def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire USGS DEM data. Arguments: auth hs_restclient.HydroShareAuth object title string representing the title of the resource hydroshare_host string representing DNS name of the HydroShare server in which to create the resource hydroshare_port int representing the TCP port of the HydroShare server use_https True if HTTPS should be used. Default: False resource_type string representing the HydroShare resource type that should be used to create the resource abstract string representing the abstract of the resource keywords list of strings representing the keywords to assign to the resource create_callback user-defined callable that takes as input a file size in bytes, and generates a callable to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the upload of resource_file. For more information, see: verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ auth = kwargs.get('auth', None) if auth is None: raise RunException("No HydroShare authentication mechanism was defined.") title = kwargs.get('title', None) if title is None: raise RunException("Title for new HydroShare resource was not specified.") hydroshare_host = kwargs.get('hydroshare_host', None) hydroshare_port = kwargs.get('hydroshare_port', None) use_https = kwargs.get('use_https', False) resource_type = kwargs.get('resource_type', 'GenericResource') abstract = kwargs.get('abstract', None) keywords = kwargs.get('keywords', None) create_callback = kwargs.get('create_callback', None) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) self.checkMetadata(overwrite=overwrite) resource_id = create_hydroshare_resource(self.context, auth, title, hydroshare_host=hydroshare_host, hydroshare_port=hydroshare_port, use_https=use_https, resource_type=resource_type, abstract=abstract, keywords=keywords, create_callback=create_callback, verbose=verbose) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() # Write metadata GenericMetadata.writeHydroShareEntry(self.context, 'resource_id', resource_id) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire Australian soils data. Arguments: verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) self.checkMetadata() bbox = bboxFromString(self.studyArea['bbox_wgs84']) try: rasters = getSoilsRasterDataForBoundingBox( self.context.config, self.context.projectDir, bbox, srs=self.studyArea['dem_srs'], resx=self.studyArea['dem_res_x'], resy=self.studyArea['dem_res_y'], overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, outfp=self.outfp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=self.outfp) raise RunException(e) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() for attr in list(rasters.keys()): (filepath, url) = rasters[attr] filename = os.path.basename(filepath) asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = attr asset.dcIdentifier = filename asset.dcSource = url asset.dcTitle = attr asset.dcPublisher = soilwcs.DC_PUBLISHER asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(self.context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)
def test_version_conflict(self): """ Induce a version conflict """ step1 = "mkdir foo; cd foo" step2 = "touch README.txt" GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step1) # For testing purposes only, users should not modify # GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion _prevVersion = GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion = '11' caughtMetadataVersionError = False try: GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step2) except MetadataVersionError: caughtMetadataVersionError = True self.assertTrue(caughtMetadataVersionError, "Expected metadata version mismatch, but none found.") GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion = _prevVersion
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire Australian soils data. Arguments: verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) self.checkMetadata() bbox = bboxFromString(self.studyArea['bbox_wgs84']) try: rasters = getSoilsRasterDataForBoundingBox(self.context.config, self.context.projectDir, bbox, srs=self.studyArea['dem_srs'], resx=self.studyArea['dem_res_x'], resy=self.studyArea['dem_res_y'], overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, outfp=self.outfp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=self.outfp) raise RunException(e) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() for attr in rasters.keys(): (filepath, url) = rasters[attr] filename = os.path.basename(filepath) asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = attr asset.dcIdentifier = filename asset.dcSource = url asset.dcTitle = attr asset.dcPublisher = soilwcs.DC_PUBLISHER asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(self.context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)
def test_check_metadata_version(self): """ Test check metadata version """ step1 = "mkdir foo; cd foo" GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step1) GenericMetadata.checkMetadataVersion(self.context.projectDir) # For testing purposes only, users should not modify # GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion _prevVersion = GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion = '11' caughtMetadataVersionError = False try: GenericMetadata.checkMetadataVersion(self.context.projectDir) except MetadataVersionError: caughtMetadataVersionError = True self.assertTrue(caughtMetadataVersionError, "Expected metadata version mismatch, but none found.") GenericMetadata._ecohydrolibVersion = _prevVersion
