def split_pdf(self, indices=None, remainder=False): """ called by the Document Viewer's Split PDF button. evaluates the input string and turns it into a list of lists to be processed by _split_pdf_groups :param indices: the formatted string of pdf split (e.g. 1,5-10, 8-22, 29-34) o_page_number_input :param remainder: bool, if true splits the non specified pages, one by one. form checkbox o_remainder_input :returns the list of the ID's of the newly created pdf attachments. """ self.ensure_one() if 'pdf' not in self.mimetype: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("ERROR: the file must be a PDF")) if indices: try: pages = [[int(x) for x in x.split('-')] for x in indices.split(',')] except ValueError: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("ERROR: Invalid list of pages to split. Example: 1,5-9,10" )) return self._split_pdf_groups(pdf_groups=[[min(x), max(x)] for x in pages], remainder=remainder) return self._split_pdf_groups(remainder=remainder)
def _check_validity_check_in_check_out(self): """ verifies if check_in is earlier than check_out. """ for attendance in self: if attendance.check_in and attendance.check_out: if attendance.check_out < attendance.check_in: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('"Check Out" time cannot be earlier than "Check In" time.' ))
def _check_validity(self): """ Verifies the validity of the attendance record compared to the others from the same employee. For the same employee we must have : * maximum 1 "open" attendance record (without check_out) * no overlapping time slices with previous employee records """ for attendance in self: # we take the latest attendance before our check_in time and check it doesn't overlap with ours last_attendance_before_check_in = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=',, ('check_in', '<=', attendance.check_in), ('id', '!=',, ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if last_attendance_before_check_in and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out > attendance.check_in: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s") % { 'empl_name':, 'datetime': fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, fields.Datetime.from_string(attendance.check_in))), }) if not attendance.check_out: # if our attendance is "open" (no check_out), we verify there is no other "open" attendance no_check_out_attendances = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=',, ('check_out', '=', False), ('id', '!=',, ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if no_check_out_attendances: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee hasn't checked out since %(datetime)s") % { 'empl_name':, 'datetime': fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, fields.Datetime.from_string(no_check_out_attendances.check_in))), }) else: # we verify that the latest attendance with check_in time before our check_out time # is the same as the one before our check_in time computed before, otherwise it overlaps last_attendance_before_check_out = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=',, ('check_in', '<', attendance.check_out), ('id', '!=',, ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if last_attendance_before_check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in != last_attendance_before_check_out: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s") % { 'empl_name':, 'datetime': fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self, fields.Datetime.from_string(last_attendance_before_check_out.check_in))), })
def _split_pdf_groups(self, pdf_groups=None, remainder=False): """ calls _make_pdf to create the a new attachment for each page section. :param pdf_groups: a list of lists representing the pages to split: pages = [[1,1], [4,5], [7,7]] :returns the list of the ID's of the new PDF attachments. """ self.ensure_one() with io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(self.datas)) as stream: try: input_pdf = PdfFileReader(stream) except Exception: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("ERROR: Invalid PDF file!")) max_page = input_pdf.getNumPages() remainder_set = set(range(0, max_page)) new_pdf_ids = [] if not pdf_groups: pdf_groups = [] for pages in pdf_groups: pages[1] = min(max_page, pages[1]) pages[0] = min(max_page, pages[0]) if pages[0] == pages[1]: name_ext = "%s" % (pages[0], ) else: name_ext = "%s-%s" % (pages[0], pages[1]) output = PdfFileWriter() for i in range(pages[0] - 1, pages[1]): output.addPage(input_pdf.getPage(i)) new_pdf_id = self._make_pdf(output, name_ext) new_pdf_ids.append(new_pdf_id) remainder_set = remainder_set.difference( set(range(pages[0] - 1, pages[1]))) if remainder: for i in remainder_set: output_page = PdfFileWriter() name_ext = "%s" % (i + 1, ) output_page.addPage(input_pdf.getPage(i)) new_pdf_id = self._make_pdf(output_page, name_ext) new_pdf_ids.append(new_pdf_id) self.write({'active': False}) elif not len(remainder_set): self.write({'active': False}) return new_pdf_ids
def _verify_pin(self): for employee in self: if and not raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("The PIN must be a sequence of digits."))
def unlink(self): if any(self.get_external_id().values()) and not self._context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG): raise exceptions.ValidationError("You can not delete activity type that are used as master data.") return super(MailActivityType, self).unlink()