예제 #1
def find_resolved_modules(unprocessed, avail_modules):
    Find easyconfigs in 1st argument which can be fully resolved using modules specified in 2nd argument
    ordered_ecs = []
    new_avail_modules = avail_modules[:]
    new_unprocessed = []

    for ec in unprocessed:
        new_ec = ec.copy()
        new_ec['dependencies'] = [d for d in new_ec['dependencies'] if not det_full_module_name(d) in new_avail_modules]

        if len(new_ec['dependencies']) == 0:
            _log.debug("Adding easyconfig %s to final list" % new_ec['spec'])


    return ordered_ecs, new_unprocessed, new_avail_modules
예제 #2
def print_dry_run(easyconfigs, short=False, build_specs=None):
    Print dry run information
    @param easyconfigs: list of easyconfig files
    @param short: print short output (use a variable for the common prefix)
    @param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...)
    lines = []
    if build_option('robot_path') is None:
        lines.append("Dry run: printing build status of easyconfigs")
        all_specs = easyconfigs
        lines.append("Dry run: printing build status of easyconfigs and dependencies")
        all_specs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, build_specs=build_specs, retain_all_deps=True)

    unbuilt_specs = skip_available(all_specs, testing=True)
    dry_run_fmt = " * [%1s] %s (module: %s)"  # markdown compatible (list of items with checkboxes in front)

    var_name = 'CFGS'
    common_prefix = det_common_path_prefix([spec['spec'] for spec in all_specs])
    # only allow short if common prefix is long enough
    short = short and common_prefix is not None and len(common_prefix) > len(var_name) * 2
    for spec in all_specs:
        if spec in unbuilt_specs:
            ans = ' '
            ans = 'x'
        mod = det_full_module_name(spec['ec'])

        if short:
            item = os.path.join('$%s' % var_name, spec['spec'][len(common_prefix) + 1:])
            item = spec['spec']
        lines.append(dry_run_fmt % (ans, item, mod))

    if short:
        # insert after 'Dry run:' message
        lines.insert(1, "%s=%s" % (var_name, common_prefix))
    silent = build_option('silent')
    print_msg('\n'.join(lines), log=_log, silent=silent, prefix=False)
예제 #3
 def mk_node_name(spec):
     if omit_versions:
         return spec['name']
         return det_full_module_name(spec)
예제 #4
def resolve_dependencies(unprocessed, build_specs=None, retain_all_deps=False):
    Work through the list of easyconfigs to determine an optimal order
    @param unprocessed: list of easyconfigs
    @param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...)

    robot = build_option('robot_path')

    retain_all_deps = build_option('retain_all_deps') or retain_all_deps
    if retain_all_deps:
        # assume that no modules are available when forced, to retain all dependencies
        avail_modules = []
        _log.info("Forcing all dependencies to be retained.")
        # Get a list of all available modules (format: [(name, installversion), ...])
        avail_modules = modules_tool().available()

        if len(avail_modules) == 0:
            _log.warning("No installed modules. Your MODULEPATH is probably incomplete: %s" % os.getenv('MODULEPATH'))

    ordered_ecs = []
    # all available modules can be used for resolving dependencies except those that will be installed
    being_installed = [p['module'] for p in unprocessed]
    avail_modules = [m for m in avail_modules if not m in being_installed]

    _log.debug('unprocessed before resolving deps: %s' % unprocessed)

    # resolve all dependencies, put a safeguard in place to avoid an infinite loop (shouldn't occur though)
    irresolvable = []
    loopcnt = 0
    maxloopcnt = 10000
    while unprocessed:
        # make sure this stops, we really don't want to get stuck in an infinite loop
        loopcnt += 1
        if loopcnt > maxloopcnt:
            tup = (maxloopcnt, unprocessed, irresolvable)
            msg = "Maximum loop cnt %s reached, so quitting (unprocessed: %s, irresolvable: %s)" % tup

        # first try resolving dependencies without using external dependencies
        last_processed_count = -1
        while len(avail_modules) > last_processed_count:
            last_processed_count = len(avail_modules)
            more_ecs, unprocessed, avail_modules = find_resolved_modules(unprocessed, avail_modules)
            for ec in more_ecs:
                if not ec['module'] in [x['module'] for x in ordered_ecs]:

        # robot: look for existing dependencies, add them
        if robot and unprocessed:

            being_installed = [det_full_module_name(p['ec'], eb_ns=True) for p in unprocessed]

            additional = []
            for i, entry in enumerate(unprocessed):
                # do not choose an entry that is being installed in the current run
                # if they depend, you probably want to rebuild them using the new dependency
                deps = entry['dependencies']
                candidates = [d for d in deps if not det_full_module_name(d, eb_ns=True) in being_installed]
                if len(candidates) > 0:
                    cand_dep = candidates[0]
                    # find easyconfig, might not find any
                    _log.debug("Looking for easyconfig for %s" % str(cand_dep))
                    # note: robot_find_easyconfig may return None
                    path = robot_find_easyconfig(robot, cand_dep['name'], det_full_ec_version(cand_dep))

                    if path is None:
                        # no easyconfig found for dependency, add to list of irresolvable dependencies
                        if cand_dep not in irresolvable:
                            _log.debug("Irresolvable dependency found: %s" % cand_dep)
                        # remove irresolvable dependency from list of dependencies so we can continue
                        _log.info("Robot: resolving dependency %s with %s" % (cand_dep, path))
                        # build specs should not be passed down to resolved dependencies,
                        # to avoid that e.g. --try-toolchain trickles down into the used toolchain itself
                        processed_ecs = process_easyconfig(path, validate=not retain_all_deps)

                        # ensure that selected easyconfig provides required dependency
                        mods = [det_full_module_name(spec['ec']) for spec in processed_ecs]
                        dep_mod_name = det_full_module_name(cand_dep)
                        if not dep_mod_name in mods:
                            tup = (path, dep_mod_name, mods)
                            _log.error("easyconfig file %s does not contain module %s (mods: %s)" % tup)

                        for ec in processed_ecs:
                            if not ec in unprocessed + additional:
                                _log.debug("Added %s as dependency of %s" % (ec, entry))
                    mod_name = det_full_module_name(entry['ec'], eb_ns=True)
                    _log.debug("No more candidate dependencies to resolve for %s" % mod_name)

            # add additional (new) easyconfigs to list of stuff to process

        elif not robot:
            # no use in continuing if robot is not enabled, dependencies won't be resolved anyway
            irresolvable = [dep for x in unprocessed for dep in x['dependencies']]

    if irresolvable:
        irresolvable_mod_deps = [(det_full_module_name(dep, eb_ns=True), dep) for dep in irresolvable]
        _log.error('Irresolvable dependencies encountered: %s' % irresolvable_mod_deps)

    _log.info("Dependency resolution complete, building as follows:\n%s" % ordered_ecs)
    return ordered_ecs