예제 #1
def normalize_l2_norms(x: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
    norms = flatten(x).norms.l2(axis=-1)
    norms = ep.maximum(norms, 1e-12)  # avoid divsion by zero
    factor = 1 / norms
    factor = atleast_kd(factor, x.ndim)
    return x * factor
예제 #2
파일: test_main.py 프로젝트: yibit/eagerpy
def test_rmaximum_scalar(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return ep.maximum(3, t)
예제 #3
def draw_proposals(
    bounds: Bounds,
    originals: ep.Tensor,
    perturbed: ep.Tensor,
    unnormalized_source_directions: ep.Tensor,
    source_directions: ep.Tensor,
    source_norms: ep.Tensor,
    spherical_steps: ep.Tensor,
    source_steps: ep.Tensor,
) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]:
    # remember the actual shape
    shape = originals.shape
    assert perturbed.shape == shape
    assert unnormalized_source_directions.shape == shape
    assert source_directions.shape == shape

    # flatten everything to (batch, size)
    originals = flatten(originals)
    perturbed = flatten(perturbed)
    unnormalized_source_directions = flatten(unnormalized_source_directions)
    source_directions = flatten(source_directions)
    N, D = originals.shape

    assert source_norms.shape == (N,)
    assert spherical_steps.shape == (N,)
    assert source_steps.shape == (N,)

    # draw from an iid Gaussian (we can share this across the whole batch)
    eta = ep.normal(perturbed, (D, 1))

    # make orthogonal (source_directions are normalized)
    eta = eta.T - ep.matmul(source_directions, eta) * source_directions
    assert eta.shape == (N, D)

    # rescale
    norms = ep.norms.l2(eta, axis=-1)
    assert norms.shape == (N,)
    eta = eta * atleast_kd(spherical_steps * source_norms / norms, eta.ndim)

    # project on the sphere using Pythagoras
    distances = atleast_kd((spherical_steps.square() + 1).sqrt(), eta.ndim)
    directions = eta - unnormalized_source_directions
    spherical_candidates = originals + directions / distances

    # clip
    min_, max_ = bounds
    spherical_candidates = spherical_candidates.clip(min_, max_)

    # step towards the original inputs
    new_source_directions = originals - spherical_candidates
    assert new_source_directions.ndim == 2
    new_source_directions_norms = ep.norms.l2(flatten(new_source_directions), axis=-1)

    # length if spherical_candidates would be exactly on the sphere
    lengths = source_steps * source_norms

    # length including correction for numerical deviation from sphere
    lengths = lengths + new_source_directions_norms - source_norms

    # make sure the step size is positive
    lengths = ep.maximum(lengths, 0)

    # normalize the length
    lengths = lengths / new_source_directions_norms
    lengths = atleast_kd(lengths, new_source_directions.ndim)

    candidates = spherical_candidates + lengths * new_source_directions

    # clip
    candidates = candidates.clip(min_, max_)

    # restore shape
    candidates = candidates.reshape(shape)
    spherical_candidates = spherical_candidates.reshape(shape)
    return candidates, spherical_candidates
예제 #4
파일: test_main.py 프로젝트: yibit/eagerpy
def test_maximum_scalar(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return ep.maximum(t, 3)
예제 #5
파일: test_main.py 프로젝트: yibit/eagerpy
def test_maximum(t1: Tensor, t2: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return ep.maximum(t1, t2)
예제 #6
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Misclassification, TargetedMisclassification, T],
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        x, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs)
        criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion)
        del inputs, criterion, kwargs

        verify_input_bounds(x, model)

        N = len(x)

        if isinstance(criterion_, Misclassification):
            targeted = False
            classes = criterion_.labels
        elif isinstance(criterion_, TargetedMisclassification):
            targeted = True
            classes = criterion_.target_classes
            raise ValueError("unsupported criterion")

        if classes.shape != (N,):
            name = "target_classes" if targeted else "labels"
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected {name} to have shape ({N},), got {classes.shape}"

        max_stepsize = 1.0
        min_, max_ = model.bounds

        def loss_fn(
            inputs: ep.Tensor, labels: ep.Tensor
        ) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]:
            logits = model(inputs)

            sign = -1.0 if targeted else 1.0
            loss = sign * ep.crossentropy(logits, labels).sum()

            return loss, logits

        grad_and_logits = ep.value_and_grad_fn(x, loss_fn, has_aux=True)

        delta = ep.zeros_like(x)

        epsilon = self.init_epsilon * ep.ones(x, len(x))
        worst_norm = ep.norms.l2(flatten(ep.maximum(x - min_, max_ - x)), -1)

        best_l2 = worst_norm
        best_delta = delta
        adv_found = ep.zeros(x, len(x)).bool()

        for i in range(self.steps):
            # perform cosine annealing of LR starting from 1.0 to 0.01
            stepsize = (
                + (max_stepsize - 0.01) * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * i / self.steps)) / 2

            x_adv = x + delta

            _, logits, gradients = grad_and_logits(x_adv, classes)
            gradients = normalize_gradient_l2_norms(gradients)
            is_adversarial = criterion_(x_adv, logits)

            l2 = ep.norms.l2(flatten(delta), axis=-1)
            is_smaller = l2 <= best_l2

            is_both = ep.logical_and(is_adversarial, is_smaller)
            adv_found = ep.logical_or(adv_found, is_adversarial)
            best_l2 = ep.where(is_both, l2, best_l2)

            best_delta = ep.where(atleast_kd(is_both, x.ndim), delta, best_delta)

            # do step
            delta = delta + stepsize * gradients

            epsilon = epsilon * ep.where(
                is_adversarial, 1.0 - self.gamma, 1.0 + self.gamma
            epsilon = ep.minimum(epsilon, worst_norm)

