예제 #1
 def l2_normalize(vector):
     square_sum = dy.sqrt(
             np.finfo(float).eps * dy.ones((1))[0],
     return dy.cdiv(vector, square_sum)
예제 #2
def do_one_sequence(rnn, params, sequence):
    # setup the sequence
    s0 = rnn.initial_state()

    R = params["R"]
    bias = params["bias"]
    lookup = params["lookup"]
    input_sequence = [input_token2int[t] for (t, _) in sequence]
    output_sequence = [output_token2int[t] for (_, t) in sequence]
    s = s0
    loss = []
    for input_token, output_token in zip(input_sequence, output_sequence):
        s = s.add_input(lookup[input_token])
        probs = dy.softmax(R * s.output() + bias)

        # MinMax to avoid undefined 0/1 probabilities
        # 1e-15 is arbitrary
        min_val = dy.constant((OUTPUT_VOCAB_SIZE, ), 1e-15)
        max_val = dy.constant((OUTPUT_VOCAB_SIZE, ), 1 - 1e-15)
        probs = dy.bmax(dy.bmin(probs, max_val), min_val)
        loss.append(-dy.log(dy.pick(probs, output_token)))
    loss = dy.esum(loss)
    return loss
예제 #3
파일: EasyFirst.py 프로젝트: bcmi220/erefdp
def leaky_relu(x):
	return dy.bmax(.1*x, x)
예제 #4
def leaky_relu(x, a):
    return dy.bmax(a*x, x)
예제 #5
    def leaky_ReLu(self, inputvec, alpha=0.1):

        return dy.bmax(alpha * inputvec, inputvec)
예제 #6
파일: learner.py 프로젝트: hu-nlp/jPTDP
 def l2_normalize(x):
     square_sum = dynet.sqrt(dynet.bmax(dynet.sum_elems(dynet.square(x)), np.finfo(float).eps * dynet.ones((1))[0]))
     return dynet.cdiv(x, square_sum)
예제 #7
 def l2_normalize(x):
     epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps * dy.ones(pred.dim()[0])
     norm = dy.sqrt(dy.sum_elems(dy.square(x)))
     sign = dy.cdiv(x, dy.bmax(dy.abs(x), epsilon))
     return dy.cdiv(dy.cmult(sign, dy.bmax(dy.abs(x), epsilon)), dy.bmax(norm, epsilon[0]))
예제 #8
def leaky_relu(x):
    """Leaky ReLU implementation."""
    return dy.bmax(.1*x, x)
예제 #9
def penalized_tanh(x):
    alpha = 0.25
    tanh_x = dy.tanh(x)
    return dy.bmax(tanh_x, alpha * tanh_x)
예제 #10
    def get_next_score_expressions(self, legit_act_idxs):

        res_list = []
        meta_list = []
        print ("debug: self.action_history", self.action_history)
        print ("debug: self.is_end()", self.is_end())
        print ("debug: self.qinfo.seq_qid", self.qinfo.seq_qid)
        print ("debug: legit_act_idxs", legit_act_idxs)

        qwVecs = self.attend_question_coverage()
        qwAvgVec = self.ques_avg_emb
        qLSTMVec = dt.tanh(self.H * dt.concatenate(
            [self.fw[-1], self.bw[0]]))  # question words LSTM embedding

        if self.resinfo != None:
            prev_qwVecs = self.prev_ques_emb
            prev_qwAvgVec = self.prev_ques_avg_emb
            prev_qLSTMVec = dt.tanh(
                self.prev_H *
                dt.concatenate([self.prev_fw[-1], self.prev_bw[0]]))

        for act_idx in legit_act_idxs:
            action = self.af.actions[act_idx]
            act_type = action.type
            #print("act_type", act_type)

            col = action.col
            colnameVec = self.headers_embs[col]
            colWdVecs = self.colname_embs[col]
            r = action.row
            if self.action_history != []:
                # for condition check, assuming the last action of the current state is ActWhereCol
                c = self.af.actions[self.action_history[-1]].col
                condCellVec = self.entries_embs[r][c]

            if act_type == ActionType.Stop:
                # use the average after mask
                actScore = dt.dot_product(dt.average(qwVecs), self.NulW)
                coverageMap = dt.inputVector(np.zeros(len(qwVecs)))

