예제 #1
    def process_block(self, block_text, user, **params):
        """ Yields all query results at once. Only once.
        May return an exception.
            tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
            db_name = tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB,
            con = None

            db = settings.DATABASES.get(db_name, None)
            if db == None:
                raise DwException(db_name, "Unknown database %s." % db_name)
            true_sql = tokens.sqltext
            p = re.compile(u'\$\{[a-z]+[0-9]*\}')
            lst = p.findall(true_sql)

            for item in lst:
                stripped_item = item[2:-1]
                # TODO check for default value here
                value = 'None'
                if stripped_item in params:
                    value = params[stripped_item]
                    value = urllib.unquote(value)
                # replace it
                true_sql = true_sql.replace(item, value)

            # get a connection from somewhere
            con = self.get_con(db)
            cur = con.cursor()

            row = cur.fetchone()
            num_rows = 0
            while row is not None:
                if num_rows == db.get('LIMIT_ROWS', 1000):
                    # we are 1 row over limit
                    add_line = htmlconstants.SQL_OVER_LIMIT.format(num_rows)
                    row = None
                    retstr = u''
                    for val in row:
                        retstr = retstr + ' ' + self.format_value(val)
                    retstr += "\n"
                    yield retstr
                    num_rows += 1
                    row = cur.fetchone()
            con = None

        except DwException, e:
            if con is not None:
            raise e
예제 #2
    def process_block(self, block_text, user, block_id, **params):
        def int_or_none(val):
            """Returns an integer or none. May pass anything
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = None
            return ret

        def float_or_none(val):
            """Returns a float or none. May pass anything
            if val is None:
                return val
                    ret = float(val)
                except ValueError:
                    ret = None
                return ret

        def int_or_default(val, default=0):
            """ Returns int or a given default
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = default

            return ret

            tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
        except Exception, e:
            # reraise it wrapped in our class
            raise DwException('', "Errpr in graph definition", e)
예제 #3
class SqlTableStreamer(dwstreamer.BaseDwStreamer):
    """Block streamer that creates a table out of sql query"""
    TAGNAME = 'sqltable'

    # re to find attributes for table cells
    ATTR_RE = re.compile('\{: *([ [a-z]+=\".+\" *]*)\}')

    # Attributes of {sqltable} tag
    ATTR_DB = u'db'
    ATTR_TOTALS = u'totals'
    ATTR_ORIENTATION = u'orientation'
    # available orientations


    # table style
    ATTR_STYLE = u'style'
    # available styles are there in css file
    ATTR_DEFAULT_VAL_STYLE = u'standard-report'

    # header or no header. Can be 'yes' or 'no'. Default - 'yes'
    ATTR_HEADER = u'header'
    ATTR_HEADER_VAL_YES = u'yes'
    ATTR_HEADER_VAL_NO = u'no'

    # debugging attribute for delaying rows output
    ATTR_DELAY = u'delay'

    # value types that can be aggregated
    FIELD_TYPES_AGGREGATION = ['Decimal', 'int', 'long', 'float']

    def __init__(self):
        self.con = None
        self.sett = settings.CSV_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT['en']
        # separator for csv
        self.sep = unicode(self.sett.get('FIELD_SEPARATOR', ','))

    def factory(self):
        return SqlTableStreamer()

    def get_tagname(self):
        return self.TAGNAME

    def format_value(self, val, html=True):
        """default formatting of database values.
        returns <td>value</td> if html=True. Else returns just value"""

        #td_start = u'<td class='
        cell_style = self.table_css_class + '-cell'
        td_start = u'<td class="' + cell_style + u'"'
        td_align_left = ' '
        td_align_right = ' align="right" '
        align = td_align_left
        #res = td + unicode(val) + '</td>'
        tp = type(val).__name__

        #md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['markdown.extensions.attr_list'])
        md = markdown.Markdown()
        #attr = markdown.extensions.attr_list
        #attr.extend(md, [])
        #md = markdown.Markdown(safe_mode='escape')
        attrs = ''
        if tp == 'str':
            res = val.decode('utf-8')
            match = self.ATTR_RE.search(res)
            if match != None:
                attrs = ' ' + match.group(1) + ' '
                res = re.sub(self.ATTR_RE, '', res)
            # markdown it
            res = md.convert(res)
            # remove <p></p>
            if res[:3] == '<p>':
                res = res[3:-4]
        elif tp == 'unicode':
            res = unicode(val)
            match = self.ATTR_RE.search(res)
            if match != None:
                attrs = ' ' + match.group(1) + ' '
                res = re.sub(self.ATTR_RE, '', res)
            # markdown it
            res = md.convert(res)
            # remove <p></p>
            if res[:3] == '<p>':
                res = res[3:-4]
        elif tp in ['Decimal', 'float']:
            res = "{0:0.2f}".format(val)
            align = td_align_right
        elif tp == 'date':
            res = val.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
        elif tp in ['int', 'long']:
            res = "{0}".format(val)
            align = td_align_right
        elif tp in ['NoneType']:
            res = '&nbsp;'
            # unknown datatype
            res = unicode(val)
            match = self.ATTR_RE.search(res)
            if match != None:
                attrs = ' ' + match.group(1) + ' '
                res = re.sub(self.ATTR_RE, '', res)
            # markdown it
            res = md.convert(res)
            # remove <p></p>
            if res[:3] == '<p>':
                res = res[3:-4]

        if html:
            res = td_start + align + attrs + '>' + res + '</td>'

