def getCurrentPoints(keywords): api = Finding(siteid='EBAY-US', appid="JennyHun-7ae2-4c50-abd7-3c1af9cedea5") api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', { 'keywords': 'willow tree shepherd', #'categoryId' : ['177', '111422'], 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'Used'}, #{'name': 'MinPrice', 'value': '10', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'}, #{'name': 'MaxPrice', 'value': '30', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'} ], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': '3000', 'pageNumber': '1' }, 'sortOrder': 'CurrentPriceHighest', #'outputSelector': 'pictureURLLarge' }) dictstr = api.response.dict() #print dictstr Cprice = [] Ctime = [] for item in dictstr['searchResult']['item']: print "ItemID: %s" % item['itemId'] print "Title: %s" % item['title'] print "URL: %s" % item['galleryURL'] print "StartTime: %s" % item['listingInfo']['startTime'] print "endTime: %s" % item['listingInfo']['endTime'] print "AskingPrice: %s\n" % item['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value'] Cprice.append(float(item['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value'])) datetime = item['listingInfo']['startTime'].split("T") Ctime.append(parser.parse(datetime[0])) print len(dictstr['searchResult']['item']) return (Cprice, Ctime)
def getHistoricalPoints(keywords): api = Finding(siteid='EBAY-US', appid="JennyHun-7ae2-4c50-abd7-3c1af9cedea5") api.execute('findCompletedItems', { 'keywords': 'Willow Tree shepherd', #'categoryId' : ['177', '111422'], 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'Used'}, {'name': 'MinPrice', 'value': '0', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'}, {'name': 'MaxPrice', 'value': '3000', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'} ], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': '2000', 'pageNumber': '1' }, 'sortOrder': 'CurrentPriceHighest', }) dictstr = api.response.dict() Hprice = [] Htime = [] for item in dictstr['searchResult']['item']: print "ItemID: %s" % item['itemId'] print "Title: %s" % item['title'] print "CategoryID: %s" % item['primaryCategory']['categoryId'] #print "URL: %s" % item['galleryURL'] print "StartTime: %s" % item['listingInfo']['startTime'] print "endTime: %s" % item['listingInfo']['endTime'] print "SoldPrice: %s\n" % item['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value'] Hprice.append(float(item['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value'])) datetime = item['listingInfo']['startTime'].split("T") Htime.append(parser.parse(datetime[0])) print len(dictstr['searchResult']['item']) return (Hprice, Htime) print Hprice
def get_body(self): api = Finding(config_file="ebay.yaml") excl_cat = self.get_excl_categories() # had to change (from ebaysdk) - method parse_yaml # code checks whether line starts with "-", then stops parsing process try: keywords = self.get_keywords() cat = self.get_categories() except ValueError as err: self.print_log(err) return None try: response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keywords, 'categoryId': cat, 'excludeCategory': excl_cat, #'itemFilter': [ # {'name': 'AvailableTo', # 'value': 'CZ'}] }) except ConnectionError as err: self.print_log(err) return None return response
def ebay_api_data(input_list, time_string, real = 1): if (real == 1): f = open('./data/' + time_string[:-6] + 'ebay_gc', 'w+') else: f = open('./data/' + time_string[:-6] + 'all_ebay_gc', 'w+') f.write("[") res = dict() size = len(input_list) try: api = Finding(appid="YuHUANG-insightd-PRD-04d8cb02c-4739185d") for i in xrange(0, size): cur_list = input_list[i] # print cur_list[0] if (cur_list[0] != 'soak-&-sleep'): response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': cur_list[0] + ' Gift Card'}) join_string = str(response.dict()) if (i != size - 1): f.write(json.dumps(response.dict())) f.write(",\n") else: f.write(json.dumps(response.dict())) f.write("\n") f.write("]") f.close() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def fetch_results(item,min_price,max_price): try: api = Finding(appid="Jeremiah-c9e4-41cd-93a3-db5086f58faf") response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': item, 'sortOrder': 'StartTimeNewest', 'itemFilter': {'name' : 'MinPrice' , 'value' : min_price, 'paramName' : 'Currency', 'paramValue' :'USD'}, 'itemFilter': {'name' : 'MaxPrice' , 'value' : max_price, 'paramName' : 'Currency', 'paramValue' :'USD'}}) dictionary = response.dict() if 'item' in dictionary['searchResult']: count = 0 temp_dictionary = {} for key in dictionary['searchResult']['item']: item_id = key['itemId'] title = key['title'] url = key['viewItemURL'] price = key['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value'] time = dateutil.parser.parse(key['listingInfo']['startTime']) if not price: price = "0" temp_dictionary[str(count)] = {'title': title.strip(), 'url': url.strip(), 'price' : price.strip(), 'time' : time, 'key': item_id.strip()}; count = count + 1 #print json.dumps(temp_dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) send_to_database(item,min_price,max_price,temp_dictionary,count) else: count = 0 return count except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) return 0
def initial_execute(item_name): global category_List global category_Lookup pastDate = - timedelta(days=90) datestr = pastDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + 'T00:00:00.000Z' try: api = Finding(appid = "TaylorMo-1104-4ca1-bc59-34b44b585cf0", config_file = None) api_request = { 'keywords': item_name, 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': True}, {'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US'}, {'name': 'EndTimeFrom', 'value': datestr} ] } response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', api_request) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) results = response.dict().get('searchResult') itemList = results.get('item') catList = [] if (itemList != None): for items in itemList: catList.append(items.get('primaryCategory').get('categoryName')) category_Lookup[items.get('primaryCategory').get('categoryName')] \ = items.get('primaryCategory').get('categoryId') catDict = Counter(catList) category_List = sorted(catDict, key = catDict.__getitem__) category_List.reverse()
def search_ebay(APP_ID, craigslist_item): api = Finding(appid=APP_ID, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': craigslist_item}) dict = response.dict()['searchResult']['item'] return dict
