def test_array_from_ptr(self):
     # cfixed_dim arrmeta is redundant so this is ok
     a = (ctypes.c_int32 * 3)()
     a[0] = 3
     a[1] = 6
     a[2] = 9
     # Readwrite version using cfixed
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('cfixed[3] * int32',
                                  ctypes.addressof(a), a, 'readwrite')
     self.assertEqual(_lowlevel.data_address_of(b), ctypes.addressof(a))
     self.assertEqual(nd.dshape_of(b), '3 * int32')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), [3, 6, 9])
     b[1] = 10
     self.assertEqual(a[1], 10)
     # Readonly version using cfixed
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('cfixed[3] * int32',
                                  ctypes.addressof(a), a, 'readonly')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), [3, 10, 9])
     def assign_to(b):
         b[1] = 100
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, assign_to, b)
     # Using a fixed dim default-constructs the arrmeta, so works too
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('3 * int32', ctypes.addressof(a),
                                  a, 'readonly')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), [3, 10, 9])
     # Should get an error if we try strided, because the size is unknown
                       lambda: _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('strided * int32',
                                                        a, 'readonly'))
예제 #2
def data_descriptor_from_cffi(ffi, cdata, writable):
    ffi : cffi.FFI
        The cffi namespace which contains the cdata.
    cdata : cffi.CData
        The cffi data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    if not isinstance(cdata, ffi.CData):
        raise TypeError('object is not a cffi.CData object, has type %s' %
    owner = (ffi, cdata)
    # Get the raw pointer out of the cdata as an integer
    ptr = int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', ffi.cast('char *', cdata)))
    ds = datashape.from_cffi(ffi, ffi.typeof(cdata))
    if (isinstance(ds, datashape.DataShape) and
                    isinstance(ds[0], datashape.TypeVar)):
        # If the outermost dimension is an array without fixed
        # size, get its size from the data
        ds = datashape.DataShape((datashape.Fixed(len(cdata)),) + ds[1:])
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(str(ds)),
                    ptr, owner, access)
    return DyNDDataDescriptor(dyndarr)
예제 #3
def data_descriptor_from_cffi(ffi, cdata, writable):
    ffi : cffi.FFI
        The cffi namespace which contains the cdata.
    cdata : cffi.CData
        The cffi data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    if not isinstance(cdata, ffi.CData):
        raise TypeError('object is not a cffi.CData object, has type %s' %
    owner = (ffi, cdata)
    # Get the raw pointer out of the cdata as an integer
    ptr = int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', ffi.cast('char *', cdata)))
    ds = datashape.from_cffi(ffi, ffi.typeof(cdata))
    if (isinstance(ds, datashape.DataShape)
            and isinstance(ds[0], datashape.TypeVar)):
        # If the outermost dimension is an array without fixed
        # size, get its size from the data
        ds = datashape.DataShape(*(datashape.Fixed(len(cdata)), ) + ds[1:])
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(str(ds)), ptr, owner, access)
    return DyNDDataDescriptor(dyndarr)
예제 #4
 def test_array_from_ptr(self):
     a = (ctypes.c_int32 * 3)()
     a[0] = 3
     a[1] = 6
     a[2] = 9
     # Readwrite version
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type('3 * int32'), ctypes.addressof(a),
                     a, 'readwrite')
     self.assertEqual(_lowlevel.data_address_of(b), ctypes.addressof(a))
     self.assertEqual(nd.dshape_of(b), '3 * int32')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), [3, 6, 9])
     b[1] = 10
     self.assertEqual(a[1], 10)
     # Readonly version
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type('3 * int32'), ctypes.addressof(a),
                     a, 'readonly')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), [3, 10, 9])
     def assign_to(b):
         b[1] = 100
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, assign_to, b)
 def test_array_from_ptr_struct(self):
     class SomeStruct(ctypes.Structure):
         _fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_int8),
                     ('y', ctypes.c_int32),
                     ('z', ctypes.c_double)]
     a = SomeStruct()
     a.x = 1
     a.y = 2
     a.z = 3.75
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('{x: int8, y: int32, z: float64}',
                                  ctypes.addressof(a), a, 'readonly')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b, tuple=True), (1, 2, 3.75))
예제 #6
 def write_single(self, idx, ptr):
     if len(idx) != self.nindex:
         raise IndexError('Incorrect number of indices (got %d, require %d)' %
                        (len(idx), self.nindex))
     idx = tuple(operator.index(i) for i in idx)
     # Create a temporary DyND array around the ptr data.
     # Note that we can't provide an owner because the parameter
     # is just the bare pointer.
     tmp = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(self._c_dtype, ptr,
                     None, 'readonly')
     # Use DyND's assignment to set the values
     self._dyndarr[idx] = tmp
예제 #7
def data_descriptor_from_ctypes(cdata, writable):
    cdata : ctypes data instance
        The ctypes data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    ds = datashape.from_ctypes(type(cdata))
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(str(ds)),
                                       ctypes.addressof(cdata), cdata, access)
    return DyNDDataDescriptor(dyndarr)
예제 #8
def data_descriptor_from_ctypes(cdata, writable):
    cdata : ctypes data instance
        The ctypes data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    ds = datashape.from_ctypes(type(cdata))
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndtp = " * ".join(["cfixed[%d]" % int(x) for x in ds[:-1]] + [str(ds[-1])])
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(dyndtp), ctypes.addressof(cdata), cdata, access)
    return DyND_DDesc(dyndarr)
예제 #9
def data_descriptor_from_ctypes(cdata, writable):
    cdata : ctypes data instance
        The ctypes data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    ds = datashape.from_ctypes(type(cdata))
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(str(ds)),
                    ctypes.addressof(cdata), cdata,
    return DyNDDataDescriptor(dyndarr)
예제 #10
def data_descriptor_from_ctypes(cdata, writable):
    cdata : ctypes data instance
        The ctypes data object which owns the data.
    writable : bool
        Should be true if the data is writable, flase
        if it's read-only.
    ds = datashape.from_ctypes(type(cdata))
    access = "readwrite" if writable else "readonly"
    dyndtp = ' * '.join(['cfixed[%d]' % int(x)
                         for x in ds[:-1]] + [str(ds[-1])])
    dyndarr = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr(ndt.type(dyndtp),
                                       ctypes.addressof(cdata), cdata, access)
    return DyND_DDesc(dyndarr)
예제 #11
 def test_array_from_ptr_blockref(self):
     a = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_double(1.25))
     b = _lowlevel.array_from_ptr('pointer[float64]',
                                  ctypes.addressof(a), a, 'readonly')
     self.assertEqual(nd.as_py(b), 1.25)