예제 #1
def UnionedFamiliesMultipleWinnersTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open(
            "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    sends: List[Send] = [Send.fromJSON(send) for send in vectors["sends"]]

    def sendSends() -> None:
        for s in range(len(sends)):
            if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(sends[s]) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Send.")

    def verifyMultipleWon() -> None:
        for send in [sends[1], *sends[3:]]:
            if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros verified a transaction which was beaten by another transaction."
        for send in [sends[0], sends[2]]:
            if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't verify the verified transaction for each original family."

              44: sendSends,
              50: verifyMultipleWon
def RespondsWithRequestedCapacityTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  vectors: Dict[str, Any]
  with open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/TwoHundredSeventyFour/RespondsWithRequestedCapacity.json", "r") as file:
    vectors = json.loads(file.read())

  def requestWithCapacity() -> None:
    block: Block = Block.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"][-1])

    #Request 3/6 Transactions.
    rpc.meros.sync.send(MessageType.BlockBodyRequest.toByte() + block.header.hash + (3).to_bytes(4, "little"))
    if rpc.meros.sync.recv() != (MessageType.BlockBody.toByte() + block.body.serialize(block.header.sketchSalt, 3)):
      raise TestError("Meros didn't respond with the requested capacity.")

    #Request 8/6 Transactions.
    rpc.meros.sync.send(MessageType.BlockBodyRequest.toByte() + block.header.hash + (8).to_bytes(4, "little"))
    if rpc.meros.sync.recv() != (MessageType.BlockBody.toByte() + block.body.serialize(block.header.sketchSalt, 6)):
      raise TestError("Meros didn't respond with the requested capacity (normalized).")

      2: requestWithCapacity
예제 #3
def VCompetingTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Verification/Competing.json",
              "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #Function to verify the right Transaction was confirmed.
    def verifyConfirmation() -> None:
        if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                        {"hash": vectors["verified"]})["verified"]:
            raise TestError(
                "Didn't verify the Send which should have been verified.")

        if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                    {"hash": vectors["beaten"]})["verified"]:
            raise TestError(
                "Did verify the Send which should have been beaten.")

              19: verifyConfirmation
    Syncer(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions).sync()
예제 #4
def MultiInputClaimTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/MultiInputClaim.json", "r") as file:
        vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())
        transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions).live()
        Syncer(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions).sync()
예제 #5
def HundredTwoTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  file: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Verification/HundredTwo.json", "r")
  vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())

  transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

  #Verifies the Transaction is added, it has the right holders, the holders Merit surpasses the threshold, yet it isn't verified.
  def verify() -> None:
    for tx in transactions.txs:
      status: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus", [tx.hex()])
      if set(status["verifiers"]) != set([0, 1]):
        raise TestError("Meros doesn't have the right list of verifiers for this Transaction.")

      if status["merit"] != 80:
        raise TestError("Meros doesn't have the right amount of Merit for this Transaction.")

      if rpc.call("merit", "getMerit", [0])["merit"] + rpc.call("merit", "getMerit", [1])["merit"] < status["threshold"]:
        raise TestError("Merit sum of holders is less than the threshold.")

      if status["verified"]:
        raise TestError("Meros verified the Transaction which won't have enough Merit by the time the Transaction finalizes.")

  Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, callbacks={100: verify}).live()
def DescendantHighestVerifiedParentTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  vectors: Dict[str, Any]
  with open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Families/DescendantHighestVerifiedParent.json", "r") as file:
    vectors = json.loads(file.read())
  sends: List[Send] = [Send.fromJSON(send) for send in vectors["sends"]]

  def sendSends() -> None:
    for s in range(len(sends)):
      if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(sends[s]) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
        raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Send.")

  def verifyDescendantWon() -> None:
    for send in sends[::3]:
      if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus", [send.hash.hex()])["verified"]:
        raise TestError("Meros verified a beaten, or potentially impossible, transaction.")
    for send in sends[1:3]:
      if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus", [send.hash.hex()])["verified"]:
        raise TestError("Meros either didn't verify the descendant or its parent.")

      45: sendSends,
      51: verifyDescendantWon
def UnionedFamiliesSingleWinnerTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  vectors: Dict[str, Any]
  with open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Families/UnionedFamiliesSingleWinner.json", "r") as file:
    vectors = json.loads(file.read())
  sends: List[Send] = [Send.fromJSON(send) for send in vectors["sends"]]

  def sendSends() -> None:
    for s in range(len(sends)):
      if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(sends[s]) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
        raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Send.")

  def verifyUnionizingWon() -> None:
    for send in sends[:-1]:
      if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus", {"hash": send.hash.hex()})["verified"]:
        raise TestError("Meros verified a transaction which was beaten by a unionizing transaction.")
    if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus", {"hash": sends[-1].hash.hex()})["verified"]:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't verify the verified unionizing transaction.")

      45: sendSends,
      51: verifyUnionizingWon
예제 #8
def TGUReorgTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Transactions/GetUTXOs.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    def test() -> None:
        recipient: ed25519.SigningKey = ed25519.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32)
        recipientPub: bytes = recipient.get_verifying_key().to_bytes()
        address: str = bech32_encode(
            "mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + recipientPub, 8, 5))

        #Create a Send.
        send: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["send"])
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
        verify(rpc, send.hash)
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs",
                    {"address": address}) != [{
                        "hash": send.hash.hex().upper(),
                        "nonce": 0
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a confirmed Transaction's outputs as UTXOs."
        #Spend it, with a newer Mint as an input as well so we can prune it without pruning the original.
        newerSend: Send = createSend(
            rpc, [Claim.fromJSON(vectors["newerMintClaim"])], recipientPub)
        _: Send = createSend(rpc, [send, newerSend], bytes(32), recipient)
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError("Meros thinks the recipient has UTXOs.")

        #Remove the spending Send by pruning its ancestor (a Mint).
        reorg(rpc, Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blocksWithoutNewerMint"]))
        #Meros should add back its parent as an UTXO.
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs",
                    {"address": address}) != [{
                        "hash": send.hash.hex().upper(),
                        "nonce": 0
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a Transaction without spenders as an UTXO."
        #Remove the original Send and verify its outputs are no longer considered UTXOs.
        reorg(rpc, Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blocksWithoutOlderMint"]))
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't remove the outputs of a pruned Transaction as UTXOs."

        raise SuccessError()

    #Send Blocks so we have a Merit Holder who can instantly verify Transactions, not to mention Mints.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
예제 #9
def TGUFinalizesTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  vectors: Dict[str, Any]
  with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Transactions/GetUTXOs.json", "r") as file:
    vectors = json.loads(file.read())
  transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

  def test() -> None:
    recipient: Ristretto.SigningKey = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32)
    recipientPub: bytes = recipient.get_verifying_key()
    address: str = bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + recipientPub, 8, 5))

    otherRecipient: bytes = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\2' * 32).get_verifying_key()
    otherAddress: str = bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + otherRecipient, 8, 5))

    #Create a Send.
    send: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["send"])
    if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
    if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
      raise TestError("Meros considered an unconfirmed Transaction's outputs as UTXOs.")
    verify(rpc, send.hash)

    #Spend it.
    spendingSend: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["spendingSend"])
    if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(spendingSend) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
    if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't consider a Transaction's inputs as spent.")

    #Verify with another party, so it won't be majority verified, yet will still have a Verification.
    mineBlock(rpc, 1)
    verify(rpc, spendingSend.hash, 1)
    #Verify it didn't create a UTXO.
    if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": otherAddress}) != []:
      raise TestError("Unverified Transaction created a UTXO.")

    for _ in range(6):

    #Check the UTXOs were created.
    if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": otherAddress}) != [{"hash": spendingSend.hash.hex().upper(), "nonce": 0}]:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't consider a finalized Transaction's outputs as UTXOs.")

    raise SuccessError()

  #Send Blocks so we have a Merit Holder who can instantly verify Transactions, not to mention Mints.
  with raises(SuccessError):
    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
예제 #10
def InvalidCompetingTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open(
        "e2e/Vectors/Consensus/MeritRemoval/InvalidCompeting.json", "r")
    vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #pylint: disable=no-member
    removal: SignedMeritRemoval = SignedMeritRemoval.fromSignedJSON(

    #Create and execute a Liver to handle the MeritRemoval.
    def sendMeritRemoval() -> None:
        #Send and verify the MeritRemoval.
        removalBytes: bytes = rpc.meros.signedElement(removal)

        sent: int = 0
        while True:
            if sent == 2:

            msg: bytes = rpc.meros.sync.recv()
            if MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.TransactionRequest:
                sent += 1
                raise TestError("Unexpected message sent: " +

        if removalBytes != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't send us the Merit Removal.")
        verifyMeritRemoval(rpc, 1, 1, removal.holder, True)

    #Verify the MeritRemoval and the Blockchain.
    def verify() -> None:
        verifyMeritRemoval(rpc, 1, 1, removal.holder, False)
        verifyBlockchain(rpc, Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"]))
        raise SuccessError(
            "MeritRemoval and Blockchain were properly handled.")

