예제 #1
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: yaniamac/ewrt
class Gazetteer(object):
    # sorting by population is a workaround for entries with multiple parents
    # (without the sorting loops occure)
        SELECT parent_id 
        FROM gazetteerentity ga 
        JOIN locatedin ON (ga.id = locatedin.child_id)
        JOIN gazetteerentity gb ON (gb.id = locatedin.parent_id)
        WHERE child_id = %d order by gb.population DESC LIMIT 1'''

    DEBUG = False

    def __init__(self):
        """ initializes the gazetteer object and the database connections  """
        self.db = PostgresqlDb(**DATABASE_CONNECTION['gazetteer'])
        self.db2 = PostgresqlDb(**DATABASE_CONNECTION['geo_mapping'])

    def getGeoEntityDict(self, name=None, id=None, geoUrl=None):
        """ returns a list of GeoEntities matching the given information
            @param[in] name   of the Entity
            @param[in] id     the GeoNames id 
            @param[in] geoUrl the entity's dictionary
        geoId = []
        if name:
            geoId.extend(self.getIdFromName(self, name))
        if id:
        if geoUrl:
        return self.getGeoEntityDictFromId(geoId)

    def getIdFromName(self, name):
        """ returns the possible GeoNames ids for the given name 
            @param[in] name
            @returns a list of GeoNames ids
        query = "SELECT id FROM vw_gazetteer WHERE name='%s' ORDER BY population DESC" % (
            name.replace("'", "''"))
        res = [r['id'] for r in self.db.query(query)]
        #query = "SELECT DISTINCT entity_id FROM vw_entry_id_has_name WHERE name='%s'" % ( name.replace("'", "''") )
        return [r['id'] for r in self.db.query(query)]

    def getIdFromGeoUrl(self, geoUrl):
        """ returns the geoId for the given geoUrl 
            @param[in] geoUrl 
            @returns a list of geonames ids matching the geoUrl
        geoUrl = geoUrl.split(GEO_ENTITY_SEPARATOR)

        join = []
        where = []
        for nr, name in enumerate(geoUrl):
            join.append("JOIN locatedin L%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.parent_id) JOIN gazetteerentity A%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.child_id)" % (
                nr, nr, nr, nr + 1, nr + 1, nr))
            where.append("A%d.id IN (%s)" % (nr, ", ".join(
                map(str, self.getIdFromName(self, name)))))

        query = "SELECT A%d.id AS id FROM gazetteerentity A0 %s WHERE %s;" % (
            nr, " ".join(join[:-1]), " AND ".join(where))
        return [int(r['id']) for r in self.db.query(query)]

    # @MemoryCached
    def getGeoEntityDictFromId(self, id):
        """ returns the location of the GazetteerEntry ID  
            @param id a list of geonames ids
            @return list of GeoEntities
        if id:
            q = "SELECT * FROM gazetteerentity LEFT JOIN countryInfo USING(id) WHERE id IN (%s)" % ", ".join(
                map(str, id))
            res = self.db.query(q)
            if len(res) > 0:
                entities = [dict(list(self._getResultById(res, i).items()))
                            for i in id]
                return entities

            print("WARNING: no entities found for ", ", ".join(map(str, id)))

        return []

    def _getResultById(self, l, id, idAttr="id"):
        """ returns the database column matching the given id 
            @param[in] l      the list of query results
            @param[in] id     the row id to return
            @param[in] idAttr attribute to consider for the id
        return [e for e in l if e[idAttr] == id][0]

    def _addGeoUrl(self, entities):
        """ adds the geoUrl and level key to the given list of entities """
        for entity in entities:
            idUrl, nameUrl = self._getGeoUrl(entity['id'])
            entity['geoUrl'] = GEO_ENTITY_SEPARATOR.join(nameUrl)
            entity['idUrl'] = idUrl
            # hierarchy level of the entity (e.g. eu>at => 2)
            entity['level'] = len(nameUrl)

    def _getGeoUrl(self, id):
        """ returns the geoUrl for the given entity 
            @param[in] the geonames gazetteer id 
            @returns   two lists containing (geoIdPath, geoNamePath) 
        geoNamePath = [self._getPreferredGeoName(id)]
        geoIdPath = [id]

        while id:
            parentLocationEntity = self._hasParent(id)
            if parentLocationEntity:
                parentLocationName = self._getPreferredGeoName(
                if parentLocationEntity in geoIdPath:
                    print("%s in %s" % (parentLocationName, geoNamePath))

            id = parentLocationEntity

        return (geoIdPath[1:], geoNamePath)

