예제 #1
def binary_roc_graph(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs):
    This function plots a ROC graph of a binary-class predictor. AUC
    calculation are presented as-well.  Data can be either: (1) one
    dimensional, where the values of y_true represent the true class and
    y_pred the predicted probability of that class, or (2) two-dimensional,
    where each line in y_true is a one-hot-encoding of the true class and
    y_pred holds the predicted probabilities of each class. For example,
    consider a data-set of two data-points where the true class of the first
    line is class 0, which was predicted with a probability of 0.6, and the
    second line's true class is 1, with predicted probability of 0.8. In the
    first configuration, the input will be: y_true = [0,1],
    y_pred = [0.6,0.8]. In the second configuration, the input will be:
    y_true = [[1,0],[0,1]], y_pred = [[0.6,0.4],[0.2,0.8]].

    Based on sklearn examples (as was seen on April 2018):

    y_true : list / NumPy ndarray
        The true classes of the predicted data
    y_pred : list / NumPy ndarray
        The predicted classes
    kwargs : any key-value pairs
        Different options and configurations
    y_true = convert(y_true, 'array')
    y_pred = convert(y_pred, 'array')
    if y_pred.shape != y_true.shape:
        raise ValueError('y_true and y_pred must have the same shape')
    elif len(y_pred.shape) == 1:
        y_t = y_true
        y_p = y_pred
        y_t = [np.argmax(x) for x in y_true]
        y_p = [x[1] for x in y_pred]
    fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_t, y_p)
    auc_score = auc(fpr, tpr)
    color = kwargs.get('color', 'darkorange')
    lw = kwargs.get('lw', 2)
    ls = kwargs.get('ls', '-')
    fmt = kwargs.get('fmt', '.2f')
    if 'class_label' in kwargs:
        class_label = ': {}'.format(kwargs['class_label'])
        class_label = ''
    if kwargs.get('new_figure', True):
             label='ROC curve{class_label} (AUC = {auc:{fmt}})'.format(
                 class_label=class_label, auc=auc_score, fmt=fmt))
    if kwargs.get('show_graphs', True):
    if kwargs.get('return_pr', False):
        return {'fpr': fpr, 'tpr': tpr}
예제 #2
def correlation_ratio(categories, measurements):
    Calculates the Correlation Ration (sometimes marked by the greek letter Eta) for categorical-continuous association.
    Answers the question - given a continuous value of a measurement, is it possible to know which category is it
    associated with?
    Value is in the range [0,1], where 0 means a category cannot be determined by a continuous measurement, and 1 means
    a category can be determined with absolute certainty.

    Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_ratio

    :param categories: list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        A sequence of categorical measurements
    :param measurements: list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        A sequence of continuous measurements
    :return: float
        in the range of [0,1]
    categories = convert(categories, 'array')
    measurements = convert(measurements, 'array')
    fcat, _ = pd.factorize(categories)
    cat_num = np.max(fcat)+1
    y_avg_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    n_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    for i in range(0,cat_num):
        cat_measures = measurements[np.argwhere(fcat == i).flatten()]
        n_array[i] = len(cat_measures)
        y_avg_array[i] = np.average(cat_measures)
    y_total_avg = np.sum(np.multiply(y_avg_array,n_array))/np.sum(n_array)
    numerator = np.sum(np.multiply(n_array,np.power(np.subtract(y_avg_array,y_total_avg),2)))
    denominator = np.sum(np.power(np.subtract(measurements,y_total_avg),2))
    if numerator == 0:
        eta = 0.0
        eta = numerator/denominator
    return eta
예제 #3
def roc_graph(y_true, y_pred, micro=True, macro=True, **kwargs):
    Plot a ROC graph of predictor's results (inclusding AUC scores), where each row of y_true and y_pred
    represent a single example.
    If there are 1 or two columns only, the data is treated as a binary classification, in which
    the result is similar to the `binary_roc_graph` method, see its documentation for more information.
    If there are more then 2 columns, each column is considered a unique class, and a ROC graph and AUC
    score will be computed for each. A Macro-ROC and Micro-ROC are computed and plotted too by default.