              1: sendMeritRemoval,
              2: verify
예제 #11
def HundredFortySevenTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r")
    vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())

    merit: Merit = Merit.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #Ed25519 keys.
    privKey: ed25519.SigningKey = ed25519.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32)
    pubKey: ed25519.VerifyingKey = privKey.get_verifying_key()

    #Grab the Claim hash,
    claim: bytes = merit.blockchain.blocks[-1].body.packets[0].hash

    #Create a Send which underflows.
    send: Send = Send(
        [(claim, 0)],
        [(pubKey.to_bytes(), 18446744073709551231),
          385 + Claim.fromTransaction(transactions.txs[claim]).amount)])

    #Custom function to send the last Block and verify it errors at the right place.
    def checkFail() -> None:
        #Send the Send.

        #Handle sync requests.
        while True:
            #Try receiving from the Live socket, where Meros sends keep-alives.
                if len(rpc.meros.live.recv()) != 0:
                    raise Exception()
            except TestError:
                raise SuccessError(
                    "Node disconnected us after we sent an invalid Transaction."
            except Exception:
                raise TestError("Meros sent a keep-alive.")

    #Create and execute a Liver.
    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, callbacks={
        12: checkFail
예제 #12
def HundredFortyTwoTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open(
        "e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Verification/HundredFortyTwo.json", "r")
    vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #Function to verify the Transaction includes unarchived Merit before finalization.
    def verifyUnarchivedMerit() -> None:
        #Send the verification which won't be archived.
        if rpc.meros.signedElement(
                    vectors["verification"])) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't send back the SignedVerification.")

        status: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
        if sorted(status["verifiers"]) != [0, 1]:
            raise TestError(
                "Status didn't include verifiers which have yet to be archived."
        if status["merit"] != 7:
            raise TestError(
                "Status didn't include Merit which has yet to be archived.")

    #Function to verify the Transaction doesn't include unarchived Merit after finalization.
    def verifyArchivedMerit() -> None:
        status: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
        if status["verifiers"] != [0]:
            raise TestError(
                "Status included verifiers which were never archived.")
        if status["merit"] != 1:
            raise TestError("Status included Merit which was never archived.")

    #Create and execute a Liver.
              7: verifyUnarchivedMerit,
              8: verifyArchivedMerit
예제 #13
def HundredSeventyFiveTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/HundredSeventyFive.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])
    verif: SignedVerification = SignedVerification.fromSignedJSON(

    def sendDatasAndVerif() -> None:
        for tx in transactions.txs:
            if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(
                    transactions.txs[tx]) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't send us back the Data.")

        if rpc.meros.signedElement(verif) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't send us back the Verification.")

              7: sendDatasAndVerif
예제 #14
def TGUImmediatelyTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    recipient: ed25519.SigningKey = ed25519.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32)
    recipientPub: bytes = recipient.get_verifying_key().to_bytes()
    address: str = bech32_encode("mr",
                                 convertbits(bytes([0]) + recipientPub, 8, 5))

    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Transactions/GetUTXOs.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    send: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["send"])
    spendingSend: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["spendingSend"])

    def start() -> None:
        #Send the Send.
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros considered an unconfirmed Transaction's outputs as UTXOs."

        #Immediately spend it.
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(spendingSend) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a Transaction's inputs as spent.")

        #Verify the Send and make sure it's not considered as a valid UTXO.
        verify(rpc, send.hash)
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros considered a just confirmed Transaction with a spender's outputs as UTXOs."

    def verified() -> None:
        #Verify the spender and verify the state is unchanged.
        verify(rpc, spendingSend.hash)
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a verified Transaction's inputs as spent."

    def finalizedSend() -> None:
        #Sanity check the spending TX has yet to also finalize.
        if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                    {"hash": spendingSend.hash.hex()})["finalized"]:
            raise Exception(
                "Test meant to only finalize the first Send, not both.")

        #Verify the state is unchanged.
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a verified Transaction's inputs as spent after the input finalized."

    def finalizedSpendingSend() -> None:
        #Verify the state is unchanged.
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a finalized Transaction's inputs as spent."

    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {
        50: start,
        51: verified,
        56: finalizedSend,
        57: finalizedSpendingSend
예제 #15
def SameInputTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/SameInput/Claim.json", "r")
    vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())

    merit: Merit = Merit.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #Custom function to send the last Block and verify it errors at the right place.
    def checkFail() -> None:
        #Grab the Block.
        block: Block = merit.blockchain.blocks[8]

        #Send the Block.

        #Handle sync requests.
        while True:
            msg: bytes = rpc.meros.sync.recv()
            if MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.BlockBodyRequest:
                if msg[1:33] != block.header.hash:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for a Block Body that didn't belong to the Block we just sent it."


            elif MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.SketchHashRequests:
                if msg[1:33] != block.header.hash:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Verification Packets that didn't belong to the Block we just sent it."

                #Create a lookup of hash to packets.
                packets: Dict[int, VerificationPacket] = {}
                for packet in block.body.packets:
                                        packet)] = packet

                #Look up each requested packet and respond accordingly.
                for h in range(int.from_bytes(msg[33:37], byteorder="little")):
                    sketchHash: int = int.from_bytes(msg[37 + (h * 8):45 +
                                                         (h * 8)],
                    if sketchHash not in packets:
                        raise TestError(
                            "Meros asked for a non-existent Sketch Hash.")

            elif MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.TransactionRequest:
                reqHash: bytes = msg[1:33]
                if reqHash not in transactions.txs:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for a non-existent Transaction.")


                #Try receiving from the Live socket, where Meros sends keep-alives.
                    if len(rpc.meros.live.recv()) != 0:
                        raise Exception()
                except TestError:
                    raise SuccessError(
                        "Node disconnected us after we sent an invalid Transaction."
                except Exception:
                    raise TestError("Meros sent a keep-alive.")

                raise TestError("Unexpected message sent: " +

    with raises(SuccessError):
                  7: checkFail
예제 #16
def AddressRecoveryTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")

    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Transactions/GetUTXOs.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    def test() -> None:
        #Send to the new address and get the next address.
        dest: str = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
        last: Send = createSend(rpc, Claim.fromJSON(vectors["newerMintClaim"]),

        utxos: List[Dict[str, Any]] = rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")
        if utxos != [{
                "address": dest,
                "hash": last.hash.hex().upper(),
                "nonce": 0
            raise TestError(
                "personal_getUTXOs didn't return the correct UTXOs.")

        #Set a different mnemonic to verify the tracked addresses is cleared.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")
        if rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs") != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Setting a new Mnemonic didn't clear the tracked addresses.")

        #Reload the Mnemonic and verify the UTXOs are correct.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            #This error message points out how no addresses are really being discovered yet; this is account zero's address.
            #That said, if the test started at the next address, there'd be a gap.
            #As that's an extra factor, this is tested before gaps are.
            raise TestError("Meros didn't recover the very first address.")

        #Now send to the next address and check accuracy.
        dest = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
        last = createSend(rpc, last, dest)
            "address": dest,
            "hash": last.hash.hex().upper(),
            "nonce": 0
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError("Meros didn't track an implicitly gotten address.")
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't recover the first address after the initial address."

        #Send funds to the address after the next address; tests a gap when discovering addresses.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, getAddress(mnemonic, "", 3))
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros magically recognized UTXOs as belonging to this Wallet or someone implemented an address cache."
            "address": getAddress(mnemonic, "", 3),
            "hash": last.hash.hex().upper(),
            "nonce": 0
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't discover a used address in the Wallet when there was a gap."