    # gets the preferred name for the location
    # @param id
    # @returns preferred name
    def _getPreferredGeoName(self, id):
        """ returns the preferred entry name for the given
            entity id
            @param[in] entity_id 
            @returns the geo entity's name

        query = '''SELECT name FROM vw_gazetteer_tng WHERE id=%d 
                      ORDER BY 
                        (lang='en') DESC, (lang IS NULL) DESC, (lang = '') DESC,
                        (short=TRUE and short IS NOT NULL) DESC,
                        preferred DESC
                      LIMIT 1''' % (id)
        result = self.db.query(query)
        if not result:
            raise GazetteerEntryNotFound(id, query)

        return Gazetteer.DEBUG and result[0]['name'] + "(%d)" % (id) or result[0]['name']

    # checks if the given ID has a parent
    # @param ID of the child
    # @return false or ID of the parent
    def _hasParent(self, child_id):
        query = self.QUERY_HAS_PARENT % child_id
        result = self.db.query(query)

        # todo: is it necessary, that this functions can process multiple parents?
        # multiple parents (!)
        if result.__len__() > 1:
            print('### result > 1 ###')
            print('    child_id:  %s' % child_id)
            print('    parent_id: %s ' % [e['parent_id'] for e in result])

        # todo: does it make sense to fetch infinite loops
        if result == []:
            return 0
            return result[0]['parent_id']
예제 #2
파일: georesolve.py 프로젝트: k3njiy/ewrt
class Gazetteer(object):
    # sorting by population is a workaround for entries with multiple parents
    # (without the sorting loops occure)
        SELECT parent_id 
        FROM gazetteerentity ga 
        JOIN locatedin ON (ga.id = locatedin.child_id)
        JOIN gazetteerentity gb ON (gb.id = locatedin.parent_id)
        WHERE child_id = %d order by gb.population DESC LIMIT 1'''

        SELECT gazetteer_id FROM content_id_gazeteer_id WHERE content_id = %d '''

    QUERY_NAME = '''
            SELECT entity_id, ispreferredname, lang, gazetteerentry_id
            FROM gazetteerentry_ordered_names
            WHERE name LIKE '%s' '''

    DEBUG = False

    ## init - establishes the db-connections
    def __init__(self):
        """ implement me """
        self.db = PostgresqlDb( **DATABASE_CONNECTION['gazetteer'] )
        self.db2 = PostgresqlDb( **DATABASE_CONNECTION['geo_mapping'] )

    def getGeoNameFromContentID(self, content_id):
        """ returns the location of the content ID
            @param content_id
            @return list of locaions, e.g. ['Europa', 'France', 'Centre']

        query = self.QUERY_CONTENT_ID % content_id 
        result = self.db2.query(query)

        if result == []:
            return 'ContentID not found!'
            gaz_id = result[0]['gazetteer_id']
            return Gazetteer.getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, gaz_id)

    ## returns the location of the GazetteerEntry ID  
    # @param gazetteer-entry ID  
    # @return list of locations, e.g. ['Europa', 'France', 'Centre']
    def getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, gazetteer_id):
        result = self.__getLocationTree(gazetteer_id)

        if result == []:
            return 'GazetteerID not found!'
            return result

    def getGeoNameFromString(self, name):
        """ returns the geoname for the given string
            @param string
            @return a list of tuples (population, location) 
        res = set()
        query = '''SELECT entity_id, population FROM gazetteerentry JOIN hasname ON (gazetteerentry.id = hasname.entry_id) 
                  JOIN gazetteerentity ON (gazetteerentity.id=hasname.entity_id) WHERE name = '%%s' AND (population > %d or feature_code in ('ADM1', 'ADM2', 'ADM3')) ''' % ( MIN_POPULATION)
        for result in self.db.query(query % name.replace("'", "''")):
                tmp = Gazetteer.getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, result['entity_id'])
                res.add( (result['population'], tuple(tmp)) )
            except GazetteerEntryNotFound:

        return list(res)

