def push_tuck(axis, angle, fingertip2contactB, velocity, tuck): '''Rotate tuck primitive motion of robot. Parameters: axis (list): 3-D vector of rotation axis (right-hand rule) angle (double): angle of tucking fingertip2contactB (double): distance from fingertip to contact B in meters velocity (double): robot velocity between 0 and 1 Returns: ''' with open( "/home/john/catkin_ws/src/shallow_depth_insertion/config/sdi_config.yaml", 'r') as stream: try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) pose_target = group.get_current_pose().pose pos_initial = [ pose_target.position.x, pose_target.position.y, pose_target.position.z ] ori_initial = [ pose_target.orientation.x, pose_target.orientation.y, pose_target.orientation.z, pose_target.orientation.w ] T_we = tf.TransformListener().fromTranslationRotation( pos_initial, ori_initial) action_name = rospy.get_param('~action_name', 'command_robotiq_action') robotiq_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, CommandRobotiqGripperAction) # TODO: use pjg module #msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/CModelRobotInput', inputMsg.CModel_robot_input, timeout = None) #gripper_position = msg.gPO gripper_position = 255 #TEMP DEBUG #Robotiq.get_current_gripper_status(Robotiq()) #Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=object_thickness, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) # gripper kinematics opening_at_zero = config['max_opening'] - 2 * config['finger_thickness'] gripper_opening = -config[ 'opening_per_count'] * gripper_position + opening_at_zero contact_B_e = [ config['tcp2fingertip'] - fingertip2contactB, -0.035 / 2.0, 0, 1 ] contact_B_w = np.matmul(T_we, contact_B_e) dynamixel.set_length(tuck) tilt.translate_tilt(contact_B_w[:3], axis, angle, velocity, 0.00)
sim = config['sim'] table_height_wrt_world = -0.02 # Set TCP speed group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(tcp_speed) init_pose = [-0.344, 0.538, 0.458, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] prepick_pose = [-0.2613, 0.6531, 0.3442, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] pick_pose = [-0.2613, 0.6531, 0.2924, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] tilt_pose = [-0.341, 0.413, 0.359, -0.653, -0.271, 0.653, 0.271] #prior_pose=[-0.433, 0.48, 0.525, 0.653, 0.271, 0.653, 0.271] #initial_pose=[-0.433, 0.510, 0.534, 0.653, 0.271, 0.653, 0.271] prior_pose = [-0.432, 0.4, 0.375, 0.653, 0.271, 0.653, 0.271] initial_pose = [-0.432, 0.485, 0.405, 0.653, 0.271, 0.653, 0.271] dynamixel.set_length(115) #Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=object_thickness+0.015, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) #rospy.sleep(0.5) #motion_primitives.set_pose(init_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(prepick_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(pick_pose) Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=object_thickness + 0.006, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) rospy.sleep(0.5) #motion_primitives.set_pose(prepick_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(tilt_pose) motion_primitives.set_pose(prior_pose) rospy.sleep(10)
object_length = config['object_length'] tcp2fingertip = config['tcp2fingertip'] sim = config['sim'] table_height_wrt_world = -0.02 # Set TCP speed group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(tcp_speed) init_pose = [-0.344, 0.538, 0.458, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] prepick_pose = [-0.2613, 0.6531, 0.3442, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] pick_pose = [-0.2613, 0.6531, 0.2924, -0.7071, -0.0, 0.7071, 0.0] tilt_pose = [-0.341, 0.413, 0.359, -0.653, -0.271, 0.653, 0.271] prior_pose = [-0.436, 0.427, 0.360, -0.653, -0.271, 0.653, 0.271] initial_pose = [-0.432, 0.407, 0.576, -0.653, -0.271, 0.653, 0.271] regrasp_pose = [-0.432, 0.462, 0.544, -0.653, -0.271, 0.653, 0.271] dynamixel.set_length(120) #Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=object_thickness+0.015, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) #rospy.sleep(0.5) #motion_primitives.set_pose(init_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(prepick_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(pick_pose) Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=object_thickness + 0.002, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) rospy.sleep(0.5) #motion_primitives.set_pose(prepick_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(tilt_pose) #motion_primitives.set_pose(prior_pose) motion_primitives.set_pose(initial_pose)
