def end_fill(): """ Fill the shape enclosed by the turtle's drawing path after the last call to begin_fill. """ _check_turtle() if eg.is_run(): _turtle.end_fill()
def begin_fill(): """ Begin to record the turtle's shape drawing path for filling. """ if eg.is_run(): _check_turtle() _turtle.begin_fill()
def _refresh_loop(self): while eg.is_run(): if not self._win.isVisible(): self.set_immediate(True) if self._win.delay_fps(60): if not self._running: break self._render()
def create_world(width: int = 800, height: int = 600) -> None: """ Create an world for turtle drawing. :param width: width of the graphics window :param height: height of the graphics window """ global _turtle, _world if _world is not None: raise ValueError("The world has been created! ") if not eg.is_run(): eg.init_graph(width, height) _world = TurtleWorld() _turtle = Turtle(_world)
def mainloop(): # visualization x = 500 y = 400 global minDistance minDistance = distanceToDest() vectorCollectionBad = [] vectorCollectionGood = [] coordsGoal = [] iterMax = maxiter easygraphics.set_render_mode(easygraphics.RenderMode.RENDER_MANUAL) while easygraphics.is_run(): # code from the simmulation function while iterMax != 0: rotatePlanets() if iterMax <= maxiter - startParameters[2]: currDistance = distanceToDest() if currDistance < minDistance: minDistance = currDistance # calculating the gravitational pull pull = gravPull(satellite[0], satellite[1]) # calculating the new position of the satellite newSatPosition = positionChange(pull, startParameters[0], startParameters[1]) satellite[0] = newSatPosition[0] satellite[1] = newSatPosition[1] # print(newSatPosition) # calculating the new velocity vector of the satellite newSatVelocity = velocityChange(pull, startParameters[0], startParameters[1]) # print(newSatVelocity) newSatVelocity = cartToPolar(newSatVelocity[0], newSatVelocity[1]) startParameters[0] = newSatVelocity[0] startParameters[1] = newSatVelocity[1] else: satellite[0] = planets[startPlanetID][0] satellite[1] = planets[startPlanetID][1] if easygraphics.delay_jfps(40): # settin the fps limit easygraphics.clear_device() for pl in planets: # transforming and drawing planets if pl == planets[destPlanetID]: coordsGoal = polarToCart(pl[0], pl[1]) easygraphics.set_fill_color( easygraphics.Color.LIGHT_GREEN) easygraphics.draw_circle(coordsGoal[0] + 500, coordsGoal[1] + 400, allowedDistance), y, pl[0]) coordsPlanet = polarToCart(pl[0], pl[1]) easygraphics.set_fill_color(easygraphics.Color.BLUE) easygraphics.draw_circle(coordsPlanet[0] + 500, coordsPlanet[1] + 400, 5) # transforming and drawing satellite coordsSatellite = polarToCart(satellite[0], satellite[1]) goal = polarToCart(planets[destPlanetID][0], planets[destPlanetID][1]) if math.sqrt( (coordsSatellite[0] - goal[0])**2 + (coordsSatellite[1] - goal[1])**2) < allowedDistance: vectorCollectionGood.append(coordsSatellite) else: vectorCollectionBad.append(coordsSatellite) easygraphics.set_fill_color(easygraphics.Color.RED) easygraphics.draw_circle(coordsSatellite[0] + 500, coordsSatellite[1] + 400, 3) for vec in vectorCollectionGood: easygraphics.set_fill_color(easygraphics.Color.CYAN) easygraphics.draw_circle(vec[0] + 500, vec[1] + 400, 2) for vec in vectorCollectionBad: easygraphics.set_fill_color(easygraphics.Color.RED) easygraphics.draw_circle(vec[0] + 500, vec[1] + 400, 2) easygraphics.draw_line(coordsSatellite[0] + 500, coordsSatellite[1] + 400, coordsGoal[0] + 500, coordsGoal[1] + 400) iterMax -= 1 easygraphics.close_graph()
def _check_turtle(): if _turtle is None: create_world() elif _in_shell: if not eg.is_run(): raise RuntimeError("Must run close_world() to clean up the world!")