def ebay_api_data(input_list, time_string, real = 1): if (real == 1): f = open('./data/' + time_string[:-6] + 'ebay.txt', 'w+') else: f = open('./data/' + time_string[:-6] + 'all_ebay_gc', 'w+') res = dict() size = len(input_list) try: api = Finding(appid="YuHUANG-insightd-PRD-04d8cb02c-4739185d") for i in xrange(0, size): if (i == 50): continue cur_list = input_list[i] if (cur_list[0] != 'soak-&-sleep'): response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': cur_list[0] + ' Gift Card'}) json_data1 = json.dumps(response.dict(), ensure_ascii=True) json_data = json.loads(json_data1) if (json_data['searchResult']['_count'] == '0'): continue json_array = json_data['searchResult']['item'] array_len = len(json_array) for j in xrange(0, array_len): cur_obj = json_array[j] list_info = cur_obj['listingInfo'] selling_status = cur_obj['sellingStatus'] half1 = time_string[:-6] + ',' + cur_obj['itemId'].replace(',','') + ',' + cur_obj['title'].replace(',','') + ',' + cur_obj['viewItemURL'] + ',' + list_info['buyItNowAvailable'] + ',' + list_info['startTime'] + ',' half2 = list_info['endTime'] + ',' + selling_status['currentPrice']['value'] + ',' + selling_status['currentPrice']['value'] + ',' + cur_list[0] + ',' + cur_obj['autoPay'] + '\n' f.write(half1.encode('utf-8') + half2.encode('utf-8')) f.close() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def itemFinder(search_item): #try: api = Finding(appid="ScottRus-bf7d-437a-a830-3735324dd553",config_file=None,debug=True) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': search_item}) items = response.dict() print items for line in items: print line
class EbayFetcher(): def fetch_product(self, identifier): self.api = Connection(appid=self.appID, config_file=None) args = { 'keywords': identifier } response = self.api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', args) return response if response.reply.ack == "Success" else None
def ebay_find(keyword): from ebaysdk.finding import Connection as Finding api = Finding(domain='', appid="MethodDa-MethodDa-SBX-e2ccbdebc-b7307a8f", config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keyword}) ebay_dict = response.dict() return ebay_dict
def findItemsAdvanced(keywords): api = Finding(appid=myAppId, config_file=None) response = api.execute( 'findItemsAdvanced', { 'keywords': keywords, 'categoryId': category, 'sortOrder': 'PricePlusShippingLowest' }) return response.dict()
def commence_search(query): try: search_term = query api = Connection(appid=APP_ID, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsByKeywords', {'keywords': search_term}) assert (response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert (type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) assert (type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item search_results = response.dict() item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] assert (type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) assert (type(response.dict()) == dict) #print (len(k['searchResult']['item'])) #print (search_results['searchResult']['item'][0]['itemId']) #print (search_results['searchResult']['item'][1]['itemId']) item_list = [0] * len(search_results['searchResult']['item']) index = 0 for listing in search_results['searchResult']['item']: listing = { 'id': listing['itemId'], 'title': listing['title'], 'currency': listing['sellingStatus']['convertedCurrentPrice'] ['_currencyId'], 'price': listing['sellingStatus']['convertedCurrentPrice']['value'], 'start': listing['listingInfo']['startTime'], 'end': listing['listingInfo']['endTime'], 'offerEnabled': listing['listingInfo']['bestOfferEnabled'], 'buyItNowAvailable': listing['listingInfo']['buyItNowAvailable'], 'state': listing['sellingStatus']['sellingState'] } item_list[index] = listing index += 1 return item_list except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def ebay_search(search, max_price, min_price, condition, num_to_print, located_in): try: ebay_client = Finding(siteid='EBAY-US', appid=app_id, config_file=None) ebay_client.execute( 'findItemsAdvanced', { 'keywords': search, 'categoryId': 176985, 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'MaxPrice', 'value': max_price, 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD' }, { 'name': 'MinPrice', 'value': min_price, 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD' }, { 'name': 'AuctionWithBIN' }, { 'name': 'Condition', 'value': condition }, { 'name': 'HideDuplicateItems', 'value': 'true' }, { 'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': located_in }], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': num_to_print, 'pageNumber': '1' }, 'sortOrder': 'CurrentPriceHighest' }) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) search_results = ebay_client.response.dict() return search_results
class EbayAPICall(): """Wrapper class for the Finding API calls API reference: ( NOTE: Before use remember to provide an appID in the `ebay.yaml` file! """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor for the class: Parameters: Same as Finding constructor ( """ self.api = Finding(**kwargs) def make_call(self, api_request): """Make the API call with the given parameters. Parameters: api-request -- dict with the API call parameters ( Return: Dict of the API response """ try: response = self.api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', api_request) except ConnectionError as e: code = e.response.dict()['errorMessage']['error']['errorId'] if code == '11002': print("---> Maybe you've forgotten to put a valid `appid` inside `ebay.yaml`.") else: print(e) return response.dict() def to_file(self, data, out_filename='ebay_items.json'): """Writes data to a file. Parameters: data -- actual data to write (usually the JSON response) out_filename -- output filename (default 'ebay_items.json') """ if data: with open(out_filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) else: print("No data given")
