예제 #1
def createReferenceVector(robot):

    P72 = plugObjectSim(robot)

    # the out signal is always the actual goal
    HOLEINWORLD = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("HOLEINWORLD")
    plug(P72, HOLEINWORLD.sin1)

    return (HOLEINWORLD.sin2, HOLEINWORLD.sout)
예제 #2
def plugObject(robot):

    robot.cameraFrameName = 'cameraBottomLeft'

    # Change of reference orientation from Visp to dynamic_graph
    visp2dg = ((0., 0., 1., 0.), (-1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., -1., 0., 0.),
               (0., 0., 0., 1.))

    # Multiplies the position of the object in the camera reference for the camera orientation of Visp
    # The out signal is the object position in a reference located on the camera, but oriented as used in DG
    OBJECTINCAMERA_DG.sin1.value = visp2dg
    plug(robot.rosExport.objectInCamera, OBJECTINCAMERA_DG.sin2)

    # The out signal is objectInWorld
    OBJECTINWORLD = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("OBJECTINWORLD")
    plug(robot.frames[robot.cameraFrameName].position, OBJECTINWORLD.sin1)

    return OBJECTINWORLD.sout
예제 #3
def plugObjectFix(robot):

    P72RPY = (0.75, -0.45, 0.85, 0., 0., 1.57)
    oIw = RPYToMatrix(P72RPY)

    robot.cameraFrameName = 'cameraBottomLeft'

    inv = Inverse_of_matrixHomo("inv")
    plug(robot.frames[robot.cameraFrameName].position, inv.sin)

    mult = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("mult")
    plug(inv.sout, mult.sin1)
    mult.sin2.value = oIw

    # The out signal is objectInWorld with simulated movement of the robot
    OBJECTINWORLD = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("OBJECTINWORLD")
    plug(mult.sout, OBJECTINWORLD.sin2)
    plug(robot.frames[robot.cameraFrameName].position, OBJECTINWORLD.sin1)

    return OBJECTINWORLD.sout
예제 #4
def plugObjectSim(robot):

    objectInWorld = plugObject(robot)
    oIw = objectInWorld.value

    #since the real robot is not moving we have to compensate the changing of the camera position
    robot.cameraFrameName = 'cameraBottomLeft'

    inv = Inverse_of_matrixHomo("inv")
    plug(robot.frames[robot.cameraFrameName].position, inv.sin)

    mult = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("mult")
    plug(inv.sout, mult.sin1)
    mult.sin2.value = oIw

    # The out signal is objectInWorld with simulated movement of the robot
    OBJECTINWORLD = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("OBJECTINWORLD")
    plug(mult.sout, OBJECTINWORLD.sin2)
    plug(robot.frames[robot.cameraFrameName].position, OBJECTINWORLD.sin1)

    return OBJECTINWORLD.sout
예제 #5
def createReference(robot):

    p72 = plugObject(robot)

    # The out signal is the goal
    HOLEINWORLD = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("HOLEINWORLD")
    plug(p72, HOLEINWORLD.sin1)

    security_distance = 0.7

    orientation = array([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., -1], [-1., 0., 0.]])

    p72tohole9 = eye(4)
    p72tohole9[0:3, 0:3] = orientation
    p72tohole9[0:3, 3] = array([0.1, 0.2 + security_distance, -0.25])

    sigIN = HOLEINWORLD.sin2
    sigIN.value = matrixToTuple(p72tohole9)

    sigOUT = HOLEINWORLD.sout

    return sigOUT
예제 #6
def initZMPRef(robot):
    # --- Selector of Com Ref: when robot.pg is stopped, pg.inprocess becomes 0
    robot.comSelector = Selector('comSelector',
                                 ['vector', 'ref', robot.com, robot.pg.comref])
    plug(robot.pg.inprocess, robot.comSelector.selec)

    selecSupportFoot = Selector(
        ['matrixHomo', 'pg_H_sf', robot.pg.rightfootref, robot.pg.leftfootref],
        ['matrixHomo', 'wa_H_sf', robot.geom.rf2, robot.geom.lf2])

    robot.addTrace(robot.pg.name, 'rightfootref')
    robot.addTrace(robot.pg.name, 'leftfootref')
    robot.addTrace(robot.pg.name, 'comref')
    robot.addTrace(robot.pg.name, 'zmpref')
    robot.addTrace(robot.pg.name, 'inprocess')
    robot.addTrace(robot.device.name, 'forceLLEG')
    robot.addTrace(robot.device.name, 'forceRLEG')

    plug(robot.pg.SupportFoot, selecSupportFoot.selec)
    sf_H_wa = Inverse_of_matrixHomo('sf_H_wa')
    plug(selecSupportFoot.wa_H_sf, sf_H_wa.sin)
    pg_H_wa = Multiply_of_matrixHomo('pg_H_wa')
    plug(selecSupportFoot.pg_H_sf, pg_H_wa.sin1)
    plug(sf_H_wa.sout, pg_H_wa.sin2)

    # --- Compute the ZMP ref in the Waist reference frame.
    wa_H_pg = Inverse_of_matrixHomo('wa_H_pg')
    plug(pg_H_wa.sout, wa_H_pg.sin)
    wa_zmp = Multiply_matrixHomo_vector('wa_zmp')
    plug(wa_H_pg.sout, wa_zmp.sin1)
    plug(robot.pg.zmpref, wa_zmp.sin2)
    # Connect the ZMPref to OpenHRP in the waist reference frame.
    robot.pg.parseCmd(':SetZMPFrame world')
    plug(robot.pg.zmpref, robot.device.zmp)

    robot.addTrace(robot.device.name, 'zmp')
    robot.addTrace(pg_H_wa.name, 'sout')
예제 #7
p72tohole = getData(0.)

tool = (0.4, -0.1, 0.8, 0., 0., pi / 2)
                                        (0., 0.0, 0., 0., 0., 0.))

P72RPY = (0.75, -0.45, 0.85, 0., 0., 1.57)
robot.device.viewer.updateElementConfig('P72', P72RPY)

P72 = RPYToMatrix(P72RPY)

# --- RUN ----------------------------------------------------------------

p72togoal = Multiply_of_matrixHomo("p72togoal")
p72togoal.sin1.value = matrixToTuple(P72)
p72togoal.sin2.value = matrixToTuple(p72tohole[0])

goal = p72togoal.sout

    'goal1', vectorToTuple(array(matrixToRPY(goal.value))))

get_2ht(robot, solver, tool, gainMax, gainMin)

state = 0
# Motion recording
zmp_out = open("/tmp/data.zmp","w")