            # project to epsilon ball
            delta *= atleast_kd(epsilon / ep.norms.l2(flatten(delta), -1), x.ndim)

            # clip to valid bounds
            delta = ep.clip(x + delta, *model.bounds) - x

        x_adv = x + best_delta

        return restore_type(x_adv)
예제 #7
 def project(self, x: ep.Tensor, x0: ep.Tensor,
             epsilon: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
     clipped = ep.maximum(flatten(x - x0).T, -epsilon)
     clipped = ep.minimum(clipped, epsilon).T
     return x0 + clipped.reshape(x0.shape)
예제 #8
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Misclassification, TargetedMisclassification, T],
        starting_points: Optional[ep.Tensor] = None,
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion)

        if isinstance(criterion_, Misclassification):
            targeted = False
            classes = criterion_.labels
        elif isinstance(criterion_, TargetedMisclassification):
            targeted = True
            classes = criterion_.target_classes
            raise ValueError("unsupported criterion")

        def loss_fn(
            inputs: ep.Tensor, labels: ep.Tensor
        ) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]]:

            logits = model(inputs)

            if targeted:
                c_minimize = best_other_classes(logits, labels)
                c_maximize = labels  # target_classes
                c_minimize = labels  # labels
                c_maximize = best_other_classes(logits, labels)

            loss = logits[rows, c_minimize] - logits[rows, c_maximize]

            return -loss.sum(), (logits, loss)

        x, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs)
        del inputs, criterion, kwargs
        N = len(x)
        initialized = False
        # start from initialization points/attack
        if starting_points is not None:
            x1 = starting_points
            initialized = True
            if self.init_attack is not None:
                x1 = self.init_attack.run(model, x, criterion_)
                initialized = True

        # if initial points or initialization attacks are provided,
        #   search for the boundary
        if initialized is True:
            is_adv = get_is_adversarial(criterion_, model)
            assert is_adv(x1).all()
            lower_bound = ep.zeros(x, shape=(N, ))
            upper_bound = ep.ones(x, shape=(N, ))
            for _ in range(self.binary_search_steps):
                epsilons = (lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2
                mid_points = self.mid_points(x, x1, epsilons, model.bounds)
                is_advs = is_adv(mid_points)
                lower_bound = ep.where(is_advs, lower_bound, epsilons)
                upper_bound = ep.where(is_advs, epsilons, upper_bound)
            starting_points = self.mid_points(x, x1, upper_bound, model.bounds)
            delta = starting_points - x
            # start from x0
            delta = ep.zeros_like(x)

        if classes.shape != (N, ):
            name = "target_classes" if targeted else "labels"
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected {name} to have shape ({N},), got {classes.shape}")

        min_, max_ = model.bounds
        rows = range(N)
        grad_and_logits = ep.value_and_grad_fn(x, loss_fn, has_aux=True)

        if self.p != 0:
            epsilon = ep.inf * ep.ones(x, len(x))
            epsilon = ep.maximum(ep.ones(x, len(x)),
                                 ep.norms.l0(flatten(delta), axis=-1))
        if self.p != 0:
            worst_norm = ep.norms.lp(flatten(ep.maximum(x - min_, max_ - x)),
            worst_norm = flatten(ep.ones_like(x)).bool().sum(axis=1).float32()

        best_lp = worst_norm
        best_delta = delta
        adv_found = ep.zeros(x, len(x)).bool()

        for i in range(self.steps):
            # perform cosine annealing of learning rates
            stepsize = (self.min_stepsize +
                        (self.max_stepsize - self.min_stepsize) *
                        (1 + math.cos(math.pi * i / self.steps)) / 2)
            gamma = (0.001 + (self.gamma - 0.001) *
                     (1 + math.cos(math.pi * (i / self.steps))) / 2)

            x_adv = x + delta

            loss, (logits,
                   loss_batch), gradients = grad_and_logits(x_adv, classes)
            is_adversarial = criterion_(x_adv, logits)
            lp = ep.norms.lp(flatten(delta), p=self.p, axis=-1)
            is_smaller = lp <= best_lp
            is_both = ep.logical_and(is_adversarial, is_smaller)
            adv_found = ep.logical_or(adv_found, is_adversarial)
            best_lp = ep.where(is_both, lp, best_lp)
            best_delta = ep.where(atleast_kd(is_both, x.ndim), delta,

            # update epsilon
            if self.p != 0:
                distance_to_boundary = abs(loss_batch) / ep.norms.lp(
                    flatten(gradients), p=self.dual, axis=-1)
                epsilon = ep.where(
                        epsilon * (1 - gamma),
                        ep.norms.lp(flatten(best_delta), p=self.p, axis=-1),
                        epsilon * (1 + gamma),
                        ep.norms.lp(flatten(delta), p=self.p, axis=-1) +
                epsilon = ep.where(
                            epsilon - 1,
                            (epsilon * (1 - gamma)).astype(
                                ep.arange(x, 1).dtype).astype(epsilon.dtype),
                        ep.norms.lp(flatten(best_delta), p=self.p, axis=-1),
                        epsilon + 1,
                        (epsilon * (1 + gamma)).astype(ep.arange(
                            x, 1).dtype).astype(epsilon.dtype),
                epsilon = ep.maximum(1, epsilon).astype(epsilon.dtype)

            # clip epsilon
            epsilon = ep.minimum(epsilon, worst_norm)

            # computes normalized gradient update
            grad_ = self.normalize(gradients) * stepsize

            # do step
            delta = delta + grad_

            # project according to the given norm
            delta = self.project(x=x + delta, x0=x, epsilon=epsilon) - x

            # clip to valid bounds
            delta = ep.clip(x + delta, *model.bounds) - x

        x_adv = x + best_delta
        return restore_type(x_adv)