def find_cards(): """ List a large number of professionally-graded cards from Ebay. Parameters: ------- None Returns: -------- None Populates the data/page_jsons directory with 100 pages (10,000 total cards) for each of the 10 PSA grades. Each page is represented as a pickled JSON object, example psa_grade_1_page_1.pkl. These pages should then be used to acquire the images associated with each card, as well as to provide a unique identifier for each image and a label. Labels are acquired by searching for key terms, e.g. "PSA 9" returns cards graded 9/10 by experts """ # Connect to Ebay API. TODO: add your own API keys. client_id = "" # TODO add your own API key. dev_id = "" # TODO add your own API key. client_secret = "" # TODO add your own API key api = Connection(appid=client_id, config_file=None) # Downlaod Pages of Ebay API data for each grade. grades = range(1, 11) # By default, get data for grades 1, 2, .... 10. for grade in grades: for page_num in range(1, 100): # get data. # note: by default we search for baseball cards only, but this can be expanded, # try e.g. "basketball cards", etc. # note that some items do not have large enough images available ("PictureURLLarge") and are ignored. params = { "categoryName": "Baseball Cards", "keywords" : "psa {}".format(grade), "paginationInput" : { "entriesPerPage" : 100, # max 100. "pageNumber" : page_num }, "outputSelector" : "PictureURLLarge" # important: if not selected, returned images are too small. } response = api.execute("findItemsAdvanced", params) j = response.json() # save of_p = "psa_grade_{}_page_{}.pkl".format(grade, page_num) of_p = os.path.join("page_jsons", of_p) print(of_p) with open(of_p, "wb") as of: pickle.dump(j, of)
def main(argv): try: api = Finding(appid="SpencerH-sand-PRD-245ed6035-eb73f8e2", config_file=None) keywords = argv[0] response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keywords}) data = response.dict() data = data['searchResult']['item'] maximum = 0 minimum = sys.maxsize price_lst = [] output = [] for product in data: a = dict() a['title'] = product['title'] a['galleryURL'] = product['galleryURL'] a['currencyId'] = product['sellingStatus']['currentPrice'][ '_currencyId'] price = float(product['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value']) a['value'] = price price_lst.append(price) if price < minimum: minimum = price if price > maximum: maximum = price output.append(a) avg = numpy.mean(price_lst) median = numpy.median(price_lst) meanSmallestDiff = sys.maxsize medianSmallestDiff = sys.maxsize for i in range(0, len(price_lst)): curPrice = float(output[i]['value']) if curPrice == maximum: maxIndex = i if curPrice == minimum: minIndex = i if numpy.abs(curPrice - avg) < meanSmallestDiff: meanSmallestDiff = numpy.abs(curPrice - avg) meanIndex = i if numpy.abs(curPrice - median) < medianSmallestDiff: medianSmallestDiff = numpy.abs(curPrice - median) medIndex = i final = dict() final['maximum'] = output[maxIndex] final['minimum'] = output[minIndex] final['median'] = output[medIndex] final['mean'] = output[meanIndex] with open('result.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(final, fp) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def collect_api_data(cur): """ query the API and store results """ # load gmail config with open('/home/curtis/etc/gmail') as f: gmail = json.load(f) # set starting values for counters page_num = 1 cnt = 0 while True: try: api = Finding(domain='', config_file='/home/curtis/etc/ebay.yaml') r = api.execute('findCompletedItems', {'categoryId': '6161', 'paginationInput': {'pageNumber': page_num}}) response = r.dict() if response['ack'] == "Success" and 'item' in response['searchResult'].keys():"Retreived page: {}".format(page_num)) for ad in response['searchResult']['item']: try: cur.execute("INSERT INTO ebay_api_raw (itemid, ad) VALUES (%s, %s)", [int(ad['itemId']), json.dumps(ad)]) cnt += 1 except Exception as e: break else:"Issue at page: {} ".format(page_num))"Issue: {}".format(response)) break except ConnectionError as e:"Connection error: {}".format(e.response)) break page_num += 1 # print number of new records inserted into DB"Number of new records inserted: {}".format(cnt)) # send email user = gmail['gmail_user'] pwd = gmail['gmail_pwd'] recipient = '*****@*****.**' subject = '{} new records from the eBay API'.format(cnt) body = '' send_email(user, pwd, recipient, subject, body)
def itemFinder(search_item,inten): items = [] intens = int(inten) try: api = Finding(appid="ScottRus-bf7d-437a-a830-3735324dd553",config_file=None,debug=True) for page_num in range(intens): # TODO: Change back to range later response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', {'keywords': search_item,'paginationInput': {'entriesPerPage': 100, 'pageNumber':page_num}}) response_dict = response.dict() if response_dict['ack'] == 'Failure': continue else: items.append(response.dict()) except: error_logging("ConEng", "Failed") for s_item in items: # Assign searchResult value to variable search_result = s_item['searchResult'] # Assign item value to item_array item_array = search_result['item'] count = 0 try: for item in item_array: count += 1 # Get selling status selling_status_price = item['sellingStatus'] selling_status_price = item['sellingStatus'] #Get current price current_price = selling_status_price['currentPrice'] value = float(current_price['value']) # Store price in price_array price_array.append(value) # Get the listingInfo listing_info = item['listingInfo'] # Get endTime end_time = listing_info['endTime'] sliced_date = end_time[:10] a = dt.strptime(sliced_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() # Start date star_date =,1,1) delta = a - star_date # Get date number relative to the year int_delta = int(delta.days) # Store Date in date array date_array.append(int_delta) # Y X pair point_tuple = (value,int_delta) point_array.append(point_tuple) except: error_logging("ConEng", "Failed")
def findCurrentItem(name): api = Finding(appid='VarunRam-29e8-46c1-87ef-dbcf272585f7', config_file =None) api_request = { 'keywords': name, 'sortOrder': 'CurrentPriceHighest', } response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', api_request) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') return response.dict()
def find_item_advanced(page_num): api = Connection(siteid='EBAY-US', appid='Enter your Key here', config_file=None) #Following are product and details you want to get from API. api.execute( 'findItemsAdvanced', { 'keywords': 'iphone xr', 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'Used' }], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': '25', 'pageNumber': page_num } }) dictstr = api.response.dict() return dictstr
def itemFinder(search_item): try: api = Finding(appid="ScottRus-bf7d-437a-a830-3735324dd553",config_file=None,debug=True) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': search_item}) items = response.dict() SQLConnection.get_Ebay_data(items['searchResult']) ##EbayDbSQL.set_ebay_dict(items['searchResult']) ## item in tings['item']: ## ebay_info = "itemId: {}, title: {}, Selling Status: {}".format(item['itemId'],item['title'],item['sellingStatus']) except KeyError: print KeyError
