예제 #1
    def clip_perturbation(self, references: T, perturbed: T,
                          epsilon: float) -> T:
        """Clips the perturbations to epsilon and returns the new perturbed

            references: A batch of reference inputs.
            perturbed: A batch of perturbed inputs.

            A tenosr like perturbed but with the perturbation clipped to epsilon.
        (x, y), restore_type = ep.astensors_(references, perturbed)
        p = y - x
        if self.p == ep.inf:
            clipped_perturbation = ep.clip(p, -epsilon, epsilon)
            return restore_type(x + clipped_perturbation)
        norms = ep.norms.lp(flatten(p), self.p, axis=-1)
        norms = ep.maximum(norms, 1e-12)  # avoid divsion by zero
        factor = epsilon / norms
        factor = ep.minimum(
            1, factor)  # clipping -> decreasing but not increasing
        if self.p == 0:
            if (factor == 1).all():
                return perturbed
            raise NotImplementedError("reducing L0 norms not yet supported")
        factor = atleast_kd(factor, x.ndim)
        clipped_perturbation = factor * p
        return restore_type(x + clipped_perturbation)
예제 #2
def l2_clipping_aware_rescaling(x,
                                eps: float,
                                a: float = 0.0,
                                b: float = 1.0):  # type: ignore
    """Calculates eta such that norm(clip(x + eta * delta, a, b) - x) == eps.

    Assumes x and delta have a batch dimension and eps, a, b, and p are
    scalars. If the equation cannot be solved because eps is too large, the
    left hand side is maximized.

        x: A batch of inputs (PyTorch Tensor, TensorFlow Eager Tensor, NumPy
            Array, JAX Array, or EagerPy Tensor).
        delta: A batch of perturbation directions (same shape and type as x).
        eps: The target norm (non-negative float).
        a: The lower bound of the data domain (float).
        b: The upper bound of the data domain (float).

        eta: A batch of scales with the same number of dimensions as x but all
            axis == 1 except for the batch dimension.
    (x, delta), restore_fn = ep.astensors_(x, delta)
    N = x.shape[0]
    assert delta.shape[0] == N
    rows = ep.arange(x, N)

    delta2 = delta.square().reshape((N, -1))
    space = ep.where(delta >= 0, b - x, x - a).reshape((N, -1))
    f2 = space.square() / ep.maximum(delta2, 1e-20)
    ks = ep.argsort(f2, axis=-1)
    f2_sorted = f2[rows[:, ep.newaxis], ks]
    m = ep.cumsum(delta2[rows[:, ep.newaxis],
                         ks.flip(axis=1)], axis=-1).flip(axis=1)
    dx = f2_sorted[:, 1:] - f2_sorted[:, :-1]
    dx = ep.concatenate((f2_sorted[:, :1], dx), axis=-1)
    dy = m * dx
    y = ep.cumsum(dy, axis=-1)
    c = y >= eps**2

    # work-around to get first nonzero element in each row
    f = ep.arange(x, c.shape[-1], 0, -1)
    j = ep.argmax(c.astype(f.dtype) * f, axis=-1)

    eta2 = f2_sorted[rows, j] - (y[rows, j] - eps**2) / m[rows, j]
    # it can happen that for certain rows even the largest j is not large enough
    # (i.e. c[:, -1] is False), then we will just use it (without any correction) as it's
    # the best we can do (this should also be the only cases where m[j] can be
    # 0 and they are thus not a problem)
    eta2 = ep.where(c[:, -1], eta2, f2_sorted[:, -1])
    eta = ep.sqrt(eta2)
    eta = eta.reshape((-1, ) + (1, ) * (x.ndim - 1))

    # xp = ep.clip(x + eta * delta, a, b)
    # l2 = (xp - x).reshape((N, -1)).square().sum(axis=-1).sqrt()
    return restore_fn(eta)
예제 #3
    def __call__(self, references: T, perturbed: T) -> T:
        """Calculates the distances from references to perturbed using the Lp norm.

            references: A batch of reference inputs.
            perturbed: A batch of perturbed inputs.

            A 1D tensor with the distances from references to perturbed.
        (x, y), restore_type = ep.astensors_(references, perturbed)
        norms = ep.norms.lp(flatten(y - x), self.p, axis=-1)
        return restore_type(norms)
예제 #4
def test_astensors_tensors_restore(t: Tensor) -> None:
    ts = (t, t + 1, t + 2)
    rs = ts
    ys, restore_type = ep.astensors_(*rs)
    assert isinstance(ys, tuple)
    assert len(ts) == len(ys)
    for ti, yi in zip(ts, ys):
        assert (ti == yi).all()

    ys = tuple(y + 1 for y in ys)
    xs = restore_type(*ys)
    assert isinstance(xs, tuple)
    assert len(xs) == len(ys)
    for xi, ri in zip(xs, rs):
        assert type(xi) == type(ri)

    x0 = restore_type(ys[0])
    assert not isinstance(x0, tuple)  # type: ignore
예제 #5
    def __call__(self, reference: T, perturbed: T) -> T:
        """Calculates the distance from reference to perturbed using the Lp norm.

        reference : T
            A batch of reference inputs.
        perturbed : T
            A batch of perturbed inputs.

