예제 #1
class Supervisor(object):
    Steps: P = placement, G = grasp, p = pre-P, g = pre-G
    0. P <-> GP
    1. P <-> gP
    2. gP <-> GP
    3. GP <-> G
    4. GP <-> Gp
    5. Gp <-> G

    # \param lpTasks list of low priority tasks. If None, a Posture task will be used.
    # \param hpTasks list of high priority tasks (like balance)
    def __init__(self, sotrobot, lpTasks=None, hpTasks=None):
        self.sotrobot = sotrobot
        self.hpTasks = hpTasks if hpTasks is not None else _hpTasks(sotrobot)
        self.lpTasks = lpTasks if lpTasks is not None else _lpTasks(sotrobot)
        self.currentSot = None
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.switch import SwitchVector
        self.sot_switch = SwitchVector("sot_supervisor_switch")
        plug(self.sot_switch.sout, self.sotrobot.device.control)

        from agimus_sot.events import Events
        self.done_events = Events("done", sotrobot)
        self.error_events = Events("error", sotrobot)
        self.done_events.setupNormOfControl(sotrobot.device.control, 1e-2)
        )  # For signal self. done_events.timeEllapsedSignal
        )  # For signal self.error_events.timeEllapsedSignal

    def makeInitialSot(self):
        # Create the initial sot (keep)
        from .solver import Solver
        sot = Solver('sot_keep', self.sotrobot.dynamic.getDimension())

        self.keep_posture = Posture("posture_keep", self.sotrobot)
        ).value = self.sotrobot.dynamic.position.value

        sot.doneSignal = self.done_events.controlNormSignal
        sot.errorSignal = False
        self.addSolver("", sot)

    ## Set the robot base pose in the world.
    # \param basePose a list: [x,y,z,r,p,y] or [x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw]
    # \return success True in case of success
    def setBasePose(self, basePose):
        if len(basePose) == 7:
            # Currently, this case never happens
            from dynamic_graph.sot.tools.quaternion import Quaternion
            from numpy.linalg import norm
            q = Quaternion(basePose[6], basePose[3], basePose[4], basePose[5])
            if abs(norm(q.array) - 1.) > 1e-2:
                return False, "Quaternion is not normalized"
            basePose = basePose[:3] + q.toRPY().tolist()
        if self.currentSot == "" or len(basePose) != 6:
            # We are using the SOT to keep the current posture.
            # The 6 first DoF are not used by the task so we can change them safely.
                tuple(basePose + list(self.sotrobot.device.state.value[6:])))
            ).value = self.sotrobot.device.state.value
            return True
            return False

    ## \name SoT managements
    ##  \{

    def addPreAction(self, name, preActionSolver):
        self.preActions[name] = preActionSolver

    def addSolver(self, name, solver):
        self.sots[name] = solver

    def duplicateSolver(self, existingSolver, newSolver):
        self.sots[newSolver] = self.sots[existingSolver]

    def addPostActions(self, name, postActionSolvers):
        self.postActions[name] = postActionSolvers
        for targetState, pa_sot in postActionSolvers.iteritems():

    ## This is for internal purpose
    def _addSignalToSotSwitch(self, solver):
        n = self.sot_switch.getSignalNumber()
        self.sot_switch.setSignalNumber(n + 1)
        self.sots_indexes[solver.name] = n
        plug(solver.control, self.sot_switch.signal("sin" + str(n)))

        def _plug(e, events, n, name):
            assert events.getSignalNumber() == n, "Wrong number of events."
            events.setSignalNumber(n + 1)
            events.setConditionString(n, name)
            if isinstance(e, (bool, int)):
                events.conditionSignal(n).value = int(e)
                plug(e, events.conditionSignal(n))

        _plug(solver.doneSignal, self.done_events, n, solver.name)
        _plug(solver.errorSignal, self.error_events, n, solver.name)

    def _selectSolver(self, solver):
        n = self.sots_indexes[solver.name]
        self.sot_switch.selection.value = n

    ## \}

    def topics(self):
        c = self.hpTasks + self.lpTasks
        for g in self.grasps.values():
            c += g
        for p in self.placements.values():
            c += p

        return c.topics

    def plugTopicsToRos(self):
        from dynamic_graph.ros.ros_queued_subscribe import RosQueuedSubscribe
        self.rosSubscribe = RosQueuedSubscribe('ros_queued_subscribe')
        from dynamic_graph.ros.ros_tf_listener import RosTfListener
        self.rosTf = RosTfListener('ros_tf_listener')
        topics = self.topics()

        for name, topic_info in topics.items():
            topic_handler = _handlers[topic_info.get("handler", "default")]
            topic_handler(name, topic_info, self.rosSubscribe, self.rosTf)

    def printQueueSize(self):
        exec("tmp = " + self.rosSubscribe.list())
        for l in tmp:
            print(l, self.rosSubscribe.queueSize(l))