def api_all(): error = False response = {'result': 'null'} try: if 'search' in request.args: search = request.args['search'] else: response['error_2'] = "Error: No search field provided. Please search for products." link = "{})?format=json&show=name,salePrice,addToCartUrl,largeImage&apiKey=N0ReEPP28MPw3Gd2xSIAQ5dM".format(search) data = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(link).read().decode()) #Retrieve data from bestbuyAPI products = data['products'] for item in products: #Rename url and include retailer name to the items item['url'] = item.pop('addToCartUrl') item['retailer'] = 'BestBuy' #eBay Code api = Connection(config_file='ebay.yaml') #Connect to the API using authentication file res = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': search}) #Retrieve data using eBay developer API items = res.reply.searchResult.item[:10] #Only use the first 10 results ebay_products = [] for item in items: ebay_product = {} name = item.get('title') #Retrieve name, price, image, link to purchase product sellingStatus = item.get('sellingStatus') currentPrice = sellingStatus.get('currentPrice') salePrice = float(currentPrice.get('value')) largeImage = item.get('galleryURL') url = item.get('viewItemURL') #Format dictionary to match the categories that were used for the Best Buy products ebay_product['name'] = name ebay_product['retailer'] = 'eBay' ebay_product['salePrice'] =salePrice ebay_product['largeImage'] = largeImage ebay_product['url'] = url ebay_products.append(ebay_product) products.extend(ebay_products) #Extend the dictionary to include the ebay products products = sorted(products, key = lambda i: i['salePrice']) #Sort by price response['result'] = products except Exception as err: response['error'] = str(err) error = True return sendResponse(response, error)
def ebay_link(keyword): try: api = Finding(appid="SurajKho-hackutd-PRD-cdc74433e-5e966209", config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': 'toilet paper'}) c = (response.dict()['searchResult']['item']) result_link = [] for item in range(10): result_link.append(c[item]['viewItemURL']) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) return result_link
def eBay_scratch(): import datetime from ebaysdk.finding import Connection api = Connection(appid='SubhashB-f237-485e-9a38-318aa7e72eee') response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': 'legos'}) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert(type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] assert(type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.dict()) == dict)
def create(self, validated_data): validated_data['user'] = self.context['request'].user ebay_id = validated_data.get('client_id') try: ebay_search = Finding(appid=ebay_id, config_file=None) response = ebay_search.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': 'iphone'}) except ConnectionError as e: raise serializers.ValidationError({ 'message': "The ebay client_id does not exist in domain Ebay, please register another ID" }) ebay = EbayAssociates.objects.create(**validated_data) return ebay
def fetch(keywords): api = Finding(appid="SpencerH-sand-PRD-245ed6035-eb73f8e2", config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keywords}) data = response.dict() data = data['searchResult']['item'] maximum = 0 minimum = sys.maxsize price_lst = [] output = [] for product in data: a = dict() a['title'] = product['title'] a['galleryURL'] = product['galleryURL'] a['currencyId'] = product['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['_currencyId'] price = float(product['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value']) a['value'] = price price_lst.append(price) if price < minimum: minimum = price if price > maximum: maximum = price output.append(a) avg = numpy.mean(price_lst) median = numpy.median(price_lst) meanSmallestDiff = sys.maxsize medianSmallestDiff = sys.maxsize for i in range(0, len(price_lst)): curPrice = float(output[i]['value']) if curPrice == maximum: maxIndex = i if curPrice == minimum: minIndex = i if numpy.abs(curPrice - avg) < meanSmallestDiff: meanSmallestDiff = numpy.abs(curPrice - avg) meanIndex = i if numpy.abs(curPrice - median) < medianSmallestDiff: medianSmallestDiff = numpy.abs(curPrice - median) medIndex = i final = dict() final['maximum'] = output[maxIndex] final['minimum'] = output[minIndex] final['median'] = output[medIndex] final['mean'] = output[meanIndex] returnvalue = final channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='completed_queue', body=returnvalue)
def search_ebay(): searchword = request.args.get('q', '') try: api = Connection(appid=EBAY_APPID, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': searchword}) # print int(response.dict()['searchResult']['_count']) == 0 if int(response.dict()['searchResult']['_count']) == 0: return jsonify({"error":"No results found"}) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] # print dir(item) return jsonify({"name":item.title, "price": item.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value+' '+item.sellingStatus.currentPrice._currencyId}) except ConnectionError as e: print e return jsonify(e.response.dict())
def ebay_search(phrase): api = Finding(domain=CONFIG_EBAY["DOMAIN"], appid=CONFIG_EBAY["APP_ID"], config_file=None) response = api.execute( 'findItemsByKeywords', { 'keywords': phrase, 'sortOrder': 'PricePlusShippingLowest', 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': 20, 'pageNumber': 1 } }) return response.dict().get("searchResult", {}).get("item", [])
def get_response(self): """Searches eBay according to the settings. If ´ebay_module´ = False, returns None. Returns: ResponseObject Raises: ConnectionError: If connection is not available for any reason, returns None """ # api = Finding(config_file="../ebay.yaml") if os.path.exists(self.appid): api = Finding(config_file=self.appid) elif not self.appid: api = Finding(appid=self.appid, config_file=None) elif os.environ.get("APPID_KEY", ""): api = Finding(appid=os.environ["APPID_KEY"], config_file=None) else: raise("eBay API key improperly configured") excl_cat = self._get_excl_categories() try: keywords = self.get_keywords() cat = self._get_categories() except ValueError as err: self.print_log(err) return None try: # TODO: extend search parameters response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keywords, 'categoryId': cat, 'excludeCategory': excl_cat, # 'itemFilter': [ # {'name': 'AvailableTo', # 'value': 'CZ'}] }) except ConnectionError as err: self.print_log(err) return None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: self.print_log(err) return None return response
