예제 #1
    def test_get_easyblock_class(self):
        """Test get_easyblock_class function."""
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake import ConfigureMake
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.toolchain import Toolchain
        from easybuild.easyblocks.toy import EB_toy
        for easyblock, easyblock_class in [
            ('ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake.ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('Toolchain', Toolchain),
            ('EB_toy', EB_toy),
            self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(easyblock), easyblock_class)

        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='gzip'), ConfigureMake)
        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='toy'), EB_toy)
예제 #2
def process_easyconfig_file(ec_file):
    """Process an easyconfig file: fix if it's broken, back it up before fixing it inline (if requested)."""
    ectxt = read_file(ec_file)
    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ectxt,
                                                       ['name', 'easyblock'])
    derived_easyblock_class = get_easyblock_class(
        easyblock, name=name, error_on_missing_easyblock=False)

    fixed_ectxt = fix_broken_easyconfig(ectxt, derived_easyblock_class)

    if ectxt != fixed_ectxt:
        if go.options.backup:
                backup_ec_file = '%s.bk' % ec_file
                i = 1
                while os.path.exists(backup_ec_file):
                    backup_ec_file = '%s.bk%d' % (ec_file, i)
                    i += 1
                os.rename(ec_file, backup_ec_file)
                log.info("Backed up %s to %s" % (ec_file, backup_ec_file))
            except OSError, err:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to backup %s before rewriting it: %s", ec_file,

        write_file(ec_file, fixed_ectxt)
        log.debug("Contents of fixed easyconfig file: %s" % fixed_ectxt)

        log.info("%s: fixed" % ec_file)
예제 #3
    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_easyblock_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(extra, has_default=False)
        if len(extra) > 0:
            ebb_msg = " (* indicates specific for the %s EasyBlock)" % app.__name__
            extra_names = [x[0] for x in extra]
            ebb_msg = ''
            extra_names = []
        txt = ["Available easyconfig parameters%s" % ebb_msg]
        params = [(k, v) for (k, v) in mapping.items() if k.upper() not in ['HIDDEN']]
        for key, values in params:
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append('-' * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                if name in extra_names:
                    starred = '(*)'
                    starred = ''
                txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (name, starred, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)
예제 #4
def pre_configure_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
    "Modify configopts (here is more efficient than parse_hook since only called once)"
    orig_enable_templating = self.cfg.enable_templating
    self.cfg.enable_templating = False

    modify_all_opts(self.cfg, opts_changes, opts_to_skip=PARSE_OPTS)

    ec = self.cfg
    # additional changes for CMakeMake EasyBlocks
    CMakeMake_configopts_changes = (
        + ' -DOPENGL_glu_LIBRARY=$NIXUSER_PROFILE/lib/libGLU.so ' +
        + ' -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$EBROOTPYTHON/bin/python ' +

    if ec.easyblock is None or isinstance(ec.easyblock, str):
        c = get_easyblock_class(ec.easyblock, name=ec.name)
    elif isinstance(ec.easyblock, type):
        c = ec.easyblock
    if c == CMakeMake or issubclass(c, CMakeMake):
        # skip for those
        if (ec['name'], ec['version']) in [('ROOT', '5.34.36'),
                                           ('mariadb', '10.4.11')]:
            update_opts(ec, CMakeMake_configopts_changes, 'configopts',

    self.cfg.enable_templating = orig_enable_templating
예제 #5
def check_sha256_checksums(ecs, whitelist=None):
    Check whether all provided (parsed) easyconfigs have SHA256 checksums for sources & patches.

    :param whitelist: list of regex patterns on easyconfig filenames; check is skipped for matching easyconfigs
    :return: list of strings describing checksum issues (missing checksums, wrong checksum type, etc.)
    checksum_issues = []

    if whitelist is None:
        whitelist = []

    for ec in ecs:
        # skip whitelisted software
        ec_fn = os.path.basename(ec.path)
        if any(re.match(regex, ec_fn) for regex in whitelist):
                "Skipping SHA256 checksum check for %s because of whitelist (%s)",
                ec.path, whitelist)

        eb_class = get_easyblock_class(ec['easyblock'], name=ec['name'])

    return checksum_issues
예제 #6
def pre_configure_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
    "Modify configopts (here is more efficient than parse_hook since only called once)"
    orig_enable_templating = self.cfg.enable_templating
    self.cfg.enable_templating = False

                    opts_to_skip=PARSE_OPTS +
                    ['exts_list', 'postinstallcmds', 'modluafooter'])

    # additional changes for CMakeMake EasyBlocks
    ec = self.cfg
    if ec.easyblock is None or isinstance(ec.easyblock, str):
        c = get_easyblock_class(ec.easyblock, name=ec.name)
    elif isinstance(ec.easyblock, type):
        c = ec.easyblock
    if c == CMakeMake or issubclass(c, CMakeMake):
        # skip for those
        if (ec['name'], ec['version']) in [('ROOT', '5.34.36'),
                                           ('mariadb', '10.4.11')]:
            update_opts(ec, ' -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON ', 'configopts',
        # disable XHOST
        update_opts(ec, ' -DENABLE_XHOST=OFF ', 'configopts', PREPEND)
        # use verbose makefile to get the command lines that are executed
        update_opts(ec, ' -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON ', 'configopts',

    # additional changes for MesonNinja EasyBlocks
    if (c == MesonNinja or issubclass(c, MesonNinja)) and c != CMakeNinja:
        update_opts(ec, False, 'fail_on_missing_ninja_meson_dep', REPLACE)

    self.cfg.enable_templating = orig_enable_templating
def process_easyconfig_file(ec_file):
    """Process an easyconfig file: fix if it's broken, back it up before fixing it inline (if requested)."""
    ectxt = read_file(ec_file)
    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ectxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])
    derived_easyblock_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name, default_fallback=False)

    fixed_ectxt = fix_broken_easyconfig(ectxt, derived_easyblock_class)

    if ectxt != fixed_ectxt:
        if go.options.backup:
                backup_ec_file = '%s.bk' % ec_file
                i = 1
                while os.path.exists(backup_ec_file):
                    backup_ec_file = '%s.bk%d' % (ec_file, i)
                    i += 1
                os.rename(ec_file, backup_ec_file)
                log.info("Backed up %s to %s" % (ec_file, backup_ec_file))
            except OSError, err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to backup %s before rewriting it: %s", ec_file, err)

        write_file(ec_file, fixed_ectxt)
        log.debug("Contents of fixed easyconfig file: %s" % fixed_ectxt)

        log.info("%s: fixed" % ec_file)
예제 #8
def dump_env_script(easyconfigs):
    Dump source scripts that set up build environment for specified easyconfigs.