            elif act_type == ActionType.Select:
                lstScores = self.QCMatch.score_expression(
                    qwVecs, qwAvgVec, qLSTMVec, colnameVec, colWdVecs)
                scoreVec = dt.concatenate(lstScores)
                actScore = self.SelColFF.score_expression(scoreVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, colnameVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.WhereCol:  # same as ActionType.ActSelect, but with different coefficients in weighted sum
                # column type embedding # TODO: MAY BE WRONG IMPLEMENTATION HERE
                if self.qinfo.values_in_ques:
                    colTypeScore = self.ColTypeN
                    colTypeScore = self.ColTypeW
                lstScores = self.QCMatch.score_expression(
                    qwVecs, qwAvgVec, qLSTMVec, colnameVec, colWdVecs)
                scoreVec = dt.concatenate(lstScores + [colTypeScore])
                actScore = self.WhereColFF.score_expression(scoreVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, colnameVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondEqRow:
                actScore = nnmod.MaxScore(qwVecs, condCellVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, condCellVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondNeRow:
                entScore = nnmod.MaxScore(qwVecs, condCellVec)
                negScore = self.Negate.score_expression(qwAvgVec)
                scoreVec = dt.concatenate([entScore, negScore])
                actScore = self.NegFF.score_expression(scoreVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, condCellVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondGT or act_type == ActionType.FpCondGT:
                actScore = self.CondGT.score_expression(qwVecs, action.val[0])
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.CondGT.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondGE or act_type == ActionType.FpCondGE:
                actScore = self.CondGE.score_expression(qwVecs, action.val[0])
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.CondGE.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondLT or act_type == ActionType.FpCondLT:
                actScore = self.CondLT.score_expression(qwVecs, action.val[0])
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.CondLT.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.CondLE or act_type == ActionType.FpCondLE:
                actScore = self.CondLE.score_expression(qwVecs, action.val[0])
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.CondLE.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.ArgMin or act_type == ActionType.FpArgMin:
                actScore = self.ArgMin.score_expression(qwVecs)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.ArgMin.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.ArgMax or act_type == ActionType.FpArgMax:
                actScore = self.ArgMax.score_expression(qwVecs)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, self.ArgMax.OpW)

            elif act_type == ActionType.FpWhereCol:  # similar to ActionType.WhereCol
                # column type embedding
                if self.qinfo.values_in_ques:
                    colTypeScore = self.ColTypeN
                    colTypeScore = self.ColTypeW
                lstScores = self.QCMatch.score_expression(
                    qwVecs, qwAvgVec, qLSTMVec, colnameVec, colWdVecs)
                lstPrevScores = self.QCMatch.score_expression(
                    prev_qwVecs, prev_qwAvgVec, prev_qLSTMVec, colnameVec,
                scoreVec = dt.concatenate(lstScores + [colTypeScore] +

                actScore = self.FpWhereColFF.score_expression(scoreVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, colnameVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.FpCondEqRow:
                entScore = nnmod.MaxScore(qwVecs, condCellVec)
                prev_entScore = nnmod.MaxScore(prev_qwVecs, condCellVec)

                actScore = dt.bmax(entScore, prev_entScore)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, condCellVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.FpCondNeRow:
                entScore = nnmod.MaxScore(qwVecs, condCellVec)
                prev_entScore = nnmod.MaxScore(prev_qwVecs, condCellVec)
                negScore = self.Negate.score_expression(qwAvgVec)
                scoreVec = dt.concatenate(
                    [dt.bmax(entScore, prev_entScore), negScore])
                actScore = self.NegFF.score_expression(scoreVec)
                coverageMap = self.determine_coverage_by_name(
                    qwVecs, condCellVec)

            elif act_type == ActionType.SameAsPrevious:
                quesLSTMScore = dt.dot_product(prev_qLSTMVec, qLSTMVec)
                quesAvgScore = dt.dot_product(prev_qwAvgVec, qwAvgVec)
                actScore = dt.dot_product(
                    dt.concatenate([quesLSTMScore, quesAvgScore]))
                coverageMap = dt.inputVector(np.zeros(len(qwVecs)))

                assert False, "Error! Unknown act_type: %d" % act_type


        return dt.concatenate(res_list), meta_list
    def __init__(self):

        # first initialize a computation graph container (or model).
        self.nnmodel = dynet.Model()

        # assign the algorithm for backpropagation updates.
        self.updater = dynet.AdamTrainer(self.nnmodel)

        num_words, num_tags, num_labels = 4808, 46, 46
        word_embed_dim, pos_embed_dim, label_embed_dim = 100, 32, 32
        hidden_layer1_dim, hidden_layer2_dim = 600, 600
        num_actions = 93

        self.minibatch_size = 1000

        # create embeddings for words and tag features.
        self.word_embedding = self.nnmodel.add_lookup_parameters(
            (num_words, word_embed_dim))

        glove_word_embeddings_dict = {
        }  # key is the word, value is the list of 100 embeddings
        embed_lines = open("glove.6B.100d.txt", 'r').read().splitlines()
        for line in embed_lines:
            word = line.split()[0]
            values = line.split()
            del values[0]
            glove_word_embeddings_dict[word] = values

        vocab_words = open("./data/vocabs.word", 'r').read().splitlines()
        i = 0
        for word_line in vocab_words:
            word = word_line.split()[0]
            if (word in glove_word_embeddings_dict):
                self.word_embedding[i] = np.asarray(

        self.pos_embedding = self.nnmodel.add_lookup_parameters(
            (num_tags, pos_embed_dim))
        self.label_embedding = self.nnmodel.add_lookup_parameters(
            (num_labels, label_embed_dim))