        # now we can possibly have a link in a column.
        # It may contain URL parameters with special characters.
        # Something like /myreport?name="Some long name in God knows what Language"
        # We should quote it
        return res

    def format_csv_value(self, val):
        """Format a value for csv output, according to standard csv rules
        Also settings are used. The value is returned as unicode.
        All html, attributes and markdown links are replaced by plain text"""

        def deal_with_str(strval):
            """Formats string as unicode with optional double quotes according
            to standard"""
            need_quotes = False
            result = strval
            # first commas or semicolons
            ind = result.find(self.sep)
            if ind >= 0:
                need_quotes = True
            # now double quotes
            # we need to add one to each occurence
            ind = result.find('"')
            if ind >= 0:
                need_quotes = True
                result = result.replace('"', '""')
            # newline characters.
            newline_repl = self.sett.get('NEWLINE_REPLACEMENT', None)
            if newline_repl is None:
                need_quotes = True
                # replace them
                result = result.replace("\r\n", newline_repl)
                result = result.replace("\n", newline_repl)
                result = result.replace("\r", newline_repl)
            # leading or trailing spaces require double quotes too
            if (result[0] == ' ') or (result[-1] == ' '):
                need_quotes = True
            # tabs require quotes or replacement
            ind = result.find("\t")
            if ind >= 0:
                tab_repl = self.sett.get('TAB_REPLACEMENT', None)
                if tab_repl is None:
                    need_quotes = True
                    result = result.replace("\t", tab_repl)
            # finally
            if need_quotes:
                result = u'"' + result + u'"'
            return result

        sett = settings.CSV_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT['en']
        tp = type(val).__name__
        res = ''
        if tp == 'str':
            res = deal_with_str(val.decode('utf-8'))
        elif tp == 'unicode':
            res = deal_with_str(unicode(val))
        elif tp in ['Decimal', 'float', 'int', 'long']:
            # plain
            res = str(val)
        elif tp == 'date':
            res = val.strftime(sett['DATE_FORMAT'])
        elif tp in ['NoneType']:
            res = ''

        # attributes
        match = self.ATTR_RE.search(res)
        if match != None:
            attrs = ' ' + match.group(1) + ' '
            res = re.sub(self.ATTR_RE, '', res)

        return res

    # gets a database connection
    # it should work with several connections
    # throws a DWDatabaseError 
    def get_con(self):
        # TODO work around assigning a connection to a member var.
        # We really want to have a stateless object here
        self.con = dwwiki.connectors.get_connection(self.db)
#        #return con
#        #con = MySQLdb.connect(host=db['HOST'], user=db['USER'], passwd=db['PASSWORD'], db=db['DB'],
#        #    charset='utf8',
#        #    cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
#        self.con = None
#        db = self.db
#        # TODO different connectors should live in different files
#        if db['ENGINE'] == 'mysql':
#            import mysql.connector
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            self.con = mysql.connector.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                passwd=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                connection_timeout=timeout
#            )
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'postgresql':
#            import psycopg2
#            # set query timeout as options to psycopg
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            self.con = psycopg2.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                password=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                port=db['PORT'],
#                options="-c statement_timeout=%d" % timeout
#            )
#            self.con.set_client_encoding('utf-8')
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'sqlite':
#            import sqlite3
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            self.con = sqlite3.connect(
#                database=db['DB'],
#                timeout=timeout
#            )

    # returns sql block parsed into tokens
    def parse_block(self, block_text):
        # make a grammar
        block_start = Literal("{")
        sql_start = Keyword("sqltable", caseless=True)
        colon = Literal(":")
        sql_end = Literal("}")
        separator = Literal("|")
        block_end = Keyword("{sqltable}", caseless=True)

        # params
        field_name = Word(alphanums)
        equal_sign = Suppress(Literal("="))

        # whatever value
        field_value = (CharsNotIn("|}"))

        # param name and value
        param_group = Group(field_name + equal_sign + field_value)

        # list of all params
        param_list = delimitedList(param_group, '|')

        # helper
        param_dict = Dict(param_list)

        # sql text
        sql_text = SkipTo(block_end)

        sqldecl = Forward()

        sqldecl << (block_start +
                    sql_start + 
                    Optional(colon) +
                    Optional(param_dict) +
                    sql_end +
                    sql_text.setResultsName('sqltext') +

        block_str = "".join(block_text) 
        tokens = sqldecl.parseString( block_str )
        return tokens

    def prepare_for_query(self, block_text, user, **params):
        self.tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
        # set all required parameters
        self.db_name = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB, settings.DATABASE_DEFAULT_ALIAS).strip()
        # check orientation
        self.orientation = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_ORIENTATION, self.ATTR_DEFAULT_VAL_ORIENTATION).strip()
        # string for totals
        self.totals_str = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_TOTALS, '')
        # array of required totals like ,,sum,crap,avg
        self.totals_array = []
        # array to calculate real totals if possible
        self.totals_values = []
        if self.totals_str <> '':
            # user requires totals
            self.totals_array = self.totals_str.split(',')