    ## recursive function to build the full location tree
    # @param id
    # @returns list of locations
    def __getLocationTree(self, id):
        geoPath = [ self.__getPreferredGeoName( id ) ]
        geoIdPath = [ id ]

        while id:
            parentLocationEntity = self.__hasParent(id)
            if parentLocationEntity:
                parentLocationName = self.__getPreferredGeoName( parentLocationEntity )
                if parentLocationEntity in geoIdPath:
                    print "%s in %s" % (parentLocationName, geoPath)
                geoPath.append( parentLocationName )

            geoIdPath.append( parentLocationEntity )
            id = parentLocationEntity

        return geoPath

    ## gets the preferred name for the location
    # @param id
    # @returns preferred name
    def __getPreferredGeoName(self, id):
        """ returns the preferred entry name for the given
            entity id
            @param[in] entity_id 
            @returns the geo entity's name

        query = '''SELECT name FROM vw_gazetteer_tng WHERE id=%d 
                      ORDER BY 
                            (lang='en' and lang is not null) DESC,
                            (short=TRUE and short IS NOT NULL) DESC,
                            preferred DESC
                      LIMIT 1''' % (id)
        result = self.db.query(query)
        if not result:
            raise GazetteerEntryNotFound(id, query)

        return Gazetteer.DEBUG and result[0]['name']+"(%d)" % (id) or result[0]['name']

    ## checks if the given ID has a parent
    # @param ID of the child
    # @return false or ID of the parent 
    def __hasParent(self, child_id):
        query = self.QUERY_HAS_PARENT % child_id
        result = self.db.query(query)
        # todo: is it necessary, that this functions can process multiple parents?
        # multiple parents (!)
        if result.__len__() > 1:
            print '### result > 1 ###'
            print '    child_id:  %s' % child_id
            print '    parent_id: %s ' % [ e['parent_id'] for e in result ]

        # todo: does it make sense to fetch infinite loops
        if result == []:
            return 0 
            return result[0]['parent_id']

    def __getNameGeoId(self, name):
        """ returns the possible geoids for the given name 
            @param[in] name
            @returns a list of geoids
        query = "SELECT DISTINCT entity_id FROM vw_entry_id_has_name WHERE name='%s'" % ( name.replace("'", "''") )
        return [ r['entity_id'] for r in self.db.query( query ) ]

    def getGeoIdFromGeoUrl(self, geoUrl):
        """ returns the geoId forv the given geoUrl 
            @param[in] geoUrl String or List containing the geoUrl
            @returns the geoId
        if isinstance(geoUrl, str):
            geoUrl = geoUrl.split("/")

        join  = []
        where = []
        for nr, name in enumerate( geoUrl ):
            join.append("JOIN locatedin L%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.parent_id) JOIN gazetteerentity A%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.child_id)" % (nr, nr, nr, nr+1, nr+1, nr) )
            where.append( "A%d.id IN (%s)" % (nr, ", ".join( map(str, self.__getNameGeoId(self, name))) ))

        query = "SELECT A%d.id AS id FROM gazetteerentity A0 %s WHERE %s;" % ( nr, " ".join(join[:-1]), " AND ".join(where) )
        return [ int(r['id']) for r in self.db.query( query ) ]

    def getGeoDict(self, geoId):
        """ returns a dictinary with all information about the given geoId """
        print geoId
        query = "SELECT * FROM gazetteerentity WHERE id = %s" % geoId
        res = self.db.query( query )
        if len(res)>0:
            return dict(res[0])
            return {}
예제 #3
class Gazetteer(object):
    # sorting by population is a workaround for entries with multiple parents
    # (without the sorting loops occure)
        SELECT parent_id 
        FROM gazetteerentity ga 
        JOIN locatedin ON (ga.id = locatedin.child_id)
        JOIN gazetteerentity gb ON (gb.id = locatedin.parent_id)
        WHERE child_id = %d order by gb.population DESC LIMIT 1'''