def inverted_palm_regrasp(axis, angle, velocity): with open( "/home/john/catkin_ws/src/shallow_depth_insertion/config/sdi_config.yaml", 'r') as stream: try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) pose_target = group.get_current_pose().pose pos_initial = [ pose_target.position.x, pose_target.position.y, pose_target.position.z ] ori_initial = [ pose_target.orientation.x, pose_target.orientation.y, pose_target.orientation.z, pose_target.orientation.w ] T_we = tf.TransformListener().fromTranslationRotation( pos_initial, ori_initial) tcp2fingertip = config['tcp2fingertip'] contact_A_e = [tcp2fingertip, config['object_thickness'] / 2, 0, 1] #TODO: depends on axis direction contact_A_w = np.matmul(T_we, contact_A_e) visualization.visualizer(contact_A_w[:3], "s", 0.01, 1) #DEBUG # Interpolate orientation poses via quaternion slerp q = helper.axis_angle2quaternion(axis, angle) ori_target = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, ori_initial) ori_waypoints = helper.slerp( ori_initial, ori_target, np.arange(1.0 / angle, 1.0 + 1.0 / angle, 1.0 / angle)) theta_0 = config['theta_0'] waypoints = [] action_name = rospy.get_param('~action_name', 'command_robotiq_action') robotiq_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, CommandRobotiqGripperAction) for psi in range(1, angle + 1): # Calculate width a = config['delta_0'] * math.cos(math.radians(psi)) b = config['delta_0'] * math.sin(math.radians(psi)) c = config['object_thickness'] * math.cos(math.radians(psi)) d = config['object_thickness'] * math.sin(math.radians(psi)) opposite = a - d width = b + c # Calculate position if theta_0 + psi <= 90: hori = math.fabs(tcp2fingertip * math.cos( math.radians(theta_0 + psi))) + math.fabs( (width / 2.0) * math.sin(math.radians(theta_0 + psi))) verti = math.fabs(tcp2fingertip * math.sin( math.radians(theta_0 + psi))) - math.fabs( (width / 2.0) * math.cos(math.radians(theta_0 + psi))) else: hori = -math.fabs(tcp2fingertip * math.sin( math.radians(theta_0 + psi - 90))) + math.fabs( (width / 2.0) * math.cos(math.radians(theta_0 + psi - 90))) verti = math.fabs(tcp2fingertip * math.cos( math.radians(theta_0 + psi - 90))) + math.fabs( (width / 2.0) * math.sin(math.radians(theta_0 + psi - 90))) if axis[0] > 0: pose_target.position.y = contact_A_w[ 1] - hori # TODO: The only thing I changed for inverted palm regrasp is the (-) sign pose_target.position.z = contact_A_w[2] - verti #print "CASE 1" elif axis[0] < 0: pose_target.position.y = contact_A_w[1] + hori pose_target.position.z = contact_A_w[2] - verti #print "CASE 2" elif axis[1] > 0: pose_target.position.x = contact_A_w[0] - hori pose_target.position.z = contact_A_w[2] + verti #print "CASE 3" elif axis[1] < 0: pose_target.position.x = contact_A_w[0] + hori pose_target.position.z = contact_A_w[2] + verti #print "CASE 4" pose_target.orientation.x = ori_waypoints[psi - 1][0] pose_target.orientation.y = ori_waypoints[psi - 1][1] pose_target.orientation.z = ori_waypoints[psi - 1][2] pose_target.orientation.w = ori_waypoints[psi - 1][3] waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(pose_target)) (plan, fraction) = group.compute_cartesian_path(waypoints, 0.01, 0) retimed_plan = group.retime_trajectory(robot.get_current_state(), plan, velocity) group.execute(retimed_plan, wait=False) opening_at_zero = config['max_opening'] - 2 * config['finger_thickness'] psi = 0 while psi < angle: pose = group.get_current_pose().pose q_current = [ pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w ] psi = 2 * math.degrees(math.acos(, ori_initial))) if psi > 100: psi = -(psi - 360) a = config['delta_0'] * math.cos(math.radians(psi)) b = config['delta_0'] * math.sin(math.radians(psi)) c = config['object_thickness'] * math.cos(math.radians(psi)) d = config['object_thickness'] * math.sin(math.radians(psi)) opposite = a - d width = b + c palm_position = 127 + (config['delta_0'] - a) * 1000 #pos = int((opening_at_zero - width)/config['opening_per_count']) Robotiq.goto(robotiq_client, pos=width + 0.003, speed=config['gripper_speed'], force=config['gripper_force'], block=False) dynamixel.set_length(palm_position + 9) psi = round(psi, 2)