def dump(tocPath, outPath): toc = dbo.readToc(tocPath) if not (toc.getSubEntry("bundles") or toc.get("chunks")): return #there's nothing to extract (the sb might not even exist) sbPath = tocPath[:-3] + "sb" sb = open(sbPath, "rb") chunkPathToc = os.path.join(outPath, "chunks") bundlePath = os.path.join(outPath, "bundles") ebxPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "ebx") resPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "res") chunkPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "chunks") if not toc.get("das"): raise Exception("Non-DAS superbundle found in NFS: Edge.") bundles = toc.getSubEntry( "bundles") #names offsets sizes (list sizes should be same) offsets = bundles.get("offsets") for offset in offsets: bundle = dbo.DbObject(sb) for entry in bundle.get("ebx", list()): #name sha1 size originalSize path = os.path.join(ebxPath, entry.get("name") + ".ebx") if payload.casBundlePayload(entry, path, entry.get("originalSize")): ebx.addEbxGuid(path, ebxPath) for entry in bundle.get( "res", list()): #name sha1 size originalSize resRid resType resMeta path = os.path.join(resPath, entry.get("name") + ".res") payload.casBundlePayload(entry, path, entry.get("originalSize")) for entry in bundle.get("chunks", list( )): #id sha1 size logicalOffset logicalSize chunkMeta::meta path = os.path.join(chunkPath, entry.get("id").format() + ".chunk") payload.casBundlePayload( entry, path, entry.get("logicalOffset") + entry.get("logicalSize")) #Deal with the chunks which are defined directly in the toc. #These chunks do NOT know their originalSize. for entry in toc.get("chunks"): #id sha1 targetPath = os.path.join(chunkPathToc, entry.get("id").format() + ".chunk") payload.casChunkPayload(entry, targetPath) sb.close()
def dump(tocPath, outPath, baseTocPath=None, commonDatPath=None): toc = dbo.readToc(tocPath) if not (toc.get("bundles") or toc.get("chunks")): return #there's nothing to extract (the sb might not even exist) sbPath = tocPath[:-3] + "sb" sb = openSbFile(sbPath) chunkPathToc = os.path.join(outPath, "chunks") bundlePath = os.path.join(outPath, "bundles") ebxPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "ebx") dbxPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "dbx") resPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "res") chunkPath = os.path.join(bundlePath, "chunks") if toc.get("cas"): #deal with cas bundles => ebx, dbx, res, chunks. for tocEntry in toc.get("bundles"): #id offset size, size is redundant"offset")) bundle = dbo.DbObject(sb) for entry in bundle.get("ebx", list()): #name sha1 size originalSize path = os.path.join(ebxPath, entry.get("name") + ".ebx") if casBundlePayload(entry, path, False): ebx.addEbxGuid(path, ebxPath) for entry in bundle.get("dbx", list()): #name sha1 size originalSize if entry.get( "idata" ): #dbx appear only idata if at all, they are probably deprecated and were not meant to be shipped at all. path = os.path.join(dbxPath, entry.get("name") + ".dbx") out = open2(path, "wb") if entry.get("size") == entry.get("originalSize"): out.write(entry.get("idata")) else: out.write(zlibIdata(entry.get("idata"))) out.close() for entry in bundle.get( "res", list()): #name sha1 size originalSize resType resMeta path = os.path.join(resPath, entry.get("name") + ".res") casBundlePayload(entry, path, False) for entry in bundle.get( "chunks", list()): #id sha1 size chunkMeta::h32 chunkMeta::meta path = os.path.join(chunkPath, entry.get("id").format() + ".chunk") casBundlePayload(entry, path, True) #deal with cas chunks defined in the toc. for entry in toc.get("chunks"): #id sha1 path = os.path.join(chunkPathToc, entry.get("id").format() + ".chunk") casChunkPayload(entry, path) else: #deal with noncas bundles for tocEntry in toc.get("bundles"): #id offset size, size is redundant if tocEntry.get("base"): continue #Patched noncas bundle. However, use the unpatched bundle because no file was patched at all."offset")) if tocEntry.get("delta"): #Patched noncas bundle. Here goes the hilarious part. Take the patched data and glue parts from the unpatched data in between. #When that is done (in memory of course) the result is a new valid bundle file that can be read like an unpatched one. deltaSize, deltaMagic, padding = unpack(">IIQ", class Delta: def __init__(self, sb): self.size, self.typ, self.offset = unpack( ">IiQ", deltas = list() for deltaEntry in range(deltaSize // 16): deltas.append(Delta(sb)) bundleStream = io.BytesIO() #here be the new bundle data unpatchedSb = openSbFile(baseTocPath[:-3] + "sb") commonDat = open( commonDatPath, "rb") if os.path.isfile(commonDatPath) else None for delta in deltas: if delta.typ == 1: bundleStream.write( elif delta.typ == 0: bundleStream.write( elif delta.typ == -1: if not commonDat: raise Exception( "Found delta type -1 without common.dat present." ) bundleStream.write( else: raise Exception( "Unknown delta type %d in patched bundle at 0x%08x" % (delta.typ, tocEntry.get("offset"))) unpatchedSb.close() if