    Based on sklearn examples (as was seen on April 2018):

    **Example:** See `roc_graph_example` under `dython.examples`

    y_true : list / NumPy ndarray
        The true classes of the predicted data
    y_pred : list / NumPy ndarray
        The predicted classes
    micro : Boolean, default = True
        Whether to calculate a Micro ROC graph (not applicable for binary cases)
    macro : Boolean, default = True
        Whether to calculate a Macro ROC graph (not applicable for binary cases)
    kwargs : any key-value pairs
        Different options and configurations
    all_fpr = list()
    all_tpr = list()
    y_true = convert(y_true, 'array')
    y_pred = convert(y_pred, 'array')
    if y_pred.shape != y_true.shape:
        raise ValueError('y_true and y_pred must have the same shape')
    elif len(y_pred.shape) == 1 or y_pred.shape[1] <= 2:
        return binary_roc_graph(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)
        colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
        n = y_pred.shape[1]
        kwargs['new_figure'] = False
        kwargs['show_graphs'] = False
        kwargs['return_pr'] = True
        for i in range(0, n):
            pr = binary_roc_graph(y_true[:, i],
                                  y_pred[:, i],
                                  color=colors[i % len(colors)],
        if micro:
        if macro:
            _plot_macro_roc(all_fpr, all_tpr, n)
예제 #4
파일: nominal.py 프로젝트: imredred/dython
def correlation_ratio(categories,
    Calculates the Correlation Ratio (sometimes marked by the greek letter Eta)
    for categorical-continuous association.

    Answers the question - given a continuous value of a measurement, is it
    possible to know which category is it associated with?

    Value is in the range [0,1], where 0 means a category cannot be determined
    by a continuous measurement, and 1 means a category can be determined with
    absolute certainty.

    Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_ratio

    **Returns:** float in the range of [0,1]

    categories : list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas Series
        A sequence of categorical measurements
    measurements : list / NumPy ndarray / Pandas Series
        A sequence of continuous measurements
    nan_strategy : string, default = 'replace'
        How to handle missing values: can be either 'drop' to remove samples
        with missing values, or 'replace' to replace all missing values with
        the nan_replace_value. Missing values are None and np.nan.
    nan_replace_value : any, default = 0.0
        The value used to replace missing values with. Only applicable when
        nan_strategy is set to 'replace'.
    if nan_strategy == REPLACE:
        categories, measurements = replace_nan_with_value(
            categories, measurements, nan_replace_value)
    elif nan_strategy == DROP:
        categories, measurements = remove_incomplete_samples(
            categories, measurements)
    categories = convert(categories, 'array')
    measurements = convert(measurements, 'array')
    fcat, _ = pd.factorize(categories)
    cat_num = np.max(fcat) + 1
    y_avg_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    n_array = np.zeros(cat_num)
    for i in range(0, cat_num):
        cat_measures = measurements[np.argwhere(fcat == i).flatten()]
        n_array[i] = len(cat_measures)
        y_avg_array[i] = np.average(cat_measures)
    y_total_avg = np.sum(np.multiply(y_avg_array, n_array)) / np.sum(n_array)
    numerator = np.sum(
        np.multiply(n_array, np.power(np.subtract(y_avg_array, y_total_avg),
    denominator = np.sum(np.power(np.subtract(measurements, y_total_avg), 2))
    if numerator == 0:
        eta = 0.0
        eta = np.sqrt(numerator / denominator)
    return eta
예제 #5
def numerical_encoding(dataset,
    Encoding a data-set with mixed data (numerical and categorical) to a numerical-only data-set,
    using the following logic:
    * categorical with only a single value will be marked as zero (or dropped, if requested)
    * categorical with two values will be replaced with the result of Pandas `factorize`
    * categorical with more than two values will be replaced with the result of Pandas `get_dummies`
    * numerical columns will not be modified