        SELECT gazetteer_id FROM content_id_gazeteer_id WHERE content_id = %d '''

    QUERY_NAME = '''
            SELECT entity_id, ispreferredname, lang, gazetteerentry_id
            FROM gazetteerentry_ordered_names
            WHERE name LIKE '%s' '''

    DEBUG = False

    ## init - establishes the db-connections
    def __init__(self):
        """ implement me """
        self.db = PostgresqlDb(**DATABASE_CONNECTION['gazetteer'])
        self.db2 = PostgresqlDb(**DATABASE_CONNECTION['geo_mapping'])

    def getGeoNameFromContentID(self, content_id):
        """ returns the location of the content ID
            @param content_id
            @return list of locaions, e.g. ['Europa', 'France', 'Centre']

        query = self.QUERY_CONTENT_ID % content_id
        result = self.db2.query(query)

        if result == []:
            return 'ContentID not found!'
            gaz_id = result[0]['gazetteer_id']
            return Gazetteer.getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, gaz_id)

    ## returns the location of the GazetteerEntry ID
    # @param gazetteer-entry ID
    # @return list of locations, e.g. ['Europa', 'France', 'Centre']
    def getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, gazetteer_id):
        result = self.__getLocationTree(gazetteer_id)

        if result == []:
            return 'GazetteerID not found!'
            return result

    def getGeoNameFromString(self, name):
        """ returns the geoname for the given string
            @param string
            @return a list of tuples (population, location) 
        res = set()
        query = '''SELECT entity_id, population FROM gazetteerentry JOIN hasname ON (gazetteerentry.id = hasname.entry_id) 
                  JOIN gazetteerentity ON (gazetteerentity.id=hasname.entity_id) WHERE name = '%%s' AND (population > %d or feature_code in ('ADM1', 'ADM2', 'ADM3')) ''' % (
        for result in self.db.query(query % name.replace("'", "''")):
                tmp = Gazetteer.getGeoNameFromGeoId(self, result['entity_id'])
                res.add((result['population'], tuple(tmp)))
            except GazetteerEntryNotFound:

        return list(res)

    ## recursive function to build the full location tree
    # @param id
    # @returns list of locations
    def __getLocationTree(self, id):
        geoPath = [self.__getPreferredGeoName(id)]
        geoIdPath = [id]

        while id:
            parentLocationEntity = self.__hasParent(id)
            if parentLocationEntity:
                parentLocationName = self.__getPreferredGeoName(
                if parentLocationEntity in geoIdPath:
                    print "%s in %s" % (parentLocationName, geoPath)

            id = parentLocationEntity

        return geoPath

    ## gets the preferred name for the location
    # @param id
    # @returns preferred name
    def __getPreferredGeoName(self, id):
        """ returns the preferred entry name for the given
            entity id
            @param[in] entity_id 
            @returns the geo entity's name

        query = '''SELECT name FROM vw_gazetteer_tng WHERE id=%d 
                      ORDER BY 
                            (lang='en' and lang is not null) DESC,
                            (short=TRUE and short IS NOT NULL) DESC,
                            preferred DESC
                      LIMIT 1''' % (id)
        result = self.db.query(query)
        if not result:
            raise GazetteerEntryNotFound(id, query)

        return Gazetteer.DEBUG and result[0]['name'] + "(%d)" % (id) or result[

    ## checks if the given ID has a parent
    # @param ID of the child
    # @return false or ID of the parent
    def __hasParent(self, child_id):
        query = self.QUERY_HAS_PARENT % child_id
        result = self.db.query(query)

