def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor: """Computes Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch. [#Duchi08]_ Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan: Args: x: Batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU eps: radius of l-1 ball to project onto References: ..[#Duchi08] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008) """ original_shape = x.shape x = flatten(x) mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) <= eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1) mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1).astype(x.dtype) cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1) arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1).astype(x.dtype) rho = (ep.max( ((mu * arange > (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1)))).astype(x.dtype) * arange, axis=-1, ) - 1) # samples already under norm will have to select rho = ep.maximum(rho, 0) theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]), rho.astype(ep.arange(x, 1).dtype)] - eps) / (rho + 1.0) proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf) x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x) return x.reshape(original_shape)
def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor): """ Compute Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch. min ||x - u||_2 s.t. ||u||_1 <= eps Inspired by the corresponding numpy version by Adrien Gaidon. Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan: Parameters ---------- x: (batch_size, *) torch array batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU eps: float radius of l-1 ball to project onto Returns ------- u: (batch_size, *) torch array batch of projected tensors, reshaped to match the original Notes ----- The complexity of this algorithm is in O(dlogd) as it involves sorting x. References ---------- [1] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008) """ original_shape = x.shape x = flatten(x) mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) < eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1) mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1) cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1) arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1) rho = ep.max( (mu * arange > (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1))) * arange, axis=-1) - 1 theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]), rho] - eps) / (rho + 1.0) proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf) x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x) return x.reshape(original_shape)
def approximate_gradients( self, is_adversarial: Callable[[ep.Tensor], ep.Tensor], x_advs: ep.Tensor, steps: int, delta: ep.Tensor, ) -> ep.Tensor: # (steps, bs, ...) noise_shape = tuple([steps] + list(x_advs.shape)) if self.constraint == "l2": rv = ep.normal(x_advs, noise_shape) elif self.constraint == "linf": rv = ep.uniform(x_advs, low=-1, high=1, shape=noise_shape) rv /= atleast_kd(ep.norms.l2(flatten(rv, keep=1), -1), rv.ndim) + 1e-12 scaled_rv = atleast_kd(ep.expand_dims(delta, 0), rv.ndim) * rv perturbed = ep.expand_dims(x_advs, 0) + scaled_rv perturbed = ep.clip(perturbed, 0, 1) rv = (perturbed - x_advs) / atleast_kd(ep.expand_dims(delta + 1e-8, 0), rv.ndim) multipliers_list: List[ep.Tensor] = [] for step in range(steps): decision = is_adversarial(perturbed[step]) multipliers_list.append( ep.where( decision, ep.ones( x_advs, (len(x_advs, )), ), -ep.ones( x_advs, (len(decision, )), ), )) # (steps, bs, ...) multipliers = ep.stack(multipliers_list, 0) vals = ep.where( ep.abs(ep.mean(multipliers, axis=0, keepdims=True)) == 1, multipliers, multipliers - ep.mean(multipliers, axis=0, keepdims=True), ) grad = ep.mean(atleast_kd(vals, rv.ndim) * rv, axis=0) grad /= ep.norms.l2(atleast_kd(flatten(grad), grad.ndim)) + 1e-12 return grad
def test_abs(t: Tensor) -> Tensor: return ep.abs(t)
def run( self, model: Model, inputs: T, criterion: Union[Criterion, T], perlin_param, mask_param, *, early_stop: Optional[float] = None, starting_points: Optional[T] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> T: raise_if_kwargs(kwargs) originals, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs) initial_pict = ep.astensor(inputs) #print('inputs', inputs.shape) del inputs, kwargs criterion = get_criterion(criterion) perlin_param = perlin_param is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion, model) if starting_points is None: init_attack: MinimizationAttack if self.init_attack is None: init_attack = LinearSearchBlendedUniformNoiseAttack(steps=50) f"Neither starting_points nor init_attack given. Falling" f" back to {init_attack!r} for initialization.") else: init_attack = self.init_attack # TODO: use call and support all types of attacks (once early_stop is # possible in __call__) best_advs =, originals, criterion, early_stop=early_stop) else: best_advs = ep.astensor(starting_points) is_adv = is_adversarial(best_advs) if not is_adv.all(): failed = is_adv.logical_not().float32().sum() if starting_points is None: raise ValueError( f"init_attack failed for {failed} of {len(is_adv)} inputs") else: raise ValueError( f"{failed} of {len(is_adv)} starting_points are not adversarial" ) del starting_points tb = TensorBoard(logdir=self.tensorboard) N = len(originals) ndim = originals.ndim spherical_steps = ep.ones(originals, N) * self.spherical_step source_steps = ep.ones(originals, N) * self.source_step tb.scalar("batchsize", N, 0) # create two queues for each sample to track success rates # (used to update the hyper parameters) stats_spherical_adversarial = ArrayQueue(maxlen=100, N=N) stats_step_adversarial = ArrayQueue(maxlen=30, N=N) bounds = model.bounds for step in range(1, self.steps + 1): converged = source_steps < self.source_step_convergance if converged.all(): break # pragma: no cover converged = atleast_kd(converged, ndim) # TODO: performance: ignore those that have converged # (we could select the non-converged ones, but we currently # cannot easily invert this in the end using EagerPy) unnormalized_source_directions = originals - best_advs source_norms = ep.norms.l2(flatten(unnormalized_source_directions), axis=-1) source_directions = unnormalized_source_directions / atleast_kd( source_norms, ndim) # only check spherical candidates every k steps check_spherical_and_update_stats = step % self.update_stats_every_k == 0 #-------------START---------------- # MASK new_mask = ep.abs(originals - best_advs) new_mask /= ep.max(new_mask) new_mask = new_mask**mask_param mask = new_mask # Perlin Noise #print('originals shape', originals.numpy().shape) perlin_noise = ep.astensor( torch.tensor([ get_perlin(originals.numpy()[0].transpose((1, 2, 0)), perlin_param) ]).to('cuda')) #-----------END----------------- candidates, spherical_candidates = draw_proposals( bounds, originals, best_advs, unnormalized_source_directions, source_directions, source_norms, spherical_steps, source_steps, mask, perlin_noise, ) candidates.dtype == originals.dtype spherical_candidates.dtype == spherical_candidates.dtype is_adv = is_adversarial(candidates) spherical_is_adv: Optional[ep.Tensor] if check_spherical_and_update_stats: spherical_is_adv = is_adversarial(spherical_candidates) stats_spherical_adversarial.append(spherical_is_adv) # TODO: algorithm: the original implementation ignores those samples # for which spherical is not adversarial and continues with the # next iteration -> we estimate different probabilities (conditional vs. unconditional) # TODO: thoughts: should we always track this because we compute it anyway stats_step_adversarial.append(is_adv) else: spherical_is_adv = None # in theory, we are closer per construction # but limited numerical precision might break this distances = ep.norms.l2(flatten(originals - candidates), axis=-1) closer = distances < source_norms is_best_adv = ep.logical_and(is_adv, closer) is_best_adv = atleast_kd(is_best_adv, ndim) cond = converged.logical_not().logical_and(is_best_adv) best_advs = ep.where(cond, candidates, best_advs) self.distances_iter[step - 1] = ep.norms.l2( flatten(initial_pict - best_advs)).numpy() / (3 * 32 * 32) tb.probability("converged", converged, step) tb.scalar("updated_stats", check_spherical_and_update_stats, step) tb.histogram("norms", source_norms, step) tb.probability("is_adv", is_adv, step) if spherical_is_adv is not None: tb.probability("spherical_is_adv", spherical_is_adv, step) tb.histogram("candidates/distances", distances, step) tb.probability("candidates/closer", closer, step) tb.probability("candidates/is_best_adv", is_best_adv, step) tb.probability("new_best_adv_including_converged", is_best_adv, step) tb.probability("new_best_adv", cond, step) if check_spherical_and_update_stats: full = stats_spherical_adversarial.isfull() tb.probability("spherical_stats/full", full, step) if full.any(): probs = stats_spherical_adversarial.mean() cond1 = ep.logical_and(probs > 0.5, full) spherical_steps = ep.where( cond1, spherical_steps * self.step_adaptation, spherical_steps) source_steps = ep.where( cond1, source_steps * self.step_adaptation, source_steps) cond2 = ep.logical_and(probs < 0.2, full) spherical_steps = ep.where( cond2, spherical_steps / self.step_adaptation, spherical_steps) source_steps = ep.where( cond2, source_steps / self.step_adaptation, source_steps) stats_spherical_adversarial.clear( ep.logical_or(cond1, cond2)) tb.conditional_mean( "spherical_stats/isfull/success_rate/mean", probs, full, step) tb.probability_ratio("spherical_stats/isfull/too_linear", cond1, full, step) tb.probability_ratio( "spherical_stats/isfull/too_nonlinear", cond2, full, step) full = stats_step_adversarial.isfull() tb.probability("step_stats/full", full, step) if full.any(): probs = stats_step_adversarial.mean() # TODO: algorithm: changed the two values because we are currently tracking p(source_step_sucess) # instead of p(source_step_success | spherical_step_sucess) that was tracked before cond1 = ep.logical_and(probs > 0.25, full) source_steps = ep.where( cond1, source_steps * self.step_adaptation, source_steps) cond2 = ep.logical_and(probs < 0.1, full) source_steps = ep.where( cond2, source_steps / self.step_adaptation, source_steps) stats_step_adversarial.clear(ep.logical_or(cond1, cond2)) tb.conditional_mean("step_stats/isfull/success_rate/mean", probs, full, step) tb.probability_ratio( "step_stats/isfull/success_rate_too_high", cond1, full, step) tb.probability_ratio( "step_stats/isfull/success_rate_too_low", cond2, full, step) tb.histogram("spherical_step", spherical_steps, step) tb.histogram("source_step", source_steps, step) tb.close() #print(ep.norms.l2(flatten(originals - best_advs), axis=-1).numpy()) return restore_type(best_advs)