def search(itemInfo, pageNum): category = itemInfo[2] startDate = itemInfo[1] item = itemInfo[0] try: api = Finding(appid="TaylorMo-1104-4ca1-bc59-34b44b585cf0", config_file=None) if category != None: api_request = { 'keywords': item, 'categoryId': [category], 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': True }, { 'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US' }, { 'name': 'EndTimeFrom', 'value': startDate }], 'paginationInput': [{ 'pageNumber': pageNum }] } else: api_request = { 'keywords': item, 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': True }, { 'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US' }, { 'name': 'EndTimeFrom', 'value': startDate }], 'paginationInput': [{ 'pageNumber': pageNum }] } response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', api_request) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def single_page_query(self, page_number=1, include_meta_data=True, return_df=False): """ Tests that an initial API connection is successful and returns a list of unnested ebay item dictionaries . If unsuccessful returns a string of the error that occurred. """ parameters = self.create_search_parameters(page_number, include_meta_data) api = Finding(appid=self.api_id, config_file=None, https=True) try: response = api.execute("findItemsAdvanced", parameters) assert response.reply.ack == "Success" except ConnectionError: message = "Connection Error! Ensure that your API key was correctly and you have web connectivity." print(message) return message except AssertionError: try: message = response.dict()["errorMessage"]["error"]["message"] except KeyError: message = ( "There is an API error, check your rate limit or search parameters" ) print(message) return message response = response.dict() if response["paginationOutput"]["totalPages"] == "0": message = f"There are no results for a search of: {self.full_query}" print(message) return message if include_meta_data: self._clean_category_data(response) # Eventually don't want to run these each time... need to check follow through self.total_entries = int(response["paginationOutput"]["totalEntries"]) self.total_pages = int(response["paginationOutput"]["totalPages"]) self.search_url = response["itemSearchURL"] response = [ self.flatten_dict(i) for i in response["searchResult"]["item"] ] if return_df: return pd.DataFrame(response) return response
def addCatalog(word, keyWord, request): api = Finding(appid=ID_APP, config_file=None, https=True) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': word, 'paginationInput': [{'entriesPerPage': MAX_ENTRIES}]}) products = response.dict() products = products["searchResult"] i = 0 for product in products["item"]: slug = slugify(product["title"]) num = random.randint(1, 10000) slug += str(num) try: Item.objects.create(title=product["title"], price=float(product["sellingStatus"]["convertedCurrentPrice"]["value"]), imgUrl=product["galleryURL"], condition=product["condition"]["conditionDisplayName"], conditionId=product["condition"]["conditionId"], slug=slug, keyWord=keyWord) except: Item.objects.create(title=product["title"], price=float(product["sellingStatus"]["convertedCurrentPrice"]["value"]), imgUrl=NO_IMAGE, condition='', conditionId=0, slug=slug, keyWord=keyWord)
def itemFinder(search_item): try: api = Finding(appid="ScottRus-bf7d-437a-a830-3735324dd553", config_file=None, debug=True) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': search_item}) items = response.dict() SQLConnection.get_Ebay_data(items['searchResult']) ##EbayDbSQL.set_ebay_dict(items['searchResult']) ## item in tings['item']: ## ebay_info = "itemId: {}, title: {}, Selling Status: {}".format(item['itemId'],item['title'],item['sellingStatus']) except KeyError: print KeyError
def _async_pull(self, page_number): parameters = self.create_search_parameters(page_number=page_number, include_meta_data=False) api = Finding(appid=self.api_id, config_file=None, https=True) try: result = api.execute("findItemsAdvanced", parameters) if result.reply.ack == "Success": return [ self.flatten_dict(i) for i in result.dict()["searchResult"]["item"] ] return list() except ConnectionError as error: print(error) return list()
def test(self): try: api = Connection(config_file='../ebayconf.yaml') response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': 'legos'}) self.assertTrue(response.reply.ack == 'Success') self.assertTrue(type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) self.assertTrue(type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] self.assertTrue(type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) self.assertTrue(type(response.dict()) == dict) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def get_items(): """Task ran by Getter threads to get new items listed from the searches in the queue Gets next search from the queue and formats it's filters to then create a findItemsAdvanced request object. New items are then sourced from the reponse.""" while True: try: self = queue.pop(0) temp_filters = self.get_filters() while temp_filters: try: filters, temp_filters = temp_filters.get_for_request() api = Finding(domain=settings.get("domain"), appid=settings.get("appid"), version=settings.get("version"), config_file=None, site_id=self.ebay_site) api_request = {'keywords': f'{self.keywords}', 'itemFilter': filters, 'sortOrder': 'StartTimeNewest'} response = api.execute( 'findItemsAdvanced', api_request) # # FIXME: Uncomment for debug only # print(f"{response.headers} : {response.content}") Item.items_from_response(self, response) except ConnectionError: pass except AttributeError as e: print(f"Exception in get_items: {e}") pass except Exception as e: # idc just stop breaking print(f"Exception in get_items: {e}") pass except IndexError: time.sleep(0.01) continue