    :param easyconfigs: list of easyconfigs to generate scripts for
    ecs_and_script_paths = []
    for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
        script_path = '%s.env' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(easyconfig['spec']))[0]
        ecs_and_script_paths.append((easyconfig['ec'], script_path))

    # don't just overwrite existing scripts
    existing_scripts = [s for (_, s) in ecs_and_script_paths if os.path.exists(s)]
    if existing_scripts:
        if build_option('force'):
            _log.info("Found existing scripts, overwriting them: %s", ' '.join(existing_scripts))
            raise EasyBuildError("Script(s) already exists, not overwriting them (unless --force is used): %s",
                                 ' '.join(existing_scripts))

    orig_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

    for ec, script_path in ecs_and_script_paths:
        # obtain EasyBlock instance
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ec['easyblock'], name=ec['name'])
        app = app_class(ec)

        # mimic dry run, and keep quiet
        app.dry_run = app.silent = app.toolchain.dry_run = True

        # prepare build environment (in dry run mode)

        # compose script
        ecfile = os.path.basename(ec.path)
        script_lines = [
            "# script to set up build environment as defined by EasyBuild v%s for %s" % (EASYBUILD_VERSION, ecfile),
            "# usage: source %s" % os.path.basename(script_path),

        script_lines.extend(['', "# toolchain & dependency modules"])
        if app.toolchain.modules:
            script_lines.extend(["module load %s" % mod for mod in app.toolchain.modules])
            script_lines.append("# (no modules loaded)")

        script_lines.extend(['', "# build environment"])
        if app.toolchain.vars:
            env_vars = sorted(app.toolchain.vars.items())
            script_lines.extend(["export %s='%s'" % (var, val.replace("'", "\\'")) for (var, val) in env_vars])
            script_lines.append("# (no build environment defined)")

        write_file(script_path, '\n'.join(script_lines))
        print_msg("Script to set up build environment for %s dumped to %s" % (ecfile, script_path), prefix=False)

예제 #9
def dump_env_script(easyconfigs):
    Dump source scripts that set up build environment for specified easyconfigs.

    :param easyconfigs: list of easyconfigs to generate scripts for
    ecs_and_script_paths = []
    for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
        script_path = '%s.env' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(easyconfig['spec']))[0]
        ecs_and_script_paths.append((easyconfig['ec'], script_path))

    # don't just overwrite existing scripts
    existing_scripts = [s for (_, s) in ecs_and_script_paths if os.path.exists(s)]
    if existing_scripts:
        if build_option('force'):
            _log.info("Found existing scripts, overwriting them: %s", ' '.join(existing_scripts))
            raise EasyBuildError("Script(s) already exists, not overwriting them (unless --force is used): %s",
                                 ' '.join(existing_scripts))

    orig_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

    for ec, script_path in ecs_and_script_paths:
        # obtain EasyBlock instance
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ec['easyblock'], name=ec['name'])
        app = app_class(ec)

        # mimic dry run, and keep quiet
        app.dry_run = app.silent = app.toolchain.dry_run = True

        # prepare build environment (in dry run mode)

        # compose script
        ecfile = os.path.basename(ec.path)
        script_lines = [
            "# script to set up build environment as defined by EasyBuild v%s for %s" % (EASYBUILD_VERSION, ecfile),
            "# usage: source %s" % os.path.basename(script_path),

        script_lines.extend(['', "# toolchain & dependency modules"])
        if app.toolchain.modules:
            script_lines.extend(["module load %s" % mod for mod in app.toolchain.modules])
            script_lines.append("# (no modules loaded)")

        script_lines.extend(['', "# build environment"])
        if app.toolchain.vars:
            env_vars = sorted(app.toolchain.vars.items())
            script_lines.extend(["export %s='%s'" % (var, val.replace("'", "\\'")) for (var, val) in env_vars])
            script_lines.append("# (no build environment defined)")

        write_file(script_path, '\n'.join(script_lines))
        print_msg("Script to set up build environment for %s dumped to %s" % (ecfile, script_path), prefix=False)

예제 #10
    def test_get_easyblock_class(self):
        """Test get_easyblock_class function."""
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake import ConfigureMake
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.toolchain import Toolchain
        from easybuild.easyblocks.toy import EB_toy
        for easyblock, easyblock_class in [
            ('ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake.ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('Toolchain', Toolchain),
            ('EB_toy', EB_toy),
            self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(easyblock), easyblock_class)

        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='gzip', default_fallback=False), None)
        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='toy'), EB_toy)
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, "Failed to import EB_TOY", get_easyblock_class, None, name='TOY')
        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='TOY', error_on_failed_import=False), None)
예제 #11
    def test_get_easyblock_class(self):
        """Test get_easyblock_class function."""
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake import ConfigureMake
        from easybuild.easyblocks.generic.toolchain import Toolchain
        from easybuild.easyblocks.toy import EB_toy
        for easyblock, easyblock_class in [
            ('ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake.ConfigureMake', ConfigureMake),
            ('Toolchain', Toolchain),
            ('EB_toy', EB_toy),
            self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(easyblock), easyblock_class)

        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='gzip', default_fallback=False), None)
        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='toy'), EB_toy)
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, "Failed to import EB_TOY", get_easyblock_class, None, name='TOY')
        self.assertEqual(get_easyblock_class(None, name='TOY', error_on_failed_import=False), None)
예제 #12
def template_module_only_test(self,
    """Test whether all easyblocks are compatible with --module-only."""

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, name=name, version=version, extratxt=extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # run all steps, most should be skipped
        orig_workdir = os.getcwd()

        modfile = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', 'foo', '1.3.2')
        luamodfile = '%s.lua' % modfile
            os.path.exists(modfile) or os.path.exists(luamodfile),
            "Module file %s or %s was generated" % (modfile, luamodfile))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #13
    def install_step(self):
        """Install components, if specified."""
        comp_cnt = len(self.cfg['components'])
        for idx, cfg in enumerate(self.comp_cfgs):
            easyblock = cfg.get('easyblock') or self.cfg['default_easyblock']
            if easyblock is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No easyblock specified for component %s v%s", cfg['name'],
            elif easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "The '%s' easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle",

            print_msg("installing bundle component %s v%s (%d/%d)..." %
                      (cfg['name'], cfg['version'], idx + 1, comp_cnt))
            self.log.info("Installing component %s v%s using easyblock %s",
                          cfg['name'], cfg['version'], easyblock)

            comp = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=cfg['name'])(cfg)

            # correct build/install dirs
            comp.builddir = self.builddir
            comp.install_subdir, comp.installdir = self.install_subdir, self.installdir

            # figure out correct start directory

            # need to run fetch_patches to ensure per-component patches are applied
            # location of first unpacked source is used to determine where to apply patch(es)
            comp.src = [{'finalpath': comp.cfg['start_dir']}]

            # run relevant steps
            for step_name in ['patch', 'configure', 'build', 'install']:
                if step_name in cfg['skipsteps']:
                    comp.log.info("Skipping '%s' step for component %s v%s",
                                  step_name, cfg['name'], cfg['version'])
                        [lambda x: getattr(x, '%s_step' % step_name)])

            # update environment to ensure stuff provided by former components can be picked up by latter components
            # once the installation is finalised, this is handled by the generated module
            reqs = comp.make_module_req_guess()
            for envvar in reqs:
                curr_val = os.getenv(envvar, '')
                curr_paths = curr_val.split(os.pathsep)
                for subdir in reqs[envvar]:
                    path = os.path.join(self.installdir, subdir)
                    if path not in curr_paths:
                        if curr_val:
                            new_val = '%s:%s' % (path, curr_val)
                            new_val = path
                        env.setvar(envvar, new_val)
def template_init_test(self, easyblock):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    def check_extra_options_format(extra_options):
        """Make sure extra_options value is of correct format."""
        # EasyBuild v1.x
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, list))
        for extra_option in extra_options:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option, tuple))
            self.assertEqual(len(extra_option), 2)
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option[0], basestring))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option[1], list))
            self.assertEqual(len(extra_option[1]), 3)
        # EasyBuild v2.0 (breaks backward compatibility compared to v1.x)
        #self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, dict))
        #for key in extra_options:
        #    self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options[key], list))
        #    self.assertTrue(len(extra_options[key]), 3)

