예제 #1
# Import EEZYbotARM library
from easyEEZYbotARM.kinematic_model import EEZYbotARM_Mk2
from easyEEZYbotARM.kinematic_model import EEZYbotARM_Mk1

# initial joint angles
jointAngle1 = 0
jointAngle2 = 70
jointAngle3 = -100

# Create an EEZYbotARM Mk2 object
myRobotArm = EEZYbotARM_Mk2(jointAngle1, jointAngle2, jointAngle3)
# Plot it

# Create an EEZYbotARM Mk1 object
myRobotArm = EEZYbotARM_Mk1(jointAngle1, jointAngle2, jointAngle3)
# Plot it
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, arduino_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"):
     self.arduino = arduinoController(port=arduino_port)
     self.arm = EEZYbotARM_Mk2(initial_q1=0, initial_q2=90, initial_q3=-90)
     self.homePos = [0, 110, -140]
예제 #3
# The servos are plugged into the following pin positions on the PCA9685 board:
# Servo_q1 -> EzzyBot base (q1) -> PCA9685 pin 1
# Servo_q2 -> Main arm (q2) -> PCA9685 pin 2
# Servo_q3 -> Horarm (q3) -> PCA9685 pin 3
# Servo_EE -> End Effector (EE) -> PCA9685 pin 0

# Import EEZYbotARM library
from easyEEZYbotARM.kinematic_model import EEZYbotARM_Mk2
from easyEEZYbotARM.serial_communication import arduinoController

# Insert your Arduino serial port here to initialise the arduino controller
myArduino = arduinoController(port="COM3")

# Initialise kinematic model with initial joint angles (home position)
myVirtualRobotArm = EEZYbotARM_Mk2(
    initial_q1=0, initial_q2=90, initial_q3=-130)
# Plot it

# Define end effector open and closed angle
servoAngle_EE_closed = 10
servoAngle_EE_open = 90

# Calculate the current servo angles
servoAngle_q1, servoAngle_q2, servoAngle_q3 = myVirtualRobotArm.map_kinematicsToServoAngles()

# Send the movement command to the arduino. The physical EEZYbotARM will move to this position
# Import EEZYbotARM library
from easyEEZYbotARM.kinematic_model import EEZYbotARM_Mk2

# Initialise robot arm with initial joint angles
myRobotArm = EEZYbotARM_Mk2(initial_q1=0, initial_q2=70, initial_q3=-100)
myRobotArm.plot()  # plot it

# Assign cartesian position where we want the robot arm end effector to move to
# (x,y,z in mm from centre of robot base)
x = 240  # mm
y = 85  # mm
z = 200  # mm

# Compute inverse kinematics
a1, a2, a3 = myRobotArm.inverseKinematics(x, y, z)

# Print the result
    'To move the end effector to the cartesian position (mm) x={}, y={}, z={}, the robot arm joint angles (degrees)  are q1 = {}, q2= {}, q3 = {}'
    .format(x, y, z, a1, a2, a3))

# Visualise the new joint angles
myRobotArm.updateJointAngles(q1=a1, q2=a2, q3=a3)
예제 #5
# Import EEZYbotARM library
from easyEEZYbotARM.kinematic_model import EEZYbotARM_Mk2
from easyEEZYbotARM.serial_communication import arduinoController
import time
import easyEEZYbotARM
import cv2 as cv
from imutils.video import VideoStream

# Insert your Arduino serial port here to initialise the arduino controller
myArduino = arduinoController(port="/dev/ttyUSB0")
import numpy as np

# Initialise kinematic model with initial joint angles (home position)
robot = EEZYbotARM_Mk2(
    initial_q1=0, initial_q2=90, initial_q3=-90)
# Plot it
# Define end effector open and closed angle
servoAngle_EE_closed = 15
servoAngle_EE_open = 90

# Calculate the current servo angles
servoAngle_q1, servoAngle_q2, servoAngle_q3 = robot.map_kinematicsToServoAngles()
print("Initial = , ", servoAngle_q1, ", ", servoAngle_q2, ", ", servoAngle_q3)

# a1 = 0
# a2 = 45
# a3 = -45
# x, y, z = robot.forwardKinematics(q1=a1, q2=a2, q3=a3)
# print("xyz = , ", x, ", ", y, ", ", z)