            Returns a batch of distances as a 1D tensor.

        (x, y), restore_type = ep.astensors_(reference, perturbed)
        norms = ep.norms.lp(flatten(y - x), self.p, axis=-1)
        return restore_type(norms)
예제 #6
 def __call__(self, perturbed: T, outputs: T) -> T:
     args, restore_type = ep.astensors_(perturbed, outputs)
     a = self.a(*args)
     b = self.b(*args)
     is_adv = ep.logical_and(a, b)
     return restore_type(is_adv)
예제 #7
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Criterion, T],
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        starting_points: Optional[T] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        if starting_points is None:
            raise ValueError("BinarizationRefinementAttack requires starting_points")
        (o, x), restore_type = ep.astensors_(inputs, starting_points)
        del inputs, starting_points, kwargs

        criterion = get_criterion(criterion)
        is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion, model)

        if self.threshold is None:
            min_, max_ = model.bounds
            threshold = (min_ + max_) / 2.0
            threshold = self.threshold

        assert o.dtype == x.dtype

        nptype = o.reshape(-1)[0].numpy().dtype.type
        if nptype not in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                f"expected dtype to be float16, float32 or float64, found '{nptype}'"

        threshold = nptype(threshold)
        offset = nptype(1.0)

        if self.included_in == "lower":
            lower_ = threshold
            upper_ = np.nextafter(threshold, threshold + offset)
        elif self.included_in == "upper":
            lower_ = np.nextafter(threshold, threshold - offset)
            upper_ = threshold
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected included_in to be 'lower' or 'upper', found '{self.included_in}'"

        assert lower_ < upper_

        p = ep.full_like(o, ep.nan)

        lower = ep.ones_like(o) * lower_
        upper = ep.ones_like(o) * upper_

        indices = ep.logical_and(o <= lower, x <= lower)
        p = ep.where(indices, o, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o <= lower, x >= upper)
        p = ep.where(indices, upper, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o >= upper, x <= lower)
        p = ep.where(indices, lower, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o >= upper, x >= upper)
        p = ep.where(indices, o, p)

        assert not ep.any(ep.isnan(p))

        is_adv1 = is_adversarial(x)
        is_adv2 = is_adversarial(p)
        if (is_adv1 != is_adv2).any():
            raise ValueError(
                "The specified threshold does not match what is done by the model."
        return restore_type(p)
예제 #8
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Criterion, T],
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        starting_points: Optional[T] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        """For models that preprocess their inputs by binarizing the
        inputs, this attack can improve adversarials found by other
        attacks. It does this by utilizing information about the
        binarization and mapping values to the corresponding value in
        the clean input or to the right side of the threshold.

        threshold : float
            The treshold used by the models binarization. If none,
            defaults to (model.bounds()[1] - model.bounds()[0]) / 2.
        included_in : str
            Whether the threshold value itself belongs to the lower or
            upper interval.

        if starting_points is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "BinarizationRefinementAttack requires starting_points")
        (o, x), restore_type = ep.astensors_(inputs, starting_points)
        del inputs, starting_points, kwargs

        criterion = get_criterion(criterion)
        is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion, model)

        if self.threshold is None:
            min_, max_ = model.bounds
            threshold = (min_ + max_) / 2.0
            threshold = self.threshold

        assert o.dtype == x.dtype

        nptype = o.reshape(-1)[0].numpy().dtype.type
        if nptype not in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
                f"expected dtype to be float16, float32 or float64, found '{nptype}'"

        threshold = nptype(threshold)
        offset = nptype(1.0)

        if self.included_in == "lower":
            lower_ = threshold
            upper_ = np.nextafter(threshold, threshold + offset)
        elif self.included_in == "upper":
            lower_ = np.nextafter(threshold, threshold - offset)
            upper_ = threshold
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected included_in to be 'lower' or 'upper', found '{self.included_in}'"

        assert lower_ < upper_

        p = ep.full_like(o, ep.nan)

        lower = ep.ones_like(o) * lower_
        upper = ep.ones_like(o) * upper_

        indices = ep.logical_and(o <= lower, x <= lower)
        p = ep.where(indices, o, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o <= lower, x >= upper)
        p = ep.where(indices, upper, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o >= upper, x <= lower)
        p = ep.where(indices, lower, p)

        indices = ep.logical_and(o >= upper, x >= upper)
        p = ep.where(indices, o, p)

        assert not ep.any(ep.isnan(p))

        is_adv1 = is_adversarial(x)
        is_adv2 = is_adversarial(p)
        if (is_adv1 != is_adv2).any():
            raise ValueError(
                "The specified threshold does not match what is done by the model."
        return restore_type(p)