예제 #1
    def update_from_json(cls, data):
        PROPNAME_MAPPING = EntityProp.map_name_id()
        eid = None
        PROP_MAPPING = {
                lambda s, _eid, _id, _val: [PropMedia.delete(_eid, _id, False),
                                            PropMedia(_eid, _id,
                                                      cls.convert_media_value_to_media_item('image', _eid, _val)).
                                            add_or_update(session=s, no_commit=True)],
                lambda s, _eid, _id, _val: PropInt(eid, _id, _val).add_or_update(session=s, no_commit=True)

        if 'id' in data:
            with DBConnection() as session:
                eid = data['id']
                entity = session.db.query(EntityNews).filter_by(eid=eid).all()
                fields = ['title', 'desc', 'text']
                if len(entity):
                    for _ in entity:
                        for l in cls.locales:
                            for f in fields:
                                if f in data and l in data[f]:
                                    setattr(_, '%s_%s' % (f, l), data[f][l])

                        if 'prop' in data:
                            for prop_name, prop_val in data['prop'].items():
                                if prop_name in PROPNAME_MAPPING and prop_name in PROP_MAPPING:
                                    PROP_MAPPING[prop_name](session, eid, PROPNAME_MAPPING[prop_name], prop_val)

        return eid
예제 #2
    def delete_wide_object(cls, eid):
        PROPNAME_MAPPING = EntityProp.map_name_id()

        PROP_MAPPING = {
                lambda _eid, _id: PropMedia.delete(_eid, _id, False),
                lambda _eid, _id: PropInt.delete(_eid, _id, False)

        for key, propid in PROPNAME_MAPPING.items():
            if key in PROP_MAPPING:
                PROP_MAPPING[key](eid, propid)
예제 #3
    def delete_wide_object(cls, eid):
        from each.Prop.PropGame import PropGame
        PROPNAME_MAPPING = EntityProp.map_name_id()

        PROP_MAPPING = {
            'game': lambda _eid, _id: PropGame.delete_value(_eid, False),
            'image': lambda _eid, _id: PropMedia.delete(_eid, _id, False),
            'scenario': lambda _eid, _id: PropScenario.delete(_eid, _id, False),
            'rating': lambda _eid, _id: PropLike.delete(_eid, _id, False),
            'comment': lambda _eid, _id: PropComment.delete(_eid, _id, False)

        for key, propid in PROPNAME_MAPPING.items():
            if key in PROP_MAPPING:
                PROP_MAPPING[key](eid, propid)
예제 #4
    def get_wide_object(cls, eid, items=[]):
        def rating(_eid, propid):
            with DBConnection() as session:
                likes = session.db.query(PropLike, EntityLike). \
                    filter(PropLike.eid == _eid). \
                    filter(PropLike.propid == propid).filter(PropLike.value == EntityLike.eid).all()
                if len(likes):
                    rate = 0
                    for _ in likes:
                        rate += _[1].weight
                    rate /= len(likes)
                    return rate
            return 0

        def comment(_eid, propid):
            from each.Entities.EntityUser import EntityUser

            with DBConnection() as session:
                comments = session.db.query(EntityComment, EntityUser). \
                    join(EntityUser, EntityUser.eid == EntityComment.userid). \
                    filter(PropComment.eid == _eid). \
                    filter(PropComment.propid == propid). \
                    filter(EntityComment.eid == PropComment.value).order_by(EntityComment.created.desc()).all()
                if len(comments):
                    return [{'eid': _[0].eid, 'user': _[1].to_dict(['name', 'email']),
                            'comment': _[0].to_dict(['text', 'created'])} for _ in comments]
            return []

        PROPNAME_MAPPING = EntityProp.map_name_id()

        PROP_MAPPING = {
            'image': lambda _eid, _id: PropMedia.get_object_property(_eid, _id, ['eid', 'url']),
            'scenario': lambda _eid, _id: PropScenario.get_object_property(_eid, _id, ['eid']),
            'rating': rating,
            'comment': comment

        result = {
            'eid': eid
        for key, propid in PROPNAME_MAPPING.items():
            if key in PROP_MAPPING and (not len(items) or key in items):
                result.update({key: PROP_MAPPING[key](eid, propid)})

        return result
예제 #5
    def get_wide_object(cls, eid, items=[]):
        PROPNAME_MAPPING = EntityProp.map_name_id()

        PROP_MAPPING = {
                lambda _eid, _id: PropMedia.get_object_property(_eid, _id, ['eid', 'url']),
                lambda _eid, _id: [_.value for _ in PropInt.get().filter_by(eid=_eid, propid=_id).all() or [PropInt(0, 0, 0)]]

        result = {
            'eid': eid
        for key, propid in PROPNAME_MAPPING.items():
            if key in PROP_MAPPING and (not len(items) or key in items):
                result.update({key: PROP_MAPPING[key](eid, propid)})

        return result
예제 #6
 def mediaPropMapping(_eid, _id):
     PropMedia.delete(_eid, _id, False)
예제 #7
 def mediaPropMapping(_eid, _id):
     return PropMedia.get_object_property(_eid, _id, ['eid', 'url'])
예제 #8
 def mediaPropMapping(s, _eid, _id, _val):
     PropMedia.delete(_eid, _id, False)
     PropMedia(eid, _id, cls.convert_media_value_to_media_item('image', _eid, _val))\
         .add_or_update(session=s, no_commit=True)