    ## Check consistency between two SoTs.
    # This is not used anymore because it must be synchronized with the real-time thread.
    # \todo Re-enable consistency check between two SoTs.
    def isSotConsistentWithCurrent(self, transitionName, thr=1e-3):
        if self.currentSot is None or transitionName == self.currentSot:
            return True
        csot = self.sots[self.currentSot]
        nsot = self.sots[transitionName]
        t = self.sotrobot.device.control.time
        # This is not safe since it would be run concurrently with the
        # real time thread.
        from numpy import array, linalg
        error = array(nsot.control.value) - array(csot.control.value)
        n = linalg.norm(error)
        if n > thr:
            print("Control not consistent:", linalg.norm(error), '\n', error)
            return False
        return True

    def clearQueues(self):
        exec("tmp = " + self.rosSubscribe.list())
        for s in tmp:
            print('{} queue size: {}'.format(s,

    ## Wait for the queue to be of a given size.
    # \param minQueueSize (integer) waits to the queue size of rosSubscribe
    #                     to be greater or equal to \c minQueueSize
    # \param timeout time in seconds after which to return a failure.
    # \return True on success, False on timeout.
    def waitForQueue(self, minQueueSize, timeout):
        ts = self.sotrobot.device.getTimeStep()
        to = int(timeout / self.sotrobot.device.getTimeStep())
        from time import sleep
        start_it = self.sotrobot.device.control.time
        exec("queues = " + self.rosSubscribe.list())
        for queue in queues:
            while self.rosSubscribe.queueSize(queue) < minQueueSize:
                if self.sotrobot.device.control.time > start_it + to:
                    return False, "Queue {} has received {} points.".format(
                        queue, self.rosSubscribe.queueSize(queue))
        return True, ""

    ## Start reading values received by the RosQueuedSubscribe entity.
    # \param delay (integer) how many periods to wait before reading.
    #              It allows to give some delay to network connection.
    # \param minQueueSize (integer) waits to the queue size of rosSubscribe
    #                     to be greater or equal to \p minQueueSize
    # \param duration expected duration (in seconds) of the queue.
    # \param timeout time in seconds after which to return a failure.
    # \return success, time boolean, SoT time at which reading starts (invalid if success is False)
    # \warning If \p minQueueSize is greater than the number of values to
    #          be received by rosSubscribe, this function does an infinite loop.
    def readQueue(self, delay, minQueueSize, duration, timeout):
        from time import sleep
        print("Current solver {0}".format(self.currentSot))
        if delay < 0:
            print("Delay argument should be >= 0")
            return False, -1
        minSizeReached, msg = self.waitForQueue(minQueueSize, timeout)
        if not minSizeReached:
            return False, -1
        durationStep = int(duration / self.sotrobot.device.getTimeStep())
        t = self.sotrobot.device.control.time + delay
        self.done_events.setFutureTime(t + durationStep)
        self.error_events.setFutureTime(t + durationStep)
        return True, t

    def stopReadingQueue(self):

    # \return success, time boolean, SoT time at which reading starts (invalid if success is False)
    def plugSot(self, transitionName, check=False):
        if check and not self.isSotConsistentWithCurrent(transitionName):
            # raise Exception ("Sot %d not consistent with sot %d" % (self.currentSot, id))
            print("Sot {0} not consistent with sot {1}".format(
                self.currentSot, transitionName))
        if transitionName == "":
            ).value = self.sotrobot.dynamic.position.value
        solver = self.sots[transitionName]

        # No done events should be triggered before call
        # to readQueue. We expect it to happen with 1e6 milli-seconds
        # from now...
        devicetime = self.sotrobot.device.control.time
        self.done_events.setFutureTime(devicetime + 100000)

        print("{0}: Current solver {1}\n{2}".format(devicetime, transitionName,
        self.currentSot = transitionName
        if hasattr(self, 'ros_publish_state'):
            self.ros_publish_state.transition_name.value = transitionName
        return True, devicetime

    # \return success, time boolean, SoT time at which reading starts (invalid if success is False)
    def runPreAction(self, transitionName):
        if self.preActions.has_key(transitionName):
            solver = self.preActions[transitionName]

            t = self.sotrobot.device.control.time + 2

            print("{0}: Running pre action {1}\n{2}".format(
                t, transitionName, solver.sot.display()))
            return True, t - 2
        print("No pre action", transitionName)
        return False, -1