        # table, row, footer and cell styles
        self.table_css_class = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_STYLE, self.ATTR_DEFAULT_VAL_STYLE).lower().strip()

        # header
        self.header = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_HEADER, self.ATTR_DEFAULT_VAL_HEADER).lower().strip()
        # avoid gibberish
        if not self.header in [self.ATTR_HEADER_VAL_YES, self.ATTR_HEADER_VAL_NO]:
            self.header = self.ATTR_HEADER_VAL_YES

        # delay for rows. in milliseconds. for debugging
        self.delay = 0
        s = self.tokens.get(self.ATTR_DELAY, self.ATTR_DELAY_DEFAULT_VAL)
            self.delay = int(s)
        except ValueError, e:
            self.delay = 0
        # beware for max and min: 0 to 10,000 = 10 seconds
        if (self.delay < 0):
            self.delay = 0
        elif self.delay > 10000:
            self.delay = 10000
        # database. real one
        self.db = settings.DATABASES.get(self.db_name, None)
        if self.db == None:
            raise DwException(self.db_name, "Unknown database %s." % self.db_name)
        self.true_sql = self.tokens.sqltext
        # now that we have a sql, try to replace parameters in it.
        # Parameter looks like ${param_name}         
        p = re.compile(u'\$\{[a-z]+[0-9]*\}')
        # get the list of all mentioned params
        lst = p.findall(self.true_sql)
        # loop through all these variables and try to replace
        # them with params passed to us
        # test with sql with parameters

        for item in lst:
            stripped_item = item[2:-1]
            # TODO check for default value here
            value = 'None'
            if stripped_item in params:                
                value = params[stripped_item]
                value = urllib.unquote(value)
            # replace it
            self.true_sql = self.true_sql.replace(item, value)
        # get a connection from somewhere
        self.cur = self.con.cursor()
예제 #4
            #        download_link + '">csv</a></td></tr>' + "\n").format(col_count)
            # close table tag
            closing_line += u"</table>\n" + add_line

            yield closing_line
        except DwException, e:
            if self.con is not None:
            raise e
        except Exception, e:
            if self.con is not None:
            # reraise it wrapped in our class
            raise DwException(self.db_name, "Some source exception", e)

    def process_block_as_csv(self, tempfile, block_text, user, **params):

        #tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
        #db_name = tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB, settings.DATABASE_DEFAULT_ALIAS).strip()
        #con = None
        sett = settings.CSV_DOWNLOAD_FORMAT['en']
        sep = unicode(sett.get('FIELD_SEPARATOR', ','))
        enc = unicode(sett.get('ENCODING', 'utf8'))
        nl = sett.get('NEWLINE', "\n")
            self.prepare_for_query(block_text, user, **params)
            # process columns first
예제 #5
class SqlLineChartStreamer(dwstreamer.BaseDwStreamer):
    """Creates a simple line chart
    A query should return columns in a given order:
    1st - An x-axis tick marks
    2nd - y value
    3rd - etc. other lines if there is more than one

    TAGNAME = 'sqllinechart'

    # === Attributes that can be used with tagname sqllinechart ===

    # this is as usual
    ATTR_DB = 'db'

    ATTR_TITLE = 'title'
    ATTR_WIDTH = 'width'
    ATTR_HEIGHT = 'height'
    ATTR_XLABEL = 'xlabel'
    ATTR_YLABEL = 'ylabel'
    ATTR_FONT_SIZE = 'fontsize'
    # grid lines to draw. Can be 'x', 'y', and 'both'
    ATTR_GRID = 'grid'
    # min and max y values. In floats or integers. Otherwise ignored.
    ATTR_MINY = 'miny'
    ATTR_MAXY = 'maxy'

    # Here we may specify several colors delimited by commas
    # Like green, red, black separated by commas
    ATTR_LINE_COLOR = 'linecolor'

    # line width in pixels
    ATTR_LINE_WIDTH = 'linewidth'

    # the line color if user hasn't specified one
    DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR = 'black'

    # fill color for line
    ATTR_FILL_COLOR = 'fillcolor'

    ATTR_MARKER = 'marker'

    # the line color if user has specified it,
    # but made an error

    ATTR_LEGEND = 'legend'
    ATTR_VALUE_YES = 'yes'
    ATTR_VALUE_NO = 'no'