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" % (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_txt = ''
        for (key, val) in extra_options:
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
def template_init_test(self, easyblock):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""
    def check_extra_options_format(extra_options):
        """Make sure extra_options value is of correct format."""
        # EasyBuild v1.x
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, list))
        for extra_option in extra_options:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option, tuple))
            self.assertEqual(len(extra_option), 2)
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option[0], basestring))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_option[1], list))
            self.assertEqual(len(extra_option[1]), 3)
        # EasyBuild v2.0 (breaks backward compatibility compared to v1.x)
        #self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, dict))
        #for key in extra_options:
        #    self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options[key], list))
        #    self.assertTrue(len(extra_options[key]), 3)

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_txt = ''
        for (key, val) in extra_options:
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #16
    def test_make_module_pythonpackage(self):
        """Test make_module_step of PythonPackage easyblock."""
        app_class = get_easyblock_class('PythonPackage')
        self.writeEC('PythonPackage', name='testpypkg', version='3.14')
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # install dir should not be there yet

        # create install dir and populate it with subdirs/files
        mkdir(app.installdir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'bin', 'foo'), 'echo foo!')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'include', 'foo.h'), 'bar')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'libfoo.a'), 'libfoo')
        pyver = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'python%s' % pyver, 'site-packages', 'foo.egg'), 'foo egg')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig', 'foo.pc'), 'libfoo: foo')

        # create module file

        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir)
        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir_mod)

        modtxt = None
        for cand_mod_filename in ['3.14', '3.14.lua']:
            full_modpath = os.path.join(app.installdir_mod, 'testpypkg', cand_mod_filename)
            if os.path.exists(full_modpath):
                modtxt = read_file(full_modpath)

        self.assertFalse(modtxt is None)

        regexs = [
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WCPATH\W.*include"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPATH\W.*bin"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPKG_CONFIG_PATH\W.*lib64/pkgconfig"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPYTHONPATH\W.*lib/python2.[0-9]/site-packages"?\W*$', True),
            # lib64 doesn't contain any library files, so these are *not* included in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBRARY_PATH
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
        for (pattern, found) in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
            if found:
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt)
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' not found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt)

            self.assertEqual(bool(regex.search(modtxt)), found, assert_msg)
예제 #17
    def test_make_module_pythonpackage(self):
        """Test make_module_step of PythonPackage easyblock."""
        app_class = get_easyblock_class('PythonPackage')
        self.writeEC('PythonPackage', name='testpypkg', version='3.14')
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # install dir should not be there yet

        # create install dir and populate it with subdirs/files
        mkdir(app.installdir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'bin', 'foo'), 'echo foo!')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'include', 'foo.h'), 'bar')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'libfoo.a'), 'libfoo')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages', 'foo.egg'), 'foo egg')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig', 'foo.pc'), 'libfoo: foo')

        # create module file

        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir)
        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir_mod)

        modtxt = None
        for cand_mod_filename in ['3.14', '3.14.lua']:
            full_modpath = os.path.join(app.installdir_mod, 'testpypkg', cand_mod_filename)
            if os.path.exists(full_modpath):
                modtxt = read_file(full_modpath)

        self.assertFalse(modtxt is None)

        regexs = [
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WCPATH\W.*include"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPATH\W.*bin"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPKG_CONFIG_PATH\W.*lib64/pkgconfig"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPYTHONPATH\W.*lib/python2.7/site-packages"?\W*$', True),
            # lib64 doesn't contain any library files, so these are *not* included in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBRARY_PATH
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
        for (pattern, found) in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
            if found:
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt)
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' not found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt)

            self.assertEqual(bool(regex.search(modtxt)), found, assert_msg)
예제 #18
def template_module_only_test(self, easyblock, name='foo', version='1.3.2', extra_txt=''):
    """Test whether all easyblocks are compatible with --module-only."""

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" % (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, name=name, version=version, extratxt=extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # run all steps, most should be skipped
        orig_workdir = os.getcwd()

        modfile = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', 'foo', '1.3.2')
        luamodfile = '%s.lua' % modfile
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(modfile) or os.path.exists(luamodfile),
                        "Module file %s or %s was generated" % (modfile, luamodfile))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #19
    def install_step(self):
        """Install components, if specified."""
        comp_cnt = len(self.cfg['components'])
        for idx, cfg in enumerate(self.comp_cfgs):
            easyblock = cfg.get('easyblock') or self.cfg['default_easyblock']
            if easyblock is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No easyblock specified for component %d v%d", cfg['name'],
            elif easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "The '%s' easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle",

            print_msg("installing bundle component %s v%s (%d/%d)..." %
                      (cfg['name'], cfg['version'], idx + 1, comp_cnt))
            self.log.info("Installing component %s v%s using easyblock %s",
                          cfg['name'], cfg['version'], easyblock)

            comp = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=cfg['name'])(cfg)

            # correct build/install dirs
            comp.builddir = self.builddir
            comp.install_subdir, comp.installdir = self.install_subdir, self.installdir

            # figure out correct start directory

            # run relevant steps

            # update environment to ensure stuff provided by former components can be picked up by latter components
            # once the installation is finalised, this is handled by the generated module
            reqs = comp.make_module_req_guess()
            for envvar in reqs:
                curr_val = os.getenv(envvar, '')
                curr_paths = curr_val.split(os.pathsep)
                for subdir in reqs[envvar]:
                    path = os.path.join(self.installdir, subdir)
                    if path not in curr_paths:
                        if curr_val:
                            new_val = '%s:%s' % (path, curr_val)
                            new_val = path
                        env.setvar(envvar, new_val)
    def install_step(self):
        """Install components, if specified."""
        comp_cnt = len(self.cfg['components'])
        for idx, cfg in enumerate(self.comp_cfgs):
            easyblock = cfg.get('easyblock') or self.cfg['default_easyblock']
            if easyblock is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("No easyblock specified for component %s v%s", cfg['name'], cfg['version'])
            elif easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError("The '%s' easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle", easyblock)

            print_msg("installing bundle component %s v%s (%d/%d)..." % (cfg['name'], cfg['version'], idx+1, comp_cnt))
            self.log.info("Installing component %s v%s using easyblock %s", cfg['name'], cfg['version'], easyblock)

            comp = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=cfg['name'])(cfg)

            # correct build/install dirs
            comp.builddir = self.builddir
            comp.install_subdir, comp.installdir = self.install_subdir, self.installdir

            # figure out correct start directory

            # need to run fetch_patches to ensure per-component patches are applied
            # location of first unpacked source is used to determine where to apply patch(es)
            comp.src = [{'finalpath': comp.cfg['start_dir']}]

            # run relevant steps
            for step_name in ['patch', 'configure', 'build', 'install']:
                if step_name in cfg['skipsteps']:
                    comp.log.info("Skipping '%s' step for component %s v%s", step_name, cfg['name'], cfg['version'])
                    comp.run_step(step_name, [lambda x: getattr(x, '%s_step' % step_name)])

