class EmulatorConfigsDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, dwarf, parent=None): super(EmulatorConfigsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.dwarf = dwarf self._prefs = Prefs() layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.setMinimumWidth(500) layout.addWidget(QLabel('callbacks path')) callbacks_layout = QHBoxLayout() pick_path = QPushButton('choose') pick_path.clicked.connect(self.pick_callbacks_path) current_callbacks_path = self._prefs.get(EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH) if current_callbacks_path == '': current_callbacks_path = 'none' self.callbacks_path_label = QLabel(current_callbacks_path) callbacks_layout.addWidget(pick_path) callbacks_layout.addWidget(self.callbacks_path_label) layout.addLayout(callbacks_layout) layout.addWidget(QLabel('delay between instructions')) self.instructions_delay = QLineEdit() self.instructions_delay.setText(str(self._prefs.get(EMULATOR_INSTRUCTIONS_DELAY, 0.5))) layout.addWidget(self.instructions_delay) buttons = QHBoxLayout() cancel = QPushButton('cancel') cancel.clicked.connect(self.close) buttons.addWidget(cancel) accept = QPushButton('accept') accept.clicked.connect(self.accept) buttons.addWidget(accept) layout.addLayout(buttons) def pick_callbacks_path(self): r = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName() if len(r) > 0 and len(r[0]) > 0: self._prefs.put(EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH, r[0]) self.callbacks_path_label.setText(r[0]) @staticmethod def show_dialog(dwarf): dialog = EmulatorConfigsDialog(dwarf) result = dialog.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: try: dialog._prefs.put(EMULATOR_INSTRUCTIONS_DELAY, float(dialog.instructions_delay.text())) except: pass
class Emulator(QThread): class EmulatorSetupFailedError(Exception): """ Setup Failed """ class EmulatorAlreadyRunningError(Exception): """ isrunning """ onEmulatorSetup = pyqtSignal(list, name='onEmulatorSetup') onEmulatorStart = pyqtSignal(name='onEmulatorStart') onEmulatorStop = pyqtSignal(name='onEmulatorStop') onEmulatorStep = pyqtSignal(name='onEmulatorStep') onEmulatorHook = pyqtSignal(Instruction, name='onEmulatorHook') onEmulatorMemoryHook = pyqtSignal(list, name='onEmulatorMemoryHook') onEmulatorMemoryRangeMapped = pyqtSignal( list, name='onEmulatorMemoryRangeMapped') onEmulatorLog = pyqtSignal(str, name='onEmulatorLog') # setup errors ERR_INVALID_TID = 1 ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT = 2 ERR_SETUP_FAILED = 3 def __init__(self, dwarf): super(Emulator, self).__init__() self.setTerminationEnabled(True) self.dwarf = dwarf self._prefs = Prefs() self._setup_done = False self._blacklist_regs = [] self.cs = None self.uc = None self.context = None self.thumb = False self.end_ptr = 0 self.step_mode = STEP_MODE_NONE self.current_context = None self._current_instruction = 0 self._next_instruction = 0 self._current_cpu_mode = 0 self._last_emulated_instruction = None self._request_stop = False # configurations self.callbacks_path = None self.callbacks = None self.instructions_delay = 0 self._start_address = 0 self._end_address = 0 # prevent emulator loop for any reason # i.e through custom callback # we don't want any UI freeze, so we just setup a n00b way to check if we are looping # inside the same instruction for N times. # notice that when an unmapped memory region is required during emulation, this will be taken from target proc # and mapped into unicorn context. Later, the code fallback to execute the same instruction once again self._anti_loop = 0 # reset single instance preferences from ucdwarf.plugin import EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH self._prefs.put(EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH, '') def setup_arm(self): self.thumb = self.context.pc.thumb if self.thumb: self._current_cpu_mode = unicorn.UC_MODE_THUMB self.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_ARM, CS_MODE_THUMB) self.uc = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM, unicorn.UC_MODE_THUMB) # Enable VFP instr self.uc.mem_map(0x1000, 1024) self.uc.mem_write(0x1000, binascii.unhexlify(VFP)) self.uc.emu_start(0x1000 | 1, 0x1000 + len(VFP)) self.uc.mem_unmap(0x1000, 1024) else: self.