        #Finally, anything 10+ unused addresses out shouldn't be recovered.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, getAddress(mnemonic, "", 14))
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros recovered an address's UTXOs despite it being 10 unused addresses out."

        #Explicitly generating this address should start tracking it though.
        rpc.call("personal", "getAddress",
                 {"index": getIndex(mnemonic, "", 14)})
            "address": getAddress(mnemonic, "", 14),
            "hash": last.hash.hex().upper(),
            "nonce": 0
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError(
                "personal_getUTXOs didn't track an address explicitly indexed."

        #If asked for an address, Meros should return the 5th (skip 4).
        #It's the first unused address AFTER used addresss EXCEPT ones explicitly requested.
        #This can, in the future, be juwst the first unused address/include ones explicitly requested (see DerivationTest for commentary on that).
        #This is really meant to ensure consistent behavior until we properly decide otherwise.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != getAddress(mnemonic, "", 4):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't return the next unused address (with conditions; see comment)."

        #Mine a Block to flush the Transactions and Verifications to disk.

        #Existing values used to test getAddress/getUTXOs consistency.
        #The former is thoroughly tested elsewhere, making it quite redundant.
        existing: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "getAddress": rpc.call("personal", "getAddress"),
            "getUTXOs": rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")

        #Reboot the node and verify consistency.
        rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(
            raise TestError(
                "Rebooting the node caused the WalletDB to improperly reload UTXOs."
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != existing["getAddress"]:
            raise TestError(
                "Rebooting the node caused the WalletDB to improperly reload the next address."

        #Used so Liver doesn't run its own post-test checks.
        #Since we added our own Blocks, those will fail.
        raise SuccessError()

    #Used so we don't have to write a sync loop.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
예제 #17
def WatchWalletTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    #Keys to send funds to later.
    keys: List[bytes] = [
        Ristretto.SigningKey(i.to_bytes(1, "little") * 32).get_verifying_key()
        for i in range(5)

    #Backup the Mnemonic so we can independently derive this data and verify it.
    mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")

    #Node's Wallet's keys.
    nodeKeys: List[bytes] = [getPublicKey(mnemonic, "", i) for i in range(4)]
    nodeAddresses: List[str] = [getAddress(mnemonic, "", i) for i in range(4)]

    #Convert this to a WatchWallet node.
    account: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call("personal", "getAccount")
    rpc.call("personal", "setAccount", account)
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAccount") != account:
        raise TestError("Meros set a different account.")

    #Verify it has the correct initial address.
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != nodeAddresses[0]:
        raise TestError("WatchWallet has an incorrect initial address.")

    #Load the vectors.
    #This test requires 3 Claims be available.
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Personal/WatchWallet.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #The order of the Claims isn't relevant to this test.
    claims: List[Claim] = []
    for tx in transactions.txs.values():

    def test() -> None:
        #Send to it.
        sends: List[bytes] = [createSend(rpc, claims[0], nodeKeys[0])]
        verify(rpc, sends[-1])

        #Test the most basic template possible.
            rpc, mnemonic, {
                "outputs": [{
                    bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(
                        bytes([0]) + keys[0], 8, 5)),
            }, [{
                "hash": sends[-1].hex().upper(),
                "nonce": 0,
                "change": False,
                "index": 0
            }], [{
                "key": keys[0].hex().upper(),
                "amount": "1"
            }, {
                "key": getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "", 0).hex().upper(),
                "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)

        #Verify it has the correct next address.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != nodeAddresses[1]:
            raise TestError("WatchWallet has an incorrect next address.")

        #Send to it.
        sends.append(createSend(rpc, claims[1], nodeKeys[1]))
        verify(rpc, sends[-1])

        #Get and send to one more, yet don't verify it yet.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != nodeAddresses[2]:
            raise TestError("WatchWallet has an incorrect next next address.")
        sends.append(createSend(rpc, claims[2], nodeKeys[2]))

        #Verify it can get UTXOs properly.
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(
                "address": getAddress(mnemonic, "", i),
                "hash": sends[i].hex().upper(),
                "nonce": 0
            } for i in range(2)]):
            raise TestError("WatchWallet Meros couldn't get its UTXOs.")

        #Also test balance getting.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getBalance") != str(
                        rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                                 {"hash": send.hex()})["outputs"][0]["amount"])
                    for send in sends[:2]
            raise TestError("WatchWallet Meros couldn't get its balance.")

        #Verify the third Send.
        verify(rpc, sends[-1])

        #Close the sockets for now.

        #Verify getUTXOs again. Redundant thanks to the extensive getUTXO testing elsewhere, yet valuable.
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(
                "address": getAddress(mnemonic, "", i),
                "hash": sends[i].hex().upper(),
                "nonce": 0
            } for i in range(3)]):
            raise TestError("WatchWallet Meros couldn't get its UTXOs.")

        #Again test the balance.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getBalance") != str(
                        rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                                 {"hash": send.hex()})["outputs"][0]["amount"])
                    for send in sends[:3]
            raise TestError("WatchWallet Meros couldn't get its balance.")

        #Verify it can craft a Transaction Template properly.
        claimsAmount: int = sum(claim.amount for claim in claims)
        amounts: List[int] = [
            claimsAmount // 4, claimsAmount // 4, claimsAmount // 5
        amounts.append(claimsAmount - sum(amounts))
        req: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "outputs": [{
                bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + keys[0], 8, 5)),
            }, {
                bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + keys[1], 8, 5)),
            }, {
                bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + keys[2], 8, 5)),
        inputs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [{
            "hash": sends[i].hex().upper(),
            "nonce": 0,
            "change": False,
            "index": i
        } for i in range(3)]
        outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [{
            "key": keys[i].hex().upper(),
            "amount": str(amounts[i])
        } for i in range(3)] + [{
            getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "", 0).hex().upper(),
        checkTemplate(rpc, mnemonic, req, inputs, outputs)

        #Specify only to use specific addresses and verify Meros does so.
        req["from"] = [nodeAddresses[1], nodeAddresses[2]]

        #Correct the amounts so this is feasible.
        del req["outputs"][-1]
        del outputs[-2]
        #Remove the change output amount and actual output amount.
        for _ in range(2):
            del amounts[-1]
        claimsAmount -= claims[-1].amount
        #Correct the change output.
        outputs[-1]["amount"] = str(claimsAmount - sum(amounts))

        del inputs[0]
        checkTemplate(rpc, mnemonic, req, inputs, outputs)
        del req["from"]

        #Use the change address in question and verify the next template uses the next change address.
        #This is done via creating a Send which doesn't spend all of inputs value.
        #Also tests Meros handles Sends, and therefore templates, which don't use all funds.
        change: bytes = getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "", 0)

        #Convert to a Wallet in order to do so.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        send: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call(
            "transactions", "getTransaction", {
                    "personal", "send", {
                        "outputs": [{
                                "mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + change, 8, 5)),
        #Convert back.
        rpc.call("personal", "setAccount", account)


        #Verify the Send so the Wallet doesn't lose Meros from consideration.
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(send["hash"]))

        #Verify the Send's accuracy.
        if len(send["inputs"]) != 1:
            raise TestError("Meros used more inputs than neccessary.")
        if send["outputs"] != [
                "key": change.hex().upper(),
                "amount": "1"
                #Uses the existing, unused, change address as change.
                #While this Transaction will make it used, that isn't detected.
                #This isn't worth programming around due to the lack of implications except potentially minor metadata.
                "key": change.hex().upper(),
                "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)
            raise TestError("Send outputs weren't as expected.")

        if rpc.call("personal", "getTransactionTemplate",
                    req)["outputs"][-1]["key"] != getChangePublicKey(
                        mnemonic, "", 1).hex().upper():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't move to the next change address.")

        #Specify an explicit change address.
        req["change"] = nodeAddresses[3]
        if rpc.call("personal", "getTransactionTemplate",
                    req)["outputs"][-1]["key"] != nodeKeys[3].hex().upper():
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't handle an explicitly set change address.")

        #Verify RPC methods which require the private key error properly.
        #Tests via getMnemonic and data.
            rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 This is a WatchWallet node; no Mnemonic is set.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getMnemonic didn't error as expected when Meros didn't have a Wallet."

            rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "abc"})
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 This is a WatchWallet node; no Mnemonic is set.":
                raise TestError(
                    "data didn't error as expected when Meros didn't have a Wallet."