            # update environment to ensure stuff provided by former components can be picked up by latter components
            # once the installation is finalised, this is handled by the generated module
            reqs = comp.make_module_req_guess()
            for envvar in reqs:
                curr_val = os.getenv(envvar, '')
                curr_paths = curr_val.split(os.pathsep)
                for subdir in reqs[envvar]:
                    path = os.path.join(self.installdir, subdir)
                    if path not in curr_paths:
                        if curr_val:
                            new_val = '%s:%s' % (path, curr_val)
                            new_val = path
                        env.setvar(envvar, new_val)
예제 #21
def avail_easyconfig_params(easyblock, output_format):
    Compose overview of available easyconfig parameters, in specified format.
    params = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)

    # include list of extra parameters (if any)
    extra_params = {}
    app = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, default_fallback=False)
    if app is not None:
        extra_params = app.extra_options()

    # compose title
    title = "Available easyconfig parameters"
    if extra_params:
        title += " (* indicates specific to the %s easyblock)" % app.__name__

    # group parameters by category
    grouped_params = OrderedDict()
    for category in sorted_categories():
        # exclude hidden parameters
        if category[1].upper() in [HIDDEN]:

        grpname = category[1]
        grouped_params[grpname] = {}
        for name, (dflt, descr, cat) in params.items():
            if cat == category:
                if name in extra_params:
                    # mark easyblock-specific parameters
                    name = '%s*' % name
                grouped_params[grpname].update({name: (descr, dflt)})

        if not grouped_params[grpname]:
            del grouped_params[grpname]

    # compose output, according to specified format (txt, rst, ...)
    avail_easyconfig_params_functions = {
        FORMAT_RST: avail_easyconfig_params_rst,
        FORMAT_TXT: avail_easyconfig_params_txt,
    return avail_easyconfig_params_functions[output_format](title,
예제 #22
def dump_env_script(easyconfigs):
    Dump source scripts that set up build environment for specified easyconfigs.

    :param easyconfigs: list of easyconfigs to generate scripts for
    ecs_and_script_paths = []
    for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
        script_path = '%s.env' % os.path.splitext(
        ecs_and_script_paths.append((easyconfig['ec'], script_path))

    # don't just overwrite existing scripts
    existing_scripts = [
        s for (_, s) in ecs_and_script_paths if os.path.exists(s)
    if existing_scripts:
        if build_option('force'):
            _log.info("Found existing scripts, overwriting them: %s",
                      ' '.join(existing_scripts))
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Script(s) already exists, not overwriting them (unless --force is used): %s",
                ' '.join(existing_scripts))

    orig_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

    for ec, script_path in ecs_and_script_paths:
        # obtain EasyBlock instance
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ec['easyblock'], name=ec['name'])
        app = app_class(ec)

        # mimic dry run, and keep quiet
        app.dry_run = app.silent = app.toolchain.dry_run = True

        # prepare build environment (in dry run mode)

        # create the environment dump
예제 #23
def avail_easyconfig_params(easyblock, output_format):
    Compose overview of available easyconfig parameters, in specified format.
    params = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)

    # include list of extra parameters (if any)
    extra_params = {}
    app = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, default_fallback=False)
    if app is not None:
        extra_params = app.extra_options()

    # compose title
    title = "Available easyconfig parameters"
    if extra_params:
        title += " (* indicates specific to the %s easyblock)" % app.__name__

    # group parameters by category
    grouped_params = OrderedDict()
    for category in sorted_categories():
        # exclude hidden parameters
        if category[1].upper() in [HIDDEN]:

        grpname = category[1]
        grouped_params[grpname] = {}
        for name, (dflt, descr, cat) in params.items():
            if cat == category:
                if name in extra_params:
                    # mark easyblock-specific parameters
                    name = '%s*' % name
                grouped_params[grpname].update({name: (descr, dflt)})

        if not grouped_params[grpname]:
            del grouped_params[grpname]

    # compose output, according to specified format (txt, rst, ...)
    avail_easyconfig_params_functions = {
        FORMAT_RST: avail_easyconfig_params_rst,
        FORMAT_TXT: avail_easyconfig_params_txt,
    return avail_easyconfig_params_functions[output_format](title, grouped_params)
예제 #24
    def install_step(self):
        """Install components, if specified."""
        comp_cnt = len(self.cfg['components'])
        for idx, cfg in enumerate(self.comp_cfgs):
            easyblock = cfg.get('easyblock') or self.cfg['default_easyblock']
            if easyblock is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("No easyblock specified for component %d v%d", cfg['name'], cfg['version'])
            elif easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError("The '%s' easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle", easyblock)

            print_msg("installing bundle component %s v%s (%d/%d)..." % (cfg['name'], cfg['version'], idx+1, comp_cnt))
            self.log.info("Installing component %s v%s using easyblock %s", cfg['name'], cfg['version'], easyblock)

            comp = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=cfg['name'])(cfg)

            # correct build/install dirs
            comp.builddir = self.builddir
            comp.install_subdir, comp.installdir = self.install_subdir, self.installdir

            # figure out correct start directory

            # run relevant steps

            # update environment to ensure stuff provided by former components can be picked up by latter components
            # once the installation is finalised, this is handled by the generated module
            reqs = comp.make_module_req_guess()
            for envvar in reqs:
                curr_val = os.getenv(envvar, '')
                curr_paths = curr_val.split(os.pathsep)
                for subdir in reqs[envvar]:
                    path = os.path.join(self.installdir, subdir)
                    if path not in curr_paths:
                        if curr_val:
                            new_val = '%s:%s' % (path, curr_val)
                            new_val = path
                        env.setvar(envvar, new_val)
예제 #25
def check_sha256_checksums(ecs, whitelist=None):
    Check whether all provided (parsed) easyconfigs have SHA256 checksums for sources & patches.

    :param whitelist: list of regex patterns on easyconfig filenames; check is skipped for matching easyconfigs
    :return: list of strings describing checksum issues (missing checksums, wrong checksum type, etc.)
    checksum_issues = []

    if whitelist is None:
        whitelist = []

    for ec in ecs:
        # skip whitelisted software
        ec_fn = os.path.basename(ec.path)
        if any(re.match(regex, ec_fn) for regex in whitelist):
            _log.info("Skipping SHA256 checksum check for %s because of whitelist (%s)", ec.path, whitelist)

        eb_class = get_easyblock_class(ec['easyblock'], name=ec['name'])

    return checksum_issues
예제 #26
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs', letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain
                        self.assertNotEqual(dumped_dep[3], (orig_toolchain['name'], orig_toolchain['version']))

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #27
def template_init_test(self, easyblock, name='foo', version='1.3.2'):
    """Test whether all easyblocks can be initialized."""
    def check_extra_options_format(extra_options):
        """Make sure extra_options value is of correct format."""
        # EasyBuild v2.0: dict with <string> keys and <list> values
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, dict))
        for key in extra_options.keys():
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options[key], list))
            self.assertTrue(len(extra_options[key]), 3)

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # make sure error reporting is done correctly (no more log.error, log.exception)
    log_method_regexes = [
    for regex in log_method_regexes:
            "No match for '%s' in %s" % (regex.pattern, easyblock))