def get_list_of_items(request, params=None): try: api = Connection() response = api.execute(request, params) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert(type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) # assert(type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) #todo if empty list # item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] # assert(type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) # assert(type(response.dict()) == dict) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def ebayapiexample(): ''' Example of using an ebay API Returns information about one found product placed on ebay ('Stephen King The Shining' - as an example) ebay.json - api configuration ''' try: api = Finding(config_file='ebay.json', appid='*') request = {'keywords': 'Stephen King The Shining'} response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', request) return response.dict()['searchResult']['item'][0]['sellingStatus'] except ConnectionError as err: return err.response.dict()
def deals(keyword): try: api = Connection(appid=secrets.ebay, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keyword}) assert (response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert (type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) assert (type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] assert (type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) assert (type(response.dict()) == dict) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def ebayScrape(keywords): try: api = Finding(siteid='EBAY-GB', appid='EddWilli-classicc-PRD-6246ab0a7-20318a15', config_file=None) api_request = { 'keywords': '', 'categoryId': '9801', 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'Used' }, { 'name': 'Model Year', 'value': '' }], 'sortOrder': 'CountryDescending', } api_request['keywords'] = keywords api_request[ 'itemFilter'] = "{'name': 'Condition', 'value' : 'Used'}, { 'name' : 'ListingType', 'Value' : 'Classified' }" response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', api_request) # print type(response.reply.paginationOutput.totalEntries) average = 0 amount = 0 if int(response.reply.paginationOutput.totalEntries) > 0: # print dir(response.reply.searchResult.item) for i in response.reply.searchResult.item: # print "Title: %s // Price: %s" % (i.title, i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value) average += float(i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value) amount += 1 return average / amount else: print "Nothing found on eBay" except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def search(opts, keywords, category_id, n_listings=100): print("KEYWORDS", keywords) try: api = Connection(config_file=opts['config_fpath'], appid=opts['appid']) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keywords}) assert (response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert (type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) print(response.dict()) assert (type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) items = response.reply.searchResult.item[:n_listings] assert (type(response.dict()) == dict) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def get_history(request): if request.method == 'POST': data = request.POST.get('data') data = json.loads(data) if 'search' in data: keywords = data['search'] try: api = Connection(appid='JeffreyC-Streetwe-PRD-f2f871c7c-922e659d', config_file=None) response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', {'keywords': keywords}) return HttpResponse(response.json()) except ConnectionError as e: return HttpResponse("Connection error.") else: return HttpResponse("No search.") else: return HttpResponse("Must be a POST request.")
def get_ebay_page(query, page=1, entries=200, search_type='findItemsAdvanced'): try: api = Finding(appid=creds['ebay']['appID'], config_file=None) response = api.execute( search_type, { 'keywords': query, 'outputSelector': ['PictureURL', 'PictureURLSuperSize'], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': str(entries), 'pageNumber': str(page) }, }) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) return e.response.dict()
def find_it(search, existing_ids): api = Connection(config_file='ebay.yaml', debug=DEBUG, siteid="EBAY-US") response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', search) result_list = [] if response.reply.paginationOutput.totalEntries != "0": for item in response.reply.searchResult.item: if str(item.itemId) not in existing_ids: result_list.append({ "item_id": item.itemId, "title": item.title, "end_date": item.listingInfo.endTime, "price": item.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value }) return result_list
def getItem(num): try: api = Connection(domain='', appid='TristanW-PetContr-SBX-3577624e3-6f8339d7', config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': 'Dog Food'}) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert(type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[num] assert(type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.dict()) == dict) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) return item;
class Ebay(): def __init__(self): self.api = Connection(config_file='ebay.yaml', siteid='EBAY-US') def search(self, keywords): request = { 'keywords': keywords, 'itemFilter': [{ 'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US' }], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': 100, 'pageNumber': 1 }, 'sortOrder': 'BestMatch' } response = self.api.execute('findItemsByKeywords', request).dict() items = [] for listing in response['searchResult']['item']: item = {} item['listingType'] = listing['listingInfo']['listingType'] item['currentPrice'] = listing['sellingStatus']['currentPrice'][ 'value'] if listing['shippingInfo']['shippingType'] == 'Flat': shipping_price = float( listing['shippingInfo']['shippingServiceCost']['value']) item['totalPrice'] = float( item['currentPrice']) + shipping_price else: item['totalPrice'] = item['currentPrice'] items.append(item) return pd.DataFrame(items).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore') def mean_buy_price(self, keywords): items = items = items[(items.listingType == 'StoreInventory') | (items.listingType == 'FixedPrice')] return items.totalPrice.mean()
def findItem(name, timeStart, timeEnd): api = Finding(appid='VarunRam-29e8-46c1-87ef-dbcf272585f7', config_file =None) api_request = { 'keywords': name, 'sortOrder': 'EndTimeSoonest', 'itemFilter': { 'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': 'true', 'name':'EndTimeFrom', 'value':timeStart, 'name':'EndTimeTo', 'value':timeEnd } } response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', api_request) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') return response.dict()
