def test_throttle_total_cap(self): """Sleep if consumed capacity exceeds total""" limiter = RateLimit(total=Capacity(3, 3)) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(3, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(1)
def test_throttle_table_default_cap(self): """ If no table limit provided, use the default """ limiter = RateLimit(default=Capacity(4, 4)) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), Capacity(8, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_throttle_table_default(self): """If no table limit provided, use the default""" limiter = RateLimit(default_read=4, default_write=4) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(8, 0), Capacity(8, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_count_add_capacity(self): """Count addition with consumed_capacity""" count = Count(4, 2, Capacity(3, 0)) count2 = Count(5, 3, Capacity(2, 0)) ret = count + count2 self.assertEqual(ret, 9) self.assertEqual(ret.scanned_count, 5) self.assertEqual(, 5)
def test_throttle_table(self): """ Sleep if table limit is exceeded """ limiter = RateLimit(3, 3, table_caps={ 'foobar': Capacity(0, 4), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), Capacity(0, 8)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_default(self): """ Global index limit will fall back to table default limit """ limiter = RateLimit(default_read=4, default_write=4) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ 'baz': Capacity(8, 0), }) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_default_table(self): """ Global index limit defaults to table limit if not present """ limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ 'foobar': Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ 'baz': Capacity(8, 0), }) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_index_by_name(self): """ Global index limit can be specified as tablename:index_name """ limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ 'foobar:baz': Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ 'baz': Capacity(8, 0), }) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_index(self): """ Sleep when global index limit is exceeded """ limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={'foobar': { 'baz': Capacity(4, 0), }}) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ 'baz': Capacity(8, 0), }) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_local_index(self): """ Local index capacities count towards the table limit """ limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ 'foobar': Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(8, 0), local_index_capacity={ 'local': Capacity(4, 0), }) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(1)
def test_global_default(self): """Global index limit will fall back to table default limit""" limiter = RateLimit(default_read=4, default_write=4) cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ "baz": Capacity(8, 0), }, ) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_throttle_table(self): """Sleep if table limit is exceeded""" limiter = RateLimit( 3, 3, table_caps={ "foobar": Capacity(0, 4), }, ) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(8, 0), Capacity(0, 8)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_default_table(self): """Global index limit defaults to table limit if not present""" limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ "foobar": Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ "baz": Capacity(8, 0), }, ) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_index_by_name(self): """Global index limit can be specified as tablename:index_name""" limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ "foobar:baz": Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ "baz": Capacity(8, 0), }, ) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_global_index(self): """Sleep when global index limit is exceeded""" limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={"foobar": { "baz": Capacity(4, 0), }}) cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(8, 0), global_index_capacity={ "baz": Capacity(8, 0), }, ) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_local_index(self): """Local index capacities count towards the table limit""" limiter = RateLimit(table_caps={ "foobar": Capacity(4, 0), }) cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(8, 0), local_index_capacity={ "local": Capacity(4, 0), }, ) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(1)
def test_throttle_total(self): """ Sleep if consumed capacity exceeds total """ limiter = RateLimit(3, 3) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(3, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query2('foobar', 'id = :id', id='a')) sleep.assert_called_with(1)
def test_no_throttle(self): """Don't sleep if consumed capacity is within limits""" limiter = RateLimit(3, 3) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(0, 2)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_not_called()