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_txt = ''
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, name=name, version=version, extratxt=extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # check whether easyblock instance is still using functions from a deprecated location
        mod = __import__(app.__module__, [], [], ['easybuild.easyblocks'])
        moved_functions = [
            'modify_env', 'parse_log_for_error', 'read_environment', 'run_cmd',
        for fn in moved_functions:
            if hasattr(mod, fn):
                tup = (fn, app.__module__, globals()[fn].__module__)
                    getattr(mod, fn) is globals()[fn],
                    "%s in %s is imported from %s" % tup)
        renamed_functions = [
            ('source_paths', 'source_path'),
            ('get_avail_core_count', 'get_core_count'),
            ('get_os_type', 'get_kernel_name'),
            ('det_full_ec_version', 'det_installversion'),
        for (new_fn, old_fn) in renamed_functions:
                hasattr(mod, old_fn),
                "%s: %s is replaced by %s" % (app.__module__, old_fn, new_fn))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #28
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig 
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # sanity check for software name
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name) 

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    for key in app.extra_options():
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #29
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs', letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure that $root is not used, since it is not compatible with module files in Lua syntax
    res = re.findall('.*\$root.*', ec.rawtxt, re.M)
    error_msg = "Found use of '$root', not compatible with modules in Lua syntax, use '%%(installdir)s' instead: %s"
    self.assertFalse(res, error_msg % res)

    # make sure old GitHub urls for EasyBuild that include 'hpcugent' are no longer used
    old_urls = [
    for old_url in old_urls:
        self.assertFalse(old_url in ec.rawtxt, "Old URL '%s' not found in %s" % (old_url, spec))

    # make sure binutils is included as a build dep if toolchain is GCCcore
    if ec['toolchain']['name'] == 'GCCcore':
        # with 'Tarball' easyblock: only unpacking, no building; Eigen is also just a tarball
        requires_binutils = ec['easyblock'] not in ['Tarball'] and ec['name'] not in ['Eigen']

        # let's also exclude the very special case where the system GCC is used as GCCcore, and only apply this
        # exception to the dependencies of binutils (since we should eventually build a new binutils with GCCcore)
        if ec['toolchain']['version'] == 'system':
            binutils_complete_dependencies = ['M4', 'Bison', 'flex', 'help2man', 'zlib', 'binutils']
            requires_binutils &= bool(ec['name'] not in binutils_complete_dependencies)
        # if no sources/extensions/components are specified, it's just a bundle (nothing is being compiled)
        requires_binutils &= bool(ec['sources'] or ec['exts_list'] or ec.get('components'))

        if requires_binutils:
            dep_names = [d['name'] for d in ec['builddependencies']]
            self.assertTrue('binutils' in dep_names, "binutils is a build dep in %s: %s" % (spec, dep_names))

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain
                        self.assertNotEqual(dumped_dep[3], (orig_toolchain['name'], orig_toolchain['version']))

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #30
def template_init_test(self, easyblock):
    """Test whether all easyblocks can be initialized."""

    def check_extra_options_format(extra_options):
        """Make sure extra_options value is of correct format."""
        # EasyBuild v2.0: dict with <string> keys and <list> values
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, dict))
        for key in extra_options.keys():
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options[key], list))
            self.assertTrue(len(extra_options[key]), 3)

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # make sure error reporting is done correctly (no more log.error, log.exception)
    log_method_regexes = [
    for regex in log_method_regexes:
        self.assertFalse(regex.search(txt), "No match for '%s' in %s" % (regex.pattern, easyblock))

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" % (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_txt = ''
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # check whether easyblock instance is still using functions from a deprecated location
        mod = __import__(app.__module__, [], [], ['easybuild.easyblocks'])
        moved_functions = ['modify_env', 'parse_log_for_error', 'read_environment', 'run_cmd', 'run_cmd_qa']
        for fn in moved_functions:
            if hasattr(mod, fn):
                tup = (fn, app.__module__, globals()[fn].__module__)
                self.assertTrue(getattr(mod, fn) is globals()[fn], "%s in %s is imported from %s" % tup)
        renamed_functions = [
            ('source_paths', 'source_path'),
            ('get_avail_core_count', 'get_core_count'),
            ('get_os_type', 'get_kernel_name'),
            ('det_full_ec_version', 'det_installversion'),
        for (new_fn, old_fn) in renamed_functions:
            self.assertFalse(hasattr(mod, old_fn), "%s: %s is replaced by %s" % (app.__module__, old_fn, new_fn))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec.name)
                ec.easyblock = None
                # check if an easyblock exists
                ebclass = get_easyblock_class(None,
                if ebclass is not None:
                    module = ebclass.__module__.split('.')[-1]
                    if module != "configuremake":
                        ec.easyblock = module
        except Exception, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("faulty easyconfig %s: %s", ec_file, err)

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config: config.name.lower())
firstl = ""
예제 #32
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']

        # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (
        spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt,
                                                       ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs',
                                   letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (
        spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or app_class is not ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure that $root is not used, since it is not compatible with module files in Lua syntax
    res = re.findall('.*\$root.*', ec.rawtxt, re.M)
    error_msg = "Found use of '$root', not compatible with modules in Lua syntax, use '%%(installdir)s' instead: %s"
    self.assertFalse(res, error_msg % res)

    # make sure old GitHub urls for EasyBuild that include 'hpcugent' are no longer used
    old_urls = [
    for old_url in old_urls:
        self.assertFalse(old_url in ec.rawtxt,
                         "Old URL '%s' not found in %s" % (old_url, spec))

    # make sure binutils is included as a build dep if toolchain is GCCcore
    if ec['toolchain']['name'] == 'GCCcore':
        # with 'Tarball' easyblock: only unpacking, no building; Eigen is also just a tarball
        requires_binutils = ec['easyblock'] not in [
        ] and ec['name'] not in ['Eigen']

        # let's also exclude the very special case where the system GCC is used as GCCcore, and only apply this
        # exception to the dependencies of binutils (since we should eventually build a new binutils with GCCcore)
        if ec['toolchain']['version'] == 'system':
            binutils_complete_dependencies = [
                'M4', 'Bison', 'flex', 'help2man', 'zlib', 'binutils'
            requires_binutils &= bool(
                ec['name'] not in binutils_complete_dependencies)

        # if no sources/extensions/components are specified, it's just a bundle (nothing is being compiled)
        requires_binutils &= bool(ec['sources'] or ec['exts_list']
                                  or ec.get('components'))

        if requires_binutils:
            dep_names = [d['name'] for d in ec.builddependencies()]
                'binutils' in dep_names,
                "binutils is a build dep in %s: %s" % (spec, dep_names))

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)

    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #33
    if '.git' in subfolders:
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec)
                # check if an easyblock exists
                module = get_easyblock_class(None, name=ec.name).__module__.split('.')[-1]
                if module != "configuremake":
                    ec.easyblock = module
                    ec.easyblock = None
        except Exception, err:
            log.error("faulty easyconfig %s: %s" % (ec_file, err))

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config : config.name.lower())
firstl = ""

# print out the configs in markdown format for the wiki
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig 
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # sanity check for software name
    name = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'name')
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name) 

    # try and fetch easyblock spec from easyconfig
    easyblock = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'easyblock')

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)
    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)


    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #35
def template_module_only_test(self, easyblock, name='foo', version='1.3.2', extra_txt=''):
    """Test whether all easyblocks are compatible with --module-only."""