def get(self): api = Finding(config_file="ebay.yaml") user_param = parse_params_api_search() custom_search = gen_custom_search(user_param) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', custom_search) ebay_response = response.dict() if "Failure" in ebay_response['ack']: return custom_error(400, "Not a valid search.", "Try a different search ") # sandbox had some issues returning a response with no entries ebay_response, count = check_if_resp_empty(ebay_response) if isinstance(ebay_response, Response): return ebay_response else: return generate_json_for_gui( ebay_response, count, user_param) # custom_search does have the dict
def get_categories(appid, keyword): try: api = Connection(appid=appid, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': keyword}).json() item_dict = json.loads(response) items = item_dict['searchResult']['item'] categories = {} for item in items: c_id = item['primaryCategory']['categoryId'] c_name = item['primaryCategory']['categoryName'] categories.update({c_id: c_name}) print len(categories) for k,v in categories.items(): print k, v except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def get_items(appid, search_keyword, categoryId): results = [] try: api = Connection(appid=appid, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced', {'keywords': search_keyword}).json() item_dict = json.loads(response) items = item_dict['searchResult']['item'] for item in items: c_id = item['primaryCategory']['categoryId'] if c_id != categoryId: continue autoPay = bool_to_bit(item['autoPay']) currentPrice = float(item['sellingStatus']['currentPrice']['value']) condition = float(item['condition']['conditionId']) results.append({'input': (autoPay, condition), 'price': currentPrice}) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) return results
def search(itemInfo, pageNum): category = itemInfo[2] startDate = itemInfo[1] item = itemInfo[0] try: api = Finding(appid = "TaylorMo-1104-4ca1-bc59-34b44b585cf0", config_file = None) if category != None: api_request = { 'keywords': item, 'categoryId': [category], 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': True}, {'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US'}, {'name': 'EndTimeFrom', 'value': startDate} ], 'paginationInput': [ {'pageNumber': pageNum} ] } else: api_request = { 'keywords': item, 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': True}, {'name': 'LocatedIn', 'value': 'US'}, {'name': 'EndTimeFrom', 'value': startDate} ], 'paginationInput': [ {'pageNumber': pageNum} ] } response = api.execute('findCompletedItems', api_request) return response.dict() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
import datetime try: from ebaysdk.finding import Connection as Finding except: import pip pip.main(['install', '--user', 'ebaysdk']) from ebaysdk.finding import Connection try: api = Finding(appid=appid, config_file=None) response = api.execute('findItemsByProduct', {'productId.type':'ReferenceID', 'productID.value':'311341714658' }) print(response.dict()) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
class ebay: def __init__(self): self.finding = Finding() self.categories = self.getCategories() def getItems(self, minPrice = "0.0", maxPrice = "2.0", listingType = "FixedPrice", freeShippingOnly = "true", keywords = "(or,and,of,is,i,if,at,where,when,you,why,how,new,used)", sortOrder = "StartTimeNewest", categoryID = "-1", pageNumber = "1"): request = { "itemFilter": [ {"name": "MinPrice", "value": minPrice}, {"name": "MaxPrice", "value": maxPrice}, {"name": "ListingType", "value": listingType}, {"name": "FreeShippingOnly", "value": freeShippingOnly} ], "keywords": keywords, "sortOrder": sortOrder, #"descriptionSearch": "true", #Doesn't work for some reason? "CategoryID": categoryID, "pageNumber": pageNumber } try: response = self.finding.execute("findItemsAdvanced", request).dict() return response except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict()) return {} def buyItem(self): pass def getCategories(self): catList = Shopping().execute("GetCategoryInfo", {"CategoryID": "-1", "IncludeSelector": "ChildCategories"}).dict()["CategoryArray"]["Category"] for cat in catList: #meow if cat["CategoryID"] != "-1": #perhaps not, would give randomly selecting from all categories catList.remove(cat) return catList def getRandomCategory(self): return self.categories[random.randint(0, len(self.categories) - 1)] def randomItem(self): try: randomCategory = self.getRandomCategory() response = self.getItems(categoryID = randomCategory) count = int(response["searchResult"]["_count"]) totalCount = int(response["paginationOutput"]["totalEntries"]) if totalCount >= 10000: #eBay has a dumb 100 page, 100 entries/page limit, so totalCount = 999 #a total limit of 10000 if count < 1:#TODO: error handling print("No results :(") return elif totalCount <= 100: print(str(count) + " results from category: " + randomCategory["CategoryName"]) results = response["searchResult"]["item"] print(results[random.randint(0, count - 1)]["viewItemURL"]) else: pageNumber = int(totalCount/100) + 1 response = self.getItems(categoryID = randomCategory, pageNumber = str(pageNumber)) results = response["searchResult"]["item"] count = int(response["searchResult"]["_count"]) print(str(totalCount) + " results from category: " + randomCategory["CategoryName"]) results = response["searchResult"]["item"] print(results[random.randint(0, count - 1)]["viewItemURL"]) except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
import ebaysdk from ebaysdk.finding import Connection as Finding import pylab #import rpy2 from dateutil import parser api = Finding(siteid='EBAY-US', appid="JennyHun-7ae2-4c50-abd7-3c1af9cedea5") api.execute('findCompletedItems', { 'keywords': 'willow tree shepherd', #'categoryId' : ['177', '111422'], 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'Used'}, {'name': 'MinPrice', 'value': '0', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'}, {'name': 'MaxPrice', 'value': '3000', 'paramName': 'Currency', 'paramValue': 'USD'} ], 'paginationInput': { 'entriesPerPage': '2000', 'pageNumber': '1' }, 'sortOrder': 'CurrentPriceHighest', }) dictstr = api.response.dict() price = [] time = [] for item in dictstr['searchResult']['item']: print "ItemID: %s" % item['itemId'] print "Title: %s" % item['title'] print "CategoryID: %s" % item['primaryCategory']['categoryId'] print "URL: %s" % item['galleryURL']