    **Returns:** DataFrame or (DataFrame, dict). If `drop_fact_dict` is True, returns the encoded DataFrame.
    else, returns a tuple of the encoded DataFrame and dictionary, where each key is a two-value column, and the
    value is the original labels, as supplied by Pandas `factorize`. Will be empty if no two-value columns are
    present in the data-set

    dataset : NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        The data-set to encode
    nominal_columns : sequence / string
        A sequence of the nominal (categorical) columns in the dataset. If string, must be 'all' to state that
        all columns are nominal. If None, nothing happens. Default: 'all'
    drop_single_label : Boolean, default = False
        If True, nominal columns with a only a single value will be dropped.
    drop_fact_dict : Boolean, default = True
        If True, the return value will be the encoded DataFrame alone. If False, it will be a tuple of
        the DataFrame and the dictionary of the binary factorization (originating from pd.factorize)
    dataset = convert(dataset, 'dataframe')
    if nominal_columns is None:
        return dataset
    elif nominal_columns == 'all':
        nominal_columns = dataset.columns
    converted_dataset = pd.DataFrame()
    binary_columns_dict = dict()
    for col in dataset.columns:
        if col not in nominal_columns:
            converted_dataset.loc[:, col] = dataset[col]
            unique_values = pd.unique(dataset[col])
            if len(unique_values) == 1 and not drop_single_label:
                converted_dataset.loc[:, col] = 0
            elif len(unique_values) == 2:
                converted_dataset.loc[:, col], binary_columns_dict[
                    col] = pd.factorize(dataset[col])
                dummies = pd.get_dummies(dataset[col], prefix=col)
                converted_dataset = pd.concat([converted_dataset, dummies],
    if drop_fact_dict:
        return converted_dataset
        return converted_dataset, binary_columns_dict
예제 #6
파일: nominal.py 프로젝트: imredred/dython
def identify_nominal_columns(dataset, include=['object', 'category']):
    """Given a dataset, identify categorical columns.

    dataset : a pandas dataframe
    include : which column types to filter by; default: ['object', 'category'])

    categorical_columns : a list of categorical columns

    >> df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a'], 'col2': [3, 4, 2, 1]})
    >> identify_nominal_columns(df)

    dataset = convert(dataset, 'dataframe')
    nominal_columns = list(dataset.select_dtypes(include=include).columns)
    return nominal_columns
예제 #7
def associations(dataset,
    Calculate the correlation/strength-of-association of features in data-set with both categorical (eda_tools) and
    continuous features using:
     - Pearson's R for continuous-continuous cases
     - Correlation Ratio for categorical-continuous cases
     - Cramer's V or Theil's U for categorical-categorical cases

    :param dataset: NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        The data-set for which the features' correlation is computed
    :param nominal_columns: string / list / NumPy ndarray
        Names of columns of the data-set which hold categorical values. Can also be the string 'all' to state that all
        columns are categorical, or None (default) to state none are categorical
    :param mark_columns: Boolean (default: False)
        if True, output's columns' names will have a suffix of '(nom)' or '(con)' based on there type (eda_tools or
        continuous), as provided by nominal_columns
    :param theil_u: Boolean (default: False)
        In the case of categorical-categorical feaures, use Theil's U instead of Cramer's V
    :param plot: Boolean (default: True)
        If True, plot a heat-map of the correlation matrix
    :param return_results: Boolean (default: False)
        If True, the function will return a Pandas DataFrame of the computed associations
    :param kwargs:
        Arguments to be passed to used function and methods
    :return: Pandas DataFrame
        A DataFrame of the correlation/strength-of-association between all features

