예제 #1
def rsync_plugin_modules_on_node(host, plugin_name, fuel_node_ip):
    LOG.debug('Sync plugin modules on node %s .' % host)
    plugin_version = get_plugin_version(plugin_name)
    modules_path = 'rsync://' \
                   + fuel_node_ip \
                   + ':/plugins/' \
                   + plugin_name \
                   + '-' \
                   + plugin_version \
                   + '/deployment_scripts/puppet/'
    plugin_dir = '/etc/fuel/plugins/' \
                + plugin_name \
                + '-' \
                + plugin_version \
                + '/puppet'
     err) = ssh_connect(host,
                        'test -d %s || mkdir -p %s' % (plugin_dir, plugin_dir))
    if err != '':
        log_split_output(err, 'error')
     err) = ssh_connect(host,
                        'rsync -vzrtopg %s %s' % (modules_path, plugin_dir))
    if err != '':
        log_split_output(err, 'error')
예제 #2
def delete_backend_volume_eqlx(volume_id):
    # get provider_location
    sql_get_provider_location = 'SELECT provider_location FROM volumes WHERE id =\'%s\';' % volume_id
    provider_location = str(db_connect(sql_get_provider_location)).split()[1]
    # ssh to controller and compute node to delete the iscsi connection
    LOG.info('   Deleting iscsi connection ...')
    controller_list = get_node_list('controller')
    compute_list = get_node_list('compute')
    node_list = controller_list + compute_list
    for node in node_list:
        cmd_show = 'iscsiadm -m session -o show'
        (out, err) = ssh_connect(node, cmd_show)
        if out.find(provider_location) > 0:
            cmd_delete = 'iscsiadm -m node -u -T %s' % provider_location
            (o, e) = ssh_connect(node, cmd_delete)
            if o.find('successful') < 0:
                LOG.error('   Can not delete the iscsi connection "%s" at host %s.' % (provider_location, node))
    # ssh to eqlx to delete the volume
    LOG.info('   Deleting backend(eqlx) volume ...')
    ## set eqlx volume status to offline
    cmd_set_eqlx_volume_offline = 'volume select volume-%s offline' % volume_id
    out = eqlx_ssh_execute(cmd_set_eqlx_volume_offline)
    if len(out) == 3:
        LOG.error('   ' + out[1])
        return False
    ## delete the eqlx volume
    cmd_delete_eqlx_volume = 'volume delete volume-%s' % volume_id
    result = eqlx_ssh_execute(cmd_delete_eqlx_volume)
    if not result or result[1] != 'Volume deletion succeeded.':
        LOG.error('   Delete backend volume faild !')
        return False
        return True
예제 #3
def delete_backend_volume_eqlx(volume_id):
    # get provider_location
    sql_get_provider_location = 'SELECT provider_location FROM volumes WHERE id =\'%s\';' % volume_id
    provider_location = str(db_connect(sql_get_provider_location)).split()[1]
    # ssh to controller and compute node to delete the iscsi connection
    LOG.info('   Deleting iscsi connection ...')
    controller_list = get_node_list('controller')
    compute_list = get_node_list('compute')
    node_list = controller_list + compute_list
    for node in node_list:
        cmd_show = 'iscsiadm -m session -o show'
        (out, err) = ssh_connect(node, cmd_show)
        if out.find(provider_location) > 0:
            cmd_delete = 'iscsiadm -m node -u -T %s' % provider_location
            (o, e) = ssh_connect(node, cmd_delete)
            if o.find('successful') < 0:
                    '   Can not delete the iscsi connection "%s" at host %s.' %
                    (provider_location, node))
    # ssh to eqlx to delete the volume
    LOG.info('   Deleting backend(eqlx) volume ...')