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" % (easyblock, ebname))

        toolchain = None

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)

        # easyblocks deriving from IntelBase require a license file to be found for --module-only
        if app_class == IntelBase or IntelBase in app_class.__bases__:
            os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'] = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'intel.lic')
            write_file(os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'], '# dummy license')

        if app_class == EB_IMOD:
            # $JAVA_HOME must be set for IMOD
            os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = tmpdir

        if app_class == EB_OpenFOAM:
            # proper toolchain must be used for OpenFOAM(-Extend), to determine value to set for $WM_COMPILER
            write_file(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'GCC', '4.9.3-2.25'), '\n'.join([
                'setenv EBROOTGCC %s' % tmpdir,
                'setenv EBVERSIONGCC 4.9.3',
            write_file(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'OpenMPI', '1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25'), '\n'.join([
                'setenv EBROOTOPENMPI %s' % tmpdir,
                'setenv EBVERSIONOPENMPI 1.10.2',
            write_file(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'gompi', '2016a'), '\n'.join([
                'module load GCC/4.9.3-2.25',
                'module load OpenMPI/1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25',
            os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = tmpdir
            toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '2016a'}

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, name=name, version=version, extratxt=extra_txt, toolchain=toolchain)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # run all steps, most should be skipped
        orig_workdir = os.getcwd()

        modfile = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', name, version)
        luamodfile = '%s.lua' % modfile
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(modfile) or os.path.exists(luamodfile),
                        "Module file %s or %s was generated" % (modfile, luamodfile))

        if os.path.exists(modfile):
            modtxt = read_file(modfile)
            modtxt = read_file(luamodfile)

        none_regex = re.compile('None')
        self.assertFalse(none_regex.search(modtxt), "None not found in module file: %s" % modtxt)

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #36
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize easyblock."""
        super(Bundle, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.altroot = None
        self.altversion = None

        # list of EasyConfig instances for components
        self.comp_cfgs = []

        # list of EasyConfig instances of components for which to run sanity checks
        self.comp_cfgs_sanity_check = []

        # list of sources for bundle itself *must* be empty
        if self.cfg['sources']:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "List of sources for bundle itself must be empty, found %s",
        if self.cfg['patches']:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "List of patches for bundle itself must be empty, found %s",

        # disable templating to avoid premature resolving of template values
        self.cfg.enable_templating = False

        # list of checksums for patches (must be included after checksums for sources)
        checksums_patches = []

        if self.cfg['sanity_check_components'] and self.cfg[
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "sanity_check_components and sanity_check_all_components cannot be enabled together"

        # backup and reset general sanity checks from main body of ec, if component-specific sanity checks are enabled
        # necessary to avoid:
        # - duplicating the general sanity check across all components running sanity checks
        # - general sanity checks taking precedence over those defined in a component's easyblock
        self.backup_sanity_paths = self.cfg['sanity_check_paths']
        self.backup_sanity_cmds = self.cfg['sanity_check_commands']
        if self.cfg['sanity_check_components'] or self.cfg[
            # reset general sanity checks, to be restored later
            self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = {}
            self.cfg['sanity_check_commands'] = {}

        for comp in self.cfg['components']:
            comp_name, comp_version, comp_specs = comp[0], comp[1], {}
            if len(comp) == 3:
                comp_specs = comp[2]

            comp_cfg = self.cfg.copy()

            comp_cfg['name'] = comp_name
            comp_cfg['version'] = comp_version

            # determine easyblock to use for this component
            # - if an easyblock is specified explicitely, that will be used
            # - if not, a software-specific easyblock will be considered by get_easyblock_class
            # - if no easyblock was found, default_easyblock is considered
            comp_easyblock = comp_specs.get('easyblock')
            easyblock_class = get_easyblock_class(
            if easyblock_class is None:
                if self.cfg['default_easyblock']:
                    easyblock = self.cfg['default_easyblock']
                    easyblock_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock)

                if easyblock_class is None:
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "No easyblock found for component %s v%s", comp_name,
                        "Using default easyblock %s for component %s",
                        easyblock, comp_name)
                easyblock = easyblock_class.__name__
                self.log.info("Using easyblock %s for component %s", easyblock,

            if easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "The Bundle easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle"

            comp_cfg.easyblock = easyblock_class

            # make sure that extra easyconfig parameters are known, so they can be set
            extra_opts = comp_cfg.easyblock.extra_options()


            # do not inherit easyblock to use from parent (since that would result in an infinite loop in install_step)
            comp_cfg['easyblock'] = None

            # reset list of sources/source_urls/checksums
            comp_cfg['sources'] = comp_cfg['source_urls'] = comp_cfg[
                'checksums'] = comp_cfg['patches'] = []

            for key in self.cfg['default_component_specs']:
                comp_cfg[key] = self.cfg['default_component_specs'][key]

            for key in comp_specs:
                comp_cfg[key] = comp_specs[key]

            # enable resolving of templates for component-specific EasyConfig instance
            comp_cfg.enable_templating = True

            # 'sources' is strictly required
            if comp_cfg['sources']:
                # If per-component source URLs are provided, attach them directly to the relevant sources
                if comp_cfg['source_urls']:
                    for source in comp_cfg['sources']:
                        if isinstance(source, string_type):
                                    'filename': source,
                                    'source_urls': comp_cfg['source_urls']
                        elif isinstance(source, dict):
                            # Update source_urls in the 'source' dict to use the one for the components
                            # (if it doesn't already exist)
                            if 'source_urls' not in source:
                                source['source_urls'] = comp_cfg['source_urls']
                            self.cfg.update('sources', [source])
                            raise EasyBuildError(
                                "Source %s for component %s is neither a string nor a dict, cannot "
                                "process it.", source, comp_cfg['name'])
                    # add component sources to list of sources
                    self.cfg.update('sources', comp_cfg['sources'])
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No sources specification for component %s v%s", comp_name,

            if comp_cfg['checksums']:
                src_cnt = len(comp_cfg['sources'])

                # add per-component checksums for sources to list of checksums
                self.cfg.update('checksums', comp_cfg['checksums'][:src_cnt])

                # add per-component checksums for patches to list of checksums for patches

            if comp_cfg['patches']:
                self.cfg.update('patches', comp_cfg['patches'])


        self.cfg.update('checksums', checksums_patches)

        self.cfg.enable_templating = True

        # restore general sanity checks if using component-specific sanity checks
        if self.cfg['sanity_check_components'] or self.cfg[
            self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = self.backup_sanity_paths
            self.cfg['sanity_check_commands'] = self.backup_sanity_cmds
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec.name)
                ec.easyblock = None
                # check if an easyblock exists
                ebclass = get_easyblock_class(None,
                if ebclass is not None:
                    module = ebclass.__module__.split('.')[-1]
                    if module != "configuremake":
                        ec.easyblock = module
        except Exception, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("faulty easyconfig %s: %s", ec_file, err)

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config: config.name.lower())
firstl = ""
예제 #38
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # sanity check for software name
    name = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'name')
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name)

    # try and fetch easyblock spec from easyconfig
    easyblock = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'easyblock')

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)
    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)


    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #39
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize easyblock."""
        super(Bundle, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.altroot = None
        self.altversion = None

        # list of EasyConfig instances for components
        self.comp_cfgs = []

        # list of sources for bundle itself *must* be empty
        if self.cfg['sources']:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "List of sources for bundle itself must be empty, found %s",