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_ARM, CS_MODE_ARM) self.uc = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM, unicorn.UC_MODE_ARM) self._current_cpu_mode = unicorn.UC_MODE_ARM def setup_arm64(self): self.uc = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM64, unicorn.UC_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) self.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_ARM64, CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) self._current_cpu_mode = unicorn.UC_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN def setup_x86(self): self.uc = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86, unicorn.UC_MODE_32) self.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32) def setup_x64(self): self.uc = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86, unicorn.UC_MODE_64) self.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64) def _setup(self, user_arch=None, user_mode=None, cs_arch=None, cs_mode=None): if user_arch is not None and user_mode is not None: try: self.uc = unicorn.Uc(user_arch, user_mode) self.cs = Cs(cs_arch, cs_mode) self.thumb = user_mode == unicorn.UC_MODE_THUMB except: raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Unsupported arch') else: if self.dwarf.arch == 'arm': self.setup_arm() elif self.dwarf.arch == 'arm64': self.setup_arm64() elif self.dwarf.arch == 'ia32': self.setup_x86() elif self.dwarf.arch == 'x64': self.setup_x64() else: # unsupported arch raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Unsupported arch') if not self.uc or not self.cs: raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Unicorn or Capstone missing') # enable capstone details if self.cs is not None: self.cs.detail = True if not self.context.is_native_context: raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError( 'Cannot run emulator on non-native context') err = self.map_range(self.context.pc.value) if err: raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Mapping failed') self.current_context = EmulatorContext(self.dwarf) for reg in self.current_context._unicorn_registers: if reg in self.context.__dict__: if reg not in self._blacklist_regs: self.uc.reg_write( self.current_context._unicorn_registers[reg], self.context.__dict__[reg].value) self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_CODE, self.hook_code) self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE | unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, self.hook_mem_access) self.uc.hook_add( unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_FETCH_UNMAPPED | unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED | unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED, self.hook_unmapped) self.current_context.set_context(self.uc) return 0 def run(self): # dont call this func if not self._setup_done: return try: if self.thumb and self._start_address % 2 != 1: self._start_address += 1 self.uc.emu_start( self._start_address, 0xffffffffffffffff) # end is handled in hook_code except unicorn.UcError as e: self.log_to_ui('[*] error: ' + str(e)) except Exception as e: self.log_to_ui('[*] error: ' + str(e)) self._setup_done = False self.onEmulatorStop.emit() def api(self, parts): """ expose api to js side for allowing emulator interaction while scripting :param parts: arr -> cmd api split by ":::" :return: the result from the api """ cmd = parts[0] if cmd == 'clean': return self.clean() elif cmd == 'setup': custom_uc_arch = None custom_cs_arch = None custom_uc_mode = None custom_cs_mode = None if len(parts) > 3: try: arch = 'UC_ARCH_' + parts[2].upper() if arch in unicorn.__dict__: custom_uc_arch = unicorn.__dict__[arch] arch = 'CS_ARCH_' + parts[2].upper() custom_cs_arch = capstone.__dict__[arch] mode = 'UC_MODE_' + parts[3].upper() if mode in unicorn.__dict__: custom_uc_mode = unicorn.__dict__[mode] mode = 'CS_MODE_' + parts[3].upper() custom_cs_mode = capstone.