    ## set eqlx volume status to offline
    cmd_set_eqlx_volume_offline = 'volume select volume-%s offline' % volume_id
    out = eqlx_ssh_execute(cmd_set_eqlx_volume_offline)
    if len(out) == 3:
        LOG.error('   ' + out[1])
        return False
    ## delete the eqlx volume
    cmd_delete_eqlx_volume = 'volume delete volume-%s' % volume_id
    result = eqlx_ssh_execute(cmd_delete_eqlx_volume)
    if not result or result[1] != 'Volume deletion succeeded.':
        LOG.error('   Delete backend volume faild !')
        return False
        return True
예제 #4
def install_packages_on_influxdbnode():
    LOG.info('Install rpm packages "%s" on node %s .' %
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(INFLUXDB_HOST,
                             'yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install %s' % INSTALL_PACKAGES)
    if out != '':
        log_split_output(out, 'warn')
예제 #5
def detach_disk_on_compute_node(servers, volume_id):
    for server_id in servers:
        LOG.info('   Detaching disk "%s" from instance "%s".' % (volume_id, server_id))
        server = pc.nova_server(server_id)
        server_status = server._info['status']
        server_host = server._info['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
        server_instance_name = server._info['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name']
        server_device = os.path.basename(pc.nova_volume(server_id, volume_id)._info['device'])
        if disk_attached(server_host, server_instance_name, server_device):
            if server_status == 'ACTIVE':
                detach_disk_cmd = 'virsh detach-disk %s %s --persistent' \
                                  % (server_instance_name, server_device)
                reval = ssh_connect(server_host, detach_disk_cmd)
                if 'Disk detached successfully\n\n' in reval:
                    LOG.info('   Detach disk %s on instance %s successfully.' \
                              % (server_device, server_instance_name))
                    return True
                    LOG.error('   Detach disk %s on instance %s failed.' \
                              % (server_device, server_instance_name))
                    return False
            LOG.info('   Disk %s already detached from instance %s.' \
                     % (server_device, server_instance_name))
            return True
예제 #6
def vrouter_get_gw_remote(l3_host, rid):
    cmd = "ip netns exec qrouter-%s ip route show | " "grep 'default' | awk '{print $3}'" % (rid)
    out, err = ssh_connect(l3_host, cmd)
    if not err:
        return out.strip("\n")
        return None
예제 #7
def check_node_online(host):
    online = False
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, 'echo "online test"')
    if out.split('\n')[0] == 'online test':
        LOG.debug('Node %s is online .' % host)
        online = True
    return online
def install_packages_on_influxdbnode():
    LOG.info('Install rpm packages "%s" on node %s .'
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(INFLUXDB_HOST, 'yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install %s'
                                % INSTALL_PACKAGES)
    if out != '':
        log_split_output(out, 'warn')
def check_node_online(host):
    online = False
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, 'echo "online test"')
    if out.split('\n')[0] == 'online test':
        LOG.debug('Node %s is online .' % host)
        online = True
    return online
예제 #10
def disk_attached(server_host, instance_name, server_device):
    check_cmd = 'virsh domblklist %s | grep -q %s ; echo $?' % (instance_name,
    reval = ssh_connect(server_host, check_cmd)
    if '0\n' in reval:
        return True
        return False
예제 #11
def get_idrac_addr(node_ip):
    cmd_get_idrac_addr = 'ipmitool lan print | grep -v  "IP Address Source" | grep "IP Address"'
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(node_ip, cmd_get_idrac_addr)
    if out:
        # return idrac address
        return out.split(":")[1].strip()
        return ''
예제 #12
def get_idrac_addr(node_ip):
    cmd_get_idrac_addr = 'ipmitool lan print | grep -v  "IP Address Source" | grep "IP Address"'
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(node_ip, cmd_get_idrac_addr)
    if out:
        # return idrac address
        return out.split(":")[1].strip()
        return ''
예제 #13
def vrouter_get_gw_remote(l3_host, rid):
    cmd = "ip netns exec qrouter-%s ip route show | "\
          "grep 'default' | awk '{print $3}'" % (rid)
    out, err = ssh_connect(l3_host, cmd)
    if not err:
        return out.strip('\n')
        return None
def create_symbolic_links_on_openstack_node(nodes_info):
    LOG.info('Create symbolic links on openstack node.')