        # disable templating to avoid premature resolving of template values
        self.cfg.enable_templating = False

        # list of checksums for patches (must be included after checksums for sources)
        checksums_patches = []

        for comp in self.cfg['components']:
            comp_name, comp_version, comp_specs = comp[0], comp[1], {}
            if len(comp) == 3:
                comp_specs = comp[2]

            comp_cfg = self.cfg.copy()

            easyblock = comp_specs.get(
                'easyblock') or self.cfg['default_easyblock']
            if easyblock is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No easyblock specified for component %s v%s",
                    comp_cfg['name'], comp_cfg['version'])
            elif easyblock == 'Bundle':
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "The Bundle easyblock can not be used to install components in a bundle"

            comp_cfg.easyblock = get_easyblock_class(easyblock,

            # make sure that extra easyconfig parameters are known, so they can be set
            extra_opts = comp_cfg.easyblock.extra_options()

            comp_cfg['name'] = comp_name
            comp_cfg['version'] = comp_version

            # do not inherit easyblock to use from parent (since that would result in an infinite loop in install_step)
            comp_cfg['easyblock'] = None

            # reset list of sources/source_urls/checksums
            comp_cfg['sources'] = comp_cfg['source_urls'] = comp_cfg[
                'checksums'] = []

            for key in self.cfg['default_component_specs']:
                comp_cfg[key] = self.cfg['default_component_specs'][key]

            for key in comp_specs:
                comp_cfg[key] = comp_specs[key]

            # enable resolving of templates for component-specific EasyConfig instance
            comp_cfg.enable_templating = True

            # 'sources' is strictly required
            if comp_cfg['sources']:
                # If per-component source URLs are provided, attach them directly to the relevant sources
                if comp_cfg['source_urls']:
                    for source in comp_cfg['sources']:
                        if isinstance(source, basestring):
                                    'filename': source,
                                    'source_urls': comp_cfg['source_urls']
                        elif isinstance(source, dict):
                            # Update source_urls in the 'source' dict to use the one for the components
                            # (if it doesn't already exist)
                            if 'source_urls' not in source:
                                source['source_urls'] = comp_cfg['source_urls']
                            self.cfg.update('sources', [source])
                            raise EasyBuildError(
                                "Source %s for component %s is neither a string nor a dict, cannot "
                                "process it.", source, comp_cfg['name'])
                    # add component sources to list of sources
                    self.cfg.update('sources', comp_cfg['sources'])
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "No sources specification for component %s v%s", comp_name,

            if comp_cfg['checksums']:
                src_cnt = len(comp_cfg['sources'])

                # add per-component checksums for sources to list of checksums
                self.cfg.update('checksums', comp_cfg['checksums'][:src_cnt])

                # add per-component checksums for patches to list of checksums for patches


        self.cfg.update('checksums', checksums_patches)

        self.cfg.enable_templating = True
예제 #40
    def test_make_module_pythonpackage(self):
        """Test make_module_step of PythonPackage easyblock."""
        app_class = get_easyblock_class('PythonPackage')
        self.writeEC('PythonPackage', name='testpypkg', version='3.14')
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # install dir should not be there yet
                         "%s should not exist" % app.installdir)

        # create install dir and populate it with subdirs/files
        mkdir(app.installdir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'bin', 'foo'), 'echo foo!')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'include', 'foo.h'), 'bar')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'libfoo.a'), 'libfoo')
        pyver = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
            os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'python%s' % pyver,
                         'site-packages', 'foo.egg'), 'foo egg')
            os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig', 'foo.pc'),
            'libfoo: foo')

        # PythonPackage relies on the fact that 'python' points to the right Python version
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        python = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'python')
        write_file(python, '#!/bin/bash\necho $0 $@\n%s "$@"' % sys.executable)
        adjust_permissions(python, stat.S_IXUSR)
        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (tmpdir, os.getenv('PATH', ''))

        from easybuild.tools.filetools import which

        # create module file


        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir)
        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir_mod)

        modtxt = None
        for cand_mod_filename in ['3.14', '3.14.lua']:
            full_modpath = os.path.join(app.installdir_mod, 'testpypkg',
            if os.path.exists(full_modpath):
                modtxt = read_file(full_modpath)

        self.assertFalse(modtxt is None)

        regexs = [
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WCPATH\W.*include"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPATH\W.*bin"?\W*$', True),
            # lib64 doesn't contain any library files, so these are *not* included in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBRARY_PATH
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
        for (pattern, found) in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
            if found:
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern,
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' not found in: %s" % (regex.pattern,

            self.assertEqual(bool(regex.search(modtxt)), found, assert_msg)
예제 #41
def template_init_test(self, easyblock, name='foo', version='1.3.2'):
    """Test whether all easyblocks can be initialized."""
    def check_extra_options_format(extra_options):
        """Make sure extra_options value is of correct format."""
        # EasyBuild v2.0: dict with <string> keys and <list> values
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options, dict))
        for key in extra_options.keys():
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(extra_options[key], list))
            self.assertTrue(len(extra_options[key]), 3)

    class_regex = re.compile(r"^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    regexps = [
        # make sure error reporting is done correctly (no more log.error, log.exception)
        # check for use of 'basestring', which is Python 2.x only (should use string_type from tools.py2vs3 instead)
        # check for use of '.iteritems()', which is Python 2.x only (should use .items instead)
        # sys.maxint is no longer there in Python 3
    for regexp in regexps:
            "No match for '%s' in %s" % (regexp.pattern, easyblock))

    # make sure that (named) arguments get passed down for prepare_step
    if re.search('def prepare_step', txt):
        regex = re.compile(r"def prepare_step\(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs\):")
            "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (regex.pattern, easyblock))
    if re.search(r'\.prepare_step\(', txt):
        regex = re.compile(r"\.prepare_step\(.*\*args,.*\*\*kwargs\.*\)")
            "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (regex.pattern, easyblock))

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig parameters are defined
        extra_txt = ''
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                # use default value if any is set, otherwise use "foo"
                if val[0]:
                    test_param = val[0]
                    test_param = 'foo'
                extra_txt += '%s = "%s"\n' % (key, test_param)

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, name=name, version=version, extratxt=extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # check whether easyblock instance is still using functions from a deprecated location
        mod = __import__(app.__module__, [], [], ['easybuild.easyblocks'])
        moved_functions = [
            'modify_env', 'parse_log_for_error', 'read_environment', 'run_cmd',
        for fn in moved_functions:
            if hasattr(mod, fn):
                tup = (fn, app.__module__, globals()[fn].__module__)
                    getattr(mod, fn) is globals()[fn],
                    "%s in %s is imported from %s" % tup)
        renamed_functions = [
            ('source_paths', 'source_path'),
            ('get_avail_core_count', 'get_core_count'),
            ('get_os_type', 'get_kernel_name'),
            ('det_full_ec_version', 'det_installversion'),
        for (new_fn, old_fn) in renamed_functions:
                hasattr(mod, old_fn),
                "%s: %s is replaced by %s" % (app.__module__, old_fn, new_fn))

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
    if '.git' in subfolders:
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec)
                # check if an easyblock exists
                module = get_easyblock_class(None, name=ec.name).__module__.split('.')[-1]
                if module != "configuremake":
                    ec.easyblock = module
                    ec.easyblock = None
        except Exception, err:
            log.error("faulty easyconfig %s: %s" % (ec_file, err))

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config : config.name.lower())
firstl = ""

# print out the configs in markdown format for the wiki
예제 #43
def template_module_only_test(self,
    """Test whether all easyblocks are compatible with --module-only."""