        #Also test getMeritHolderKey, as no Merit Holder key should exist.
            rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey")
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(
            ) != "-3 Node is running as a WatchWallet and has no Merit Holder.":
                raise TestError(
                    "data didn't error as expected when Meros didn't have a Wallet."

        #Try calling getTransactionTemplate spending way too much Meros.
                "personal", "getTransactionTemplate", {
                    "outputs": [{
                                      convertbits(bytes([0]) + keys[0], 8, 5)),
                        str(claimsAmount * 100)
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "1 Wallet doesn't have enough Meros.":
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't error as expected when told to spend more Meros than it has."

        #Try calling getTransactionTemplate with no outputs.
            rpc.call("personal", "getTransactionTemplate", {"outputs": []})
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 No outputs were provided.":
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't error as expected when told to create a template with no outputs."

        #Try calling getTransactionTemplate with a 0 value output.
                "personal", "getTransactionTemplate", {
                    "outputs": [{
                                      convertbits(bytes([0]) + keys[0], 8, 5)),
            raise TestError()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 0 value output was provided.":
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't error as expected when told to create a template with a 0 value output."

    #Use a late enough block we can instantly verify transactions.
    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
예제 #18
def TGUUnverifyTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Transactions/GetUTXOs.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    def test() -> None:
        recipient: ed25519.SigningKey = ed25519.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32)
        recipientPub: bytes = recipient.get_verifying_key().to_bytes()
        address: str = bech32_encode(
            "mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + recipientPub, 8, 5))

        otherRecipient: bytes = ed25519.SigningKey(
            b'\2' * 32).get_verifying_key().to_bytes()
        otherAddress: str = bech32_encode(
            "mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + otherRecipient, 8, 5))

        #Create a Send.
        send: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["send"])
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros considered an unconfirmed Transaction's outputs as UTXOs."
        verify(rpc, send.hash)

        #Finalize the parent.
        for _ in range(6):

        #Spend it.
        spendingSend: Send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["spendingSend"])
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(spendingSend) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Send.")
        verify(rpc, spendingSend.hash)
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a verified Transaction's inputs as spent."
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": otherAddress}) != [
                "hash": spendingSend.hash.hex().upper(),
                "nonce": 0
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a verified Transaction's outputs as UTXOs."

        #Unverify the spending Send. This would also unverify the parent if it wasn't finalized.
        #This is done via causing a Merit Removal.
        #Uses two competing Datas to not change the Send's status to competing.
        datas: List[Data] = [Data(bytes(32), recipientPub)]
        for _ in range(2):
            datas.append(Data(datas[0].hash, datas[-1].hash))
        for data in datas:
            if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(data) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Data.")
            verify(rpc, data.hash, mr=(datas[-1].hash == data.hash))
        #Verify the MeritRemoval happened and the spending Send is no longer verified.
        #These first two checks are more likely to symbolize a failure in testing methodology than Meros.
        if not rpc.call("merit", "getMerit", {"nick": 0})["malicious"]:
            raise TestError("Meros didn't create a Merit Removal.")
        if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                        {"hash": send.hash.hex()})["verified"]:
            raise TestError("Finalized Transaction became unverified.")
        if rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                    {"hash": spendingSend.hash.hex()})["verified"]:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't unverify a Transaction which is currently below the required threshold."
        #Even after unverification, since the Transaction still exists, the input shouldn't be considered a UTXO.
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs", {"address": address}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't consider a unverified yet existing Transaction's inputs as spent."
        #That said, its outputs should no longer be considered a UTXO.
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getUTXOs",
                    {"address": otherAddress}) != []:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros considered a unverified Transaction's outputs as UTXOs."

        raise SuccessError()

    #Send Blocks so we have a Merit Holder who can instantly verify Transactions, not to mention Mints.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
def HundredSixBlockElementsTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/HundredSix/BlockElements.json",
              "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    #Solely used to get the genesis Block hash.
    blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain()
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    blocks: List[Block] = []
    for block in vectors["blocks"]:

    for block in blocks:
        #Handshake with the node.

        #Send the Block.

        #Flag of if the Block's Body synced.
        doneSyncing: bool = len(block.body.packets) == 0

        #Handle sync requests.
        reqHash: bytes = bytes()
        while True:
            if doneSyncing:
                #Sleep for a second so Meros handles the Block.

                #Try receiving from the Live socket, where Meros sends keep-alives.
                    if len(rpc.meros.live.recv()) != 0:
                        raise Exception()
                except TestError:
                    #Verify the node didn't crash.
                        if rpc.call("merit", "getHeight") != 1:
                            raise Exception()
                    except Exception:
                        raise TestError(
                            "Node crashed after being sent a malformed Element."

                    #Since the node didn't crash, break out of this loop to trigger the next test case.
                except Exception:
                    raise TestError("Meros sent a keep-alive.")

            msg: bytes = rpc.meros.sync.recv()
            if MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.SketchHashRequests:
                if not block.body.packets:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Verification Packets from a Block without any."

                reqHash = msg[1:33]
                if reqHash != block.header.hash:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Verification Packets that didn't belong to the Block we just sent it."

                #Create a lookup of hash to packets.
                packets: Dict[int, VerificationPacket] = {}
                for packet in block.body.packets:
                                        packet)] = packet

                #Look up each requested packet and respond accordingly.
                for h in range(int.from_bytes(msg[33:37], byteorder="little")):
                    sketchHash: int = int.from_bytes(msg[37 + (h * 8):45 +
                                                         (h * 8)],
                    if sketchHash not in packets:
                        raise TestError(
                            "Meros asked for a non-existent Sketch Hash.")

                doneSyncing = True

            elif MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.TransactionRequest:
                reqHash = msg[1:33]

                if reqHash not in transactions.txs:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for a non-existent Transaction.")


                raise TestError("Unexpected message sent: " +

        #Reset the node so we can test the next invalid Block.
예제 #20
def PublishTransactionTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    privKey: Ristretto.SigningKey = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32)
    pubKey: bytes = privKey.get_verifying_key()

    sentToKey: Ristretto.SigningKey = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32)

    sendFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(3)
    dataFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(5)

    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    if len(transactions.txs) != 1:
        raise Exception("Transactions DAG doesn't have just the Claim.")
    claim: Claim = Claim.fromTransaction(next(iter(transactions.txs.values())))

    send: Send = Send([(claim.hash, 0)],
                      [(sentToKey.get_verifying_key(), claim.amount)])

    data: Data = Data(bytes(32), pubKey)

    def publishAndVerify() -> None:
        if not rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Claim",
                "transaction": claim.serialize().hex()
        }, False):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing a valid Transaction didn't return true.")
        if rpc.meros.live.recv()[1:] != claim.serialize():
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction didn't broadcast the Transaction.")

        if not rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Send",
                "transaction": send.serialize().hex()
        }, False):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing a valid Transaction didn't return true.")
        if rpc.meros.live.recv()[1:] != send.serialize():
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction didn't broadcast the Transaction.")

        if not rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Data",
                "transaction": data.serialize().hex()
        }, False):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing a valid Transaction didn't return true.")
        if rpc.meros.live.recv()[1:] != data.serialize():
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction didn't broadcast the Transaction.")

        #Verify all three were entered properly.
        verifyTransaction(rpc, claim)
        verifyTransaction(rpc, send)
        verifyTransaction(rpc, data)

        #Create a new Send/Data and publish them without work.
        sendSentWithoutWork: Send = Send([(send.hash, 0)],
                                         [(pubKey, claim.amount)])

        dataSentWithoutWork: Data = Data(bytes(32),

        if not rpc.call(
                "transactions", "publishTransactionWithoutWork", {
                    "type": "Send",
                    "transaction": sendSentWithoutWork.serialize()[:-4].hex()
                }, True):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing a valid Transaction without work didn't return true."
        if rpc.meros.live.recv()[1:] != sendSentWithoutWork.serialize():
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction didn't broadcast the Transaction.")

        if not rpc.call(
                "transactions", "publishTransactionWithoutWork", {
                    "type": "Data",
                    "transaction": dataSentWithoutWork.serialize()[:-4].hex()
                }, True):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing a valid Transaction without work didn't return true."
        if rpc.meros.live.recv()[1:] != dataSentWithoutWork.serialize():
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction didn't broadcast the Transaction.")

