예제 #1
  def addYear( self, visits ):
    '''Adds a year item to the table.

    visits : list[ Visit ]
      The list of visits from a specific year for the specific page.

    result : dict
      The result of adding the year to the table. This could be the error that
      occurs or the year object added to the table.
    if not isinstance( visits, list ):
      raise ValueError( 'Must pass a list' )
    if len( {visit.slug for visit in visits } ) != 1:
      raise ValueError( 'List of visits must have the same slug' )
    if len( {visit.title for visit in visits } ) != 1:
      raise ValueError( 'List of visits must have the same title' )
    if len( {visit.date.strftime( '%Y' ) for visit in visits } ) != 1:
      raise ValueError( 'List of visits must be from the same year' )
    # Find all the pages visited before and after this one.
    toPages = [ visit.nextSlug for visit in visits ]
    fromPages = [ visit.prevSlug for visit in visits ]
    # Calculate the average time spent on the page.
    pageTimes = [
      visit.timeOnPage for visit in visits
      if isinstance( visit.timeOnPage, float )
    if len( pageTimes ) > 1:
      averageTime = np.mean( pageTimes )
    elif len( pageTimes ) == 1:
      averageTime = pageTimes[0]
      averageTime = None
    # Create the year object
    year = Year(
      visits[0].date.strftime( '%Y' ),
      len( { visit.ip for visit in visits } ),
      toPages.count( None ) / len( toPages ),
      pagesToDict( fromPages ),
      pagesToDict( toPages )
      # Add the year to the table
      self.client.put_item( TableName = self.tableName, Item = year.toItem() )
      # Return the year added to the table
      return { 'year': year }
    except ClientError as e:
      print( f'ERROR addYear: { e }' )
      return { 'error': 'Could not add new year to table' }
예제 #2
def test_itemToYear():
    year = Year('/', 'Tyler Norlund', '2020', 10, 0.1, 0.25, {
        'www': 0.5,
        '/blog': 0.25,
        '/resume': 0.25
    }, {
        'www': 0.25,
        '/blog': 0.5,
        '/resume': 0.25
    newYear = itemToYear(year.toItem())
    assert year.slug == newYear.slug
    assert year.title == newYear.title
    assert year.year == newYear.year
    assert year.numberVisitors == newYear.numberVisitors
    assert year.averageTime == newYear.averageTime
    assert year.percentChurn == newYear.percentChurn
    assert year.fromPage == newYear.fromPage
    assert year.toPage == newYear.toPage
예제 #3
def test_toItem():
    year = Year('/', 'Tyler Norlund', '2020', 10, 0.1, 0.25, {
        'www': 0.5,
        '/blog': 0.25,
        '/resume': 0.25
    }, {
        'www': 0.25,
        '/blog': 0.5,
        '/resume': 0.25
    assert year.toItem() == {
        'PK': {
            'S': 'PAGE#/'
        'SK': {
            'S': '#YEAR#2020'
        'GSI1PK': {
            'S': 'PAGE#/'
        'GSI1SK': {
            'S': '#YEAR#2020'
        'Type': {
            'S': 'year'
        'Title': {
            'S': 'Tyler Norlund'
        'Slug': {
            'S': '/'
        'NumberVisitors': {
            'N': '10'
        'AverageTime': {
            'N': '0.1'
        'PercentChurn': {
            'N': '0.25'
        'FromPage': {
            'M': {
                'www': {
                    'N': '0.5'
                '/blog': {
                    'N': '0.25'
                '/resume': {
                    'N': '0.25'
        'ToPage': {
            'M': {
                'www': {
                    'N': '0.25'
                '/blog': {
                    'N': '0.5'
                '/resume': {
                    'N': '0.25'