    dataset = convert(dataset, 'dataframe')
    columns = dataset.columns
    if nominal_columns is None:
        nominal_columns = list()
    elif nominal_columns == 'all':
        nominal_columns = columns
    corr = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=columns)
    for i in range(0, len(columns)):
        for j in range(i, len(columns)):
            if i == j:
                corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = 1.0
                if columns[i] in nominal_columns:
                    if columns[j] in nominal_columns:
                        if theil_u:
                            corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = theils_u(
                                dataset[columns[i]], dataset[columns[j]])
                            corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = theils_u(
                                dataset[columns[j]], dataset[columns[i]])
                            cell = cramers_v(dataset[columns[i]],
                            corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                            corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                        cell = correlation_ratio(dataset[columns[i]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                    if columns[j] in nominal_columns:
                        cell = correlation_ratio(dataset[columns[j]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                        cell, _ = ss.pearsonr(dataset[columns[i]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
    corr.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True)
    if mark_columns:
        marked_columns = [
            '{} (nom)'.format(col)
            if col in nominal_columns else '{} (con)'.format(col)
            for col in columns
        corr.columns = marked_columns
        corr.index = marked_columns
    if plot:
        plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', None))
                    annot=kwargs.get('annot', True),
                    fmt=kwargs.get('fmt', '.2f'))
    if return_results:
        return corr
예제 #8
파일: nominal.py 프로젝트: imredred/dython
def numerical_encoding(dataset,
    Encoding a data-set with mixed data (numerical and categorical) to a
    numerical-only data-set using the following logic:
    * categorical with only a single value will be marked as zero (or dropped,
        if requested)
    * categorical with two values will be replaced with the result of Pandas
    * categorical with more than two values will be replaced with the result
        of Pandas `get_dummies`
    * numerical columns will not be modified

    **Returns:** DataFrame or (DataFrame, dict). If `drop_fact_dict` is True,
    returns the encoded DataFrame.
    else, returns a tuple of the encoded DataFrame and dictionary, where each
    key is a two-value column, and the value is the original labels, as
    supplied by Pandas `factorize`. Will be empty if no two-value columns are
    present in the data-set

    dataset : NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        The data-set to encode
    nominal_columns : sequence / string. default = 'all'
        A sequence of the nominal (categorical) columns in the dataset. If
        string, must be 'all' to state that all columns are nominal. If None,
        nothing happens. If 'auto', categorical columns will be identified
        based on dtype.
    drop_single_label : Boolean, default = False
        If True, nominal columns with a only a single value will be dropped.
    drop_fact_dict : Boolean, default = True
        If True, the return value will be the encoded DataFrame alone. If
        False, it will be a tuple of the DataFrame and the dictionary of the
        binary factorization (originating from pd.factorize)
    nan_strategy : string, default = 'replace'
        How to handle missing values: can be either 'drop_samples' to remove
        samples with missing values, 'drop_features' to remove features
        (columns) with missing values, or 'replace' to replace all missing
        values with the nan_replace_value. Missing values are None and np.nan.
    nan_replace_value : any, default = 0.0
        The value used to replace missing values with. Only applicable when nan
        _strategy is set to 'replace'
    dataset = convert(dataset, 'dataframe')
    if nan_strategy == REPLACE:
        dataset.fillna(nan_replace_value, inplace=True)
    elif nan_strategy == DROP_SAMPLES:
        dataset.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
    elif nan_strategy == DROP_FEATURES:
        dataset.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)
    if nominal_columns is None:
        return dataset
    elif nominal_columns == 'all':
        nominal_columns = dataset.columns
    elif nominal_columns == 'auto':
        nominal_columns = identify_nominal_columns(dataset)
    converted_dataset = pd.DataFrame()
    binary_columns_dict = dict()
    for col in dataset.columns:
        if col not in nominal_columns:
            converted_dataset.loc[:, col] = dataset[col]
            unique_values = pd.unique(dataset[col])
            if len(unique_values) == 1 and not drop_single_label:
                converted_dataset.loc[:, col] = 0
            elif len(unique_values) == 2:
                converted_dataset.loc[:, col], binary_columns_dict[
                    col] = pd.factorize(dataset[col])
                dummies = pd.get_dummies(dataset[col], prefix=col)
                converted_dataset = pd.concat([converted_dataset, dummies],
    if drop_fact_dict:
        return converted_dataset
        return converted_dataset, binary_columns_dict
예제 #9
파일: nominal.py 프로젝트: imredred/dython
def associations(dataset,
    Calculate the correlation/strength-of-association of features in data-set
    with both categorical (eda_tools) and continuous features using:
     * Pearson's R for continuous-continuous cases
     * Correlation Ratio for categorical-continuous cases
     * Cramer's V or Theil's U for categorical-categorical cases

