예제 #1
  def __init__(self, test_nave_model = False):

    # Set up experimental models with regular geometry
    from dxtbx.model.experiment import beam_factory
    from dxtbx.model.experiment import goniometer_factory
    from dxtbx.model.experiment import detector_factory

    from dxtbx.model.crystal import crystal_model

    # Beam along the Z axis
    self.beam = beam_factory.make_beam(unit_s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1)),
                                       wavelength = 1.0)

    # Goniometer (used only for index generation) along X axis
    self.goniometer = goniometer_factory.known_axis(matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))

    # Detector fast, slow along X, -Y; beam in the centre, 200 mm distance
    dir1 = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))
    dir2 = matrix.col((0, -1, 0))
    n = matrix.col((0, 0, 1))
    centre = matrix.col((0, 0, 200))
    npx_fast = npx_slow = 1000
    pix_size = 0.2
    origin = centre - (0.5 * npx_fast * pix_size * dir1 +
                       0.5 * npx_slow * pix_size * dir2)
    self.detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD",
                        dir1, dir2, origin,
                        (pix_size, pix_size),
                        (npx_fast, npx_slow),
                        (0, 1.e6))

    # Cubic 100 A^3 crystal
    a = matrix.col((100, 0, 0))
    b = matrix.col((0, 100, 0))
    c = matrix.col((0, 0, 100))
    self.crystal = crystal_model(a, b, c, space_group_symbol = "P 1")

    if test_nave_model:
      self.crystal._ML_half_mosaicity_deg = 500
      self.crystal._ML_domain_size_ang = 0.2

    # Collect these models in an Experiment (ignoring the goniometer)
    from dxtbx.model.experiment.experiment_list import Experiment
    self.experiment = Experiment(beam=self.beam, detector=self.detector,
      goniometer=None, scan=None, crystal=self.crystal, imageset=None)

    # Generate some reflections
    self.reflections = self.generate_reflections()

예제 #2
  def build_detector(self):

    assert self._params.detector.directions.method in \
                                        ['close_to', 'exactly']

    if self._params.detector.directions.method == 'close_to':

      temp = self._params.detector.directions.close_to.dir1
      dir1 = random_vector_close_to(temp,
              sd = self._params.detector.directions.close_to.sd)

      n = random_vector_close_to(

    elif self._params.detector.directions.method == 'exactly':

      temp = self._params.detector.directions.exactly.dir1
      dir1 = matrix.col(temp)

      n = matrix.col(

    dir2 = n.cross(dir1).normalize()

    assert self._params.detector.centre.method in \

    if self._params.detector.centre.method == 'close_to':

      centre = random_vector_close_to(
          sd = self._params.detector.centre.close_to.sd)

    elif self._params.detector.centre.method == 'exactly':

      temp = self._params.detector.centre.exactly.value
      centre = matrix.col(temp)

    origin = centre - (0.5 * self._params.detector.npx_fast *
                       self._params.detector.pix_size * dir1 +
                       0.5 * self._params.detector.npx_slow *
                       self._params.detector.pix_size * dir2)
    self.detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD",
                        dir1, dir2, origin,
                        (0, 1.e6))
  def __init__(self, plots = False):

    # Do we make scatterplots?
    self.do_plots = plots

    # Let's say we have a scan of 100 images
    self.image_range = (1, 100)

    # Make a random P1 crystal
    a = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
    b = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
    c = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    self.xl = crystal_model(a, b, c, space_group_symbol = "P 1")

    # Make a beam with wavelength in the range 0.8--1.2 and s0 direction close
    # to 0,0,1
    s0 = random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    self.beam = Beam(s0)

    # Make a standard goniometer model along X
    self.goniometer = Goniometer((1,0,0))

    # Make a simple single panel detector
    d1 = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))
    d2 = matrix.col((0, -1, 0))
    npx_fast = 1475
    npx_slow = 1679
    pix_size_f = pix_size_s = 0.172
    from dxtbx.model.experiment import detector_factory
    self.detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD", d1, d2,
      matrix.col((0, 0, -110)), (pix_size_f, pix_size_s),
      (npx_fast, npx_slow), (0, 2e20))
  def __init__(self, plots = False):

    # Do we make scatterplots?
    self.do_plots = plots

    # Let's say we have a scan of 100 images
    self.image_range = (1, 100)

    # Make a random P1 crystal
    a = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
    b = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
    c = random.uniform(10,50) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    self.xl = crystal_model(a, b, c, space_group_symbol = "P 1")

    # Make a beam with wavelength in the range 0.8--1.2 and s0 direction close
    # to 0,0,1
    s0 = random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) * \
        self.random_direction_close_to(matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    self.beam = Beam(s0)

    # Make a standard goniometer model along X
    self.goniometer = Goniometer((1,0,0))

    # Make a simple single panel detector
    d1 = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))
    d2 = matrix.col((0, -1, 0))
    npx_fast = 1475
    npx_slow = 1679
    pix_size_f = pix_size_s = 0.172
    from dxtbx.model.experiment import detector_factory
    self.detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD", d1, d2,
      matrix.col((0, 0, -110)), (pix_size_f, pix_size_s),
      (npx_fast, npx_slow), (0, 2e20))
예제 #5
if __name__ == '__main__':

  # set the random seed to make the test reproducible

  # set up a simple detector frame with directions aligned with
  # principal axes and sensor origin located on the z-axis at -110
  d1 = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))
  d2 = matrix.col((0, -1, 0))
  #lim = (0,50)
  npx_fast = 1475
  npx_slow = 1679
  pix_size_f = pix_size_s = 0.172
  detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD", d1, d2,
      matrix.col((0, 0, -110)), (pix_size_f, pix_size_s),
      (npx_fast, npx_slow), (0, 2e20))

  dp = DetectorParameterisationSinglePanel(detector)
  beam = beam_factory().make_beam(
          sample_to_source=-1*(matrix.col((0, 0, -110)) + 10 * d1 + 10 * d2),

  # Test change of parameters
  # =========================

  # 1. shift detector plane so that the z-axis intercepts its centre
  # at a distance of 100 along the initial normal direction. As the
  # initial normal is along -z, we expect the frame to intercept the
  # z-axis at -100.
예제 #6
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # set the random seed to make the test reproducible

    # set up a simple detector frame with directions aligned with
    # principal axes and sensor origin located on the z-axis at -110
    d1 = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))
    d2 = matrix.col((0, -1, 0))
    #lim = (0,50)
    npx_fast = 1475
    npx_slow = 1679
    pix_size_f = pix_size_s = 0.172
    detector = detector_factory.make_detector("PAD", d1, d2,
                                              matrix.col((0, 0, -110)),
                                              (pix_size_f, pix_size_s),
                                              (npx_fast, npx_slow), (0, 2e20))

    dp = DetectorParameterisationSinglePanel(detector)
    beam = beam_factory().make_beam(sample_to_source=-1 * (matrix.col(
        (0, 0, -110)) + 10 * d1 + 10 * d2),

    # Test change of parameters
    # =========================

    # 1. shift detector plane so that the z-axis intercepts its centre
    # at a distance of 100 along the initial normal direction. As the
    # initial normal is along -z, we expect the frame to intercept the
    # z-axis at -100.