    # maximum number of line points allowed
    # if there is more, just don't draw them
    MAX_X_POINTS = 20000

    # maximum number of parallel lines that can be shown
    # simultaneously.
    MAX_LINE_SETS = 20

    # default top margin over the top of the maximum y value
    # measured in fractions of the difference between min and max
    # values

    # font size for text and tick marks

    def factory(self):
        return SqlLineChartStreamer()

    def make_unicode_or_none(self, val):
        """ Given a value try to make a unicode string
        out of it, transforming strings, numbers and dates.
        Or make it None. Assume non-unicode strings
        are in utf-8
        ret = None
        if type(val) is str:
            ret = val.decode('utf-8')
        elif type(val) is unicode:
            ret = val
            ret = unicode(val)

        return ret

    def get_tagname(self):
        return self.TAGNAME

    # gets a database connection
    # it should work with several connections
    # throws a DWDatabaseError
    def get_con(self, db):
        con = dwwiki.connectors.get_connection(db)
        return con
#        # TODO work around if connection does not exist
#        #db = settings.DATABASES[dbname]
#        #con = MySQLdb.connect(host=db['HOST'], user=db['USER'], passwd=db['PASSWORD'], db=db['DB'],
#        #    charset='utf8',
#        #    cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
#        con = None
#        # TODO different connectors should live in different files
#        if db['ENGINE'] == 'mysql':
#            import mysql.connector
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = mysql.connector.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                passwd=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                connection_timeout=timeout
#            )
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'postgresql':
#            import psycopg2
#            # set query timeout as options to psycopg
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = psycopg2.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                password=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                port=db['PORT'],
#                options="-c statement_timeout=%d" % timeout
#            )
#            con.set_client_encoding('utf-8')
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'sqlite':
#            import sqlite3
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = sqlite3.connect(
#                database=db['DB'],
#                timeout=timeout
#            )
#            #con.set_client_encoding('unicode')
#        return con

    def parse_block(self, block_text):
        """Parses sql block into tokens

        # Valid grammar looks like this:
        #   {sqllinechart: title='Some string' | colors=green, yellow}

        # make a grammar
        block_start = Literal("{")
        sql_start = Keyword(self.TAGNAME, caseless=True)
        colon = Literal(":")
        sql_end = Literal("}")
        separator = Literal("|")
        block_end = Keyword("{" + self.TAGNAME + "}", caseless=True)

        # params
        field_name = Word(alphanums)
        equal_sign = Suppress(Literal("="))

        # whatever value
        field_value = (CharsNotIn("|}"))

        # param name and value
        param_group = Group(field_name + equal_sign + field_value)

        # list of all params
        param_list = delimitedList(param_group, '|')

        # helper
        param_dict = Dict(param_list)

        # sql text
        sql_text = SkipTo(block_end)

        sqldecl = Forward()

        sqldecl << (block_start + sql_start + Optional(colon) +
                    Optional(param_dict) + sql_end +
                    sql_text.setResultsName('sqltext') + block_end)

        block_str = "".join(block_text)
        tokens = sqldecl.parseString(block_str)
        return tokens

    def process_block(self, block_text, user, block_id, **params):
        def int_or_none(val):
            """Returns an integer or none. May pass anything
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = None
            return ret

        def float_or_none(val):
            """Returns a float or none. May pass anything
            if val is None:
                return val
                    ret = float(val)
                except ValueError:
                    ret = None
                return ret

        def int_or_default(val, default=0):
            """ Returns int or a given default
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = default

            return ret

            tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
        except Exception, e:
            # reraise it wrapped in our class
            raise DwException('', "Errpr in graph definition", e)

        # get our tokens
        db_name = tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB,

        # chart title. empty by default
        chart_title = tokens.get(self.ATTR_TITLE, '').strip()

        # line colors
        line_color_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_LINE_COLOR,
        line_color_str = line_color_str.encode('utf-8')
        # separate into array
        # this is not final. Probably there are errors here.
        # We'll deal with it later, when we read the columns
        line_color_list = line_color_str.split(',')

        fill_color_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_FILL_COLOR,
        fill_color_str = fill_color_str.encode('utf-8')
        fill_color_list = fill_color_str.split(',')

        # line style.
        marker_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_MARKER,
        #line_style_list = line_style_str.split(',')
        # TODO check line styles

        # chart width and height in pixels. Beware, the user
        # inevitably will write anything but valid numbers
        chart_width = int_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_WIDTH, '').strip())
        chart_height = int_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_HEIGHT, '').strip())
        xlabel = tokens.get(self.ATTR_XLABEL, '').strip()
        ylabel = tokens.get(self.ATTR_YLABEL, '').strip()
        font_size = int_or_default(
            tokens.get(self.ATTR_FONT_SIZE, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE))
        if font_size <= 0:
            font_size = self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE

        # max and min y
        miny = float_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_MINY, None))
        maxy = float_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_MAXY, None))

        # legend
        legend_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_LEGEND,
        # check for errors
        if legend_str not in (self.ATTR_VALUE_YES, self.ATTR_VALUE_NO):
            legend_str = self.ATTR_LEGEND_DEFAULT_VALUE

