3')

        #visual controller
        self.dvrk_controller = dvrk_tf_module(

        #Ar config
        self.ar_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.68175651, -0.27654879, 0.56096521, 0.37953506)
        self.dvrk_controller.ar_orientation = self.ar_orientation

        self.arm_kinematic = self.ArmKinematic('PSM3')

        self.tf_world_psm3b = None

        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.right_frame = None

        self.psm3_cartesian_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/dvrk/PSM3/position_cartesian_current", PoseStamped,
        self.psm1_suj_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/dvrk/PSM1/io/suj_clutch", Joy,
        self.camera_subs = rospy.Subscriber("/pu_dvrk_cam/right/inverted",
                                            Image, self.camera_callback)
        self.tf_world_psm3b_subs = rospy.Subscriber(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/tf_world_psm3b", PoseStamped,

        self.multi_arr_pub = rospy.Publisher(
            "/pu_dvrk_tf/centroid_coordinates", Int32MultiArray, queue_size=5)

        #psm offset
        self.fix_orientation = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
            0.35131810, -0.12377625, 0.53801977, 0.75616781)

        #Upload homography between pixels and robot x,y
        self.homography = None
        with open("./vision_modules/misc/homography_data/homography.json",
                  "r") as f1:
            self.homography = np.array(json.load(f1))

        print("Retrieved homography")
    def run(self, calibrate, filename):
        nb_joint_positions = 20 # number of positions between limits
        nb_samples_per_position = 500 # number of values collected at each position
        total_samples = nb_joint_positions * nb_samples_per_position
        samples_so_far = 0

        sleep_time_after_motion = 0.5 # time after motion from position to position to allow potentiometers to stabilize
        sleep_time_between_samples = 0.01 # time between two samples read (potentiometers)

        encoders = []
        potentiometers = []
        range_of_motion_joint = []

        average_encoder = [] # all encoder values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position
        average_potentiometer = [] # all potentiometer values collected at a sample position used for averaging the values of that position
        d2r = math.pi / 180.0 # degrees to radians
        r2d = 180.0 / math.pi # radians to degrees

        slopes = []
        offsets = []
        average_offsets = []

        # Looking in XML assuming following tree structure
        # config > Robot> Actuator > AnalogIn > VoltsToPosSI > Scale = ____   or   Offset = ____
        xmlVoltsToPosSI = {}

        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        root = tree.getroot()
        robotFound = False
        stuffInRoot = root.getchildren()
        for index in range(len(stuffInRoot)):
            if stuffInRoot[index].tag == "Robot":
                currentRobot = stuffInRoot[index]
                if currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == self._robot_name:
                    self._serial_number = currentRobot.attrib["SN"]
                    xmlRobot = currentRobot
                    print("Succesfully found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib["Name"], "\", Serial number: ", self._serial_number, " in XML file")
                    robotFound = True
                    print("Found robot \"", currentRobot.attrib["Name"], "\", while looking for \"", self._robot_name, "\"")

        if robotFound == False:
            sys.exit("Robot tree could not be found in xml file")

        # look for all VoltsToPosSI
        stuffInRobot = xmlRobot.getchildren()
        for index in range(len(stuffInRobot)):
            child = stuffInRobot[index]
            if child.tag == "Actuator":
                actuatorId = int(child.attrib["ActuatorID"])
                stuffInActuator = child.getchildren()
                for subIndex in range(len(stuffInActuator)):
                    subChild = stuffInActuator[subIndex]
                    if subChild.tag == "AnalogIn":
                        stuffInAnalogIn = subChild.getchildren()
                        for subSubIndex in range(len(stuffInAnalogIn)):
                            subSubChild = stuffInAnalogIn[subSubIndex]
                            if subSubChild.tag == "VoltsToPosSI":
                                xmlVoltsToPosSI[actuatorId] = subSubChild