__dict__[mode] except: custom_uc_arch = None custom_cs_arch = None custom_uc_mode = None custom_cs_mode = None if custom_uc_arch is not None and custom_uc_mode is not None: err = self.setup(parts[1], user_arch=custom_uc_arch, user_mode=custom_uc_mode, cs_arch=custom_cs_arch, cs_mode=custom_cs_mode) else: err = self.setup(parts[1]) if err > 0: self.context = None return err elif cmd == 'start': until = 0 if len(parts) > 1: try: until = int(parts[1]) except: pass return self.emulate(until=until) elif cmd == 'step': step_mode = STEP_MODE_SINGLE if len(parts) > 1: try: step_mode = int(parts[1]) except: pass return self.emulate(step_mode=step_mode) def clean(self): if self.isRunning(): raise self.EmulatorAlreadyRunningError() self._current_instruction = 0 self._next_instruction = 0 self._current_cpu_mode = 0 self.context = None self._last_emulated_instruction = None return 0 def hook_code(self, uc, address, size, user_data): # QApplication.processEvents() if self._request_stop: self.log_to_ui('Error: Emulator stopped - reached end') self.stop() return # anti loop checks if self._anti_loop == address: self.log_to_ui('Error: Emulator stopped - looping') self.stop() return self._current_instruction = address # check if pc/eip is end_ptr pc = 0 # address should be pc too ??? if self.dwarf.arch == 'arm': pc = uc.reg_read(unicorn.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_PC) elif self.dwarf.arch == 'arm64': pc = uc.reg_read(unicorn.arm64_const.UC_ARM64_REG_PC) elif self.dwarf.arch == 'ia32': pc = uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EIP) elif self.dwarf.arch == 'x64': pc = uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RIP) if self.thumb: pc = pc | 1 if pc == self._end_address: self._request_stop = True # set the current context self.current_context.set_context(uc) instruction = None try: try: data = bytes(uc.mem_read(address, size)) assembly = self.cs.disasm(data, address) except: self.log_to_ui('Error: Emulator stopped - disasm') self.stop() return for i in assembly: # QApplication.processEvents() instruction = Instruction(self.dwarf, i, context=self.current_context) self.onEmulatorHook.emit(instruction) if self.callbacks is not None: try: self.callbacks.hook_code(self, instruction, address, size) except: # hook code not implemented in callbacks pass if not instruction.is_jump and not instruction.is_call: self._next_instruction = address + i.size else: if instruction.is_call: self._next_instruction = instruction.call_address if instruction.should_change_arm_instruction_set: if self.thumb: self._current_cpu_mode = unicorn.UC_MODE_ARM self.thumb = False else: self._current_cpu_mode = unicorn.UC_MODE_THUMB self.thumb = True self.cs.mode(self._current_cpu_mode) break # time.sleep(self.instructions_delay) except: self.log_to_ui('Error: Emulator stopped') self.stop() return if self.step_mode != STEP_MODE_NONE: if instruction.is_jump: # do not break at jump as we should calculate next instruction properly return if self.step_mode == STEP_MODE_SINGLE: self.stop() else: if instruction.is_call and self.step_mode == STEP_MODE_FUNCTION: self.stop() self._last_emulated_instruction = instruction def hook_mem_access(self, uc, access, address, size, value, user_data): v = value if access == unicorn.UC_MEM_READ: v = int.from_bytes(uc.mem_read(address, size), 'little') self.onEmulatorMemoryHook.emit([uc, access, address, v]) if self.callbacks is not None: try: self.callbacks.hook_memory_access(self, access, address, size, v) except: # hook code not implemented in callbacks pass def hook_unmapped(self, uc, access, address, size, value, user_data): self.log_to_ui( "[*] Trying to access an unmapped memory address at 0x%x" % address) err = self.map_range(address) if err > 0: self.log_to_ui('[*] Error %d mapping range at %s' % (err, hex(address))) return False return True def invalidate_configurations(self): from ucdwarf.plugin import EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH, EMULATOR_INSTRUCTIONS_DELAY self.callbacks_path = self._prefs.get(EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH, '') self.instructions_delay = self._prefs.get(EMULATOR_INSTRUCTIONS_DELAY, 0) def map_range(self, address):, self.on_memory_read) return 0 def on_memory_read(self, base, data, offset): size = len(data) try: self.uc.mem_map(base, size) except Exception as e: self.dwarf.log(e) return 301 try: self.uc.mem_write(base, data) except Exception as e: self.dwarf.log(e) return 302 self.log_to_ui("[*] Mapped %d at 0x%x" % (size, base)) self.onEmulatorMemoryRangeMapped.emit([base, size]) def setup(self, tid=0, user_arch=None, user_mode=None, cs_arch=None, cs_mode=None): if tid == 0: # get current context tid if none provided tid = self.dwarf.context_tid # make sure it's int < pp: why make sure its int and then using str(tid) later?? # when calling from api its str if isinstance(tid, str): try: tid = int(tid) except ValueError: return self.ERR_INVALID_TID if not isinstance(tid, int): return self.ERR_INVALID_TID self.context = None if str(tid) in self.dwarf.contexts: self.context = self.dwarf.contexts[str(tid)] if tid == 0 or self.context is None or not self.context.is_native_context: # prevent emulation if out-of-context return self.ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT try: self._setup(user_arch=user_arch, user_mode=user_mode, cs_arch=cs_arch, cs_mode=cs_mode) self.onEmulatorSetup.emit([user_arch, user_mode]) except self.EmulatorSetupFailedError: return self.ERR_SETUP_FAILED return 0 def start(self, priority=QThread.HighPriority): # dont call this func if not self._setup_done: return return super().start(priority=priority) def emulate(self, until=0, step_mode=STEP_MODE_NONE, user_arch=None, user_mode=None, cs_arch=None, cs_mode=None): if self.isRunning(): raise self.EmulatorAlreadyRunningError() if isinstance(until, str): try: until = int(until, 16) except ValueError: until = 0 if until and isinstance(until, int): self.end_ptr = utils.parse_ptr(until) if self.end_ptr == 0: # invalid end pointer raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Invalid EndPtr') if self.context is None: err = self.setup(user_arch=user_arch, user_mode=user_mode, cs_arch=cs_arch, cs_mode=cs_mode) if err > 0: # make sure context is None if setup failed for any reason. we want a clean setup later self.context = None err_msg = 'unhandled error' if err == self.ERR_INVALID_TID: err_msg = 'invalid thread id' elif err == self.ERR_INVALID_CONTEXT: err_msg = 'invalid context' raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Setup failed: %s' % err_msg) # calculate the start address address = self._next_instruction if address == 0: if self.uc._arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM: address = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.arm_const.UC_ARM_REG_PC) elif self.uc._arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_ARM64: address = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.arm64_const.UC_ARM64_REG_PC) elif self.uc._arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86 and self.uc._mode == unicorn.UC_MODE_32: address = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EIP) elif self.uc._arch == unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86 and self.uc._mode == unicorn.UC_MODE_64: address = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RIP) else: raise self.EmulatorSetupFailedError('Unsupported arch') if until > 0: self.log_to_ui('[*] start emulation from %s to %s' % (hex(address), hex(self.end_ptr))) else: if step_mode == STEP_MODE_NONE or step_mode == STEP_MODE_SINGLE: self.log_to_ui('[*] stepping %s' % hex(address)) elif step_mode == STEP_MODE_FUNCTION: self.log_to_ui('[*] stepping to next function call') self.onEmulatorStart.emit() # invalidate prefs before start self.invalidate_configurations() # load callbacks if needed if self.callbacks_path is not None and self.callbacks_path != '': try: spec = spec_from_loader( "callbacks", SourceFileLoader("callbacks", self.callbacks_path)) self.callbacks = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(self.callbacks) except Exception as e: self.log_to_ui('[*] failed to load callbacks: %s' % str(e)) # reset callbacks path from ucdwarf.plugin import EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH self._prefs.put(EMULATOR_CALLBACKS_PATH, '') self.callbacks_path = '' self.callbacks = None else: self.callbacks = None # until is 0 (i.e we are stepping) if until == 0 and step_mode == STEP_MODE_NONE: self.step_mode = STEP_MODE_SINGLE else: self.step_mode = step_mode self._start_address = address if self.thumb: if self._start_address % 2 == 0: self._start_address = self._start_address | 1 else: if self._start_address % 2 != 0: self._start_address -= 1 self._end_address = self.end_ptr self._setup_done = True self.start() def stop(self): if self.isRunning(): self.uc.emu_stop() def log_to_ui(self, what): self.onEmulatorLog.emit(what)