        # grid
        grid = tokens.get(self.ATTR_GRID, None)
        if grid is not None:
            grid = grid.strip()
            if grid not in ['x', 'y', 'both']:
                grid = None

        # line widths for all the lines in pixels separated by commas
        line_width_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_LINE_WIDTH, '').strip()

        # also check for negative numbers or zeroes
        if (chart_width is not None) and (chart_height is not None):
            if (chart_width <= 0):
                chart_width = None
            if (chart_height <= 0):
                chart_height = None
            # some of them are none
            # set both to none
            chart_width = None
            chart_height = None

        con = None
        # if anything, we rethrow the exception
            db = settings.DATABASES.get(db_name, None)
            # non-existent database - exception
            if db == None:
                raise DwException(db_name, "Unknown database %s." % db_name)

            true_sql = tokens.sqltext

            # now that we have a sql, try to replace parameters in it.
            # Parameter looks like ${param_name}
            p = re.compile(u'\$\{[a-z]+[0-9]*\}')
            # get the list of all mentioned params
            lst = p.findall(true_sql)
            # loop through all these variables and try to replace
            # them with params passed to us
            for item in lst:
                stripped_item = item[2:-1]
                # TODO check for default value here
                value = 'None'
                if stripped_item in params:
                    value = params[stripped_item]
                    value = urllib.unquote(value)
                # replace it
                true_sql = true_sql.replace(item, value)

            # get a connection from somewhere
            con = self.get_con(db)
            cur = con.cursor()
            #print true_sql
            row = cur.fetchone()

            # TODO Now if row is None it means the set is empty
            # in this case we have to generate a stub
            # for now assume the data is present

            # Get columns for labels
            # We need at least two columns
            # first one is x axis, column heading does not matter
            # the second is y axis values, so are 3rd and subsequent ones
            # their headings are the legend if we have to show it
            columns = cur.description
            col_count = len(columns)
            if col_count < 2:
                raise Exception("There should be at least two columns")

            # Now we can have multiple lines here.
            # col 0 is x axis marks. x axis values we count from zero to 1,2 etc.
            # always. If some rows have nulls in this column, it means
            # there will be no points here.
            # But the x value will be counted anyway.
            # The line will continue as usual.
            # on the previous row value. If a non-null is encountered again
            # on subsequent row, the line will start again there.
            # col 2,3 etc. are other lines.
            # Max allowed number for these columns is set to 20
            # For each line - the color and style is set in graph attributes

            # To plot a line for each column we need two arrays:
            # One - all the y values. If null is encountered, the y value is
            # set to the previous value. If first value is null, it is set to
            # miny value. if miny is none, then to zero.
            # Two - masked x points.
            # Two arrays for each column, arranged as a dictionary 'yvalues', 'xmasked'
            # We don't know beforehand how many columns there are,
            # so we create a list to keep them
            col_values_list = list()

            # x coordinates are the same for all cols, so we make one array
            x_values_list = list()

            # collect column titles for cols 1 - ... as labels
            legend_list = list()
            n = 0
            for col in columns:
                # that's column name
                s = col[0]
                if type(s) is str:
                    s = s.decode('utf-8')
                elif type(s) is unicode:
                    s = col[0]
                if n > 0:
                n += 1

            # now deal with line color for each column
            # TODO line colors should be specified exactly
            # like matplotlib understands
            color_converter = ColorConverter()

            final_color_list = list()
            final_fill_list = list()
            for i in range(0, col_count - 1):
                # Just in case the user specified less colors, than columns
                if i < len(line_color_list):
                    color_str = line_color_list[i]
                    # we have more columns, than colors specified by user
                    color_str = self.DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR

                # The color may well be gibberish
                    color_rgba = color_converter.to_rgba(color_str)
                except Exception, e:
                    #sys.stderr.write("Color error: %s\n" % color_str)
                    color_str = self.USER_ERROR_LINE_COLOR


                # fill color
                if i < len(fill_color_list):
                    fill_str = fill_color_list[i].strip()
                    # more columns than colors
                    fill_str = 'none'

                    color_rgba = color_converter.to_rgba(fill_str)
                except Exception, e:
                    #sys.stderr.write("Color error: %s\n" % color_str)
                    fill_str = 'none'


                # now add a dictionary for each column
                d = {'yvalues': list(), 'xmasked': list()}
예제 #6
class SqlInlineStreamer(dwstreamer.BaseDwStreamer):
    """Returns query results just as string separated by spaces"""

    ATTR_DB = 'db'