    ## Execute a post-action
    # \return success, time boolean, SoT time at which reading starts (invalid if success is False)
    def runPostAction(self, targetStateName):
        if self.postActions.has_key(self.currentSot):
            d = self.postActions[self.currentSot]
            if d.has_key(targetStateName):
                solver = d[targetStateName]

                devicetime = self.sotrobot.device.control.time
                self.done_events.setFutureTime(devicetime + 2)


                print("{0}: Running post action {1} --> {2}\n{3}".format(
                    devicetime, self.currentSot, targetStateName,
                return True, devicetime
        print("No post action {0} --> {1}".format(self.currentSot,
        return False, -1

    def getJointList(self, prefix=""):
        return [prefix + n for n in self.sotrobot.dynamic.model.names[1:]]

    def publishState(self, subsampling=40):
        if hasattr(self, "ros_publish_state"):
        from dynamic_graph.ros import RosPublish
        self.ros_publish_state = RosPublish("ros_publish_state")
        self.ros_publish_state.add("vector", "state", "/agimus/sot/state")
        self.ros_publish_state.add("vector", "reference_state",
        self.ros_publish_state.add("string", "transition_name",
        self.ros_publish_state.transition_name.value = ""
        plug(self.sotrobot.device.state, self.ros_publish_state.state)
        plug(self.rosSubscribe.posture, self.ros_publish_state.reference_state)
            "ros_publish_state.trigger", subsampling)
예제 #2
class AdmittanceControl(object):
    The torque controller is then use to maintain a desired force.
    It outputs a velocity command to be sent to entity Device.
    def __init__(self, name, estimated_theta_closed, desired_torque, period,
                 nums, denoms):
        - estimated_theta_closed: Use for the initial position control. It should correspond to a configuration in collision.
                                  The closer to contact configuration, the least the overshoot.
        - desired_torque: The torque to be applied on the object.
        - period: The SoT integration time.
        - nums, denoms: coefficient of the controller:
           \sum_i denoms[i] * d^i theta / dt^i = \sum_j nums[j] d^j torque / dt^j
        self.name = name
        self.est_theta_closed = estimated_theta_closed
        self.desired_torque = desired_torque
        self.dt = period

        self._makeTorqueControl(nums, denoms)


    ### Feed-forward - contact phase
    def _makeTorqueControl(self, nums, denoms):
        from agimus_sot.control.controllers import Controller
        self.torque_controller = Controller(
            self.name + "_torque", nums, denoms, self.dt,
            [0. for _ in self.est_theta_closed])
        self.torque_controller.reference.value = self.desired_torque

    ### Internal method
    def _makeIntegrationOfVelocity(self):
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core import Add_of_vector
        self.omega2theta = Add_of_vector(self.name + "_omega2theta")
        # self.omega2theta.sin1 <- current position
        # self.omega2theta.sin2 <- desired velocity
        plug(self.torque_controller.output, self.omega2theta.sin2)

    ### Setup event to tell when object is grasped and simulate torque feedback.
    def setupFeedbackSimulation(self, mass, damping, spring, theta0):
        from agimus_sot.control.controllers import Controller
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core import Add_of_vector
        from agimus_sot.sot import DelayVector

        ## theta -> phi = theta - theta0
        self._sim_theta2phi = Add_of_vector(self.name + "_sim_theta2phi")
        self._sim_theta2phi.sin2.value = theta0

        ## phi -> torque
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.switch import SwitchVector
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.operator import CompareVector
        # reverse = self.theta_open[0] > theta0[0]
        reverse = self.desired_torque[0] < 0
        self.sim_contact_condition = CompareVector(self.name +

        self._sim_torque = SwitchVector(self.name + "_sim_torque")

        plug(self.sim_contact_condition.sout, self._sim_torque.boolSelection)

        # If phi < 0 (i.e. sim_contact_condition.sout == 1) -> non contact phase
        # else          contact phase
        if reverse:
            plug(self._sim_theta2phi.sout, self.sim_contact_condition.sin2)
            self.sim_contact_condition.sin1.value = [
                0. for _ in self.est_theta_closed
            plug(self._sim_theta2phi.sout, self.sim_contact_condition.sin1)
            self.sim_contact_condition.sin2.value = [
                0. for _ in self.est_theta_closed
        # Non contact phase
        # torque = 0, done above
        # Contact phase
        self.phi2torque = Controller(self.name + "_sim_phi2torque", (
        ), (1., ), self.dt, [0. for _ in self.est_theta_closed])
        #TODO if M != 0: phi2torque.pushNumCoef(((M,),))
        plug(self._sim_theta2phi.sout, self.phi2torque.reference)