def run( self, model: Model, inputs: T, criterion: Union[Criterion, Any] = None, *, starting_points: Optional[ep.Tensor] = None, early_stop: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> T: raise_if_kwargs(kwargs) del kwargs x, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs) del inputs verify_input_bounds(x, model) criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion) del criterion is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion_, model) if starting_points is None: init_attack: MinimizationAttack if self.init_attack is None: init_attack = SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack() f"Neither starting_points nor init_attack given. Falling" f" back to {init_attack!r} for initialization." ) else: init_attack = self.init_attack # TODO: use call and support all types of attacks (once early_stop is # possible in __call__) starting_points =, x, criterion_) x_adv = ep.astensor(starting_points) assert is_adversarial(x_adv).all() original_shape = x.shape N = len(x) x_flat = flatten(x) x_adv_flat = flatten(x_adv) # was there a pixel left in the samples to manipulate, # i.e. reset to the clean version? found_index_to_manipulate = ep.from_numpy(x, np.ones(N, dtype=bool)) while ep.any(found_index_to_manipulate): diff_mask = (ep.abs(x_flat - x_adv_flat) > 1e-8).numpy() diff_idxs = [z.nonzero()[0] for z in diff_mask] untouched_indices = [z.tolist() for z in diff_idxs] untouched_indices = [ np.random.permutation(it).tolist() for it in untouched_indices ] found_index_to_manipulate = ep.from_numpy(x, np.zeros(N, dtype=bool)) # since the number of pixels still left to manipulate might differ # across different samples we track each of them separately and # and manipulate the images until there is no pixel left for # any of the samples. to not update already finished samples, we mask # the updates such that only samples that still have pixels left to manipulate # will be updated i = 0 while i < max([len(it) for it in untouched_indices]): # mask all samples that still have pixels to manipulate left relevant_mask = [len(it) > i for it in untouched_indices] relevant_mask = np.array(relevant_mask, dtype=bool) relevant_mask_index = np.flatnonzero(relevant_mask) # for each image get the index of the next pixel we try out relevant_indices = [it[i] for it in untouched_indices if len(it) > i] old_values = x_adv_flat[relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices] new_values = x_flat[relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices] x_adv_flat = ep.index_update( x_adv_flat, (relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices), new_values ) # check if still adversarial is_adv = is_adversarial(x_adv_flat.reshape(original_shape)) found_index_to_manipulate = ep.index_update( found_index_to_manipulate, relevant_mask_index, ep.logical_or(found_index_to_manipulate, is_adv)[relevant_mask], ) # if not, undo change new_or_old_values = ep.where( is_adv[relevant_mask], new_values, old_values ) x_adv_flat = ep.index_update( x_adv_flat, (relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices), new_or_old_values, ) i += 1 if not ep.any(found_index_to_manipulate): break if self.l2_binary_search: while True: diff_mask = (ep.abs(x_flat - x_adv_flat) > 1e-12).numpy() diff_idxs = [z.nonzero()[0] for z in diff_mask] untouched_indices = [z.tolist() for z in diff_idxs] # draw random shuffling of all indices for all samples untouched_indices = [ np.random.permutation(it).tolist() for it in untouched_indices ] # whether that run through all values made any improvement improved = ep.from_numpy(x, np.zeros(N, dtype=bool)).astype(bool)"Starting new loop through all values") # use the same logic as above i = 0 while i < max([len(it) for it in untouched_indices]): # mask all samples that still have pixels to manipulate left relevant_mask = [len(it) > i for it in untouched_indices] relevant_mask = np.array(relevant_mask, dtype=bool) relevant_mask_index = np.flatnonzero(relevant_mask) # for each image get the index of the next pixel we try out relevant_indices = [ it[i] for it in untouched_indices if len(it) > i ] old_values = x_adv_flat[relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices] new_values = x_flat[relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices] x_adv_flat = ep.index_update( x_adv_flat, (relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices), new_values ) # check if still adversarial is_adv = is_adversarial(x_adv_flat.reshape(original_shape)) improved = ep.index_update( improved, relevant_mask_index, ep.logical_or(improved, is_adv)[relevant_mask], ) if not ep.all(is_adv): # run binary search for examples that became non-adversarial updated_new_values = self._binary_search( x_adv_flat, relevant_mask, relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices, old_values, new_values, (-1, *original_shape[1:]), is_adversarial, ) x_adv_flat = ep.index_update( x_adv_flat, (relevant_mask_index, relevant_indices), ep.where( is_adv[relevant_mask], new_values, updated_new_values ), ) improved = ep.index_update( improved, relevant_mask_index, ep.logical_or( old_values != updated_new_values, improved[relevant_mask], ), ) i += 1 if not ep.any(improved): # no improvement for any of the indices break x_adv = x_adv_flat.reshape(original_shape) return restore_type(x_adv)