    TAGNAME = 'sqlinline'

    def factory(self):
        return SqlInlineStreamer()

    def get_tagname(self):
        return self.TAGNAME

    def get_con(self, db):
        con = dwwiki.connectors.get_connection(db)
        return con
#        # TODO work around if connection does not exist
#        #db = settings.DATABASES[dbname]
#        #con = MySQLdb.connect(host=db['HOST'], user=db['USER'], passwd=db['PASSWORD'], db=db['DB'],
#        #    charset='utf8',
#        #    cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
#        con = None
#        # TODO different connectors should live in different files
#        if db['ENGINE'] == 'mysql':
#            import mysql.connector
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = mysql.connector.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                passwd=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                connection_timeout=timeout
#            )
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'postgresql':
#            import psycopg2
#            # set query timeout as options to psycopg
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = psycopg2.connect(
#                user=db['USER'],
#                password=db['PASSWORD'],
#                host=db['HOST'],
#                database=db['DB'],
#                port=db['PORT'],
#                options="-c statement_timeout=%d" % timeout
#            )
#            con.set_client_encoding('utf-8')
#        elif db['ENGINE'] == 'sqlite':
#            import sqlite3
#            timeout = db.get('QUERY_TIMEOUT', 60) * 1000 # milliseconds
#            con = sqlite3.connect(
#                database=db['DB'],
#                timeout=timeout
#            )
#            #con.set_client_encoding('unicode')
#        return con

# returns sql block parsed into tokens

    def parse_block(self, block_text):
        # make a grammar
        block_start = Literal("{")
        sql_start = Keyword("sqlinline", caseless=True)
        colon = Literal(":")
        sql_end = Literal("}")
        separator = Literal("|")
        block_end = Keyword("{sqlinline}", caseless=True)

        # params
        field_name = Word(alphanums)
        equal_sign = Suppress(Literal("="))

        # whatever value
        field_value = (CharsNotIn("|}"))

        # param name and value
        param_group = Group(field_name + equal_sign + field_value)

        # list of all params
        param_list = delimitedList(param_group, '|')

        # helper
        param_dict = Dict(param_list)

        # sql text
        sql_text = SkipTo(block_end)

        sqldecl = Forward()

        sqldecl << (block_start + sql_start + Optional(colon) +
                    Optional(param_dict) + sql_end +
                    sql_text.setResultsName('sqltext') + block_end)

        block_str = "".join(block_text)
        tokens = sqldecl.parseString(block_str)
        return tokens

    def format_value(self, val):
        tp = type(val).__name__

        if tp == 'str':
            res = val.decode('utf-8')
        elif tp == 'unicode':
            res = unicode(val)
        elif tp in ['Decimal', 'float']:
            res = "{0:0.2f}".format(val)
        elif tp == 'date':
            res = val.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
        elif tp in ['int', 'long']:
            res = "{0}".format(val)
            # unknown datatype
            res = unicode(val)

        return res

    def process_block(self, block_text, user, **params):
        """ Yields all query results at once. Only once.
        May return an exception.
            tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)
            db_name = tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB,
            con = None

            db = settings.DATABASES.get(db_name, None)
            if db == None:
                raise DwException(db_name, "Unknown database %s." % db_name)
            true_sql = tokens.sqltext
            p = re.compile(u'\$\{[a-z]+[0-9]*\}')
            lst = p.findall(true_sql)

            for item in lst:
                stripped_item = item[2:-1]
                # TODO check for default value here
                value = 'None'
                if stripped_item in params:
                    value = params[stripped_item]
                    value = urllib.unquote(value)
                # replace it
                true_sql = true_sql.replace(item, value)

            # get a connection from somewhere
            con = self.get_con(db)
            cur = con.cursor()

            row = cur.fetchone()
            num_rows = 0
            while row is not None:
                if num_rows == db.get('LIMIT_ROWS', 1000):
                    # we are 1 row over limit
                    add_line = htmlconstants.SQL_OVER_LIMIT.format(num_rows)
                    row = None
                    retstr = u''
                    for val in row:
                        retstr = retstr + ' ' + self.format_value(val)
                    retstr += "\n"
                    yield retstr
                    num_rows += 1
                    row = cur.fetchone()
            con = None

        except DwException, e:
            if con is not None:
            raise e

        except Exception, e:
            if con is not None:

            # reraise it wrapped in our class
            raise DwException(db_name, "Some source exception", e)
예제 #7
    def process_block(self, block_text, user, block_id, **params):
        def int_or_none(val):
            """Returns an integer or none. May pass anything
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = None
            return ret

        def int_or_default(val, default=0):
            """ Returns int or a given default
                ret = int(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = default

            return ret

        def float_or_default(val, default=0.0):
            """ Returns float or a given default
                ret = float(val)
            except ValueError:
                ret = default

            return ret

        tokens = self.parse_block(block_text)

        # get our tokens
        db_name = tokens.get(self.ATTR_DB,

        # chart title. empty by default
        chart_title = tokens.get(self.ATTR_TITLE, '').strip()

        # chart width and height in pixels. Beware, the user
        # inevitably will write anything but valid numbers
        chart_width = int_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_WIDTH, '').strip())
        chart_height = int_or_none(tokens.get(self.ATTR_HEIGHT, '').strip())
        ylabel = tokens.get(self.ATTR_YLABEL, '').strip()
        xlabel = tokens.get(self.ATTR_XLABEL, '').strip()
        font_size = int_or_default(
            tokens.get(self.ATTR_FONT_SIZE, self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE))
        if font_size <= 1:
            font_size = self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
        if font_size >= 100:
            font_size = self.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE

        # grid
        grid = tokens.get(self.ATTR_GRID, 'none').strip().lower()
        if grid not in ('x', 'y', 'both', 'none'):
            grid = 'none'

        # also check for negative numbers or zeroes
        if (chart_width is not None) and (chart_height is not None):
            if (chart_width <= 0) or (chart_height <= 0):
                # both none
                chart_width = None
                chart_height = None
            # some of them are none
            # set both to none
            chart_width = None
            chart_height = None

        # xtick rotation
        x_tick_rotation = int_or_default(
            tokens.get(self.ATTR_XTICK_ROTATION, self.DEFAULT_XTICK_ROTATION))
        if x_tick_rotation > 90:
            x_tick_rotation = 90

        if x_tick_rotation < -90:
            x_tick_rotation = -90

        # legend
        legend_str = tokens.get(self.ATTR_LEGEND,
        if legend_str not in (self.ATTR_VALUE_NO, self.ATTR_VALUE_YES):
            legend_str = self.ATTR_VALUE_NO

        # legend location
        legend_location = tokens.get(
        # this is not necessary, matplotlib does it by himself,
        # yet we check it here to avoid warnings on stdout
        if legend_location not in self.VALID_LEGEND_LOCATIONS:
            legend_location = self.DEFAULT_LEGEND_LOCATION

        # bar width
        bar_width = float_or_default(
            tokens.get(self.ATTR_BAR_WIDTH, self.DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH),
        if bar_width > self.MAX_BAR_WIDTH:
            bar_width = self.MAX_BAR_WIDTH

        if bar_width < self.MIN_BAR_WIDTH:
            bar_width = self.MIN_BAR_WIDTH

        # stacked
        stacked = tokens.get(self.ATTR_STACKED,
        if stacked not in (self.ATTR_VALUE_YES, self.ATTR_VALUE_NO):
            stacked = self.ATTR_VALUE_NO

        con = None
        # if anything, we rethrow the exception
            db = settings.DATABASES.get(db_name, None)
            # non-existent database - exception
            if db == None:
                raise DwException(db_name, "Unknown database %s." % db_name)

            true_sql = tokens.sqltext

            # now that we have a sql, try to replace parameters in it.
            # Parameter looks like ${param_name}
            p = re.compile(u'\$\{[a-z]+[0-9]*\}')
            # get the list of all mentioned params
            lst = p.findall(true_sql)
            # loop through all these variables and try to replace
            # them with params passed to us
            for item in lst:
                stripped_item = item[2:-1]
                # TODO check for default value here
                value = 'None'
                if stripped_item in params:
                    value = params[stripped_item]
                    value = urllib.unquote(value)
                # replace it
                true_sql = true_sql.replace(item, value)

            # get a connection from somewhere
            con = self.get_con(db)
            cur = con.cursor()
            row = cur.fetchone()

            # TODO Now if row is None it means the set is empty
            # in this case we have to generate a stub
            # for now assume the data is present

            # Get columns for labels
            # We need at least two columns
            # first one is x axis, column heading does not matter
            # the second is y axis values
            # the third one is the color of values
            # if there is no third column,  use default color
            # which is gray
            columns = cur.description
            col_count = len(columns)
            if col_count < 2:
                raise DwException(db_name,
                                  "There should be at least two columns")

            # second column should be a number. Don't test it here.
            # we will try to test each value

            # every odd column is value
            # every even column is color

            # Now traverse all the rows
            # x_tick_marks is col 0 values
            x_tick_marks = list()

            # y_values is an array of bar heights
            # stored in the second column, fourth etc. columns

            # this is array of arrays
            y_values_array = list()
            y_colors_array = list()
            for i in range(1, col_count):
                is_value = i % 2 == 1
                is_color = i % 2 == 0
                if is_value is True:
                    y_values = list()
                    # add color array in any case
                    y_colors = list()
                #if is_color is True:

            #y_values = list()

            # bar_colors is an array of bar colors
            # stored in the third column
            # if there is no third column,
            # assume the color is grey
            #y_colors = list()

            # Now traverse. If row count is too big,
            # just stop where it exceeds the maximum allowed number
            # which we set to 100 for now
            curr_bar = 0

            color_converter = ColorConverter()

            while row is not None:
                # tick mark as unicode
                mark = row[0]
                if mark is None:
                    mark = ''
                if type(mark) is str:
                    mark = mark.decode('utf-8')
                elif type(mark) is unicode:
                    # TODO maybe a number
                    # we need to convert it to a string
                    # according to it's type (integer, decimal, float)
                    # date, time, datetime
                    mark = unicode(mark)


                # collect values and colors
                for i in range(1, col_count):
                    is_value = i % 2 == 1
                    is_color = i % 2 == 0