        # Condition
        # if phi < 0 -> no contact -> torque = 0
        self._sim_torque.sin1.value = [0. for _ in self.est_theta_closed]
        # else       ->    contact -> phi2torque
        plug(self.phi2torque.output, self._sim_torque.sin0)

        plug(self._sim_torque.sout, self.currentTorqueIn)

    def readPositionsFromRobot(self, robot, jointNames):
        # TODO Compare current position to self.est_theta_closed and
        # so as not to overshoot this position.
        # Input formattting
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.operator import Selec_of_vector
        self._joint_selec = Selec_of_vector(self.name + "_joint_selec")
        model = robot.dynamic.model
        for jn in jointNames:
            jid = model.getJointId(jn)
            assert jid < len(model.joints)
            jmodel = model.joints[jid]
            self._joint_selec.addSelec(jmodel.idx_v, jmodel.idx_v + jmodel.nv)
        plug(robot.dynamic.position, self._joint_selec.sin)

    ## - param torque_constants: Should take into account the motor torque constant and the gear ratio.
    ## - param first_order_filter: Add a first order filter to the current signal.
    def readCurrentsFromRobot(self,
        # Input formattting
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.operator import Selec_of_vector
        self._current_selec = Selec_of_vector(self.name + "_current_selec")
        model = robot.dynamic.model
        for jn in jointNames:
            jid = model.getJointId(jn)
            assert jid < len(model.joints)
            jmodel = model.joints[jid]
            # TODO there is no value for the 6 first DoF
            assert jmodel.idx_v >= 6
            self._current_selec.addSelec(jmodel.idx_v - 6,
                                         jmodel.idx_v - 6 + jmodel.nv)

        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.operator import Multiply_of_vector
        plug(robot.device.currents, self._current_selec.sin)
        self._multiply_by_torque_constants = Multiply_of_vector(
            self.name + "_multiply_by_torque_constants")
        self._multiply_by_torque_constants.sin0.value = torque_constants

        if first_order_filter:
            from agimus_sot.control.controllers import Controller
            self._first_order_current_filter = Controller(
                self.name + "_first_order_current_filter", (5., ), (
                ), self.dt, [0. for _ in self.desired_torque])

        plug(self._multiply_by_torque_constants.sout, self.currentTorqueIn)

    def readTorquesFromRobot(self, robot, jointNames):
        # Input formattting
        from dynamic_graph.sot.core.operator import Selec_of_vector
        self._torque_selec = Selec_of_vector(self.name + "_torque_selec")
        model = robot.dynamic.model
        for jn in jointNames:
            jid = model.getJointId(jn)
            assert jid < len(model.joints)
            jmodel = model.joints[jid]
            # TODO there is no value for the 6 first DoF
            assert jmodel.idx_v >= 6
            self._torque_selec.addSelec(jmodel.idx_v - 6,
                                        jmodel.idx_v - 6 + jmodel.nv)
        plug(robot.device.ptorques, self._torque_selec.sin)

        plug(self._torque_selec.sout, self.currentTorqueIn)

    # TODO remove me
    def addOutputTo(self, robot, jointNames, mix_of_vector, sot=None):
        #TODO assert isinstance(mix_of_vector, Mix_of_vector)
        i = mix_of_vector.getSignalNumber()
        mix_of_vector.setSignalNumber(i + 1)
        plug(self.outputVelocity, mix_of_vector.signal("sin" + str(i)))
        model = robot.dynamic.model
        for jn in jointNames:
            jid = model.getJointId(jn)
            jmodel = model.joints[jid]
            mix_of_vector.addSelec(i, jmodel.idx_v, jmodel.nv)

    def addTracerRealTime(self, robot):
        from dynamic_graph.tracer_real_time import TracerRealTime
        from agimus_sot.tools import filename_escape
        self._tracer = TracerRealTime(self.name + "_tracer")
        self._tracer.setBufferSize(10 * 1048576)  # 10 Mo
        self._tracer.open("/tmp", filename_escape(self.name), ".txt")

        self._tracer.add(self.omega2theta.name + ".sin1", "_theta_current")
        self._tracer.add(self.omega2theta.name + ".sin2", "_omega_desired")
        self._tracer.add(self.omega2theta.name + ".sout", "_theta_desired")
        if hasattr(self, "_current_selec"):
            self._tracer.add(self._current_selec.name + ".sout",