        # set joint limits and number of axis based on arm type, using robot name
        if ("").join(list(currentRobot.attrib["Name"])[:-1]) == "PSM": #checks to see if the robot being tested is a PSM
            arm_type = "PSM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -30.0 * d2r, 0.005, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r, -170.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [ 60.0 * d2r,  30.0 * d2r, 0.235,  170.0 * d2r,  170.0 * d2r,  170.0 * d2r,  170.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 7 #number of joints being tested
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTML":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-15.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -180.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [ 35.0 * d2r,  20.0 * d2r,  10.0 * d2r,   80.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,  40.0 * d2r,  100.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 7
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "MTMR":
            arm_type = "MTM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-30.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r, -10.0 * d2r,  -80.0 * d2r, -80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, -100.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [ 15.0 * d2r,  20.0 * d2r,  10.0 * d2r,  180.0 * d2r, 160.0 * d2r,  40.0 * d2r,  100.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 7
        elif currentRobot.attrib["Name"] == "ECM":
            arm_type = "ECM"
            lower_joint_limits = [-60.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r,  0.005, -80.0 * d2r]
            upper_joint_limits = [ 60.0 * d2r,  40.0 * d2r,  0.230,  80.0 * d2r]
            nb_axis = 4

        if arm_type == "PSM":
            this_arm = dvrk.psm(self._robot_name)
            this_arm = dvrk.arm(self._robot_name)

        # resize all arrays
        for axis in range(nb_axis):
            range_of_motion_joint.append(math.fabs(upper_joint_limits[axis] - lower_joint_limits[axis]))

        # Check that everything is working
        time.sleep(2.0) # to make sure some data has arrived
        if not self._data_received:
            print("It seems the console for ", self._robot_name, " is not started or is not publishing the IO topics")
            print("Make sure you use \"rosrun dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json\" with the -i option")
            sys.exit("Start the dvrk_console_json with the proper options first")

        print("The serial number found in the XML file is: ", self._serial_number)
        print("Make sure the dvrk_console_json is using the same configuration file.  Serial number can be found in GUI tab \"IO\".")
        ok = input("Press `c` and [enter] to continue\n")
        if ok != "c":

        ######## scale calibration
        now =
        now_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")

        if calibrate == "scales":

            print("Calibrating scales using encoders as reference")

            # write all values to csv file
            csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_scales_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv'
            print("Values will be saved in: ", csv_file_name)
            f = open(csv_file_name, 'wb')
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            header = []
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis))
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("encoder" + str(axis))

            # messages
            input("To start with some initial values, you first need to \"home\" the robot.  When homed, press [enter]\n")

            if arm_type == "PSM":
                input("Since you are calibrating a PSM, make sure there is no tool inserted.  Please remove tool or calibration plate if any and press [enter]\n")
            if arm_type == "ECM":
                input("Since you are calibrating an ECM, remove the endoscope and press [enter]\n")
            input("The robot will make LARGE MOVEMENTS, please hit [enter] to continue once it is safe to proceed\n")

            for position in range(nb_joint_positions):
                # create joint goal
                joint_goal = []
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    joint_goal.append(lower_joint_limits[axis] + position * (range_of_motion_joint[axis] / nb_joint_positions))
                    average_encoder[axis] = []
                    average_potentiometer[axis] = []

                # move and sleep
                if arm_type == "PSM":
                    this_arm.move_jaw(joint_goal[6], blocking = False)

                # collect nb_samples_per_position at current position to compute average
                for sample in range(nb_samples_per_position):
                    for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    # log data
                    writer.writerow(self._last_potentiometers + self._last_joints)
                    samples_so_far = samples_so_far + 1
                    sys.stdout.write('\rProgress %02.1f%%' % (float(samples_so_far) / float(total_samples) * 100.0))

                # compute averages
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    potentiometers[axis].append(math.fsum(average_potentiometer[axis]) / nb_samples_per_position)
                    encoders[axis].append(math.fsum(average_encoder[axis]) / nb_samples_per_position)

            # at the end, return to home position
            if arm_type == "PSM":
                this_arm.move_jaw(0.0, blocking = False)
                this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
            elif arm_type == "MTM":
                this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
            elif arm_type == "ECM":
                this_arm.move_joint(numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

            # close file

        ######## offset calibration
        if calibrate == "offsets":

            print("Calibrating offsets")

            # write all values to csv file
            csv_file_name = 'pot_calib_offsets_' + self._robot_name + '-' + self._serial_number + '-' + now_string + '.csv'
            print("Values will be saved in: ", csv_file_name)
            f = open(csv_file_name, 'wb')
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            header = []
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                header.append("potentiometer" + str(axis))