def test_capacity(self): """ Can return consumed capacity """ ret = { 'Responses': { 'foo': [], }, 'ConsumedCapacity': [{ 'TableName': 'foobar', 'CapacityUnits': 3, 'Table': { 'CapacityUnits': 1, }, 'LocalSecondaryIndexes': { 'l-index': { 'CapacityUnits': 1, }, }, 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes': { 'g-index': { 'CapacityUnits': 1, }, }, }], } with patch.object(self.dynamo.client, 'batch_write_item', return_value=ret): batch = self.dynamo.batch_write('foobar', return_capacity='INDEXES') with batch: batch.put({'id': 'a'}) self.assertEqual(, Capacity(0, 3))
def test_throttle_multiply(self): """Seconds to sleep is increades to match limit delta""" limiter = RateLimit(3, 3) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(8, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(3)
def test_throttle_multiple(self): """Sleep if the limit is exceeded by multiple calls""" limiter = RateLimit(4, 4) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(3, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_called_with(2)
def test_count_add_none_capacity(self): """Count addition with one None consumed_capacity""" cap = Capacity(3, 0) count = Count(4, 2) count2 = Count(5, 3, cap) ret = count + count2 self.assertEqual(ret, 9) self.assertEqual(ret.scanned_count, 5) self.assertEqual(ret.consumed_capacity, cap)
def test_throttle_callback(self): """Callback is called when a query is throttled""" callback = MagicMock() callback.return_value = True limiter = RateLimit(3, 3, callback=callback) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(3, 0)) with self.inject_capacity(cap, limiter) as sleep: list(self.dynamo.query("foobar", "id = :id", id="a")) sleep.assert_not_called() self.assertTrue(callback.called)
def test_capacity_math(self): """ Capacity addition and equality """ cap = Capacity(2, 4) s = set([cap]) self.assertIn(Capacity(2, 4), s) self.assertNotEqual(Capacity(1, 4), cap) self.assertEqual(Capacity(1, 1) + Capacity(2, 2), Capacity(3, 3))
def test_capacity(self): """capacity hooks are called whenever response has ConsumedCapacity""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table("foobar", hash_key=hash_key) hook = MagicMock() self.dynamo.subscribe("capacity", hook) with patch.object(self.dynamo, "client") as client: client.scan.return_value = { "Items": [], "ConsumedCapacity": { "TableName": "foobar", "ReadCapacityUnits": 4, }, } rs = self.dynamo.scan("foobar") list(rs) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(4, 0)) hook.assert_called_with(self.dynamo, "scan", ANY, ANY, cap)
def test_capacity(self): """ capacity hooks are called whenever response has ConsumedCapacity """ hash_key = DynamoKey('id') self.dynamo.create_table('foobar', hash_key=hash_key) hook = MagicMock() self.dynamo.subscribe('capacity', hook) with patch.object(self.dynamo, 'client') as client: client.scan.return_value = { 'Items': [], 'ConsumedCapacity': { 'TableName': 'foobar', 'CapacityUnits': 4, } } rs = self.dynamo.scan('foobar') list(rs) cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(4, 0)) hook.assert_called_with(self.dynamo, 'scan', ANY, ANY, cap)
def test_consumed_capacity_equality(self): """ ConsumedCapacity addition and equality """ cap = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { 'l-index': Capacity(0, 4), }, { 'g-index': Capacity(0, 3), }) c2 = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { 'l-index': Capacity(0, 4), 'l-index2': Capacity(0, 7), }) self.assertNotEqual(cap, c2) c3 = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { 'l-index': Capacity(0, 4), }, { 'g-index': Capacity(0, 3), }) self.assertIn(cap, set([c3])) combined = cap + c2 self.assertEqual( cap + c2, ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(0, 20), Capacity(0, 4), { 'l-index': Capacity(0, 8), 'l-index2': Capacity(0, 7), }, { 'g-index': Capacity(0, 3), })) self.assertIn(str(Capacity(0, 3)), str(combined))
def test_consumed_capacity_equality(self): """ConsumedCapacity addition and equality""" cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ) c2 = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), "l-index2": Capacity(0, 7), }, ) self.assertNotEqual(cap, c2) c3 = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ) self.assertIn(cap, set([c3])) combined = cap + c2 self.assertEqual( cap + c2, ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 20), Capacity(0, 4), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 8), "l-index2": Capacity(0, 7), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ), ) self.assertIn(str(Capacity(0, 3)), str(combined))
def test_capacity_format(self): """ String formatting for Capacity """ c = Capacity(1, 3) self.assertEqual(str(c), "R:1.0 W:3.0") c = Capacity(0, 0) self.assertEqual(str(c), "0")
def test_add_different_tables(self): """ Cannot add ConsumedCapacity of two different tables """ c1 = ConsumedCapacity('foobar', Capacity(1, 28)) c2 = ConsumedCapacity('boofar', Capacity(3, 0)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): c1 += c2