        robot.device.after.addSignal(self._tracer.name + ".triger")
        return self._tracer

    def outputPosition(self):
        return self.omega2theta.sout

    def referenceTorqueIn(self):
        return self.torque_controller.reference

    def setCurrentPositionIn(self, sig):
        plug(sig, self.omega2theta.sin1)
        if hasattr(self, "_sim_theta2phi"):
            plug(sig, self._sim_theta2phi.sin1)

    def currentTorqueIn(self):
        return self.torque_controller.measurement

    def torqueConstants(self):
        return self._multiply_by_torque_constants.sin0
예제 #3
class ControllerSwitch:
    def __init__ (self,name,controllers,threshold_up,threshold_down):
        Use controller 0 until the condition signal value becomes greater than threshold.
        Then use controller 1. Manually switch between controller using the latch.
        OFF means controller 0 and ON means controller 1.

        Currently support only two controllers.
        - controllers: output signal of a controller
        self.reverse = (threshold_up < threshold_down)

        # any(threshold_up < measured_torque) => torque control
        self._condition_up = CompareVector (name + "_condition_up")
        self._condition_up.sin1.value = threshold_up
        self._condition_up.sin2.value = threshold_up

        # all(measured_torque < threshold_down) => position control
        self._condition_down = CompareVector (name + "_condition_down")
        self._condition_down.sin1.value = threshold_down
        self._condition_down.sin2.value = threshold_down

        self._event_up   = Event (name + "_event_up")
        self._event_down = Event (name + "_event_down")
        self._event_up   .setOnlyUp(True);
        self._event_down .setOnlyUp(True);
        self._latch = Latch(name + "_latch")

        self._switch = SwitchVector (name + "_switch")

        plug(self._condition_up  .sout, self._event_up  .condition)
        plug(self._condition_down.sout, self._event_down.condition)
        plug(self._latch.out , self._switch.boolSelection)

        # This is necessary to initialize the event (the first recompute triggers the event...)
        self._event_up  .addSignal (name + "_latch.turnOnSout")
        self._event_down.addSignal (name + "_latch.turnOffSout")

        for n, sig in enumerate(controllers):
            plug(sig, self.signalIn(n))

    def setMeasurement (self,sig):
        if self.reverse:
            plug(sig, self._condition_up  .sin1)
            plug(sig, self._condition_down.sin2)
            plug(sig, self._condition_up  .sin2)
            plug(sig, self._condition_down.sin1)
    def thresholdUp   (self):
        if self.reverse:
            return self._condition_up  .sin2
            return self._condition_up  .sin1
    def thresholdDown (self):
        if self.reverse:
            return self._condition_down.sin1
            return self._condition_down.sin2
    def signalOut (self): return self._switch.sout

    def signalIn (self, n): return self._switch.signal("sin" + str(n))

    def conditionUp   (self): return self._condition_up
    def conditionDown (self): return self._condition_down
    def eventUp   (self): return self._event_up
    def eventDown (self): return self._event_down
    def latch (self): return self._latch
    def switch (self): return self._switch
class QuadrupedComControl(object):
    def __init__(self,
          base_position: (Optional, Vec7d signal) Base position of the robot.
          base_velocity: (Optional, Vec6d signal) Base velocity of the robot.
        self.robot = robot

        self.EntityName = EntityName
        self.client_name = client_name
        self.host_name_quadruped = vicon_ip

        if ViconClientEntity:
            self.vicon_client = ViconClientEntity('vicon_' + self.client_name)

                self.robot_vicon_name, self.robot_vicon_name))

                ## comment out if running on real robot
                self.vicon_client.robot_wrapper(robot, self.robot_vicon_name)
                print("not in simulation")

                                 self.robot_vicon_name + "_position")
                                 self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body")
                                 self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_world")
            self.vicon_base_position = self.vicon_client.signal(
                self.robot_vicon_name + "_position")
            self.vicon_base_velocity = self.vicon_client.signal(
                self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body")
        elif base_position and base_velocity:
            self.vicon_base_position = base_position
            self.vicon_base_velocity = base_velocity
            raise ValueError(
                'Need to provide either ViconClientEntity or (base_positon and base_velocity)'

        self.com_imp_ctrl = ComImpedanceControl(EntityName)

        self._biased_base_position = None
        self._biased_base_velocity = None

        self.vicon_offset = constVector([

    def init_robot_properties(self):
        self.robot_vicon_name = "quadruped"
        self.robot_mass = [2.17784, 2.17784, 2.17784]
        self.robot_base_inertia = [0.00578574, 0.01938108, 0.02476124]