        # mbda x: dynet.bmax(.1 * x, x))assign transfer function
        self.transfer = (lambda x: dynet.bmax(.1 * x, x))

        self.input_dim = 20 * (word_embed_dim +
                               pos_embed_dim) + 12 * label_embed_dim

        self.hidden_layer1 = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            (hidden_layer1_dim, self.input_dim))
        self.hidden_layer1_bias = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            hidden_layer1_dim, init=dynet.ConstInitializer(0.2))

        self.hidden_layer2 = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            (hidden_layer2_dim, hidden_layer1_dim))
        self.hidden_layer2_bias = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            hidden_layer2_dim, init=dynet.ConstInitializer(0.2))

        # define the output weight.
        self.output_layer = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            (num_actions, hidden_layer2_dim))

        # define the bias vector and initialize it as zero.
        self.output_bias = self.nnmodel.add_parameters(
            num_actions, init=dynet.ConstInitializer(0))

        self.dropout_prob = 0.2
            You can add more arguments for examples actions and model paths.
            You need to load your model here.
            actions: provides indices for actions.
            it has the same order as the data/vocabs.actions file.
        # if you prefer to have your own index for actions, change this.
        self.actions = [
            'SHIFT', 'LEFT-ARC:prep', 'LEFT-ARC:dobj', 'LEFT-ARC:poss',
            'LEFT-ARC:amod', 'LEFT-ARC:xcomp', 'LEFT-ARC:mark',
            'LEFT-ARC:conj', 'LEFT-ARC:nn', 'LEFT-ARC:rcmod', 'LEFT-ARC:advcl',
            'LEFT-ARC:cc', 'LEFT-ARC:pcomp', 'LEFT-ARC:expl', 'LEFT-ARC:tmod',
            'LEFT-ARC:csubj', 'LEFT-ARC:number', 'LEFT-ARC:iobj',
            'LEFT-ARC:<null>', 'LEFT-ARC:preconj', 'LEFT-ARC:nsubj',
            'LEFT-ARC:appos', 'LEFT-ARC:infmod', 'LEFT-ARC:partmod',
            'LEFT-ARC:ccomp', 'LEFT-ARC:aux', 'LEFT-ARC:auxpass',
            'LEFT-ARC:parataxis', 'LEFT-ARC:det', 'LEFT-ARC:punct',
            'LEFT-ARC:discourse', 'LEFT-ARC:dep', 'LEFT-ARC:cop',
            'LEFT-ARC:pobj', 'LEFT-ARC:num', 'LEFT-ARC:prt',
            'LEFT-ARC:possessive', 'LEFT-ARC:rroot', 'LEFT-ARC:npadvmod',
            'LEFT-ARC:mwe', 'LEFT-ARC:neg', 'LEFT-ARC:predet',
            'LEFT-ARC:nsubjpass', 'LEFT-ARC:quantmod', 'LEFT-ARC:root',
            'LEFT-ARC:acomp', 'LEFT-ARC:advmod', 'RIGHT-ARC:prep',
            'RIGHT-ARC:dobj', 'RIGHT-ARC:poss', 'RIGHT-ARC:amod',
            'RIGHT-ARC:xcomp', 'RIGHT-ARC:mark', 'RIGHT-ARC:conj',
            'RIGHT-ARC:nn', 'RIGHT-ARC:rcmod', 'RIGHT-ARC:advcl',
            'RIGHT-ARC:cc', 'RIGHT-ARC:pcomp', 'RIGHT-ARC:expl',
            'RIGHT-ARC:tmod', 'RIGHT-ARC:csubj', 'RIGHT-ARC:number',
            'RIGHT-ARC:iobj', 'RIGHT-ARC:<null>', 'RIGHT-ARC:preconj',
            'RIGHT-ARC:nsubj', 'RIGHT-ARC:appos', 'RIGHT-ARC:infmod',
            'RIGHT-ARC:partmod', 'RIGHT-ARC:ccomp', 'RIGHT-ARC:aux',
            'RIGHT-ARC:auxpass', 'RIGHT-ARC:parataxis', 'RIGHT-ARC:det',
            'RIGHT-ARC:punct', 'RIGHT-ARC:discourse', 'RIGHT-ARC:dep',
            'RIGHT-ARC:cop', 'RIGHT-ARC:pobj', 'RIGHT-ARC:num',
            'RIGHT-ARC:prt', 'RIGHT-ARC:possessive', 'RIGHT-ARC:rroot',
            'RIGHT-ARC:npadvmod', 'RIGHT-ARC:mwe', 'RIGHT-ARC:neg',
            'RIGHT-ARC:predet', 'RIGHT-ARC:nsubjpass', 'RIGHT-ARC:quantmod',
            'RIGHT-ARC:root', 'RIGHT-ARC:acomp', 'RIGHT-ARC:advmod'