        # todo: is it necessary, that this functions can process multiple parents?
        # multiple parents (!)
        if result.__len__() > 1:
            print '### result > 1 ###'
            print '    child_id:  %s' % child_id
            print '    parent_id: %s ' % [e['parent_id'] for e in result]

        # todo: does it make sense to fetch infinite loops
        if result == []:
            return 0
            return result[0]['parent_id']

    def __getNameGeoId(self, name):
        """ returns the possible geoids for the given name 
            @param[in] name
            @returns a list of geoids
        query = "SELECT DISTINCT entity_id FROM vw_entry_id_has_name WHERE name='%s'" % (
            name.replace("'", "''"))
        return [r['entity_id'] for r in self.db.query(query)]

    def getGeoIdFromGeoUrl(self, geoUrl):
        """ returns the geoId forv the given geoUrl 
            @param[in] geoUrl String or List containing the geoUrl
            @returns the geoId
        if isinstance(geoUrl, str):
            geoUrl = geoUrl.split("/")

        join = []
        where = []
        for nr, name in enumerate(geoUrl):
                "JOIN locatedin L%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.parent_id) JOIN gazetteerentity A%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.child_id)"
                % (nr, nr, nr, nr + 1, nr + 1, nr))
                "A%d.id IN (%s)" %
                (nr, ", ".join(map(str, self.__getNameGeoId(self, name)))))

        query = "SELECT A%d.id AS id FROM gazetteerentity A0 %s WHERE %s;" % (
            nr, " ".join(join[:-1]), " AND ".join(where))
        return [int(r['id']) for r in self.db.query(query)]

    def getGeoDict(self, geoId):
        """ returns a dictinary with all information about the given geoId """
        print geoId
        query = "SELECT * FROM gazetteerentity WHERE id = %s" % geoId
        res = self.db.query(query)
        if len(res) > 0:
            return dict(res[0])
            return {}
예제 #4
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: k3njiy/ewrt
class Gazetteer(object):
    # sorting by population is a workaround for entries with multiple parents
    # (without the sorting loops occure)
        SELECT parent_id 
        FROM gazetteerentity ga 
        JOIN locatedin ON (ga.id = locatedin.child_id)
        JOIN gazetteerentity gb ON (gb.id = locatedin.parent_id)
        WHERE child_id = %d order by gb.population DESC LIMIT 1'''

    DEBUG = False

    def __init__(self):
        """ initializes the gazetteer object and the database connections  """
        self.db = PostgresqlDb( **DATABASE_CONNECTION['gazetteer'] )
        self.db2 = PostgresqlDb( **DATABASE_CONNECTION['geo_mapping'] )

    def getGeoEntityDict(self, name=None, id=None, geoUrl=None):
        """ returns a list of GeoEntities matching the given information
            @param[in] name   of the Entity
            @param[in] id     the GeoNames id 
            @param[in] geoUrl the entity's dictionary
        geoId = []
        if name:
            geoId.extend( self.getIdFromName(self, name) )
        if id:
            geoId.append( id )
        if geoUrl:
            geoId.extend( self.getIdFromGeoUrl( geoUrl ) )
        return self.getGeoEntityDictFromId( geoId )

    def getIdFromName(self, name):
        """ returns the possible GeoNames ids for the given name 
            @param[in] name
            @returns a list of GeoNames ids
        query = "SELECT id FROM vw_gazetteer WHERE name='%s' ORDER BY population DESC" % ( name.replace("'", "''") )
        res = [ r['id'] for r in self.db.query( query ) ]
        #query = "SELECT DISTINCT entity_id FROM vw_entry_id_has_name WHERE name='%s'" % ( name.replace("'", "''") )
        return [ r['id'] for r in self.db.query( query ) ]

    def getIdFromGeoUrl(self, geoUrl):
        """ returns the geoId for the given geoUrl 
            @param[in] geoUrl 
            @returns a list of geonames ids matching the geoUrl
        geoUrl = geoUrl.split(GEO_ENTITY_SEPARATOR)

        join  = []
        where = []
        for nr, name in enumerate( geoUrl ):
            join.append("JOIN locatedin L%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.parent_id) JOIN gazetteerentity A%d ON (A%d.id = L%d.child_id)" % (nr, nr, nr, nr+1, nr+1, nr) )
            where.append( "A%d.id IN (%s)" % (nr, ", ".join( map(str, self.getIdFromName(self, name))) ))

        query = "SELECT A%d.id AS id FROM gazetteerentity A0 %s WHERE %s;" % ( nr, " ".join(join[:-1]), " AND ".join(where) )
        return [ int(r['id']) for r in self.db.query( query ) ]