    def compute_torques(self, Kp, des_pos, Kd, des_vel, des_fff):
        self.base_pos_xyz = add_vec_vec(
            selec_vector(self.vicon_base_position, 0, 3, "base_pos"),
        self.base_vel_xyz = selec_vector(self.vicon_base_velocity, 0, 3,

        plug(self.base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.position)
        plug(self.base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.velocity)
        # plug(self.base_ang_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.angvel)

        plug(Kp, self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp)
        plug(Kd, self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd)
        plug(des_pos, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_pos)
        plug(des_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_vel)
        plug(des_fff, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fff)

        ### mass in all direction (double to vec returns zero)
        ## TODO : Check if there is dynamicgraph::double
        self.com_imp_ctrl.mass.value = self.robot_mass

        self.control_switch_pos = SwitchVector("control_switch_pos")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_pos"), self.control_switch_pos.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_pos_bias, self.control_switch_pos.sin1)
        self.control_switch_pos.selection.value = 0

        self.control_switch_vel = SwitchVector("control_switch_vel")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_vel"), self.control_switch_vel.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_vel_bias, self.control_switch_vel.sin1)

        self.biased_base_pos_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_pos_xyz, self.control_switch_pos.sout, "biased_pos")
        self.biased_base_vel_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_vel_xyz, self.control_switch_vel.sout, "biased_vel")

        plug(self.biased_base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_pos)
        plug(self.biased_base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_vel)

        self.torques = self.com_imp_ctrl.tau

        return self.torques

    def compute_ang_control_torques(self, Kp_ang, des_ori, Kd_ang, des_ang_vel,
        ### Computes torques required to control the orientation of base
        self.base_orientation = selec_vector(self.vicon_base_position, 3, 7,
        self.base_ang_vel_xyz = selec_vector(self.vicon_base_velocity, 3, 6,

        plug(Kp_ang, self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp_ang)
        plug(Kd_ang, self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd_ang)
        self.com_imp_ctrl.inertia.value = [0.00578574, 0.01938108, 0.02476124]
        plug(self.base_orientation, self.com_imp_ctrl.ori)
        plug(self.base_ang_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.angvel)
        plug(des_ori, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ori)
        plug(des_ang_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ang_vel)
        plug(des_fft, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fft)

        return self.com_imp_ctrl.angtau

    def set_bias(self):
        self.control_switch_pos.selection.value = 1

    def get_biased_base_position(self):
        Return the robot position taking the bias offset into account.

            Signal<dg::vector> of size 7 (0:3 translation, 3:7 quaternion orientation)
        if self._biased_base_position is None:
            self._biased_base_position = stack_two_vectors(
                self.biased_base_pos_xyz, self.base_orientation, 3, 4,
                self.EntityName + '_biased_base_pos')
        return self._biased_base_position

    def get_biased_base_velocity(self):
        Return the robot velocity taking the bias offset into account.

            Signal<dg::vector> of size 6 (0:3 translation, 3:6 rpy orientation)
        if self._biased_base_velocity is None:
            self._biased_base_velocity = stack_two_vectors(
                self.biased_base_vel_xyz, self.base_ang_vel_xyz, 3, 3,
                self.EntityName + '_biased_base_vel')
        return self._biased_base_velocity

    def set_abs_end_eff_pos(self, abs_end_eff_pos_sig):
        plug(abs_end_eff_pos_sig, self.com_imp_ctrl.abs_end_eff_pos)

    def threshold_cnt_sensor(self):
        plug(self.robot.device.contact_sensors, self.com_imp_ctrl.cnt_sensor)
        return self.com_imp_ctrl.thr_cnt_sensor

    def convert_cnt_value_to_3d(self, cnt_sensor, start_index, end_index,
        ## Converts each element of contact sensor to 3d to allow vec_vec multiplication
        selec_cnt_value = selec_vector(cnt_sensor, start_index, end_index,
        cnt_value_2d = stack_two_vectors(selec_cnt_value, selec_cnt_value, 1,
        cnt_value_3d = stack_two_vectors(cnt_value_2d, selec_cnt_value, 2, 1)

        return cnt_value_3d

    def return_lqr_tau(self, des_pos, des_vel, des_ori, des_ang_vel, des_fff,
                       des_fft, des_lqr):
        ### for lqr based controller. reads values obtained from the planner

        self.base_pos_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_position"), 0,
            3, "base_pos")
        self.base_vel_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body"),
            0, 3, "base_vel")