                    # value itself. plot does not support Decimal,
                    # need to convert to float
                    if is_value is True:
                        value_index = i / 2
                        y_values = y_values_array[value_index]

                        value = row[i]
                        tp = type(value).__name__
                        if tp is 'Decimal':
                            value = float(value)

                        # all nulls are replaced with zeroes
                        if value is None:
                            value = 0.0


                        # now colors
                        color_col = i + 1

                        y_colors = y_colors_array[value_index]

                        # color himself +1 col if exists
                        color_str = None

                        if color_col < len(row):
                            color_str = self.make_unicode_or_none(row[i + 1])

                        if color_str is None:
                            color_str = self.DEFAULT_BAR_COLOR

                        # Now try to make a color. If it's unsuccessful,
                        # it returns an exception
                            color_rgba = color_converter.to_rgba(color_str)
                        except Exception, e:
                            #sys.stderr.write("Color error: %s\n" % color_str)
                            color_rgba = color_converter.to_rgba(

                        # Hopefully, color_rgba is now set
                        # to a tuple of R, G, B and Alpha

                # increment row counter
                curr_bar += 1
                if curr_bar >= self.MAX_BARS:
                    row = cur.fetchone()

            # Now we have collected all the values, marks and colors

            con = None

            # Build a graph

            # 80 dots per inch. So 7 x 4 inches will make 560 x 320 pixels
            if (chart_width > 0) and (chart_height > 0):
                fig = plt.figure(figsize=[chart_width / 80, chart_height / 80],
                fig = plt.figure()

            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

            # data size
            #N = len(curr_bar) # number of bar groups - scale units for x axis = number of query rows

            # arrange N between 0 and N-1. Returns an array
            ind = np.arange(curr_bar)  # distribute equally

            # todo expose bar width
            if stacked == self.ATTR_VALUE_NO:
                width = bar_width / len(
                    y_values_array)  # width of the bars (measures?)
                width = bar_width

            min_value = 0
            max_value = 0

            for y_values in y_values_array:
                # remember it may be negative
                temp_min_value = min(y_values)
                min_value = min(temp_min_value, min_value)
                if min_value > 0:
                    min_value = 0

                temp_max_value = max(y_values)
                max_value = max(temp_max_value, max_value)
                if max_value < 0:
                    max_value = 0

            # now add additional 10% of min-max range at the top
            value_range = max_value - min_value
            top_y_axis_margin = value_range * self.DEFAULT_TOP_Y_AXIS_MARGIN

            # no margin for bottom
            bottom_y_axis_margin = 0

            # if we have negative bars, set margin below too
            if min_value < 0:
                bottom_y_axis_margin = top_y_axis_margin

            # here we set final max and min y axis values to account for our margins
            max_y_axis_value = max_value + top_y_axis_margin
            min_y_axis_value = min_value - bottom_y_axis_margin

            # cycle through values and draw bars
            for i in range(len(y_values_array)):
                y_values = y_values_array[i]
                y_colors = y_colors_array[i]

                # bar labels
                # get a description
                # it's in columns 1,3,5 etc.
                # i=0 => col=1
                # i=1 => col=3
                col_index = i * 2 + 1
                col = columns[col_index]
                bar_label = col[0]
                if type(col[0]) is str:
                    bar_label = col[0].decode('utf-8')
                elif type(col[0]) is unicode:
                    bar_label = col[0]

                # The Drawing
                if stacked == self.ATTR_VALUE_NO:
                    rects1 = ax.bar(ind + i * width,
                    rects1 = ax.bar(ind,

            ax.set_xlim(-1 + bar_width, len(ind))

            ax.set_ylim(min_y_axis_value, max_y_axis_value)

            # draw horizontal grid lines
            if grid <> 'none':
                ax.grid(which='major', axis=grid)

            if ylabel <> '':
                plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=font_size)

            if xlabel <> '':
                plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=font_size)

            ax.set_title(chart_title, fontsize=font_size)

            # font for y major ticks
            for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

            # ticks on top and bottom
            ax.set_xticks(ind + bar_width / 2)

            #canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)

            x_tick_labels = ax.set_xticklabels(x_tick_marks)


            # legend
            if legend_str == self.ATTR_VALUE_YES:
                ax.legend(loc=legend_location, prop={'size': font_size})


            tempfiledir = cherrypy.config['dwwiki.tempfiledir']
            tempfile.tempdir = tempfiledir
                f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
                # print graph to a temporary file
                # TODO we assume it prints png. Yet I don't know
                # why. Is it the default format?

                # Now all we need is to encode the file in base64,
                # then serve it as an <img>
                input_file = open(f.name, 'rb')
                output_file = cStringIO.StringIO()
                base64.encode(input_file, output_file)
                # we have it as a png string
                #yield '<img alt="graph" src="data:image/png;base64,'
                yield '<img alt="graph" src="data:image/png;base64,'
                yield output_file.getvalue()
                yield "\"/>\n"