    for node in nodes_info:
        host = str(node['fuelweb_admin'].split('/')[0])
        src_file = '/etc/astute.yaml'
        dst_file = '/etc/hiera/astute.yaml'
        cmd = 'test -h ' + dst_file + ' || ln -s ' + src_file + ' ' + dst_file
        (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, cmd)
        if err != '':
            LOG.error('Can not run command: %s on node %s .' % (cmd, host))
            LOG.debug('Create symbolic links on node %s .' % host)
예제 #15
def create_symbolic_links_on_openstack_node(nodes_info):
    LOG.info('Create symbolic links on openstack node.')
    for node in nodes_info:
        host = str(node['fuelweb_admin'].split('/')[0])
        src_file = '/etc/astute.yaml'
        dst_file = '/etc/hiera/astute.yaml'
        cmd = 'test -h ' + dst_file + ' || ln -s ' + src_file + ' ' + dst_file
        (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, cmd)
        if err != '':
            LOG.error('Can not run command: %s on node %s .' % (cmd, host))
            LOG.debug('Create symbolic links on node %s .' % host)
def rsync_plugin_modules_on_node(host, plugin_name, fuel_node_ip):
    LOG.debug('Sync plugin modules on node %s .' % host)
    plugin_version = get_plugin_version(plugin_name)
    modules_path = 'rsync://' \
                   + fuel_node_ip \
                   + ':/plugins/' \
                   + plugin_name \
                   + '-' \
                   + plugin_version \
                   + '/deployment_scripts/puppet/'
    plugin_dir = '/etc/fuel/plugins/' \
                + plugin_name \
                + '-' \
                + plugin_version \
                + '/puppet'
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host,
                    'test -d %s || mkdir -p %s' % (plugin_dir, plugin_dir))
    if err != '':
        log_split_output(err, 'error')
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host,
                'rsync -vzrtopg %s %s' % (modules_path, plugin_dir))
    if err != '':
        log_split_output(err, 'error')
예제 #17
def port_check_one(pid, l3_host=None):
    def port_log(device_owner, s):
        if device_owner == 'network:router_gateway':

    fmt = 'json'
    cmd = 'neutron port-show %s -f %s -F status -F admin_state_up '\
          '-F device_owner -F device_id' % (pid, fmt)
    out = run_command(cmd)
    if out:
        detail = port_result_to_json(out, fmt)
        device_owner = detail['device_owner']
        rid = detail['device_id']
        if l3_host is None:
            # if l3_host is None, it is certain that the function is called
            # via command line, rather than vrouter_check_one, so it's ok
            # to call vrouter_get_l3_host here.
            l3_host = vrouter_get_l3_host(rid)

        # 1) check status of gateway port and interface port
        if detail['status'] != 'ACTIVE':
                device_owner, "status of port %s[%s] on %s is down" %
                (device_owner, pid, l3_host))
        if not detail['admin_state_up']:
                device_owner, "admin_status of port %s[%s] on %s is down" %
                (device_owner, pid, l3_host))

        # 2) ping external gateway to check network status
        LOG.debug('check gateway for port on %s' % (l3_host))
        if device_owner == 'network:router_gateway':
            LOG.debug('this port is external port, check external gateway')
            gw = vrouter_get_gw_remote(l3_host, rid)
            if gw:
                LOG.debug("check external gateway %s on %s" % (gw, l3_host))
                cmd = "ip netns exec qrouter-%s ping -c 1 %s" % (rid, gw)
                out, err = ssh_connect(l3_host, cmd)
                if not err:
                    LOG.debug("external gateway is ok")
                    LOG.error("failed to connect external gateway on %s" %
                LOG.error("failed to get external gateway on %s" % (l3_host))
            LOG.debug('this port is normal port, do not need to check gateway')
def _puppet_apply(host, module_path, manifest):
    success = False
    log_file = '/var/log/deployment_influxdb.log'
    cmd =  ('puppet apply --modulepath=%s -l %s --debug %s || echo $?'