        plug(self.base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.position)
        plug(self.base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.velocity)

        self.control_switch_pos = SwitchVector("control_switch_pos")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_pos"), self.control_switch_pos.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_pos_bias, self.control_switch_pos.sin1)
        self.control_switch_pos.selection.value = 0

        self.control_switch_vel = SwitchVector("control_switch_vel")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_vel"), self.control_switch_vel.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_vel_bias, self.control_switch_vel.sin1)

        self.base_orientation = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_position"), 3,
            7, "base_orientation")
        self.biased_base_pos_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_pos_xyz, self.control_switch_pos.sout, "biased_pos")
        self.biased_base_vel_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_vel_xyz, self.control_switch_vel.sout, "biased_vel")
        self.base_ang_vel_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body"),
            3, 6, "selec_ang_dxyz")

        #### LQR equation:
        ###should be removed
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp_ang)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd_ang)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.inertia)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.mass)

        plug(des_lqr, self.com_imp_ctrl.lqr_gain)
        plug(self.biased_base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_pos)
        plug(des_pos, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_pos)
        plug(self.biased_base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_vel)
        plug(des_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_vel)
        plug(des_fff, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fff)
        plug(self.base_orientation, self.com_imp_ctrl.ori)
        plug(self.base_ang_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.angvel)
        plug(des_ori, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ori)
        plug(des_ang_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ang_vel)
        plug(des_fft, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fft)

        lqr_com_force = self.com_imp_ctrl.lqrtau

        return lqr_com_force

    def return_end_eff_lqr_tau(self, des_pos, des_vel, des_ori, des_ang_vel,
                               des_fff, des_lqr):
        ### for lqr based controller at the end effector. reads values obtained from the planner

        self.base_pos_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_position"), 0,
            3, "base_pos")
        self.base_vel_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body"),
            0, 3, "base_vel")

        plug(self.base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.position)
        plug(self.base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.velocity)

        self.control_switch_pos = SwitchVector("control_switch_pos")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_pos"), self.control_switch_pos.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_pos_bias, self.control_switch_pos.sin1)
        self.control_switch_pos.selection.value = 0

        self.control_switch_vel = SwitchVector("control_switch_vel")
            2)  # we want to switch between 2 signals
        plug(zero_vec(3, "zero_vel"), self.control_switch_vel.sin0)
        plug(self.com_imp_ctrl.set_vel_bias, self.control_switch_vel.sin1)

        self.base_orientation = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_position"), 3,
            7, "base_orientation")
        self.biased_base_pos_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_pos_xyz, self.control_switch_pos.sout, "biased_pos")
        self.biased_base_vel_xyz = subtract_vec_vec(
            self.base_vel_xyz, self.control_switch_vel.sout, "biased_vel")
        self.base_ang_vel_xyz = selec_vector(
            self.vicon_client.signal(self.robot_vicon_name + "_velocity_body"),
            3, 6, "selec_ang_dxyz")

        #### LQR equation:
        ###should be removed
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kp_ang)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.Kd_ang)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.inertia)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.mass)
        plug(constVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "Kp_ang"), self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fft)

        plug(des_lqr, self.com_imp_ctrl.lqr_gain)
        plug(self.biased_base_pos_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_pos)
        plug(des_pos, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_pos)
        plug(self.biased_base_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.biased_vel)
        plug(des_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_vel)
        plug(des_fff, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_fff)
        plug(self.base_orientation, self.com_imp_ctrl.ori)
        plug(self.base_ang_vel_xyz, self.com_imp_ctrl.angvel)
        plug(des_ori, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ori)
        plug(des_ang_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.des_ang_vel)

        lqr_end_eff_force = self.com_imp_ctrl.end_eff_lqr_tau

        torques_fl = selec_vector(lqr_end_eff_force, 0, 3,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_fl")

        torques_fr = selec_vector(lqr_end_eff_force, 3, 6,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_fr")

        torques_hl = selec_vector(lqr_end_eff_force, 6, 9,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_hl")

        torques_hr = selec_vector(lqr_end_eff_force, 9, 12,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_hr")

        torques_fl_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_fl_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_fr_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_fr,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_fr_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_hl_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_hl,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_hl_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_hr_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_hr,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_hr_tau"), 3, 3)

        torques_fl_fr = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl_6d, torques_fr_6d, 6, 6)
        torques_hl_hr = stack_two_vectors(torques_hl_6d, torques_hr_6d, 6, 6)