# initialise eBay Finding API api = Finding(appid='INSERT_APP_ID') ground_truth = list() # read the predefined keywords with open('keywords.txt') as f: content = f.readlines() for keyword in content: # search for a sold auction item which contains the keyword and the payment was done in USD api.execute('findCompletedItems', { 'keywords': keyword, 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'ListingType', 'value': 'Auction'}, {'name': 'Currency', 'value': 'USD'}, {'name': 'SoldItemsOnly', 'value': 'true'}, ], 'sortOrder': 'StartTimeNewest', }) response = json.loads(api.response_json()) items = response['searchResult']['item'] count = int(response['searchResult']['count']['value']) for x in range(0,count): # get the item information item = getItemDetails(int(items[x]['itemId']['value'])) if item != 'null': ground_truth.append(item)
def query_category(request, page, category_id): #parse query from filter query_attrs = {} #Condition conditions = ['1000', '1500', '1750'] query_attrs['cond_new'] = request.GET.get('cond_new', '') if not query_attrs['cond_new']: conditions.remove('1000') query_attrs['cond_nwb'] = request.GET.get('cond_nwb', '') if not query_attrs['cond_nwb']: conditions.remove('1500') query_attrs['cond_def'] = request.GET.get('cond_def', '') if not query_attrs['cond_def']: conditions.remove('1750') if conditions == []: conditions = ['1000'] #Material materials = ['Leather', 'Suede', 'Patent Leather', 'Canvas', 'Rubber', 'Snakeskin', 'Synthetic', 'Vegan'] query_attrs['leather'] = request.GET.get('leather', '') if not query_attrs['leather']: materials.remove('Leather') query_attrs['suede'] = request.GET.get('suede', '') if not query_attrs['suede']: materials.remove('Suede') query_attrs['patent_leather'] = request.GET.get('patent_leather', '') if not query_attrs['patent_leather']: materials.remove('Patent Leather') query_attrs['canvas'] = request.GET.get('canvas', '') if not query_attrs['canvas']: materials.remove('Canvas') query_attrs['rubber'] = request.GET.get('rubber', '') if not query_attrs['rubber']: materials.remove('Rubber') query_attrs['snakeskin'] = request.GET.get('snakeskin', '') if not query_attrs['snakeskin']: materials.remove('Snakeskin') query_attrs['synthetic'] = request.GET.get('synthetic', '') if not query_attrs['synthetic']: materials.remove('Synthetic') query_attrs['vegan'] = request.GET.get('vegan', '') if not query_attrs['vegan']: materials.remove('Vegan') # if materials == []: # materials = ['Leather'] #Min and Max Prices query_attrs['min-price'] = request.GET.get('min-price', '') if not query_attrs['min-price']: query_attrs['min-price'] = '0' query_attrs['max-price'] = request.GET.get('max-price', '') if not query_attrs['max-price']: query_attrs['max-price'] = '1000' #US Shoes Sizes sizes = ['6', '6.5', '7', '7.5', '8', '8.5', '9', '9.5', '10'] query_attrs['size6'] = request.GET.get('size6', '') if not query_attrs['size6']: del query_attrs['size6'] sizes.remove('6') query_attrs['size6.5'] = request.GET.get('size6.5', '') if not query_attrs['size6.5']: del query_attrs['size6.5'] sizes.remove('6.5') query_attrs['size7'] = request.GET.get('size7', '') if not query_attrs['size7']: del query_attrs['size7'] sizes.remove('7') query_attrs['size7.5'] = request.GET.get('size7.5', '') if not query_attrs['size7.5']: del query_attrs['size7.5'] sizes.remove('7.5') query_attrs['size8'] = request.GET.get('size8', '') if not query_attrs['size8']: del query_attrs['size8'] sizes.remove('8') query_attrs['size8.5'] = request.GET.get('size8.5', '') if not query_attrs['size8.5']: del query_attrs['size8.5'] sizes.remove('8.5') query_attrs['size9'] = request.GET.get('size9', '') if not query_attrs['size9']: del query_attrs['size9'] sizes.remove('9') query_attrs['size9.5'] = request.GET.get('size9.5', '') if not query_attrs['size9.5']: del query_attrs['size9.5'] sizes.remove('9.5') query_attrs['size10'] = request.GET.get('size10', '') if not query_attrs['size10']: del query_attrs['size10'] sizes.remove('10') # if sizes == []: # sizes = ['7'] #connect to ebay api and search items api = Connection(appid='*****') response = api.execute('findItemsIneBayStores', { 'storeName': '*****', 'categoryId': category_id, 'itemFilter': [ {'name': 'ListingType','value': 'FixedPrice'}, {'name': 'BIN','value': '1'}, {'name':'MinPrice', 'value':query_attrs['min-price']}, {'name':'MaxPrice', 'value':query_attrs['max-price']}, {'name':'Condition', 'value':conditions}, ], 'aspectFilter': [ {'aspectName': 'Material', 'aspectValueName':materials}, {'aspectName': 'US Shoe Size (Women\'s)', 'aspectValueName':sizes}, ], 'sortOrder': 'PricePlusShippingLowest', 'paginationInput': {'entriesPerPage':'100', 'pageNumber':page}}) time.sleep(1) try: items = response.reply.searchResult.item total_pages = response.reply.paginationOutput.totalPages total_entries = response.reply.paginationOutput.totalEntries imgs = [] #price calculations for i in items: price = float(i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value) price = price + price*0.15 price = round(price, 2) if price < 10: price +=5 elif 10 < price < 20: price +=2 i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value = str(price) i.title = i.title.rsplit(' ', 2)[0] #cutting Blemish blabla imgs.append([i.galleryPlusPictureURL, i.title, i.itemId, i.sellingStatus.currentPrice.value, i.condition.conditionDisplayName]) return {'imgs':imgs, 'category':category_id, 'total_pages':total_pages, 'total_entries':total_entries, 'minprice_selected':query_attrs['min-price'], 'maxprice_selected':query_attrs['max-price'],} except: return 0
########################## Connect History DB ######################## client3 = MongoClient('',19254) client3.history.authenticate('shakedinero','a57821688') db_history = client3.history ############## get KEYWORDS from Search DB ################################# cursor = for document in cursor: KEYWORDS=document['search'] ########################################################### EBAY ######################################################## ebay_list = [] try: api = Connection(appid='Shaked-B-976d-45bc-a23a-71ab251884fb',config_file=None) #response details: response = api.execute('findItemsAdvanced',{'keywords':KEYWORDS}) assert(response.reply.ack == 'Success') assert(type(response.reply.timestamp) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.reply.searchResult.item) == list) item = response.reply.searchResult.item[0] assert(type(item.listingInfo.endTime) == datetime.datetime) assert(type(response.dict()) == dict) for ITEM in response.reply.searchResult.item: try: LIST = str(ITEM).split("'value':") SHIPPING_PRICE = (LIST[1].split("'"))[1] if SHIPPING_PRICE == '0.0': SHIPPING_PRICE = 'Free'