            % (module_path, log_file, manifest))
    LOG.info('Apply manifest %s on node %s .' 
                % (os.path.basename(manifest), host))
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, cmd)
    if out != '':
        LOG.error('Apply manifest %s on node %s failed .' 
                    'Please check %s on node %s .'
                    % (os.path.basename(manifest), host, log_file, host))
        success = True
        LOG.debug('Apply manifest %s on node-%s successfully .' 
                    % (os.path.basename(manifest), host))
    return success
예제 #19
def port_check_one(pid, l3_host=None):
    def port_log(device_owner, s):
        if device_owner == 'network:router_gateway':

    fmt = 'json'
    cmd = 'neutron port-show %s -f %s -F status -F admin_state_up '\
          '-F device_owner -F device_id' % (pid, fmt)
    out = run_command(cmd)
    if out:
        detail = port_result_to_json(out, fmt)        
        device_owner = detail['device_owner']
        rid = detail['device_id']
        if l3_host is None:
            # if l3_host is None, it is certain that the function is called
            # via command line, rather than vrouter_check_one, so it's ok
            # to call vrouter_get_l3_host here.
            l3_host = vrouter_get_l3_host(rid)

        # 1) check status of gateway port and interface port
        if detail['status'] != 'ACTIVE':
            port_log(device_owner, "status of port %s[%s] on %s is down"
                     % (device_owner, pid, l3_host))
        if not detail['admin_state_up']:
            port_log(device_owner, "admin_status of port %s[%s] on %s is down"
                     % (device_owner, pid, l3_host))

        # 2) ping external gateway to check network status
        LOG.debug('check gateway for port on %s' % (l3_host))
        if device_owner == 'network:router_gateway':
            LOG.debug('this port is external port, check external gateway')
            gw = vrouter_get_gw_remote(l3_host, rid)
            if gw:
                LOG.debug("check external gateway %s on %s" % (gw, l3_host))
                cmd = "ip netns exec qrouter-%s ping -c 1 %s" % (rid, gw)
                out, err = ssh_connect(l3_host, cmd)
                if not err:
                    LOG.debug("external gateway is ok")
                    LOG.error("failed to connect external gateway on %s" % (l3_host))
                LOG.error("failed to get external gateway on %s" % (l3_host))
            LOG.debug('this port is normal port, do not need to check gateway')
예제 #20
def _puppet_apply(host, module_path, manifest):
    success = False
    log_file = '/var/log/deployment_influxdb.log'
    cmd = ('puppet apply --modulepath=%s -l %s --debug %s || echo $?' %
           (module_path, log_file, manifest))
    LOG.info('Apply manifest %s on node %s .' %
             (os.path.basename(manifest), host))
    (out, err) = ssh_connect(host, cmd)
    if out != '':
        LOG.error('Apply manifest %s on node %s failed .'
                  'Please check %s on node %s .' %
                  (os.path.basename(manifest), host, log_file, host))
        success = True
        LOG.debug('Apply manifest %s on node-%s successfully .' %
                  (os.path.basename(manifest), host))
    return success
예제 #21
def get_instance_power_state(instance_id):
    compute_node = get_hypervisor_hostname(instance_id)
    instance_name = get_instance_name(instance_id)
    cmd = 'virsh domstate %s' % instance_name
    instance_state = ssh_connect(compute_node, cmd)[0].split('\n')[0]
    return instance_state
예제 #22
def ssh_cmd(hostname, cmd):
    reval = ssh_connect(hostname, cmd)[0].split('\n')[0]
    return reval