예제 #1
def eand_lsp(Xh, Yh, BestValue, BestCosts, nef, f, nPop2, ndv, LB, UB):

    # Initialization
    nPop2, ndv = int(nPop2), int(ndv)
    Mh = np.zeros((nPop2, ndv), dtype=int)  # Mutated values from local search
    MYh = np.zeros((nPop2, 1), dtype=float)  # Evaluation of Mh
    Delta = np.zeros(((nPop2 - 1), ndv), dtype=float)  # Delta matrix (Eq. 8)
    ''' Local mutation '''
    n = np.random.permutation(range(2))
    Mh[0] = Xh[0] + Xh[0] * (np.random.uniform(0, 1)) * (
        (-1)**n[0])  # First element mutation (Eq. 10)
    Mh[0] = np.round(Mh[0])  # Handling integer variables
    Mh[0] = eand_limit(Mh[0], LB, UB)  # Constraint handling procedure (Eq. 7)
    MYh[0] = Function(Mh[0])  # Evaluate MYh = f(Mh)
    nef += 1  # Update the number of evaluation functions
    if MYh[0] < BestValue:  # Update the best overall evaluation value
        BestValue = MYh[0]
        f = nef  # Number of evaluation functions to reach the fitness known value

    BestCosts[0, (nef -
                  1)] = BestValue  # Save the best value over the evaluations

    for i in range(nPop2 - 1):

        Delta[i] = Xh[0] - Xh[i + 1]  # Delta matrix (Eq. 8)
        for j in range(ndv):  # Restriction condition (Eq. 9)
            if Delta[i, j] == 0:
                Delta[i, j] = 1

        n = np.random.permutation(range(2))
        Mh[i + 1] = Xh[i + 1] + Delta[i] * (np.random.uniform(0, 1)) * (
            (-1)**n[0])  # Other elements mutation (Eq. 11)
        Mh[i + 1] = np.round(Mh[i + 1])  # Handling integer variables
        Mh[i + 1] = eand_limit(Mh[i + 1], LB,
                               UB)  # Constraint handling procedure (Eq. 7)
        MYh[i + 1] = Function(Mh[i + 1])  # Evaluate MYh = f(Mh)
        nef += 1  # Update the number of evaluation functions
        if MYh[i + 1] < BestValue:  # Update the best overall evaluation value
            BestValue = MYh[i + 1]
            f = nef  # Number of evaluation functions to reach the fitness known value

                  (nef -
                   1)] = BestValue  # Save the best value over the evaluations
    ''' Local selection technique '''
    Xh, Yh = eand_local_selection(Xh, Yh, Mh, MYh, nPop2, ndv)

    return Xh, Yh, BestValue, BestCosts, nef, f
예제 #2
def eand(MaxIt, nPop, nPop2, ndv, LB, UB):

    # Initialization
    MaxIt, nPop, nPop2, ndv = int(MaxIt), int(nPop), int(nPop2), int(ndv)
    nef = 0  # Number of evaluation functions
    f = 0  # Number of evaluation functions to reach the fitness known value
    X = np.zeros((nPop, ndv), dtype=int)  # Population X
    Y = np.zeros((nPop, 1), dtype=float)  # Evaluation of X
    M = np.zeros((nPop, ndv), dtype=int)  # Mutated population M
    MY = np.zeros((nPop, 1), dtype=float)  # Evaluation of M
    Ydiff = np.zeros((nPop, 1), dtype=float)  # Numerical differentiation of Y
    d = np.zeros((nPop, 1), dtype=float)  # Variable d (Eq. 5)
    Sim_size = int((nPop + nPop2) * MaxIt + nPop)
    BestCosts = np.zeros(
        (1, Sim_size), dtype=float)  # Save the iteration best evaluation value
    BestValue = np.inf  # Best overall evaluation value

    for i in range(nPop):

        X[i] = np.random.uniform(LB, UB, ndv)  # Initialize the population X
        X[i] = np.around(X[i])  # Handling integer variables
        Y[i] = Function(X[i])  # Evaluate Y = f(X)
        nef += 1  # Update the number of evaluation functions
        if Y[i] < BestValue:  # Update the best overall evaluation value
            BestValue = Y[i]
            f = nef  # Number of evaluation functions to reach the fitness known value
                  (nef -
                   1)] = BestValue  # Save the best value over the evaluations
    ''' EAND main loop '''

    start = time.time()  # Initialize time counter

    for it in range(MaxIt):
        ''' Global search procedure  '''
        ''' Numerical differentiation operation '''
        for i in range(nPop):

            # Circular data distribution
            A = i - 2
            B = i - 1
            C = i + 1
            D = i + 2
            if i == 0:
                A = nPop - 2
                B = nPop - 1
            elif i == 1:
                A = nPop - 1
            elif i == (nPop - 2):
                D = 0
            elif i == (nPop - 1):
                C = 0
                D = 1

            # Numerical Differentiation (Eq. 2)
            Ydiff[i] = (1 / 12) * (Y[A] - 8 * Y[B] + 8 * Y[C] - Y[D])

            # Restriction condition (Eq. 4)
            if Ydiff[i] == 0:
                Ydiff[i] = np.random.uniform(0, 1)

        # Restriction condiction (Eq. 4)
        if np.size(np.unique(Ydiff)) == 1:
            for i in range(nPop):
                Ydiff[i] = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        ''' Mutation procedure '''
        for i in range(nPop):

            d[i] = Ydiff[i] / np.mean(abs(Ydiff))  # Variable d (Eq. 5)
            if d[i] > 0.9 and d[i] < 1.1:  # Restriction condiction (Eq. 4)
                d[i] = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            M[i] = X[i] + np.mean(X) / d[i]  # Mutation (Eq. 6)
            M[i] = np.round(M[i])  # Handling integer variables
            M[i] = eand_limit(M[i], LB,
                              UB)  # Constraint handling procedure (Eq. 7)
            MY[i] = Function(M[i])  # Evaluate MY = f(M)
            nef += 1  # Update the number of evaluation functions
            if MY[i] < BestValue:  # Update the best overall evaluation value
                BestValue = Y[i]
                f = nef  # Number of evaluation functions to reach the fitness known value
            BestCosts[0, (
                nef -
                1)] = BestValue  # Save the best value over the evaluations
        ''' Selection technique '''
        X, Y, Xh, Yh = eand_selection(X, Y, M, MY, nPop, nPop2, ndv)
        ''' Local search procedure '''
        Xh, Yh, BestValue, BestCosts, nef, f = eand_lsp(
            Xh, Yh, BestValue, BestCosts, nef, f, nPop2, ndv, LB, UB)
        ''' Final selection technique '''
        X, Y = eand_final_selection(X, Y, Xh, Yh, nPop, nPop2, ndv)

    Time = time.time() - start  # Finitialize time counter

    return BestCosts, BestValue, f, Time