def test_processing_history(self): """ Test processing history metadata """ projectDir = "/tmp" step1 = "mkdir foo; cd foo" step2 = "touch README.txt" step3 = "git init" GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step1) GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step2) GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, step3) history = GenericMetadata.getProcessingHistoryList(self.context) self.assertTrue(len(history) == 3, "Expected history length to be 3, but it is %d" % (len(history),) ) self.assertTrue(history[0] == step1) self.assertTrue(history[1] == step2) self.assertTrue(history[2] == step3)
if result: gage_lat = result[1] gage_lon = result[0] else: gage_lat = gage_lon = "Gage not found" # Write gage coordinates to a shapefile in the project directory shpFilename = writeCoordinatePairsToPointShapefile(context.projectDir, "gage", "gage_id", [args.gageid], [(gage_lon, gage_lat)]) # Write study area metadata GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'gage_id_attr', 'gage_id') GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'gage_id', args.gageid) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'nhd_gage_reachcode', reachcode) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'nhd_gage_measure_pct', measure) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'gage_lat_wgs84', gage_lat) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(context, 'gage_lon_wgs84', gage_lon) # Write provenance asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = 'gage' asset.dcIdentifier = shpFilename asset.dcSource = '' asset.dcTitle = 'Streamflow gage' asset.dcPublisher = 'USGS' asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(context, cmdline)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire USGS DEM data. Arguments: coverage -- string Source dataset from which DEM tile should be extracted. outfile -- string The name of the DEM file to be written. File extension ".tif" will be added. demResolution list<float>[2] Two floating point numbers representing the desired X and Y output resolution of soil property raster maps; unit: meters. srs -- string Target spatial reference system of output, in EPSG:num format. verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ coverage = kwargs.get('coverage', self.DEFAULT_COVERAGE) outfile = kwargs.get('outfile', None) demResolution = kwargs.get('demResolution', None) srs = kwargs.get('srs', None) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) self.checkMetadata() bbox = bboxFromString(self.studyArea['bbox_wgs84']) if not outfile: outfile = 'DEM' demFilename = "%s.tif" % (outfile) demResolutionX = demResolutionY = None if demResolution: demResolutionX = demResolution[0] demResolutionY = demResolution[1] if srs: if not isValidSrs(srs): msg = "ERROR: '%s' is not a valid spatial reference. Spatial reference must be of the form 'EPSG:XXXX', e.g. 'EPSG:32617'. For more information, see:" % (srs,) raise RunException(msg) else: # Default for UTM (centerLon, centerLat) = calculateBoundingBoxCenter(bbox) (utmZone, isNorth) = getUTMZoneFromCoordinates(centerLon, centerLat) srs = getEPSGStringForUTMZone(utmZone, isNorth) try: (dataFetched, urlFetched) = ecohydrolib.usgs.demwcs.getDEMForBoundingBox(self.context.config, self.context.projectDir, demFilename, bbox, srs, coverage=coverage, resx=demResolutionX, resy=demResolutionY, scale=0.01, overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, outfp=self.outfp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=self.outfp) raise RunException(e) if not dataFetched: raise RunException("Failed to download DEM data from URL {0}".format(urlFetched)) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() # Write metadata demFilepath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, demFilename) demSrs = getSpatialReferenceForRaster(demFilepath) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, 'dem_res_x', demSrs[0]) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, 'dem_res_y', demSrs[1]) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, 'dem_srs', srs) # Get rows and columns for DEM (columns, rows) = getDimensionsForRaster(demFilepath) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, 'dem_columns', columns) GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, 'dem_rows', rows) # Write provenance asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = 'dem' asset.dcIdentifier = demFilename asset.dcSource = urlFetched asset.dcTitle = "Digital Elevation Model ({0})".format(coverage) asset.dcPublisher = 'U.S. Geological Survey' asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.processingNotes = "Elevation values rescaled from centimeters to meters. " asset.processingNotes += "Spatial grid resampled to {srs} with X resolution {xres} and Y resolution {yres}." asset.processingNotes = asset.processingNotes.format(srs=srs, xres=demSrs[0], yres=demSrs[1]) asset.writeToMetadata(self.context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)
if not context.config.has_option('HYDRO1k', 'PATH_OF_HYDRO1K_BAS'): sys.exit("Config file %s does not define option %s in section %s" % \ (args.configfile, 'HYDRO1k', 'PATH_OF_HYDRO1K_BAS')) if not context.config.has_option('HYDRO1k', 'HYDRO1k_BAS_LAYER_NAME'): sys.exit("Config file %s does not define option %s in section %s" % \ (args.configfile, 'HYDRO1k', 'HYDRO1k_BAS_LAYER_NAME')) if args.outfile: outfile = args.outfile else: outfile = "catchment" shapeFilename = "%s.shp" % (outfile) shapeFilepath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, shapeFilename) if not os.path.exists(shapeFilepath): getCatchmentShapefileForHYDRO1kBasins(context.config, context.projectDir, shapeFilename, args.basins) # Write provenance asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = 'study_area_shapefile' asset.dcIdentifier = shapeFilename asset.dcSource = '' asset.dcTitle = 'Study area shapefile derived from HYDRO1k Basins' asset.dcPublisher = 'USGS' asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(context, cmdline)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire NLCD data from USGS WCS web service. Arguments: lctype -- string Source dataset from which NLCD tile should be extracted. outfile -- string The name of the NLCD file to be written. File extension ".tif" will be added. verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ lctype = kwargs.get('lctype', DEFAULT_LC_TYPE) outfile = kwargs.get('outfile', None) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) if lctype not in ecohydrolib.usgs.nlcdwcs.LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE: msg = "Land cover type {lctype} is not in the list of supported types {types}" raise CommandException(msg.format(lctype=lctype, types=ecohydrolib.usgs.nlcdwcs.LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE)) self.checkMetadata() demFilename = self.manifest['dem'] demFilepath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, demFilename) demFilepath = os.path.abspath(demFilepath) bbox = getRasterExtentAsBbox(demFilepath) if not outfile: outfile = 'NLCD' try: (resp, urlFetched, fname) = getNLCDRasterDataForBoundingBox(self.context.config, self.context.projectDir, bbox, coverage=LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE[lctype], filename=outfile, srs=self.studyArea['dem_srs'], resx=self.studyArea['dem_res_x'], resy=self.studyArea['dem_res_y'], overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, outfp=self.outfp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=self.outfp) raise RunException(e) if not resp: raise RunException("Failed to download NLCD data from URL {0}".format(urlFetched)) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, "landcover_type", lctype) # Write provenance asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = 'landcover' asset.dcIdentifier = fname asset.dcSource = urlFetched asset.dcTitle = "The National Landcover Database: {0}".format(lctype) asset.dcPublisher = 'USGS' asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(self.context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the command: Acquire NLCD data from USGS WCS web service. Arguments: lctype -- string Source dataset from which NLCD tile should be extracted. outfile -- string The name of the NLCD file to be written. File extension ".tif" will be added. verbose -- boolean Produce verbose output. Default: False. overwrite -- boolean Overwrite existing output. Default: False. """ lctype = kwargs.get('lctype', DEFAULT_LC_TYPE) outfile = kwargs.get('outfile', None) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False) if lctype not in ecohydrolib.usgs.nlcdwcs.LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE: msg = "Land cover type {lctype} is not in the list of supported types {types}" raise CommandException( msg.format(lctype=lctype, types=ecohydrolib.usgs.nlcdwcs.LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE)) self.checkMetadata() demFilename = self.manifest['dem'] demFilepath = os.path.join(self.context.projectDir, demFilename) demFilepath = os.path.abspath(demFilepath) bbox = getRasterExtentAsBbox(demFilepath) if not outfile: outfile = 'NLCD' try: (resp, urlFetched, fname) = getNLCDRasterDataForBoundingBox( self.context.config, self.context.projectDir, bbox, coverage=LC_TYPE_TO_COVERAGE[lctype], filename=outfile, srs=self.studyArea['dem_srs'], resx=self.studyArea['dem_res_x'], resy=self.studyArea['dem_res_y'], overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, outfp=self.outfp) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=self.outfp) raise RunException(e) if not resp: raise RunException( "Failed to download NLCD data from URL {0}".format(urlFetched)) # Write metadata entries cmdline = GenericMetadata.getCommandLine() GenericMetadata.writeStudyAreaEntry(self.context, "landcover_type", lctype) # Write provenance asset = AssetProvenance(GenericMetadata.MANIFEST_SECTION) = 'landcover' asset.dcIdentifier = fname asset.dcSource = urlFetched asset.dcTitle = "The National Landcover Database: {0}".format(lctype) asset.dcPublisher = 'USGS' asset.dcDescription = cmdline asset.writeToMetadata(self.context) # Write processing history GenericMetadata.appendProcessingHistoryItem(self.context, cmdline)