commonDat: commonDat.close() bundle = noncas.Bundle(bundleStream) sb2 = bundleStream else: bundle = noncas.Bundle(sb) sb2 = sb for entry in bundle.ebxEntries: path = os.path.join(ebxPath, + ".ebx") if noncasBundlePayload(sb2, entry, path): ebx.addEbxGuid(path, ebxPath) for entry in bundle.resEntries: originalSize = entry.originalSize path = os.path.join(resPath, + ".res") noncasBundlePayload(sb2, entry, path) for entry in bundle.chunkEntries: path = os.path.join(chunkPath, + ".chunk") noncasBundlePayload(sb2, entry, path) #deal with noncas chunks defined in the toc for entry in toc.get("chunks"): #id offset size path = os.path.join(chunkPathToc, entry.get("id").format() + ".chunk") noncasChunkPayload(sb, entry, path) #Clean up. sb.close() clearTempFiles()
def dump(tocPath,baseTocPath,outPath): """Take the filename of a toc and dump all files to the targetFolder.""" #Depending on how you look at it, there can be up to 2*(3*3+1)=20 different cases: # The toc has a cas flag which means all assets are stored in the cas archives. => 2 options # Each bundle has either a delta or base flag, or no flag at all. => 3 options # Each file in the bundle is one of three types: ebx/res/chunks => 3 options # The toc itself contains chunks. => 1 option # #Simplify things by ignoring base bundles (they just state that the unpatched bundle is used), #which is alright, as the user needs to dump the unpatched files anyway. # #Additionally, add some common fields to the ebx/res/chunks entries so they can be treated the same. #=> 6 cases. toc=dbo.readToc(tocPath) if not (toc.get("bundles") or toc.get("chunks")): return #there's nothing to extract (the sb might not even exist) sbPath=tocPath[:-3]+"sb" sb=open(sbPath,"rb") chunkPathToc=os.path.join(outPath,"chunks") bundlePath=os.path.join(outPath,"bundles") ebxPath=os.path.join(bundlePath,"ebx") resPath=os.path.join(bundlePath,"res") chunkPath=os.path.join(bundlePath,"chunks") ###read the bundle depending on the four types (+cas+delta, +cas-delta, -cas+delta, -cas-delta) and choose the right function to write the payload if toc.get("cas"): for tocEntry in toc.get("bundles"): #id offset size, size is redundant if tocEntry.get("base"): continue #Patched bundle. However, use the unpatched bundle because no file was patched at all."offset")) bundle=dbo.DbObject(sb) #pick the right function if tocEntry.get("delta"): writePayload=payload.casPatchedBundlePayload else: writePayload=payload.casBundlePayload for entry in bundle.get("ebx",list()): #name sha1 size originalSize path=os.path.join(ebxPath,entry.get("name")+".ebx") if writePayload(entry,path,False): ebx.addEbxGuid(path,ebxPath) for entry in bundle.get("res",list()): #name sha1 size originalSize resRid resType resMeta path=os.path.join(resPath,entry.get("name")+".res") writePayload(entry,path,False) for entry in bundle.get("chunks",list()): #id sha1 size logicalOffset logicalSize chunkMeta::h32 chunkMeta::meta path=os.path.join(chunkPath,entry.get("id").format()+".chunk") writePayload(entry,path,True) #Deal with the chunks which are defined directly in the toc. #These chunks do NOT know their originalSize. for entry in toc.get("chunks"): #id sha1 targetPath=os.path.join(chunkPathToc,entry.get("id").format()+".chunk") payload.casChunkPayload(entry,targetPath) else: for tocEntry in toc.get("bundles"): #id offset size, size is redundant if tocEntry.get("base"): continue #Patched bundle. However, use the unpatched bundle because no file was patched at all."offset")) if tocEntry.get("delta"): #The sb currently points at the delta file. #Read the unpatched toc of the same name to get the base bundle. baseToc=dbo.readToc(baseTocPath) for baseTocEntry in baseToc.get("bundles"): if baseTocEntry.get("id").lower() == tocEntry.get("id").lower(): break else: #if no base bundle has with this name has been found: pass #use the last base bundle. This is okay because it is actually not used at all (the delta has uses instructionType 3 only). basePath=baseTocPath[:-3]+"sb" base=open(basePath,"rb")"offset")) bundle=noncas.patchedBundle(base, sb) #create a patched bundle using base and delta base.close() writePayload=payload.noncasPatchedBundlePayload sourcePath=[basePath,sbPath] #base, delta else: bundle=noncas.unpatchedBundle(sb) writePayload=payload.noncasBundlePayload sourcePath=sbPath for entry in bundle.ebx: path=os.path.join(ebxPath,".ebx") if writePayload(entry,path,sourcePath): ebx.addEbxGuid(path,ebxPath) for entry in bundle.res: path=os.path.join(resPath,".res") writePayload(entry,path,sourcePath) for entry in bundle.chunks: path=os.path.join(chunkPath,".chunk") writePayload(entry,path,sourcePath) #Deal with the chunks which are defined directly in the toc. #These chunks do NOT know their originalSize. for entry in toc.get("chunks"): #id offset size targetPath=os.path.join(chunkPathToc,entry.get("id").format()+".chunk") payload.noncasChunkPayload(entry,targetPath,sbPath) sb.close()