        lqr_end_eff_force_24d = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl_fr, torques_hl_hr,
                                                  12, 12)
        lqr_end_eff_force_24d = mul_double_vec(1.0, lqr_end_eff_force_24d,

        return lqr_end_eff_force_24d

    def return_com_torques(self,
        ### This divides forces using the wbc controller

        plug(com_tau, self.com_imp_ctrl.lctrl)
        plug(ang_tau, self.com_imp_ctrl.actrl)
        plug(des_abs_vel, self.com_imp_ctrl.abs_end_eff_vel)
        plug(hess, self.com_imp_ctrl.hess)
        plug(g0, self.com_imp_ctrl.g0)
        plug(ce, self.com_imp_ctrl.ce)
        plug(ci, self.com_imp_ctrl.ci)
        plug(ci0, self.com_imp_ctrl.ci0)
        plug(reg, self.com_imp_ctrl.reg)
        if cnt_plan == None:
            thr_cnt_sensor = self.threshold_cnt_sensor()
            plug(thr_cnt_sensor, self.com_imp_ctrl.thr_cnt_value)

            plug(cnt_plan, self.com_imp_ctrl.cnt_sensor)
            plug(cnt_plan, self.com_imp_ctrl.thr_cnt_value)

        self.wb_ctrl = self.com_imp_ctrl.wbctrl

        ## Thresholding with contact sensor to make forces event based
        # fl_cnt_value = self.convert_cnt_value_to_3d(thr_cnt_sensor, 0, 1, "fl_cnt_3d")
        # fr_cnt_value = self.convert_cnt_value_to_3d(thr_cnt_sensor, 1, 2, "fr_cnt_3d")
        # hl_cnt_value = self.convert_cnt_value_to_3d(thr_cnt_sensor, 2, 3, "hl_cnt_3d")
        # hr_cnt_value = self.convert_cnt_value_to_3d(thr_cnt_sensor, 3, 4, "hr_cnt_3d")

        torques_fl = selec_vector(self.wb_ctrl, 0, 3,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_fl")
        #        torques_fl = mul_vec_vec(fl_cnt_value, torques_fl, self.EntityName + "fused_torques_fl")

        torques_fr = selec_vector(self.wb_ctrl, 3, 6,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_fr")
        #        torques_fr = mul_vec_vec(fr_cnt_value, torques_fr, self.EntityName + "fused_torques_fr")

        torques_hl = selec_vector(self.wb_ctrl, 6, 9,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_hl")
        #        torques_hl = mul_vec_vec(hl_cnt_value, torques_hl, self.EntityName + "fused_torques_hl")

        torques_hr = selec_vector(self.wb_ctrl, 9, 12,
                                  self.EntityName + "torques_hr")
        #        torques_hr = mul_vec_vec(hr_cnt_value, torques_hr, self.EntityName + "fused_torques_hr")

        torques_fl_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_fl_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_fr_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_fr,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_fr_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_hl_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_hl,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_hl_tau"), 3, 3)
        torques_hr_6d = stack_two_vectors(torques_hr,
                                          zero_vec(3, "stack_hr_tau"), 3, 3)

        torques_fl_fr = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl_6d, torques_fr_6d, 6, 6)
        torques_hl_hr = stack_two_vectors(torques_hl_6d, torques_hr_6d, 6, 6)

        wbc_torques = stack_two_vectors(torques_fl_fr, torques_hl_hr, 12, 12)
        ## hack to allow tracking of torques
        wbc_torques = mul_double_vec(1.0, wbc_torques, "com_torques")

        return wbc_torques

    def record_data(self):

        self.robot.add_trace(self.com_imp_ctrl.name, "des_pos")
        self.robot.add_trace(self.com_imp_ctrl.name, "des_vel")

        self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName + '_biased_base_pos', 'sout')
        self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName + '_biased_base_vel', 'sout')

        self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "tau")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "tau")
        # #
        self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "angtau")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "angtau")
        # #
        self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "wbctrl")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "wbctrl")

        # self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "lqrtau")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "lqrtau")

        # self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "thr_cnt_sensor")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "thr_cnt_sensor")
        self.robot.add_trace("com_torques", "sout")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace("com_torques", "sout")

        # self.robot.add_trace(self.EntityName, "end_eff_lqr_tau")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace(self.EntityName, "end_eff_lqr_tau")

        # self.robot.add_trace("lqr_end_eff_force", "sout")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace("lqr_end_eff_force", "sout")

        self.robot.add_trace("biased_pos", "sout")
        # self.robot.add_ros_and_trace("biased_pos", "sout")

        self.robot.add_trace("biased_vel", "sout")