    **Returns:** a DataFrame of the correlation/strength-of-association between
    all features

    **Example:** see `associations_example` under `dython.examples`

    dataset : NumPy ndarray / Pandas DataFrame
        The data-set for which the features' correlation is computed
    nominal_columns : string / list / NumPy ndarray
        Names of columns of the data-set which hold categorical values. Can
        also be the string 'all' to state that all columns are categorical,
        'auto' (default) to try to identify nominal columns, or None to state
        none are categorical
    mark_columns : Boolean, default = False
        if True, output's columns' names will have a suffix of '(nom)' or
        '(con)' based on there type (eda_tools or continuous), as provided
        by nominal_columns
    theil_u : Boolean, default = False
        In the case of categorical-categorical feaures, use Theil's U instead
        of Cramer's V
    plot : Boolean, default = True
        If True, plot a heat-map of the correlation matrix
    return_results : Boolean, default = False
        If True, the function will return a Pandas DataFrame of the computed
    nan_strategy : string, default = 'replace'
        How to handle missing values: can be either 'drop_samples' to remove
        samples with missing values, 'drop_features' to remove features
        (columns) with missing values, or 'replace' to replace all missing
        values with the nan_replace_value. Missing values are None and np.nan.
    nan_replace_value : any, default = 0.0
        The value used to replace missing values with. Only applicable when
        nan_strategy is set to 'replace'
    ax : matplotlib ax, default = None
      Matplotlib Axis on which the heat-map will be plotted
    kwargs : any key-value pairs
        Arguments to be passed to used function and methods
    dataset = convert(dataset, 'dataframe')
    if nan_strategy == REPLACE:
        dataset.fillna(nan_replace_value, inplace=True)
    elif nan_strategy == DROP_SAMPLES:
        dataset.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
    elif nan_strategy == DROP_FEATURES:
        dataset.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)
    columns = dataset.columns
    if nominal_columns is None:
        nominal_columns = list()
    elif nominal_columns == 'all':
        nominal_columns = columns
    elif nominal_columns == 'auto':
        nominal_columns = identify_nominal_columns(dataset)

    corr = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=columns)
    for i in range(0, len(columns)):
        for j in range(i, len(columns)):
            if i == j:
                corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = 1.0
                if columns[i] in nominal_columns:
                    if columns[j] in nominal_columns:
                        if theil_u:
                            corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = theils_u(
                            corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = theils_u(
                            cell = cramers_v(dataset[columns[i]],
                            corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                            corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                        cell = correlation_ratio(dataset[columns[i]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                    if columns[j] in nominal_columns:
                        cell = correlation_ratio(dataset[columns[j]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
                        cell, _ = ss.pearsonr(dataset[columns[i]],
                        corr[columns[i]][columns[j]] = cell
                        corr[columns[j]][columns[i]] = cell
    corr.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True)
    if mark_columns:
        marked_columns = [
            '{} (nom)'.format(col)
            if col in nominal_columns else '{} (con)'.format(col)
            for col in columns
        corr.columns = marked_columns
        corr.index = marked_columns
    if plot:
        if ax is None:
            plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', None))
                    annot=kwargs.get('annot', True),
                    fmt=kwargs.get('fmt', '.2f'),
        if ax is None:
    if return_results:
        return corr