            # messages
            print("Please home AND power off the robot first.  Then hold/clamp your arm in zero position.")
            if arm_type == "PSM":
                print("For a PSM, you need to hold at least the last 4 joints in zero position.  If you don't have a way to constrain the first 3 joints, you can still just calibrate the last 4.  This program will ask you later if you want to save all PSM joint offsets");
            input("Press [enter] to continue\n")
            nb_samples = 10 * nb_samples_per_position
            for sample in range(nb_samples):
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    average_offsets[axis].append(self._last_potentiometers[axis] * r2d)
                sys.stdout.write('\rProgress %02.1f%%' % (float(sample) / float(nb_samples) * 100.0))
            for axis in range(nb_axis):
                offsets[axis] = (math.fsum(average_offsets[axis]) / (nb_samples) )


        if calibrate == "scales":
            print("index | old scale  | new scale  | correction")
            for index in range(nb_axis):
                # find existing values
                oldScale = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Scale"])
                # compute new values
                correction = slope(encoders[index], potentiometers[index])
                newScale = oldScale / correction

                # display
                print(" %d    | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f" % (index, oldScale, newScale, correction))
                # replace values
                xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Scale"] = str(newScale)

        if calibrate == "offsets":
            newOffsets = []
            print("index | old offset  | new offset | correction")
            for index in range(nb_axis):
                # find existing values
                oldOffset = float(xmlVoltsToPosSI[index].attrib["Offset"])
                # compute new values
                newOffsets.append(oldOffset - offsets[index])

                # display
                print(" %d    | % 04.6f | % 04.6f | % 04.6f " % (index, oldOffset, newOffsets[index], offsets[index]))

            if arm_type == "PSM":
                all = input("Do you want to save all joint offsets or just the last 4, press 'a' followed by [enter] to save all\n");
                if all == "a":
                    print("This program will save ALL new PSM offsets")
                    for axis in range(nb_axis):
                        # replace values
                        xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis])
                    print("This program will only save the last 4 PSM offsets")
                    for axis in range(3, nb_axis):
                        # replace values
                        xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis])
                for axis in range(nb_axis):
                    # replace values
                    xmlVoltsToPosSI[axis].attrib["Offset"] = str(newOffsets[axis])

        save = input("To save this in new file press 'y' followed by [enter]\n")
        if save == "y":
            tree.write(filename + "-new")
            print('Results saved in', filename + '-new. Restart your dVRK application with the new file!')
            print('To copy the new file over the existing one: cp', filename + '-new', filename)
예제 #16
#!/usr/bin/env python
import dvrk
import numpy as np
import time

#DVRK interface does not allow to instantiate multiple arms at the same time.

# Move PSM1 to the initial position
mtml = dvrk.arm('MTML')
mtml_joint_pos = [  0.16094356,  0.18617774, -0.13542208, -1.70923487,  1.67276075, -0.0769766,-1.01845961]

print('mtml current')
print('mtml next')


예제 #17
    choices=['ECM', 'MTML', 'MTMR', 'PSM1', 'PSM2', 'PSM3'],
    'arm name corresponding to ROS topics without namespace.  Use __ns:= to specify the namespace'
    help='expected interval in seconds between messages sent by the device')
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])  # skip argv[0], script name

arm = dvrk.arm(arm_name=args.arm, expected_interval=args.interval)

print('starting move_jp')

# get current position
initial_joint_position = numpy.copy(arm.setpoint_jp())
amplitude = math.radians(10.0)
goal = numpy.copy(initial_joint_position)

print('--> Testing the trajectory with wait()')

start_time = time.time()

# first motion
goal[0] = initial_joint_position[0] + amplitude
예제 #18
 def configure(self, robot_name, expected_interval):
     print_id('configuring dvrk_arm_test for %s' % robot_name)
     self.expected_interval = expected_interval
     self.arm = dvrk.arm(arm_name = robot_name,
                         expected_interval = expected_interval)
예제 #19
#!/usr/bin/env python
import dvrk
import numpy as np
import time

#DVRK interface does not allow to instantiate multiple arms at the same time.

# Move PSM1 to the initial position
mtmr = dvrk.arm('MTMR')
mtmr_joint_pos = [
    -0.14427202, 0.18954733, -0.15922543, 1.67041871, 1.68164266, 0.03256702,

print('mtmr current')
print('mtmr next')