    # @MemoryCached
    def getGeoEntityDictFromId(self, id):
        """ returns the location of the GazetteerEntry ID  
            @param id a list of geonames ids
            @return list of GeoEntities
        if id:
            q = "SELECT * FROM gazetteerentity LEFT JOIN countryInfo USING(id) WHERE id IN (%s)" % ", ".join( map(str, id ))
            res = self.db.query( q ) 
            if len(res)>0:
                entities = [ dict(self._getResultById(res, i).items()) for i in id ]
                self._addGeoUrl( entities )
                return entities

            print "WARNING: no entities found for ", ", ".join( map(str,id) )

        return []

    def _getResultById(self, l, id, idAttr="id"):
        """ returns the database column matching the given id 
            @param[in] l      the list of query results
            @param[in] id     the row id to return
            @param[in] idAttr attribute to consider for the id
        return [ e for e in l if e[idAttr] == id ][0]

    def _addGeoUrl( self, entities ):
        """ adds the geoUrl and level key to the given list of entities """
        for entity in entities:
            idUrl, nameUrl = self._getGeoUrl( entity['id'] )
            entity['geoUrl'] = GEO_ENTITY_SEPARATOR.join(nameUrl)
            entity['idUrl']  = idUrl
            entity['level']  = len(nameUrl)                         # hierarchy level of the entity (e.g. eu>at => 2)

    def _getGeoUrl(self, id):
        """ returns the geoUrl for the given entity 
            @param[in] the geonames gazetteer id 
            @returns   two lists containing (geoIdPath, geoNamePath) 
        geoNamePath = [ self._getPreferredGeoName( id ) ]
        geoIdPath = [ id ]

        while id:
            parentLocationEntity = self._hasParent(id)
            if parentLocationEntity:
                parentLocationName = self._getPreferredGeoName( parentLocationEntity )
                if parentLocationEntity in geoIdPath:
                    print "%s in %s" % (parentLocationName, geoNamePath)
                geoNamePath.append( parentLocationName )

            geoIdPath.append( parentLocationEntity )
            id = parentLocationEntity

        return (geoIdPath[1:], geoNamePath)

    ## gets the preferred name for the location
    # @param id
    # @returns preferred name
    def _getPreferredGeoName(self, id):
        """ returns the preferred entry name for the given
            entity id
            @param[in] entity_id 
            @returns the geo entity's name

        query = '''SELECT name FROM vw_gazetteer_tng WHERE id=%d 
                      ORDER BY 
                        (lang='en') DESC, (lang IS NULL) DESC, (lang = '') DESC,
                        (short=TRUE and short IS NOT NULL) DESC,
                        preferred DESC
                      LIMIT 1''' % (id)
        result = self.db.query(query)
        if not result:
            raise GazetteerEntryNotFound(id, query)

        return Gazetteer.DEBUG and result[0]['name']+"(%d)" % (id) or result[0]['name']

    ## checks if the given ID has a parent
    # @param ID of the child
    # @return false or ID of the parent 
    def _hasParent(self, child_id):
        query = self.QUERY_HAS_PARENT % child_id
        result = self.db.query(query)
        # todo: is it necessary, that this functions can process multiple parents?
        # multiple parents (!)
        if result.__len__() > 1:
            print '### result > 1 ###'
            print '    child_id:  %s' % child_id
            print '    parent_id: %s ' % [ e['parent_id'] for e in result ]

        # todo: does it make sense to fetch infinite loops
        if result == []:
            return 0 
            return result[0]['parent_id']