        #Call verify now, which will test ours with work against Meros's with generated work.
        #Both should terminate on the earliest valid proof, making them identical.
        verifyTransaction(rpc, sendSentWithoutWork)
        verifyTransaction(rpc, dataSentWithoutWork)

        #Re-publishing a Transaction should still return true.
        if not rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Data",
                "transaction": data.serialize().hex()
        }, False):
            raise TestError(
                "Publishing an existing Transaction didn't return true.")
        if MessageType(rpc.meros.live.recv()[0]) == MessageType.Data:
            raise TestError(
                "publishTransaction broadcasted an existing Transaction.")

        #No arguments.
            rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(e) != "-32602 Invalid params.":
                raise TestError(
                    "publishTransaction didn't error when passed no arguments."

        #Invalid type.
            rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "",
                "transaction": data.serialize().hex()
            }, False)
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 Invalid Transaction type specified.":
                raise TestError(
                    "publishTransaction didn't error when passed an invalid type."

        #Data sent with Send as a type.
            rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Send",
                "transaction": data.serialize().hex()
            }, False)
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(
            ) != "-3 Transaction is invalid: parseSend handed the wrong amount of data.":
                raise TestError(
                    "publishTransaction didn't error when passed a non-parsable Send (a Data)."

        #Invalid Data (signature).
        invalidData: Data = Data(bytes(32), sentToKey.get_verifying_key())
        sig: bytes = invalidData.signature

        newData: bytearray = bytearray(invalidData.data)
        newData[-1] = newData[-1] ^ 1
        #Reconstruct to rehash.
        invalidData = Data(bytes(32), bytes(newData))
        invalidData.signature = sig

            rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Data",
                "transaction": invalidData.serialize().hex()
            }, False)
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(
            ) != "-3 Transaction is invalid: Data has an invalid Signature.":
                raise TestError(
                    "publishTransaction didn't error when passed an invalid Transaction."

        spamData: Data = data
        if spamData.proof == 0:
            spamData = dataSentWithoutWork
        if spamData.proof == 0:
            raise Exception("Neither Data is considered as Spam.")
        spamData.proof = 0

            rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                "type": "Data",
                "transaction": spamData.serialize().hex()
            }, False)
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(e) != "2 Transaction didn't beat the spam filter.":
                raise TestError(
                    "publishTransaction didn't error when passed a Transaction which didn't beat its difficulty."

        #Test publishTransactionWithoutWork requires authorization.
                "transactions", "publishTransactionWithoutWork", {
                    "type": "Data",
                    "transaction": dataSentWithoutWork.serialize()[:-4].hex()
                }, False)
            raise TestError("")
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "HTTP status isn't 200: 401":
                raise TestError(
                    "Called publishTransactionWithoutWork despite not being authed."

    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"][:-1], transactions, {
        7: publishAndVerify
예제 #21
def BeatenTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Consensus/Beaten.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    sends: List[Send] = [Send.fromJSON(send) for send in vectors["sends"]]
    verif: SignedVerification = SignedVerification.fromSignedJSON(

    #Used to get the Block Template.
    blsPubKey: str = PrivateKey(0).toPublicKey().serialize().hex()

    def sendSends() -> None:
        for send in sends[:4]:
            if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Send.")
        if rpc.meros.signedElement(verif) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Verification.")

    #Sanity check to verify the Block Template contains the Verification.
    def verifyTemplate() -> None:
        if bytes.fromhex(
                rpc.call("merit", "getBlockTemplate",
                         {"miner": blsPubKey
                          })["header"])[36:68] != BlockHeader.createContents(
                              [VerificationPacket(sends[2].hash, [1])]):
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't add a SignedVerification to the Block Template.")

    def verifyBeaten() -> None:
        #Verify beaten was set. The fourth Transaction is also beaten, yet should be pruned.
        #That's why we don't check its status.
        for send in sends[1:3]:
            if not rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                            {"hash": send.hash.hex()})["beaten"]:
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't mark a child and its descendant as beaten.")

        #Check the pending Verification for the beaten descendant was deleted.
        if ((rpc.call("consensus", "getStatus",
                      {"hash": sends[2].hash.hex()})["verifiers"] != [0])
                or (bytes.fromhex(
                    rpc.call("merit", "getBlockTemplate",
                             {"miner": blsPubKey})["header"])[36:68] !=
            raise TestError("Block template still has the Verification.")

        #Verify the fourth Transaction was pruned.
        with raises(TestError):
            rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                     {"hash": sends[3].hash.hex()})

        #Verify neither the second or third Transaction tree can be appended to.
        #Publishes a never seen-before Send for the descendant.
        #Re-broadcasts the pruned Transaction for the parent.
        for send in sends[3:]:
            #Most of these tests use a socket connection for this.
            #This has identical effects, returns an actual error instead of a disconnect,
            #and doesn't force us to wait a minute for our old socket to be cleared.
            with raises(TestError):
                rpc.call("transactions", "publishTransaction", {
                    "type": "Send",
                    "transaction": send.serialize().hex()

        #Not loaded above as it can only be loqaded after the chain starts, which is done by the Liver.
        #RandomX cache keys and all that.
        blockWBeatenVerif: Block = Block.fromJSON(

        #The following code used to test behavior which was removed, in order to be more forgiving for nodes a tad behind.

        #Verify we can't add that SignedVerification now.
        #  rpc.meros.live.recv()
        #  #Hijacks a random Exception type for our purposes.
        #  raise MessageException("Meros didn't disconnect us after we sent a Verification for a beaten Transaction.")
        #except TestError:
        #  pass
        #except MessageException as e:
        #  raise TestError(e.message)

        #Verify we can't add a Block containing that Verification.

        #BlockBody sync request.

        #Sketch hash sync request.
        hashReqs: bytes = rpc.meros.sync.recv()[37:]
        for h in range(0, len(hashReqs), 8):
            for packet in blockWBeatenVerif.body.packets:
                if int.from_bytes(hashReqs[h:h + 8],
                                  byteorder="little") == Sketch.hash(

            raise MessageException(
                "Meros didn't disconnect us after we sent a Block containing a Verification of a beaten Transaction."
        except TestError:
        except MessageException as e:
            raise TestError(e.message)


              42: sendSends,
              43: verifyTemplate,
              48: verifyBeaten
예제 #22
def CompetingFinalizedTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/CompetingFinalized.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    merit: Merit = Merit.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #Custom function to send the last Block and verify it errors at the right place.
    def checkFail() -> None:
        #This Block should cause the node to disconnect us AFTER it syncs our Transaction.
        syncedTX: bool = False

        block: Block = merit.blockchain.blocks[-1]

        #Handle sync requests.
        reqHash: bytes = bytes()
        while True:
            if syncedTX:
                #Try receiving from the Live socket, where Meros sends keep-alives.
                    if len(rpc.meros.live.recv()) != 0:
                        raise Exception()
                except TestError:
                    raise SuccessError(
                        "Node disconnected us after we sent an invalid Transaction."
                except Exception:
                    raise TestError("Meros sent a keep-alive.")

            msg: bytes = rpc.meros.sync.recv()
            if MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.SketchHashesRequest:
                if not block.body.packets:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Sketch Hashes from a Block without any."

                reqHash = msg[1:33]
                if reqHash != block.header.hash:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Sketch Hashes that didn't belong to the Block we just sent it."

                #Create the haashes.
                hashes: List[int] = []
                for packet in block.body.packets:
                    hashes.append(Sketch.hash(block.header.sketchSalt, packet))

                #Send the Sketch Hashes.

            elif MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.SketchHashRequests:
                if not block.body.packets:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Verification Packets from a Block without any."

                reqHash = msg[1:33]
                if reqHash != block.header.hash:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for Verification Packets that didn't belong to the Block we just sent it."

                #Create a lookup of hash to packets.
                packets: Dict[int, VerificationPacket] = {}
                for packet in block.body.packets:
                                        packet)] = packet

                #Look up each requested packet and respond accordingly.
                for h in range(int.from_bytes(msg[33:37], byteorder="little")):
                    sketchHash: int = int.from_bytes(msg[37 + (h * 8):45 +
                                                         (h * 8)],
                    if sketchHash not in packets:
                        raise TestError(
                            "Meros asked for a non-existent Sketch Hash.")

            elif MessageType(msg[0]) == MessageType.TransactionRequest:
                reqHash = msg[1:33]

                if reqHash not in transactions.txs:
                    raise TestError(
                        "Meros asked for a non-existent Transaction.")

                syncedTX = True

                raise TestError("Unexpected message sent: " +

    with raises(SuccessError):
                  7: checkFail
예제 #23
def GetBlockTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    blockchain: Blockchain
    claim: Claim
    send: Send
    datas: List[Data]

    txKey: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], str] = lambda tx: tx["hash"]

    def verify() -> None:
        for b in range(len(blockchain.blocks)):
            block: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call(
                "merit", "getBlock",
                {"block": blockchain.blocks[b].header.hash.hex().upper()},
            if rpc.call("merit", "getBlock", {"block": b}, False) != block:
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros reported different Blocks depending on if nonce/hash indexing."

            #Python doesn't keep track of the removals.
            #That said, they should all be empty except for the last one.
            if b != (len(blockchain.blocks) - 1):
                if block["removals"] != []:
                    raise TestError("Meros reported the Block had removals.")
            del block["removals"]

            if blockchain.blocks[b].toJSON() != block:
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros's JSON serialization of Blocks differs from Python's."

        #Test the key serialization of the first Block.
        #The final Block uses a nick, hence the value in this.
        if rpc.call("merit", "getBlock", {"block": 1},
                    False)["header"]["miner"] != PrivateKey(
            raise TestError("Meros didn't serialize a miner's key properly.")

        #Manually test the final, and most complex, block.
        final: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call("merit", "getBlock",
                                         {"block": len(blockchain.blocks) - 1},
        if final != {
                "header": {
                    if blockchain.blocks[-1].header.newMiner else
                    "hash": claim.hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0]
                }, {
                    "hash": send.hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0, 1, 2]
                }, {
                    "hash": datas[0].hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0, 2]
                }, {
                    "hash": datas[1].hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0, 1, 3]
                }, {
                    "hash": datas[2].hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
                }, {
                    "hash": datas[3].hash.hex().upper(),
                    "holders": [0, 1, 2, 3]
                "elements": [
                        "descendant": "DataDifficulty",
                        "holder": 3,
                        "nonce": 0,
                        "difficulty": 8
                        "descendant": "SendDifficulty",
                        "holder": 0,
                        "nonce": 0,
                        "difficulty": 1
                        "descendant": "DataDifficulty",
                        "holder": 3,
                        "nonce": 0,
                        "difficulty": 4
                        "descendant": "DataDifficulty",
                        "holder": 4,
                        "nonce": 2,
                        "difficulty": 1
                        "descendant": "SendDifficulty",
                        "holder": 4,
                        "nonce": 1,
                        "difficulty": 3
                        "descendant": "SendDifficulty",
                        "holder": 2,
                        "nonce": 1,
                        "difficulty": 2
                        "descendant": "DataDifficulty",
                        "holder": 0,
                        "nonce": 0,
                        "difficulty": 7
                "removals": [0, 3],
            raise TestError("Final Block wasn't correct.")

        #Test invalid calls.
            rpc.call("merit", "getBlock", {"block": 100}, False)
            raise Exception("")
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-2 Block not found.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getBlock didn't error when we used a non-existent nonce.")

            rpc.call("merit", "getBlock", {"block": -5}, False)
            raise Exception("")
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-32602 Invalid params.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getBlock didn't error when we used a negative (signed) integer for a nonce."

                "merit", "getBlock", {
                }, False)
            raise Exception("")
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-2 Block not found.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getBlock didn't error when we used a non-existent hash.")

            rpc.call("merit", "getBlock", {"block": ""}, False)
            raise Exception("")
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-32602 Invalid params.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getBlock didn't error when we used an invalid hash.")

    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Merit/GetBlock.json", "r") as file:
        vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())
        blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
        claim = Claim.fromJSON(vectors["claim"])
        send = Send.fromJSON(vectors["send"])
        datas = [Data.fromJSON(data) for data in vectors["datas"]]
        transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {
            (len(blockchain.blocks) - 1): verify
예제 #24
def GetTransactionTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    privKey: Ristretto.SigningKey = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32)
    pubKey: bytes = privKey.get_verifying_key()

    sendFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(3)
    dataFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(5)

    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())

    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    if len(transactions.txs) != 1:
        raise Exception("Transactions DAG doesn't have just the Claim.")
    claim: Claim = Claim.fromTransaction(next(iter(transactions.txs.values())))

    send: Send = Send(
        [(claim.hash, 0)],
        [(Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32).get_verifying_key(), claim.amount)])

    data: Data = Data(bytes(32), pubKey)

    def sendAndVerify() -> None:

        #We now have a Mint, a Claim, a Send, a Data, a lion, a witch, and a wardrobe.

        #Check the Mint.
        mint: Mint = Merit.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"]).mints[0]
        #pylint: disable=invalid-name
        EXPECTED_MINT: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "inputs": [],
            "outputs": [{
                "amount": str(txOutput[1]),
                "nick": txOutput[0]
            } for txOutput in mint.outputs],
        #Also sanity check against the in-house JSON.
        if mint.toJSON() != EXPECTED_MINT:
            raise TestError("Python's Mint toJSON doesn't match the spec.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                    {"hash": mint.hash.hex()}, False) != EXPECTED_MINT:
            raise TestError("getTransaction didn't report the Mint properly.")

        #Check the Claim.
        #pylint: disable=invalid-name
        EXPECTED_CLAIM: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "inputs": [{
                "hash": txInput[0].hex().upper(),
                "nonce": txInput[1]
            } for txInput in claim.inputs],
            "outputs": [{
                "amount": str(claim.amount),
                "key": claim.output.hex().upper()
        if claim.amount == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "Python didn't instantiate the Claim with an amount, leading to invalid testing methodology."
        if claim.toJSON() != EXPECTED_CLAIM:
            raise TestError("Python's Claim toJSON doesn't match the spec.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                    {"hash": claim.hash.hex()}, False) != EXPECTED_CLAIM:
            raise TestError("getTransaction didn't report the Claim properly.")

        #Check the Send.
        #pylint: disable=invalid-name
        EXPECTED_SEND: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "inputs": [{
                "hash": txInput[0].hex().upper(),
                "nonce": txInput[1]
            } for txInput in send.inputs],
            "outputs": [{
                "amount": str(txOutput[1]),
                "key": txOutput[0].hex().upper()
            } for txOutput in send.outputs],
        if send.toJSON() != EXPECTED_SEND:
            raise TestError("Python's Send toJSON doesn't match the spec.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                    {"hash": send.hash.hex()}, False) != EXPECTED_SEND:
            raise TestError("getTransaction didn't report the Send properly.")

        #Check the Data.
        #pylint: disable=invalid-name
        EXPECTED_DATA: Dict[str, Any] = {
            "descendant": "Data",
            "inputs": [{
                "hash": data.txInput.hex().upper()
            "outputs": [],
            "hash": data.hash.hex().upper(),
            "data": data.data.hex().upper(),
            "signature": data.signature.hex().upper(),
            "proof": data.proof
        if data.toJSON() != EXPECTED_DATA:
            raise TestError("Python's Data toJSON doesn't match the spec.")
        if rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                    {"hash": data.hash.hex()}, False) != EXPECTED_DATA:
            raise TestError("getTransaction didn't report the Data properly.")

        #Non-existent hash; should cause an IndexError
        nonExistentHash: str = data.hash.hex()
        if data.hash[0] == "0":
            nonExistentHash = "1" + nonExistentHash[1:]
            nonExistentHash = "0" + nonExistentHash[1:]
            rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                     {"hash": nonExistentHash}, False)
        except TestError as e:
            if str(e) != "-2 Transaction not found.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getTransaction didn't raise IndexError on a non-existent hash."

        #Invalid argument; should cause a ParamError
        #This is still a hex value
            rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction",
                     {"hash": "00" + data.hash.hex()}, False)
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't error when we asked for a 33-byte hex value.")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(e) != "-32602 Invalid params.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getTransaction didn't raise on invalid parameters.")

    Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {8: sendAndVerify}).live()
예제 #25
파일: Competing.py 프로젝트: vporton/Meros
from e2e.Classes.Merit.Block import Block
from e2e.Classes.Merit.Merit import Blockchain

#Ed25519 lib.
import ed25519

#Blake2b standard function.
from hashlib import blake2b

#JSON standard lib.
import json

cmFile: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r")
cmVectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(cmFile.read())
transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(cmVectors["transactions"])
blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(cmVectors["blockchain"])

#Spam Filter.
sendFilter: SpamFilter = SpamFilter(3)

#Ed25519 keys.
edPrivKey: ed25519.SigningKey = ed25519.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32)
edPubKeys: List[ed25519.VerifyingKey] = [
    ed25519.SigningKey(b'\1' * 32).get_verifying_key()

#BLS keys.
예제 #26
def PersonalSendTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    #Load the vectors.
    #Uses the WatchWallet test's vectors for the reasons noted above.
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/RPC/Personal/WatchWallet.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    #The order of the Claims isn't relevant to this test.
    claims: List[Claim] = []
    for tx in transactions.txs.values():

    def test() -> None:
        #Send to the first address from outside the Wallet. First address is now funded.
        sendHash: bytes = createSend(
            rpc, claims[0], decodeAddress(rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")))

        #Send to the second address with all of the funds. Second address is now funded.
        #Tests send's minimal case (single input, no change).
        nextAddr: str = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
        sends: List[str] = [
                "personal", "send", {
                    "outputs": [{
                        "address": nextAddr,
                        "amount": str(claims[0].amount)
            rpc, sends[-1], {
                "inputs": [{
                    "hash": sendHash.hex().upper(),
                    "nonce": 0
                "outputs": [{
                    "key": decodeAddress(nextAddr).hex().upper(),
                    "amount": str(claims[0].amount)
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]))

        #Send to the third address with some of the funds. Third and change addresses are now funded.
        #Tests send's capability to create a change output.
        mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")
        nextAddr = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
                "personal", "send", {
                    "outputs": [{
                        "address": nextAddr,
                        "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)
            rpc, sends[-1], {
                "inputs": [{
                    "hash": sends[-2],
                    "nonce": 0
                    "key": decodeAddress(nextAddr).hex().upper(),
                    "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)
                }, {
                    "key": getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "", 0).hex().upper(),
                    "amount": "1"
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]))

        #Send all funds out of Wallet.
        #Tests MuSig signing and change UTXO detection.
        privKey: Ristretto.SigningKey = Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32)
        pubKey: bytes = privKey.get_verifying_key()
                "personal", "send", {
                    "outputs": [{
                                      convertbits(bytes([0]) + pubKey, 8, 5)),
            rpc, sends[-1], {
                "inputs": [{
                    "hash": sends[-2],
                    "nonce": 0
                }, {
                    "hash": sends[-2],
                    "nonce": 1
                "outputs": [{
                    "key": pubKey.hex().upper(),
                    "amount": str(claims[0].amount)
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]))

        #Clear Wallet. Set a password this time around to make sure the password is properly carried.
        #Send two instances of funds to the first address.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"password": "******"})
        mnemonic = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")
        nodeKey: bytes = decodeAddress(rpc.call("personal", "getAddress"))
        send: Send = Send([(bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]), 0)],
                          [(nodeKey, claims[0].amount // 2),
                           (nodeKey, claims[0].amount // 2)])
        send.sign(Ristretto.SigningKey(b'\0' * 32))
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't send back a Send.")
        verify(rpc, send.hash)
        sends = [send.hash.hex().upper()]

        #Send to self.
        #Tests send's capability to handle multiple UTXOs per key/lack of aggregation when all keys are the same/multiple output Sends.
        nextAddr = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
        changeKey: bytes = getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "test", 0)
                "personal", "send", {
                    "outputs": [{
                        "address": nextAddr,
                        "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)
            rpc, sends[-1], {
                "inputs": [{
                    "hash": sends[-2],
                    "nonce": 0
                }, {
                    "hash": sends[-2],
                    "nonce": 1
                "outputs": [{
                    "key": decodeAddress(nextAddr).hex().upper(),
                    "amount": str(claims[0].amount - 1)
                }, {
                    "key": changeKey.hex().upper(),
                    "amount": "1"
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]))

        #Externally send to the second/change address.
        #Enables entering multiple instances of each key into MuSig, which is significant as we originally only used the unique keys.
            createSend(rpc, claims[1], decodeAddress(nextAddr)).hex().upper())
        sends.append(createSend(rpc, claims[2], changeKey).hex().upper())

        #Check personal_getUTXOs.
        utxos: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [{
            "hash": sends[-3],
            "nonce": 0,
            "address": nextAddr
        }, {
            bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + changeKey, 8, 5))
        }, {
            "hash": sends[-2],
            "nonce": 0,
            "address": nextAddr
        }, {
            bech32_encode("mr", convertbits(bytes([0]) + changeKey, 8, 5))
        if sortUTXOs(rpc.call("personal", "getUTXOs")) != sortUTXOs(utxos):
            raise TestError("personal_getUTXOs was incorrect.")
        for utxo in utxos:
            del utxo["address"]

        #Send to any address with all funds minus one.
        #Test MuSig signing, multiple inputs per key on account chains, change output creation to the next change key...
                "personal", "send", {
                    "outputs": [{
                        str(claims[0].amount + claims[1].amount +
                            claims[2].amount - 1)
            rpc, sends[-1], {
                "outputs": [{
                    str(claims[0].amount + claims[1].amount +
                        claims[2].amount - 1)
                }, {
                    getChangePublicKey(mnemonic, "test", 1).hex().upper(),
        verify(rpc, bytes.fromhex(sends[-1]))

        #Mine a Block so we can reboot the node without losing data.
        blsPrivKey: PrivateKey = PrivateKey(
            bytes.fromhex(rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey")))
        for _ in range(6):
            template: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call(
                "merit", "getBlockTemplate",
                {"miner": blsPrivKey.toPublicKey().serialize().hex()})
            proof: int = -1
            tempHash: bytes = bytes()
            tempSignature: bytes = bytes()
            while ((proof == -1) or (
                (int.from_bytes(tempHash, "little") * template["difficulty"]) >
                    int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("FF" * 32), "little"))):
                proof += 1
                tempHash = RandomX(
                    bytes.fromhex(template["header"]) +
                    proof.to_bytes(4, "little"))
                tempSignature = blsPrivKey.sign(tempHash).serialize()
                tempHash = RandomX(tempHash + tempSignature)

                "merit", "publishBlock", {
                    template["header"] + proof.to_bytes(4, "little").hex() +

        #Reboot the node and verify it still tracks the same change address.
        #Also reload the Wallet and verify it still tracks the same change address.
        #Really should be part of address discovery; we just have the opportunity right here.
        #Due to the timing of how the codebase was developed, and a personal frustration for how long this has taken...
        rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getTransactionTemplate",
                    {"outputs": [{
                        "address": nextAddr,
                        "amount": "1"
                    }]})["outputs"][1]["key"] != getChangePublicKey(
                        mnemonic, "test", 2).hex().upper():
            raise TestError(
                "Rebooting the node caused the WalletDB to stop tracking the next change address."
        rpc.call("personal", "setAccount", rpc.call("personal", "getAccount"))
        if rpc.call("personal", "getTransactionTemplate",
                    {"outputs": [{
                        "address": nextAddr,
                        "amount": "1"
                    }]})["outputs"][1]["key"] != getChangePublicKey(
                        mnemonic, "test", 2).hex().upper():
            raise TestError(
                "Reloading the Wallet caused the WalletDB to stop tracking the next change address."

        raise SuccessError()

    #Use a late enough block we can instantly verify transactions.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {50: test}).live()
예제 #27
def OOOPacketTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/OutOfOrder/Packets.json", "r") as file:
        vectors: Dict[str, Any] = json.loads(file.read())
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"],
예제 #28
def BroadcastTest(
  rpc: RPC
) -> None:
  vectors: Dict[str, Any]
  with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r") as file:
    vectors = json.loads(file.read())
  transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])
  claim: Claim = Claim.fromTransaction(iter(transactions.txs.values()).__next__())
  mint: bytes = claim.inputs[0][0]

  def test() -> None:
    dataHash: str = rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "abc"})
    #Read the initial Data.
    if MessageType(rpc.meros.live.recv()[0]) != MessageType.Data:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast the initial Data.")
    #Read the actual Data.
    serializedData: bytes = rpc.meros.live.recv()
    if serializedData[1:] != Data.fromJSON(rpc.call("transactions", "getTransaction", {"hash": dataHash})).serialize():
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast the created Data.")
    res: Any = rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"transaction": dataHash})
    if not (isinstance(res, bool) and res):
      raise TestError("Broadcast didn't return true.")
    if rpc.meros.live.recv() != serializedData:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Transaction when told to.")

    header: BlockHeader = Block.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"][0]).header
    rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"block": header.hash.hex()})
    if rpc.meros.live.recv() != (MessageType.BlockHeader.toByte() + header.serialize()):
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast the Blockheader.")

    #Data and Block.
    rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"block": header.hash.hex(), "transaction": dataHash})
    if rpc.meros.live.recv() != serializedData:
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast a Transaction when told to.")
    if rpc.meros.live.recv() != (MessageType.BlockHeader.toByte() + header.serialize()):
      raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast the Blockheader.")

    #Non-existent Transaction.
      rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"transaction": bytes(32).hex()})
      raise TestError()
    except TestError as e:
      if str(e) != "-2 Transaction not found.":
        raise TestError("Meros didn't error when told to broadcast a non-existent Transaction.")

    #Non-existent Block.
      rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"block": bytes(32).hex()})
      raise TestError()
    except TestError as e:
      if str(e) != "-2 Block not found.":
        raise TestError("Meros didn't error when told to broadcast a non-existent Block.")

      rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"transaction": mint.hex()})
      raise TestError()
    except TestError as e:
      if str(e) != "-3 Transaction is a Mint.":
        raise TestError("Meros didn't error when told to broadcast a Mint.")

    #Genesis Block.
      rpc.call("network", "broadcast", {"block": Blockchain().blocks[0].header.hash.hex()})
      raise TestError()
    except TestError as e:
      if str(e) != "-3 Block is the genesis Block.":
        raise TestError("Meros didn't error when told to broadcast the genesis Block.")

  #Create and execute a Liver.
  Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, callbacks={8: test}).live()
예제 #29
def GetAddressTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    password: str = "password since it shouldn't be relevant"
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"password": password})
    mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")

    #Test getAddress. Doesn't test specific indexing, as that's handled by DerivationTest.
    #Not only does getAddress need to correctly derive addresses along the external chain, it needs to return new addresses.
    #That said, new is defined by use; use on the network. If it has a TX sent to it, it's used.
    #This is different than checking for UTXOs because that means any address no longer having UTXOs would be considered new again.

    expected: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 0)
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the next unused address (the first one)."
    #It should be returned again given it's still unused.
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the same address when there was a lack of usage."

    #Reboot the node and verify consistency around the initial address.
    #Added due to an edge case that appeared.
    rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the initial address after a reboot.")

    #Send enough Blocks to have funds available to continue testing.
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    def restOfTest() -> None:
        #Move expected into scope.
        expected: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 0)

        #Send to the new address, then call getAddress again. Verify a new address appears.
        last: Send = createSend(
        hashes: List[bytes] = [last.hash]

        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 1)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't move to the next address once the existing one was used."

        #Send to the new unused address, spending the funds before calling getAddress again.
        #Checks address usage isn't defined as having an UTXO, yet rather any TXO.
        #Also confirm the spending TX with full finalization before checking.
        #Ensures the TXO isn't unspent by any definition.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, expected)

        #Spending TX.
        send: Send = Send([(hashes[-1], 0)], [(bytes(32), 1)])
        send.signature = ed.sign(b"MEROS" + send.hash,
                                 getPrivateKey(mnemonic, password, 1))
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back the spending Send.")

        #In order to finalize, we need to mine 6 Blocks once this Transaction and its parent have Verifications.
        for txHash in hashes:
            sv: SignedVerification = SignedVerification(txHash)
            sv.sign(0, PrivateKey(0))
            if rpc.meros.signedElement(sv) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Verification.")

        #Close the sockets while we mine.

        #Mine these to the Wallet on the node so we can test getMeritHolderNick.
        privKey: PrivateKey = PrivateKey(
            bytes.fromhex(rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey")))
        blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
        for _ in range(6):
            template: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call(
                "merit", "getBlockTemplate",
                {"miner": privKey.toPublicKey().serialize().hex()})
            proof: int = -1
            tempHash: bytes = bytes()
            tempSignature: bytes = bytes()
            while ((proof == -1)
                   or ((int.from_bytes(tempHash, "little") *
                        (blockchain.difficulty() * 11 // 10)) > int.from_bytes(
                            bytes.fromhex("FF" * 32), "little"))):
                proof += 1
                tempHash = RandomX(
                    bytes.fromhex(template["header"]) +
                    proof.to_bytes(4, "little"))
                tempSignature = privKey.sign(tempHash).serialize()
                tempHash = RandomX(tempHash + tempSignature)

                "merit", "publishBlock", {
                    template["header"] + proof.to_bytes(4, "little").hex() +
                    rpc.call("merit", "getBlock",
                             {"block": len(blockchain.blocks)})))

        #Verify a new address is returned.
        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 2)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't move to the next address once the existing one was used."

        #Get a new address after sending to the address after it.
        #Use both, and then call getAddress.
        #getAddress should detect X is used, move to Y, detect Y is used, and move to Z.
        #It shouldn't assume the next address after an used address is unused.
        #Actually has two Ys as one iteration of the code only ran for the next address; not all future addresses.

        #Send to the next next addresses.
        for i in range(2):
            addy: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 3 + i)

            #Reopen the sockets. This isn't done outside of the loop due to the time deriving the final address can take.
            #Due to how slow the reference Python code is, it is necessary to redo the socket connections.

            last = createSend(rpc, last, addy)
            if MessageType(rpc.meros.live.recv()
                           [0]) != MessageType.SignedVerification:
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't create and broadcast a SignedVerification for this Send."

            if i == 0:
                #Close them again.

        #Verify getAddress returns the existing next address.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Sending to the address after this address caused Meros to consider this address used."

        #Send to the next address.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, expected)
        if MessageType(
                rpc.meros.live.recv()[0]) != MessageType.SignedVerification:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't create and broadcast a SignedVerification for this Send."

        #Verify getAddress returns the address after the next next addresses.
        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 5)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't return the correct next address after using multiple addresses in a row."

        #Now that we have mined a Block as part of this test, ensure the Merit Holder nick is set.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick") != 1:
            raise TestError(
                "Merit Holder nick wasn't made available despite having one.")

        #Sanity check off Mnemonic.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic") != mnemonic:
            raise TestError("getMnemonic didn't return the correct Mnemonic.")

        #Existing values used to test getMnemonic/getMeritHolderKey/getMeritHolderNick/getAccount/getAddress consistency.
        existing: Dict[str, Any] = {
            #Should be equal to the mnemonic variable, which is verified in a check above.
            "getMnemonic": rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic"),
            "getMeritHolderKey": rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey"),
            "getMeritHolderNick": rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick"),
            "getAccount": rpc.call("personal", "getAccount"),
            #Should be equal to expected, which is also verified in a check above.
            "getAddress": rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")

        #Set a new seed and verify the Merit Holder nick is cleared.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")
            rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick")
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(
            ) != "-2 Wallet doesn't have a Merit Holder nickname assigned.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getMeritHolderNick returned something or an unexpected error when a new Mnemonic was set."

        #Set back the old seed and verify consistency.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {
            "mnemonic": mnemonic,
            "password": password
        for method in existing:
            if rpc.call("personal", method) != existing[method]:
                raise TestError(
                    "Setting an old seed caused the WalletDB to improperly reload."

        #Verify calling getAddress returns the expected address.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros returned an address that wasn't next after reloading the seed."

        #Reboot the node and verify consistency.
        rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
        for method in existing:
            if rpc.call("personal", method) != existing[method]:
                raise TestError(
                    "Rebooting the node caused the WalletDB to improperly reload."

        #Used so Liver doesn't run its own post-test checks.
        #Since we added our own Blocks, those will fail.
        raise SuccessError()

    #Used so we don't have to write a sync loop.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {8: restOfTest}).live()