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        toolchain = None

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)

        # easyblocks deriving from IntelBase require a license file to be found for --module-only
        if app_class == IntelBase or IntelBase in app_class.__bases__:
            os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'] = os.path.join(
                tmpdir, 'intel.lic')
            write_file(os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'], '# dummy license')

        if app_class == EB_IMOD:
            # $JAVA_HOME must be set for IMOD
            os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = tmpdir

        if app_class == EB_OpenFOAM:
            # proper toolchain must be used for OpenFOAM(-Extend), to determine value to set for $WM_COMPILER
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'GCC', '4.9.3-2.25'), '\n'.join([
                    'setenv EBROOTGCC %s' % tmpdir,
                    'setenv EBVERSIONGCC 4.9.3',
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'OpenMPI', '1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25'),
                    'setenv EBROOTOPENMPI %s' % tmpdir,
                    'setenv EBVERSIONOPENMPI 1.10.2',
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'gompi', '2016a'), '\n'.join([
                    'module load GCC/4.9.3-2.25',
                    'module load OpenMPI/1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25',
            os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = tmpdir
            toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '2016a'}

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # run all steps, most should be skipped
        orig_workdir = os.getcwd()

        modfile = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', name, version)
        luamodfile = '%s.lua' % modfile
            os.path.exists(modfile) or os.path.exists(luamodfile),
            "Module file %s or %s was generated" % (modfile, luamodfile))

        if os.path.exists(modfile):
            modtxt = read_file(modfile)
            modtxt = read_file(luamodfile)

        none_regex = re.compile('None')
                         "None not found in module file: %s" % modtxt)

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec.name)
                ec.easyblock = None
                # check if an easyblock exists
                ebclass = get_easyblock_class(None, name=ec.name, error_on_missing_easyblock=False)
                if ebclass is not None:
                    module = ebclass.__module__.split('.')[-1]
                    if module != "configuremake":
                        ec.easyblock = module
        except Exception, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("faulty easyconfig %s: %s", ec_file, err)

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config : config.name.lower())
firstl = ""

# print out the configs in markdown format for the wiki
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (
        spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt,
                                                       ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs',
                                   name.lower()[0], name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (
        spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name)

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    for key in app.extra_options():
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfig(test_ecfile)

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    for key in sorted(ec._config):
        self.assertEqual(ec[key], dumped_ec[key])

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
예제 #46
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for ec_file in files:
        if not ec_file.endswith('.eb') or ec_file in ["TEMPLATE.eb"]:
            log.warning("SKIPPING %s/%s" % (root, ec_file))
        ec_file = join(root, ec_file)
        ec_file = read(ec_file)
            ec = EasyConfig(ec_file)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec)
                ec.easyblock = None
                # check if an easyblock exists
                ebclass = get_easyblock_class(None, name=ec.name, default_fallback=False)
                if ebclass is not None:
                    module = ebclass.__module__.split('.')[-1]
                    if module != "configuremake":
                        ec.easyblock = module
        except Exception, err:
            log.error("faulty easyconfig %s: %s" % (ec_file, err))

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config : config.name.lower())
firstl = ""

# print out the configs in markdown format for the wiki
예제 #47
def template_module_only_test(self,
    """Test whether all easyblocks are compatible with --module-only."""

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # read easyblock Python module
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        toolchain = None

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_easyblock_class(ebname)

        # easyblocks deriving from IntelBase require a license file to be found for --module-only
        bases = list(app_class.__bases__)
        for base in copy.copy(bases):
        if app_class == IntelBase or IntelBase in bases:
            os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'] = os.path.join(
                tmpdir, 'intel.lic')
            write_file(os.environ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'], '# dummy license')

        elif app_class == EB_IMOD:
            # $JAVA_HOME must be set for IMOD
            os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = tmpdir

        elif app_class == PythonBundle:
            # $EBROOTPYTHON must be set for PythonBundle easyblock
                'EBROOTPYTHON'] = '/fake/install/prefix/Python/2.7.14-foss-2018a'

        elif app_class == EB_OpenFOAM:
            # proper toolchain must be used for OpenFOAM(-Extend), to determine value to set for $WM_COMPILER
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'GCC', '4.9.3-2.25'), '\n'.join([
                    'setenv EBROOTGCC %s' % tmpdir,
                    'setenv EBVERSIONGCC 4.9.3',
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'OpenMPI', '1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25'),
                    'setenv EBROOTOPENMPI %s' % tmpdir,
                    'setenv EBVERSIONOPENMPI 1.10.2',
                os.path.join(tmpdir, 'gompi', '2016a'), '\n'.join([
                    'module load GCC/4.9.3-2.25',
                    'module load OpenMPI/1.10.2-GCC-4.9.3-2.25',
            os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = tmpdir
            toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '2016a'}

        # extend easyconfig to make sure mandatory custom easyconfig paramters are defined
        extra_options = app_class.extra_options()
        for (key, val) in extra_options.items():
            if val[2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % key

        # write easyconfig file

        # take into account that for some easyblock, particular dependencies are hard required early on
        # (in prepare_step for exampel);
        # we just set the corresponding $EBROOT* environment variables here to fool it...
        req_deps = {
            # QScintilla easyblock requires that either PyQt or PyQt5 are available as dependency
            # (PyQt is easier, since PyQt5 is only supported for sufficiently recent QScintilla versions)
            'qscintilla.py': [('PyQt', '4.12')],
            # MotionCor2 and Gctf easyblock requires CUDA as dependency
            'motioncor2.py': [('CUDA', '10.1.105')],
            'gctf.py': [('CUDA', '10.1.105')],
        easyblock_fn = os.path.basename(easyblock)
        for (dep_name, dep_version) in req_deps.get(easyblock_fn, []):
            dep_root_envvar = get_software_root_env_var_name(dep_name)
            os.environ[dep_root_envvar] = '/value/should/not/matter'
            dep_version_envvar = get_software_version_env_var_name(dep_name)
            os.environ[dep_version_envvar] = dep_version

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # run all steps, most should be skipped
        orig_workdir = os.getcwd()

        if os.path.basename(easyblock) == 'modulerc.py':
            # .modulerc must be cleaned up to avoid causing trouble (e.g. "Duplicate version symbol" errors)
            modulerc = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', name,
            if os.path.exists(modulerc):

            modulerc += '.lua'
            if os.path.exists(modulerc):
            modfile = os.path.join(TMPDIR, 'modules', 'all', name, version)
            luamodfile = '%s.lua' % modfile
                os.path.exists(modfile) or os.path.exists(luamodfile),
                "Module file %s or %s was generated" % (modfile, luamodfile))

            if os.path.exists(modfile):
                modtxt = read_file(modfile)
                modtxt = read_file(luamodfile)

            none_regex = re.compile('None')
                             "None not found in module file: %s" % modtxt)

        # cleanup
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
예제 #48
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (
        spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    # sanity check for software name
    name = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'name')
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name)

    # try and fetch easyblock spec from easyconfig
    easyblock = fetch_parameter_from_easyconfig_file(spec, 'easyblock')

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)


    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok